Esempio n. 1
 string ParseString()
     size_t len;
     string str(NStr::ParseQuoted(CTempString(m_Ch, GetRemainder()), &len));
     m_Ch += len;
     return str;
Esempio n. 2
CJsonNode CNetScheduleStructuredOutputParser::ParseObject(char closing_char)
    CJsonNode result(CJsonNode::NewObjectNode());

    while (isspace((unsigned char) *m_Ch))

    if (*m_Ch == closing_char) {
        return result;

    while (*m_Ch == '\'' || *m_Ch == '"') {
        // New attribute/value pair
        string attr_name(ParseString(GetRemainder()));

        while (isspace((unsigned char) *m_Ch))
        if (*m_Ch == ':' || *m_Ch == '=')
            while (isspace((unsigned char) *++m_Ch))

        result.SetByKey(attr_name, ParseValue());

        if (!MoreNodes()) {
            if (*m_Ch != closing_char)
            return result;

Esempio n. 3
CJsonNode CExecAndParseStructuredOutput::ParseNode()
    switch (*m_Ch) {
    case '[':
        return ParseArray();

    case '{':
        return ParseObject(false);

    case '\'': case '"':
        return CJsonNode::NewStringNode(ParseString());

    size_t max_len = GetRemainder();
    size_t len = 1;

    switch (*m_Ch) {
    case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
    case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
        while (len <= max_len && isdigit(m_Ch[len]))

            CJsonNode::TNumber val(NStr::StringToInt8(CTempString(m_Ch, len)));
            m_Ch += len;
            return CJsonNode::NewNumberNode(val);

    case 'F': case 'f': case 'N': case 'n':
    case 'T': case 't': case 'Y': case 'y':
        while (len <= max_len && isalpha(m_Ch[len]))

            bool val(NStr::StringToBool(CTempString(m_Ch, len)));
            m_Ch += len;
            return CJsonNode::NewBooleanNode(val);

    return CJsonNode();
Esempio n. 4
CJsonNode CNetScheduleStructuredOutputParser::ParseValue()
    size_t max_len = GetRemainder();
    size_t len = 0;

    switch (*m_Ch) {
    /* Array */
    case '[':
        return ParseArray(']');

    /* Object */
    case '{':
        return ParseObject('}');

    /* String */
    case '\'':
    case '"':
        return CJsonNode::NewStringNode(ParseString(max_len));

    /* Number */
    case '-':
        // Check that there's at least one digit after the minus sign.
        if (max_len <= 1 || !isdigit((unsigned char) m_Ch[1])) {
        len = 1;

    case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
    case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
        // Skim through the integer part.
            if (++len >= max_len)
                return CJsonNode::NewIntegerNode(ParseInt(len));
        while (isdigit((unsigned char) m_Ch[len]));

        // Stumbled upon a non-digit character -- check
        // if it's a fraction part or an exponent part.
        switch (m_Ch[len]) {
        case '.':
            if (++len == max_len || !isdigit((unsigned char) m_Ch[len])) {
                NCBI_THROW2(CStringException, eFormat,
                        "At least one digit after the decimal "
                        "point is required", GetPosition());
            for (;;) {
                if (++len == max_len)
                    return CJsonNode::NewDoubleNode(ParseDouble(len));

                if (!isdigit((unsigned char) m_Ch[len])) {
                    if (m_Ch[len] == 'E' || m_Ch[len] == 'e')

                    return CJsonNode::NewDoubleNode(ParseDouble(len));
            /* FALL THROUGH */

        case 'E':
        case 'e':
            if (++len == max_len ||
                    (m_Ch[len] == '-' || m_Ch[len] == '+' ?
                            ++len == max_len ||
                                    !isdigit((unsigned char) m_Ch[len]) :
                            !isdigit((unsigned char) m_Ch[len]))) {
                m_Ch += len;
                NCBI_THROW2(CStringException, eFormat,
                        "Invalid exponent specification", GetPosition());
            while (++len < max_len && isdigit((unsigned char) m_Ch[len]))
            return CJsonNode::NewDoubleNode(ParseDouble(len));

            return CJsonNode::NewIntegerNode(ParseInt(len));

    /* Constant */
    case 'F': case 'f': case 'N': case 'n':
    case 'T': case 't': case 'Y': case 'y':
        while (len <= max_len && isalpha((unsigned char) m_Ch[len]))

            CTempString val(m_Ch, len);
            m_Ch += len;
            return val == "null" ? CJsonNode::NewNullNode() :
