logical sNotiz :: DBStored ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); logical del_opt = UNDEF; BEGINSEQ if ( !ph->IsServer() ) LEAVESEQ if ( !UserState1() ) LEAVESEQ SetUserState1(NO); del_opt = ph->GPH("wiedervorlage")->IsEmpty(); PropertyHandle notizen_wv(ph->GetDBHandle(),"NotizWiedervorlage",PI_Write); SDBCERR if ( notizen_wv.Get(ph->ExtractKey()) ) { if ( !del_opt ) LEAVESEQ notizen_wv.Delete(); } else { if ( del_opt ) LEAVESEQ notizen_wv.AddReference(*ph); } RECOVER ENDSEQ return(NO); }
logical sODC_Project :: GenerateCompile ( ) { pc_ODC_Project proj_pc(GetPropertyHandle()); NString output; char *parm = NULL; CompileStates compreq = CPS_undefined; logical nocomp_ignore = NO; logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ if ( !proj_pc.IsClient() ) LEAVESEQ if ( !proj_pc.IsPositioned() ) ERROR // if ( parm = Parm(2) ) // compreq = if ( (parm = Parm(3)) && *parm == 'Y' ) nocomp_ignore = YES; if ( (parm = Parm(1)) && *parm == 'U' ) term = proj_pc.CreateCompAllUnix(compreq,nocomp_ignore,&output); else term = proj_pc.CreateCompAllWin(compreq,nocomp_ignore,&output); RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ proj_pc.SetActionResult(output); return(term); }
logical sBase_SharedData :: InitKey (char *prop_path, char *extnames ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); PropertyHandle *kennung = ph->GPH("kennung"); PropertyHandle *id = ph->GPH(prop_path); char idkey[16]; BEGINSEQ if ( kennung->IsEmpty() ) kennung->SetValue(::GetEigentuemerKennung(),NO); if ( extnames && id->IsEmpty() ) { id->SetValue(1,NO); PropertyHandle all(ph->GetObjectHandle(),extnames,PI_Read); SDBCERR all.SetOrder("ik_kennung"); memset(idkey,0,sizeof(idkey)); *idkey = *kennung->GetString(); if ( !all.LocateKey(Key(idkey)) ) all.Position(-1); else all.Get(LAST_INSTANCE); if ( all.IsPositioned() ) if ( *all.GPH("kennung") == *kennung ) id->SetValue(all.GPH(prop_path)->GetInt()+1,NO); } RECOVER ENDSEQ return(NO); }
logical cMainFunctionEdit :: ErrorLookup ( ) { CTX_Project *proj_ctx = GetProjectContext(); PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); NString command; NBuffer buffer; logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ if ( !prophdl->GetInstanceContext() ) ERROR if ( prophdl->ExecuteInstanceAction("GetProjectPath","ERC_Batch") ) SetupOutput("Error providing command path\n",NO); else { command = prophdl->GetActionResult(); command += "ShowErrors.bat"; command += ' '; command += prophdl->GetString("sys_ident"); ExecuteCommand(command,buffer,YES,NO); SetupOutput(buffer,YES); } RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ return(term); }
logical cMainFunctionEdit :: Link ( ) { CTX_Project *proj_ctx = GetProjectContext(); PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); NBuffer comp_out; int32 curidx = UNDEF; int32 rc = ERIC; logical reserve_project = YES; logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ // if ( (curidx = StartClassAction(YES,reserve_project)) == ERIC) // ERROR SetupOutput("",YES); if ( Compile() ) ERROR SetupOutput("...Link executable ...\n",NO); if ( prophdl->ExecuteInstanceAction("GetLinkCommand",NULL) ) SetupOutput("Error: providing link command\n",NO); else { rc = ExecuteCommand(prophdl->GetActionResult(),comp_out,YES,NO); SetupOutput(comp_out,NO); } RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ // StopClassAction(reserve_project,curidx); return(term); }
logical sAction :: DBOpened ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); ph->GPH("versicherungsnehmer")->SetType("Person"); return(NO); }
logical sSDB_Attribute :: SetDefaultsForSpecialType (DatabaseHandle &dbhandle, char *propnames, char *typenames ) { PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); return ( ((SDB_Attribute *)prophdl->Get().GetData())-> Fill(dbhandle,propnames,typenames) ); }
TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl::GetProperty( const FName PropertyPath, const UClass* ClassOutermost, FName InInstanceName ) { TSharedPtr<FPropertyHandleBase> PropertyHandle; TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode> PropertyNodePtr = GetPropertyNode( PropertyPath, ClassOutermost, InInstanceName ); return GetPropertyHandle( PropertyNodePtr ); }
logical sNotiz :: DBInitialize ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); dttm datetime; datetime.SetCurrent(); ph->GPH("datum")->SetValue(datetime,NO); return(NO); }
int8 cClassCode :: DoAfterStoreData ( ) { PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); cClassCodeBase::DoAfterStoreData(); prophdl->GetParentProperty()-> ExecuteInstanceAction("SetupCodeBlockOptions",NULL); return(NO); }
logical cClassCodeBase :: GetClassName ( ) { PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ if ( !(prophdl = prophdl->GetParentProperty()->GetParentProperty()->GetParentProperty()) ) ERROR SetResult(prophdl->GPH("sys_ident")->GetString()); RECOVER SetResult(""); term = YES; ENDSEQ return(term); }
int8 cTableEditor :: DoBeforeDrop ( ) { char executed = NO; PropertyHandle * attr_ph = NULL; PropertyHandle * field_ph = NULL; PropertyHandle * parent = NULL; char * prop_path; NString field_opts = ""; char * field_name = NULL; CTX_Control * field_context = NULL; BEGINSEQ PropertyHandle *drop_ph = GetDropPropertyHandle(); char *drop_txt = GetDropText(); DPoint drop_pos = GetDropPosition(); int drop_index = GetDropIndex(); logical is_local = IsLocalDrop(); if ( is_local ) ERROR field_opts += drop_txt; field_opts += ","; field_opts += drop_index; prop_path = GetPropertyHandle()->GetPropertyPath(); parent = GetPropertyHandle()->GetParentProperty(); if ( !strcmp(prop_path,"ADK_StyleAction.columns") ) parent->ExecuteInstanceAction("AddColumn", field_opts); else if ( !strcmp(prop_path,"ADK_StyleAction.regions") ) parent->ExecuteInstanceAction("AddRegion", field_opts); executed = YES; ExecuteAction("Refresh", ACT_Function); RECOVER return CTX_Control::DoBeforeDrop(); ENDSEQ return(executed); }
logical cClassCodeInit :: SetupInitCode ( ) { PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); PropertyHandle *fcti_ph = prophdl->GetParentProperty(); logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ ExecuteAction("StoreEntry",ACT_Function); fcti_ph->Save(); if ( prophdl->NoWrite() ) ERROR fcti_ph->ExecuteInstanceAction("SetupInitCode","NO"); RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ return(term); }
logical cMainFunctionEdit :: Compile ( ) { CTX_Project *proj_ctx = GetProjectContext(); PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); NBuffer comp_out; int32 curidx = UNDEF; int32 rc = ERIC; logical reserve_project = YES; logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ // if ( (curidx = StartClassAction(YES,reserve_project)) == ERIC) // ERROR SetupOutput("...Creating source code file ...",NO); if ( prophdl->ExecuteExpression(GetRESDB(),"SourceCode()").IsValid() ) SetupOutput("... done.\n",NO); else { SetupOutput("... terminated with errors, compile not started\n",NO); ERROR } if ( prophdl->ExecuteInstanceAction("GetCompileCommand",NULL) ) SetupOutput("Error: providing compile command\n",NO); else { rc = ExecuteCommand(prophdl->GetActionResult(),comp_out,YES,NO); SetupOutput(comp_out,NO); if ( !rc && strstr(comp_out,"ERROR") ) rc = ERIC; if ( rc ) { *prophdl->GPH("req_compile") = (char*)(rc ? "CPS_failed" : "CPS_ready"); term = YES; } prophdl->ExecuteInstanceAction("SetupModLevel",NULL); } RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ // StopClassAction(reserve_project,curidx); return(term); }
logical sODC_Project :: SetupReferences ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ if ( !ph->IsServer() ) LEAVESEQ if ( ph->NoWrite() ) ERROR pc_ODC_Project project_pc(ph); project_pc.SetupReferences(); ph->Save(); SDBCERR RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ return(term); }
logical sNotiz :: InitWV ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); SetUserState2(YES); // do not react on DBModified event PH(ph,typ) PH(ph,wiedervorlage) if ( typ == "Wiedervorlage" && wiedervorlage.IsEmpty() ) // automatismus bleibt fraglich, wenn zuviel. dann raus! { dbdt curdate; curdate.SetDate(); curdate += 7; wiedervorlage = curdate; } SetUserState2(NO); return(NO); }
int8 cLanguageDependend :: DoBeforeFillData ( ) { CTX_Control *ctx_lang = GetControlContext("language"); PropertyHandle *prophdl = GetPropertyHandle(); char language[33]; BEGINSEQ if ( !ctx_lang ) LEAVESEQ // if ( prophdl->Exist() ) if ( prophdl->IsSelected() ) strcpy(language,prophdl->GPH("language")->GetString()); else strcpy(language,"undefined"); ctx_lang->SearchKey(language); ENDSEQ return(NO); }
logical sODC_Project :: GetProjectPath ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); NString nstring; logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ SetResult(""); if ( !ph->IsSelected() ) ERROR if ( !ph->IsPositioned() ) if ( !ph->Get().GetData() ) ERROR pc_ODC_Project project_pc(ph); SetResult(project_pc.GetProjectPath(nstring,Parm(1))); RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ return(term); }
logical sODC_Project :: InitializeExternalResources ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); char *folder_opt = Parm(1); NString nstring; logical term = NO; BEGINSEQ if ( !ph->IsServer() ) LEAVESEQ SetResult(""); if ( !ph->IsSelected() ) ERROR if ( !ph->IsPositioned() ) if ( !ph->Get().GetData() ) ERROR pc_ODC_Project project_pc(ph); project_pc.InitializeExternalResources(&nstring,folder_opt && *folder_opt == 'Y' ? YES : NO); SetResult(nstring); RECOVER term = YES; ENDSEQ return(term); }
logical sNotiz :: DBModify ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); BEGINSEQ if ( UserState2() ) LEAVESEQ if ( !ph->IsServer() ) LEAVESEQ if ( !strcmp(ph->GetPropertyPath(),"NotizWiedervorlage") ) LEAVESEQ PropertyHandle old_wv(ph->GetStructDef(),"wiedervorlage",GetOldInstance()); PropertyHandle old_typ(ph->GetStructDef(),"typ",GetOldInstance()); PropertyHandle *wiedervorlage = ph->GPH("wiedervorlage"); PropertyHandle *typ = ph->GPH("typ"); if ( *typ != old_typ ) InitWV(); if ( *wiedervorlage != old_wv && (wiedervorlage->IsEmpty() || old_wv.IsEmpty()) ) SetUserState1(YES); ENDSEQ return(NO); }
logical CTX_DBBase :: IsUserHandle ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); return(ph ? ph->IsUserHandle() : NO); }
logical pKFZVS :: GetSparte ( ) { PropertyHandle *ph = GetPropertyHandle(); ph->SetActionResult("KFZ"); return(NO); }
void FPropertyEditor::OnAssetSelected( const FAssetData& AssetData ) { // Set the object found from the asset picker GetPropertyHandle()->SetValueFromFormattedString( AssetData.IsValid() ? AssetData.GetAsset()->GetPathName() : TEXT("None") ); }