bool BthPort::Connect() { int iResult; mSocket = socket(AF_BTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTHPROTO_RFCOMM); if (mSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { DWORD dwError = WSAGetLastError(); StartupStore(_T("... Bluetooth Port %u Unable to create socket, error=%lu%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, dwError, NEWLINE); // 091117 return false; } SOCKADDR_BTH sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); sa.addressFamily = AF_BTH; sa.serviceClassId = RFCOMM_PROTOCOL_UUID; sa.btAddr = StrToBTAddr(GetPortName()); iResult = connect(mSocket, (SOCKADDR*) & sa, sizeof (sa)); if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { DWORD dwError = WSAGetLastError(); StartupStore(_T("... Bluetooth Port %u <%s> Unable connect, error=%lu%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(), dwError, NEWLINE); // 091117 return false; } StartupStore(_T(". Bluetooth Port %u Connect <%s> OK%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(), NEWLINE); return true; }
VOID ShowTcpTable() { PMIB_TCPTABLE tcpTable; DWORD error, dwSize; DWORD i; CHAR HostIp[HOSTNAMELEN], HostPort[PORTNAMELEN]; CHAR RemoteIp[HOSTNAMELEN], RemotePort[PORTNAMELEN]; CHAR Host[ADDRESSLEN]; CHAR Remote[ADDRESSLEN]; /* Get the table of TCP endpoints */ dwSize = sizeof (MIB_TCPTABLE); /* Should also work when we get new connections between 2 GetTcpTable() * calls: */ do { tcpTable = (PMIB_TCPTABLE) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize); error = GetTcpTable(tcpTable, &dwSize, TRUE); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tcpTable); } while ( error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); if (error != NO_ERROR) { printf("Failed to snapshot TCP endpoints.\n"); DoFormatMessage(error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Dump the TCP table */ for (i = 0; i < tcpTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { /* If we aren't showing all connections, only display established, close wait * and time wait. This is the default output for netstat */ if (bDoShowAllCons || (tcpTable->table[i].dwState == MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB) || (tcpTable->table[i].dwState == MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT) || (tcpTable->table[i].dwState == MIB_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT)) { /* I've split this up so it's easier to follow */ GetIpHostName(TRUE, tcpTable->table[i].dwLocalAddr, HostIp, HOSTNAMELEN); GetPortName(tcpTable->table[i].dwLocalPort, "tcp", HostPort, PORTNAMELEN); GetIpHostName(FALSE, tcpTable->table[i].dwRemoteAddr, RemoteIp, HOSTNAMELEN); GetPortName(tcpTable->table[i].dwRemotePort, "tcp", RemotePort, PORTNAMELEN); sprintf(Host, "%s:%s", HostIp, HostPort); sprintf(Remote, "%s:%s", RemoteIp, RemotePort); _tprintf(_T(" %-6s %-22s %-22s %s\n"), _T("TCP"), Host, Remote, TcpState[tcpTable->table[i].dwState]); } } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tcpTable); }
/* virtual */ void CFlowInspectorDefault::NotifyFlow(IFlowGraph * pGraph, const SFlowAddress from, const SFlowAddress to) { static char msg[256]; if (!m_bProcessing) return; if (m_bPaused) return; if (RunFilters(pGraph, from, to) == false) return; string name; TFlowRecord rec; GetGraphNameAndType (pGraph, name, rec.m_type); rec.m_from = from; rec.m_to = to; rec.m_pGraph = pGraph; rec.m_tstamp = m_currentTime; const TFlowInputData *data = pGraph->GetInputValue(to.node, to.port); if (0 != data) { rec.m_data = *data; } string val; rec.m_data.GetValueWithConversion(val); _snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "0x%p %s [%s:%s] -> [%s:%s] Val=%s", (const IFlowGraph*) rec.m_pGraph, name.c_str(), GetNodeName(rec.m_pGraph, rec.m_from).c_str(), GetPortName(rec.m_pGraph, rec.m_from), GetNodeName(rec.m_pGraph, rec.m_to).c_str(), GetPortName(rec.m_pGraph, rec.m_to), val.c_str()); msg[sizeof(msg)-1] = '\0'; // safe terminate rec.m_message = msg; if (CFlowSystemCVars::Get().m_inspectorLog != 0) { CryLogAlways("[fgi] %s", msg); } m_curRecords.push_back(rec); }
bool Serial::Open() { if (_file) return false; std::wstring path = L"\\\\.\\"; path += GetPortName(); HANDLE file = CreateFile(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr); if (!file || file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { AfxMessageBox(L"CreateFile failed"); return false; } DCB dcb; ::memset(&dcb, 0, sizeof dcb); dcb.fBinary = true; dcb.BaudRate = UsbSpeed; dcb.ByteSize = 8; if (!SetCommState(file, &dcb)) { AfxMessageBox(L"SetCommState failed"); return false; } COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; if (!GetCommTimeouts(file, &timeouts)) { AfxMessageBox(L"GetCommTimeouts failed"); return false; } //timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 5; //timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 5; //timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10; timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1; if (!SetCommTimeouts(file, &timeouts)) { AfxMessageBox(L"SetCommTimeouts failed"); return false; } _file = file; _abort = false; _thread = std::thread(&Serial::Go, this); return true; }
ResultVal<bool> Interface::SyncRequest() { u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer(); auto itr = m_functions.find(cmd_buff[0]); if (itr == m_functions.end() || itr->second.func == nullptr) { std::string function_name = (itr == m_functions.end()) ? Common::StringFromFormat("0x%08X", cmd_buff[0]) : itr->; LOG_ERROR( Service, "unknown / unimplemented %s", MakeFunctionString(function_name.c_str(), GetPortName().c_str(), cmd_buff).c_str()); // TODO(bunnei): Hack - ignore error cmd_buff[1] = 0; return MakeResult<bool>(false); } LOG_TRACE(Service, "%s", MakeFunctionString(itr->, GetPortName().c_str(), cmd_buff).c_str()); itr->second.func(this); return MakeResult<bool>(false); // TODO: Implement return from actual function }
bool ComPort::StartRxThread() { StopEvt.reset(); // Create a read thread for reading data from the communication port. ReadThread.start(*this); ReadThread.setPriority(Poco::Thread::PRIO_NORMAL); //THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL if(!ReadThread.isRunning()) { // Could not create the read thread. StartupStore(_T(". ComPort %u <%s> Failed to start Rx Thread%s"), (unsigned)(GetPortIndex() + 1), GetPortName(), NEWLINE); // LKTOKEN _@M761_ = "Unable to Start RX Thread on Port" StatusMessage(mbOk, TEXT("Error"), TEXT("%s %s"), MsgToken(761), GetPortName()); //DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); return false; } return true; }
VOID ShowUdpTable() { PMIB_UDPTABLE udpTable; DWORD error, dwSize; DWORD i; CHAR HostIp[HOSTNAMELEN], HostPort[PORTNAMELEN]; CHAR Host[ADDRESSLEN]; /* Get the table of UDP endpoints */ dwSize = 0; error = GetUdpTable(NULL, &dwSize, TRUE); if (error != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { printf("Failed to snapshot UDP endpoints.\n"); DoFormatMessage(error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } udpTable = (PMIB_UDPTABLE) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize); error = GetUdpTable(udpTable, &dwSize, TRUE); if (error) { printf("Failed to snapshot UDP endpoints table.\n"); DoFormatMessage(error); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, udpTable); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Dump the UDP table */ for (i = 0; i < udpTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { /* I've split this up so it's easier to follow */ GetIpHostName(TRUE, udpTable->table[i].dwLocalAddr, HostIp, HOSTNAMELEN); GetPortName(udpTable->table[i].dwLocalPort, "tcp", HostPort, PORTNAMELEN); sprintf(Host, "%s:%s", HostIp, HostPort); _tprintf(_T(" %-6s %-22s %-22s\n"), _T("UDP"), Host, _T("*:*")); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, udpTable); }
bool GOrgueMidiRtInPort::Open(int channel_shift) { Close(); if (!m_port) return false; try { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_port->getPortCount(); i++) { if (m_Name == m_Prefix + wxString::FromAscii(m_port->getPortName(i).c_str())) { m_port->openPort(i, (const char*)GetPortName().fn_str()); m_IsActive = true; break; } } } catch (RtMidiError &e) { wxString error = wxString::FromAscii(e.getMessage().c_str()); wxLogError(_("RtMidi error: %s"), error.c_str()); } return GOrgueMidiInPort::Open(channel_shift); }
bool GpsIdPort::Initialize() { _hLoc = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); _hState = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); _hGPS = ::GPSOpenDevice(_hLoc, _hState, NULL, 0); if (0 == _hGPS) { StartupStore(_T("Unable to Open GPS Intermediate driver %s"), NEWLINE); return false; } SetPortStatus(CPS_OPENOK); GPS_DEVICE dev = {0}; GPSResetData(dev); GPSGetDeviceState(&dev); StartupStore(_T("GPSID : DeviceState: %lX, ServiceState: %lX%s"), dev.dwDeviceState, dev.dwServiceState, NEWLINE); // StartupStore(_T("GPSID : LastDataTime: %s%s"), dev.ftLastDataReceived, NEWLINE); StartupStore(_T("GPSID : DrvPrefix; %s%s"), dev.szGPSDriverPrefix, NEWLINE); StartupStore(_T("GPSID : MxPrefix %s%s"), dev.szGPSMultiplexPrefix, NEWLINE); StartupStore(_T("GPSID : Name:%s%s"), dev.szGPSFriendlyName, NEWLINE); if (!StartRxThread()) { StartupStore(_T(". ComPort %u <%s> Failed to start Rx Thread%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(), NEWLINE); return false; } return true; }
bool SerialPort::Initialize() { TCHAR sysPortName[20]; DCB PortDCB; #if (WINDOWSPC>0) // Do not use COMn , use \\.\COMnn on PC version _stprintf(sysPortName, _T("\\\\.\\%s"), GetPortName()); #else // Do not use COMn , use COMn: on WinCE version _stprintf(sysPortName, _T("%s:"), GetPortName()); #endif StartupStore(_T(". ComPort %u Initialize <%s> speed=%u bit=%u %s"),GetPortIndex()+1,GetPortName(),_dwPortSpeed,8-_dwPortBit,NEWLINE); hPort = CreateFile(sysPortName, // Pointer to the name of the port GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // Access (read-write) mode 0, // Share mode NULL, // Pointer to the security attribute OPEN_EXISTING, // How to open the serial port FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // Port attributes NULL); // Handle to port with attribute // to copy if (hPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); StartupStore(_T("... ComPort %u Init failed, error=%u%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, dwError, NEWLINE); // 091117 StatusMessage(MB_OK, NULL, TEXT("%s %s"), gettext(TEXT("_@M762_")), GetPortName()); goto failed; } StartupStore(_T(". ComPort %u <%s> is now open%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(), NEWLINE); PortDCB.DCBlength = sizeof (DCB); // Get the default port setting information. if (GetCommState(hPort, &PortDCB)==0) { StartupStore(_T("... ComPort %u GetCommState failed, error=%u%s"),GetPortIndex()+1,GetLastError(),NEWLINE); // @M759 = Unable to Change Settings on Port StatusMessage(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, NULL, TEXT("%s %s"), gettext(TEXT("_@M759_")), GetPortName()); goto failed; } // Change the DCB structure settings. PortDCB.BaudRate = _dwPortSpeed; // Current baud PortDCB.fBinary = TRUE; // Binary mode; no EOF check PortDCB.fParity = TRUE; // Enable parity checking PortDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; // CTS output flow control: when TRUE, and CTS off, output suspended PortDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // DSR output flow control PortDCB.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; PortDCB.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; // DSR sensitivity PortDCB.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE; // XOFF continues Tx PortDCB.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF out flow control PortDCB.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF in flow control PortDCB.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Disable error replacement PortDCB.fNull = FALSE; // Disable null removal PortDCB.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; // RTS flow control PortDCB.fAbortOnError = FALSE; switch (_dwPortBit) { case bit7E1: PortDCB.ByteSize = 7; PortDCB.Parity = EVENPARITY; break; case bit8N1: default: PortDCB.ByteSize = 8; PortDCB.Parity = NOPARITY; break; } PortDCB.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; PortDCB.EvtChar = '\n'; // wait for end of line, RXFLAG should detect it if (!SetCommState(hPort, &PortDCB)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); StartupStore(_T("... ComPort %u Init <%s> change setting FAILED, error=%u%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(), dwError, NEWLINE); // 091117 // @M759 = Unable to Change Settings on Port StatusMessage(MB_OK, TEXT("Error"), TEXT("%s %s"), gettext(TEXT("_@M759_")), GetPortName()); goto failed; } if (SetRxTimeout(RXTIMEOUT) == -1) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); StartupStore(_T("... ComPort %u Init <%s> change TimeOut FAILED, error=%u%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(), dwError, NEWLINE); // 091117 // LKTOKEN _@M760_ = "Unable to Set Serial Port Timers" StatusMessage(MB_OK, TEXT("Error"), TEXT("%s %s"), gettext(TEXT("_@M760_")), GetPortName()); goto failed; } SetupComm(hPort, 1024, 1024); // Direct the port to perform extended functions SETDTR and SETRTS // SETDTR: Sends the DTR (data-terminal-ready) signal. // SETRTS: Sends the RTS (request-to-send) signal. EscapeCommFunction(hPort, SETDTR); EscapeCommFunction(hPort, SETRTS); if(!ComPort::Initialize()) { // no need to log failed of StartRxThread it's already made in ComPort::Initialize(); goto failed; } StartupStore(_T(". ComPort %u Init <%s> end OK%s"), GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(), NEWLINE); return true; failed: if(hPort != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(hPort)) { StartupStore(_T("... ComPort %u Init <%s> close failed, error=%u%s"),GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(),NEWLINE); } else { StartupStore(_T("... ComPort %u Init <%s> closed%s"),GetPortIndex() + 1, GetPortName(),NEWLINE); } hPort = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #if (WINDOWSPC>0) || NEWCOMM // 091206 Sleep(2000); // needed for windows bug #endif #if !(WINDOWSPC>0) if (_PollingMode) Sleep(2000); #endif } return false; }
bool ComPort::Initialize() { if(!StartRxThread()) { StartupStore(_T(". ComPort %u <%s> Failed to start Rx Thread%s"), (unsigned)(GetPortIndex() + 1), GetPortName(), NEWLINE); return false; } return true; }