 * Delegate fired when the joining process for an online session has completed
 * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for
 * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
void UOnlineSessionClient::OnJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbose, TEXT("OnJoinSessionComplete %s bSuccess: %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), static_cast<int32>(Result));

	if (Result == EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Success)
		FString URL;
		if (SessionInt->GetResolvedConnectString(SessionName, URL))
			APlayerController* PC = GetPlayerController();
			if (PC)
				if (bIsFromInvite)
					URL += TEXT("?bIsFromInvite");
					bIsFromInvite = false;
				PC->ClientTravel(URL, TRAVEL_Absolute);
			UE_LOG(LogOnline, Warning, TEXT("Failed to join session %s"), *SessionName.ToString());
 * Join a session of a given name after potentially tearing down an existing one
 * @param LocalUserNum local user id
 * @param SessionName name of session to join
 * @param SearchResult the session to join
void UOnlineSessionClient::JoinSession(int32 LocalUserNum, FName SessionName, const FOnlineSessionSearchResult& SearchResult)
	// Clean up existing sessions if applicable
	EOnlineSessionState::Type SessionState = SessionInt->GetSessionState(SessionName);
	if (SessionState != EOnlineSessionState::NoSession)
		CachedSessionResult = SearchResult;
		EndExistingSession(SessionName, OnEndForJoinSessionCompleteDelegate);
		UGameInstance * const GameInstance = GetPlayerController()->GetGameInstance();
		GameInstance->JoinSession(static_cast<ULocalPlayer*>(GetPlayerController()->Player), SearchResult);
		SessionInt->JoinSession(LocalUserNum, SessionName, SearchResult);*/
void UBerserkCameraComponent::GetCameraView(float deltaTime, FMinimalViewInfo& outDesiredView)
	auto playerController = GetPlayerController();
	if (playerController)
		outDesiredView.FOV = 30.f;
		const float currentOffset = MinCameraOffset + ZoomAlpha * (MaxCameraOffset - MinCameraOffset);
		outDesiredView.Location = playerController->GetFocalLocation() - FixedCameraAngle.Vector() * currentOffset;
		outDesiredView.Rotation = FixedCameraAngle;
Esempio n. 4
void AStrategyHUD::DrawHealthBar(AActor* ForActor, float HealthPercentage, int32 BarHeight, int32 OffsetY) const
	FBox BB = ForActor->GetComponentsBoundingBox();
	FVector Center = BB.GetCenter();
	FVector Extent = BB.GetExtent();
	FVector2D Center2D = FVector2D(Canvas->Project(FVector(Center.X,Center.Y,Center.Z + Extent.Z)));
	float ActorExtent = 40;
	if (Cast<APawn>(ForActor) != NULL)
		AStrategyChar* StrategyChar = Cast<AStrategyChar>(ForActor);
		if( ( StrategyChar != NULL ) && ( StrategyChar->GetCapsuleComponent() != NULL ) )
			ActorExtent = StrategyChar->GetCapsuleComponent()->GetScaledCapsuleRadius();
	else if (Cast<AStrategyBuilding>(ForActor) != NULL)
		Center2D = FVector2D(Canvas->Project(ForActor->GetActorLocation()));
		ActorExtent = 60;

	FVector Pos1 = Canvas->Project(FVector(Center.X,Center.Y - ActorExtent*2, Center.Z + Extent.Z));
	FVector Pos2 = Canvas->Project(FVector(Center.X,Center.Y + ActorExtent*2, Center.Z + Extent.Z));
	float HealthBarLength = (Pos2-Pos1).Size2D();

	AStrategyPlayerController* MyPC = GetPlayerController();
	IStrategyTeamInterface* ActorTeam = Cast<IStrategyTeamInterface>(ForActor);
	UTexture2D* HealthBarTexture = EnemyTeamHPTexture;

	if (ActorTeam != NULL && MyPC != NULL && ActorTeam->GetTeamNum() == MyPC->GetTeamNum())
		HealthBarTexture = PlayerTeamHPTexture;
	float X = Center2D.X - HealthBarLength/2;
	float Y = Center2D.Y + OffsetY;
	FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( X, Y ), HealthBarTexture->Resource, FVector2D( HealthBarLength * HealthPercentage,  BarHeight ), FLinearColor::White );
	TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
	TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D(HealthPercentage, 1.0f);

	Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
	//Fill the rest of health with gray gradient texture
	X = Center2D.X-HealthBarLength/2 + HealthBarLength * HealthPercentage;
	Y = Center2D.Y + OffsetY;
	TileItem.Position = FVector2D( X, Y );
	TileItem.Texture = BarFillTexture->Resource;
	TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);
	TileItem.Size = FVector2D( HealthBarLength * (1.0f - HealthPercentage), BarHeight );
	TileItem.SetColor(FLinearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
	Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );	
Esempio n. 5
UMainMenuWidget* UMainMenuWidget::Create(UObject* worldContextObject)
	auto widget = InstantiateWidget<UMainMenuWidget>(worldContextObject);
	if (!widget) return nullptr;

	widget->playButton = Cast<UButton>(widget->GetWidgetFromName(TEXT("PlayButton")));
	widget->quitButton = Cast<UButton>(widget->GetWidgetFromName(TEXT("QuitButton")));

	widget->playButton->OnClicked.AddDynamic(widget, &UMainMenuWidget::OnPlayButtonClicked);
	widget->quitButton->OnClicked.AddDynamic(widget, &UMainMenuWidget::OnQuitButtonClicked);

	GetPlayerController()->bShowMouseCursor = true;

	return widget;
 * Transition from destroying a session to returning to the main menu
 * @param SessionName name of session recently destroyed
 * @param bWasSuccessful was the destroy attempt successful
void UOnlineSessionClient::OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbose, TEXT("OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete %s bSuccess: %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), bWasSuccessful);
	if (SessionInt.IsValid())

	APlayerController* PC = GetPlayerController();
	if (PC)
		// Call disconnect to force us back to the menu level
		GEngine->HandleDisconnect(PC->GetWorld(), PC->GetWorld()->GetNetDriver());

	bHandlingDisconnect = false;
TVerdict CTestStepUnitMMFVidClient::DoControllerCalled(TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aText, TBool aExpected)
	// Get the controller
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	RMMFController* controller = NULL;
	err = GetPlayerController(controller);
	if (err != KErrNone)
		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Error getting controller %d"), err);
		return EInconclusive;

	// Check that the correct functions were called in the controller
	TBuf8<64> functionText;
	TUid uid = { KMmfVideoTestControllerUid };
	TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
	TMMFMessageDestinationPckg message(handleInfo);

	TBuf<64> functionText16;
	err = controller->CustomCommandSync(message, aFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, functionText);
	if (err == KErrNone ) 
		if (aExpected)
			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Expect %S"), &functionText16);
			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Should not have %S"), &functionText16);
		if ((functionText.Compare(aText) == 0 && aExpected) ||
			(functionText.Compare(aText) != 0 && !aExpected))
			iTestStepResult = EPass;
			iTestStepResult = EFail;
			return iTestStepResult;
	return iTestStepResult;
bool UOnlineSessionClient::HandleDisconnectInternal(UWorld* World, UNetDriver* NetDriver)
	APlayerController* PC = GetPlayerController();
	if (PC)
		// This was a disconnect for our active world, we will handle it
		if (PC->GetWorld() == World)
			// Prevent multiple calls to this async flow
			if (!bHandlingDisconnect)
				bHandlingDisconnect = true;
				DestroyExistingSession(GameSessionName, OnDestroyForMainMenuCompleteDelegate);

			return true;

	return false;
void UBerserkCameraComponent::UpdateCameraMovement(const APlayerController* playerController)
	auto const* const localPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(playerController->Player);
	if (localPlayer && localPlayer->ViewportClient && localPlayer->ViewportClient->Viewport)
		FVector2D mousePosition;

		if (localPlayer->ViewportClient->GetMousePosition(mousePosition) == false) return;

		auto viewport = localPlayer->ViewportClient->Viewport;
		const float scrollSpeed = 60.0f;
		const FIntPoint viewportSize = viewport->GetSizeXY();
		const uint32 viewLeft = FMath::TruncToInt(localPlayer->Origin.X * viewportSize.X);
		const uint32 viewRight = viewLeft + FMath::TruncToInt(localPlayer->Size.X * viewportSize.X);
		const uint32 viewTop = FMath::TruncToInt(localPlayer->Origin.Y * viewportSize.Y);
		const uint32 viewBottom = viewTop + FMath::TruncToInt(localPlayer->Size.Y * viewportSize.Y);

		const float maxSpeed = CameraScrollSpeed * FMath::Clamp(ZoomAlpha, 0.3f, 1.0f);

		bool isNoScrollZone = false;
		const FVector mouseCoords(mousePosition, 0.0f);
		for (int iZone = 0; iZone < NoScrollZones.Num(); ++iZone)
			const auto eachZone = NoScrollZones[iZone];
			if (eachZone.IsInsideXY(mouseCoords) == true)
				isNoScrollZone = true;

		const uint32 mouseX = mousePosition.X;
		const uint32 mouseY = mousePosition.Y;
		float spectatorCameraSpeed = maxSpeed;
		ASpectatorPawn* spectatorPawn = nullptr;
		if (GetPlayerController() != nullptr)
			spectatorPawn = GetPlayerController()->GetSpectatorPawn();
			if (spectatorPawn->GetMovementComponent() != nullptr)
				spectatorCameraSpeed = GetDefault<UBerserkSpectatorPawnMovement>(spectatorPawn->GetMovementComponent()->GetClass())->MaxSpeed;

		if (!isNoScrollZone)
			if (mouseX >= viewLeft && mouseX <= (viewLeft + CameraActiveBorder))
				const float delta = 1.0f - float(mouseX - viewLeft) / CameraActiveBorder;
				spectatorCameraSpeed = delta * maxSpeed;
				MoveRight(-scrollSpeed * delta);
			else if (mouseX >= (viewRight - CameraActiveBorder) && mouseX <= viewRight)
				const float delta = float(mouseX - viewRight + CameraActiveBorder) / CameraActiveBorder;
				spectatorCameraSpeed = delta * maxSpeed;
				MoveRight(scrollSpeed * delta);

			if (mouseY >= viewTop && mouseY <= (viewTop + CameraActiveBorder))
				const float delta = 1.0f - float(mouseY - viewTop) / CameraActiveBorder;
				spectatorCameraSpeed = delta * maxSpeed;
				MoveForward(scrollSpeed * delta);
			else if (mouseY >= (viewBottom - CameraActiveBorder) && mouseY <= viewBottom)
				const float delta = float(mouseY - (viewBottom - CameraActiveBorder)) / CameraActiveBorder;
				spectatorCameraSpeed = delta * maxSpeed;
				MoveForward(-scrollSpeed * delta);

			if (spectatorPawn != nullptr)
				UFloatingPawnMovement* floatingMovementComponent = Cast<UFloatingPawnMovement>(spectatorPawn->GetMovementComponent());
				if (floatingMovementComponent)
					floatingMovementComponent->MaxSpeed = spectatorCameraSpeed;

void UBerserkCameraComponent::SetCameraTarget(const FVector& cameraTarget)
	auto spectatorPawn = GetPlayerController()->GetSpectatorPawn();
	if (spectatorPawn != nullptr)
		spectatorPawn->SetActorLocation(cameraTarget, false);
Esempio n. 11
void UMainMenuWidget::OnPlayButtonClicked()
	GetPlayerController()->bShowMouseCursor = false;
void UBerserkCameraComponent::MoveRight(float value)
	auto ownerPawn = GetOwnerPawn();
	if (ownerPawn != nullptr)
		auto playerController = GetPlayerController();
		if ((value != 0.f) && (playerController != nullptr))
			const FRotationMatrix cameraRotation(playerController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraRotation());
			const FVector worldSpaceAccel = cameraRotation.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::Y) * 100.0f;

			// transform to world space and add it
			ownerPawn->AddMovementInput(worldSpaceAccel, value);