Esempio n. 1
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    int nReturnVal;

    // Stage 1: Figure out the situation with the installation of .NET
    if (IsNetfx20Installed())
        // .NET's already installed, our job is done!
        nReturnVal = 0;
        const TCHAR* szNetfxInstallerFileName;
        const TCHAR* szNetfxDownloadUrl;

        WORD wCpu = GetProcessorArchitecture();

        switch (wCpu)
                szNetfxInstallerFileName = g_szNetfx20x86InstallerFileName;
                szNetfxDownloadUrl = g_szNetfx20x86DownloadUrl;

                szNetfxInstallerFileName = g_szNetfx20x64InstallerFileName;
                szNetfxDownloadUrl = g_szNetfx20x64DownloadUrl;

                szNetfxInstallerFileName = NULL;
                szNetfxDownloadUrl = g_szNetfx20DispatchDownloadUrl;

        // .NET 2.0 is not installed. But if we have the installer in front of us,
        // then try to install it!
        if (NULL != szNetfxInstallerFileName && FileExists(szNetfxInstallerFileName))
            // First, tell the user what we're about to do.
            MessageBox(NULL, g_szNetfx20FoundText, g_szMessageBoxTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

            // .NET installer is present, so let's try and install it
            DWORD dwResult = OurShellExecute(szNetfxInstallerFileName, NULL, true);

            switch (dwResult)
                // Success
                case 0:    
                    nReturnVal = 0;

                // Reboot required
                case 8192: 
                    MessageBox(NULL, g_szNetfxInstallRebootRequired, g_szMessageBoxTitle, 
                        MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

                    nReturnVal = 1;

                // They cancelled. No sense in putting up another error message.
                case 1602:
                    nReturnVal = 1;

                // Other. Interpreted as failure.
                        TCHAR szErrorText[1024];

                        HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintf(
                            sizeof(szErrorText) / sizeof(szErrorText[0]), 

                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                            MessageBox(NULL, szErrorText, g_szMessageBoxTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

                    nReturnVal = 1;
            // .NET not installed, and the installer isn't around. Ask them to go to a website in order to install it.
            int nResult = MessageBox(NULL, g_szNetfx20NotFoundText, g_szMessageBoxTitle, 
                MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR);

            if (IDOK == nResult)
                OurShellExecute(szNetfxDownloadUrl, NULL, false);

            nReturnVal = 1;

    // Stage 2: Launch our setup app!
    if (0 == nReturnVal)
        OurShellExecute(g_szPdnInstallerFileName, GetCommandLine(), true);

    return nReturnVal;
Esempio n. 2
void FCrashInfo::GenerateReport( const FString& DiagnosticsPath )
	FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *DiagnosticsPath );
	if( ReportFile != NULL )
		FString Line;

		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( TEXT( "Generating report for minidump" ) ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile );

		if ( EngineVersion.Len() > 0 )
			Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Application version %s" ), *EngineVersion );
			WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		else if( Modules.Num() > 0 )
			Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Application version %d.%d.%d" ), Modules[0].Major, Modules[0].Minor, Modules[0].Patch );
			WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( " ... built from changelist %d" ), BuiltFromCL );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		if( LabelName.Len() > 0 )
			Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( " ... based on label %s" ), *LabelName );
			WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "OS version %d.%d.%d.%d" ), SystemInfo.OSMajor, SystemInfo.OSMinor, SystemInfo.OSBuild, SystemInfo.OSRevision );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Running %d %s processors" ), SystemInfo.ProcessorCount, GetProcessorArchitecture( SystemInfo.ProcessorArchitecture ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Exception was \"%s\"" ), *Exception.ExceptionString );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Source context from \"%s\"" ), *SourceFile );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<SOURCE START>" ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		for( int32 LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < SourceContext.Num(); LineIndex++ )
			Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s" ), *SourceContext[LineIndex] );
			WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<SOURCE END>" ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<CALLSTACK START>" ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );

		for( int32 StackIndex = 0; StackIndex < Exception.CallStackString.Num(); StackIndex++ )
			Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s" ), *Exception.CallStackString[StackIndex] );
			WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<CALLSTACK END>" ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%d loaded modules" ), Modules.Num() );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) );

		for( int32 ModuleIndex = 0; ModuleIndex < Modules.Num(); ModuleIndex++ )
			FCrashModuleInfo& Module = Modules[ModuleIndex];

			FString ModuleDirectory = FPaths::GetPath(Module.Name);
			FString ModuleName = FPaths::GetBaseFilename( Module.Name, true ) + FPaths::GetExtension( Module.Name, true );

			FString ModuleDetail = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%40s" ), *ModuleName );
			FString Version = FString::Printf( TEXT( " (%d.%d.%d.%d)" ), Module.Major, Module.Minor, Module.Patch, Module.Revision );
			ModuleDetail += FString::Printf( TEXT( " %22s" ), *Version );
			ModuleDetail += FString::Printf( TEXT( " 0x%016x 0x%08x" ), Module.BaseOfImage, Module.SizeOfImage );
			ModuleDetail += FString::Printf( TEXT( " %s" ), *ModuleDirectory );

			WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *ModuleDetail ) );

		WriteLine( ReportFile );

		// Write out the processor debugging log
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Report ) );

		Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Report end!" ) );
		WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line )  );

		delete ReportFile;