//todo: this function is an abomination, this is just disgusting. fix it. //...seriously, this is really, really horrible. I mean this is amazingly bad. void OBS::MainCaptureLoop() { int curRenderTarget = 0, curYUVTexture = 0, curCopyTexture = 0; int copyWait = NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1; bSentHeaders = false; bFirstAudioPacket = true; bool bLogLongFramesProfile = GlobalConfig->GetInt(TEXT("General"), TEXT("LogLongFramesProfile"), LOGLONGFRAMESDEFAULT) != 0; float logLongFramesProfilePercentage = GlobalConfig->GetFloat(TEXT("General"), TEXT("LogLongFramesProfilePercentage"), 10.f); Vect2 baseSize = Vect2(float(baseCX), float(baseCY)); Vect2 outputSize = Vect2(float(outputCX), float(outputCY)); Vect2 scaleSize = Vect2(float(scaleCX), float(scaleCY)); HANDLE hMatrix = yuvScalePixelShader->GetParameterByName(TEXT("yuvMat")); HANDLE hScaleVal = yuvScalePixelShader->GetParameterByName(TEXT("baseDimensionI")); //---------------------------------------- // x264 input buffers int curOutBuffer = 0; bool bUsingQSV = videoEncoder->isQSV();//GlobalConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("UseQSV")) != 0; bUsing444 = false; EncoderPicture lastPic; EncoderPicture outPics[NUM_OUT_BUFFERS]; for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) { if(bUsingQSV) { outPics[i].mfxOut = new mfxFrameSurface1; memset(outPics[i].mfxOut, 0, sizeof(mfxFrameSurface1)); mfxFrameData& data = outPics[i].mfxOut->Data; videoEncoder->RequestBuffers(&data); } else { outPics[i].picOut = new x264_picture_t; x264_picture_init(outPics[i].picOut); } } if(bUsing444) { for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) { outPics[i].picOut->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_BGRA; //although the x264 input says BGR, x264 actually will expect packed UYV outPics[i].picOut->img.i_plane = 1; } } else { if(!bUsingQSV) for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) x264_picture_alloc(outPics[i].picOut, X264_CSP_NV12, outputCX, outputCY); } int bCongestionControl = AppConfig->GetInt (TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("CongestionControl"), 0); bool bDynamicBitrateSupported = App->GetVideoEncoder()->DynamicBitrateSupported(); int defaultBitRate = AppConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("MaxBitrate"), 1000); int currentBitRate = defaultBitRate; QWORD lastAdjustmentTime = 0; UINT adjustmentStreamId = 0; //std::unique_ptr<ProfilerNode> encodeThreadProfiler; //---------------------------------------- // time/timestamp stuff bool bWasLaggedFrame = false; totalStreamTime = 0; lastAudioTimestamp = 0; //---------------------------------------- // start audio capture streams desktopAudio->StartCapture(); if(micAudio) micAudio->StartCapture(); //---------------------------------------- // status bar/statistics stuff DWORD fpsCounter = 0; int numLongFrames = 0; int numTotalFrames = 0; bytesPerSec = 0; captureFPS = 0; curFramesDropped = 0; curStrain = 0.0; PostMessage(hwndMain, OBS_UPDATESTATUSBAR, 0, 0); QWORD lastBytesSent[3] = {0, 0, 0}; DWORD lastFramesDropped = 0; double bpsTime = 0.0; double lastStrain = 0.0f; DWORD numSecondsWaited = 0; //---------------------------------------- // 444->420 thread data int numThreads = MAX(OSGetTotalCores()-2, 1); HANDLE *h420Threads = (HANDLE*)Allocate(sizeof(HANDLE)*numThreads); Convert444Data *convertInfo = (Convert444Data*)Allocate(sizeof(Convert444Data)*numThreads); zero(h420Threads, sizeof(HANDLE)*numThreads); zero(convertInfo, sizeof(Convert444Data)*numThreads); for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { convertInfo[i].width = outputCX; convertInfo[i].height = outputCY; convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); convertInfo[i].bNV12 = bUsingQSV; convertInfo[i].numThreads = numThreads; if(i == 0) convertInfo[i].startY = 0; else convertInfo[i].startY = convertInfo[i-1].endY; if(i == (numThreads-1)) convertInfo[i].endY = outputCY; else convertInfo[i].endY = ((outputCY/numThreads)*(i+1)) & 0xFFFFFFFE; } bool bEncode; bool bFirstFrame = true; bool bFirstImage = true; bool bFirstEncode = true; bool bUseThreaded420 = bUseMultithreadedOptimizations && (OSGetTotalCores() > 1) && !bUsing444; List<HANDLE> completeEvents; if(bUseThreaded420) { for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { h420Threads[i] = OSCreateThread((XTHREAD)Convert444Thread, convertInfo+i); completeEvents << convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete; } } //---------------------------------------- QWORD streamTimeStart = GetQPCTimeNS(); QWORD lastStreamTime = 0; QWORD firstFrameTimeMS = streamTimeStart/1000000; QWORD frameLengthNS = 1000000000/fps; while(WaitForSingleObject(hVideoEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (bShutdownVideoThread) break; QWORD renderStartTime = GetQPCTimeNS(); totalStreamTime = DWORD((renderStartTime-streamTimeStart)/1000000); bool bRenderView = !IsIconic(hwndMain) && bRenderViewEnabled; QWORD renderStartTimeMS = renderStartTime/1000000; QWORD curStreamTime = latestVideoTimeNS; if (!lastStreamTime) lastStreamTime = curStreamTime-frameLengthNS; QWORD frameDelta = curStreamTime-lastStreamTime; //if (!lastStreamTime) // lastStreamTime = renderStartTime-frameLengthNS; //QWORD frameDelta = renderStartTime-lastStreamTime; double fSeconds = double(frameDelta)*0.000000001; //lastStreamTime = renderStartTime; bool bUpdateBPS = false; profileIn("video thread frame"); //Log(TEXT("Stream Time: %llu"), curStreamTime); //Log(TEXT("frameDelta: %lf"), fSeconds); //------------------------------------ if(bRequestKeyframe && keyframeWait > 0) { keyframeWait -= int(frameDelta); if(keyframeWait <= 0) { GetVideoEncoder()->RequestKeyframe(); bRequestKeyframe = false; } } if(!pushToTalkDown && pushToTalkTimeLeft > 0) { pushToTalkTimeLeft -= int(frameDelta); OSDebugOut(TEXT("time left: %d\r\n"), pushToTalkTimeLeft); if(pushToTalkTimeLeft <= 0) { pushToTalkTimeLeft = 0; bPushToTalkOn = false; } } //------------------------------------ OSEnterMutex(hSceneMutex); if (bPleaseEnableProjector) ActuallyEnableProjector(); else if(bPleaseDisableProjector) DisableProjector(); if(bResizeRenderView) { GS->ResizeView(); bResizeRenderView = false; } //------------------------------------ if(scene) { profileIn("scene->Preprocess"); scene->Preprocess(); for(UINT i=0; i<globalSources.Num(); i++) globalSources[i].source->Preprocess(); profileOut; scene->Tick(float(fSeconds)); for(UINT i=0; i<globalSources.Num(); i++) globalSources[i].source->Tick(float(fSeconds)); } //------------------------------------ QWORD curBytesSent = 0; if (network) { curBytesSent = network->GetCurrentSentBytes(); curFramesDropped = network->NumDroppedFrames(); } else if (numSecondsWaited) { //reset stats if the network disappears bytesPerSec = 0; bpsTime = 0; numSecondsWaited = 0; curBytesSent = 0; zero(lastBytesSent, sizeof(lastBytesSent)); } bpsTime += fSeconds; if(bpsTime > 1.0f) { if(numSecondsWaited < 3) ++numSecondsWaited; //bytesPerSec = DWORD(curBytesSent - lastBytesSent); bytesPerSec = DWORD(curBytesSent - lastBytesSent[0]) / numSecondsWaited; if(bpsTime > 2.0) bpsTime = 0.0f; else bpsTime -= 1.0; if(numSecondsWaited == 3) { lastBytesSent[0] = lastBytesSent[1]; lastBytesSent[1] = lastBytesSent[2]; lastBytesSent[2] = curBytesSent; } else lastBytesSent[numSecondsWaited] = curBytesSent; captureFPS = fpsCounter; fpsCounter = 0; bUpdateBPS = true; } fpsCounter++; if(network) curStrain = network->GetPacketStrain(); EnableBlending(TRUE); BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_SRCALPHA, GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA); //------------------------------------ // render the mini render texture LoadVertexShader(mainVertexShader); LoadPixelShader(mainPixelShader); SetRenderTarget(mainRenderTextures[curRenderTarget]); Ortho(0.0f, baseSize.x, baseSize.y, 0.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f); SetViewport(0, 0, baseSize.x, baseSize.y); if(scene) scene->Render(); //------------------------------------ if(bTransitioning) { if(!transitionTexture) { transitionTexture = CreateTexture(baseCX, baseCY, GS_BGRA, NULL, FALSE, TRUE); if(transitionTexture) { D3D10Texture *d3dTransitionTex = static_cast<D3D10Texture*>(transitionTexture); D3D10Texture *d3dSceneTex = static_cast<D3D10Texture*>(mainRenderTextures[lastRenderTarget]); GetD3D()->CopyResource(d3dTransitionTex->texture, d3dSceneTex->texture); } else bTransitioning = false; } else if(transitionAlpha >= 1.0f) { delete transitionTexture; transitionTexture = NULL; bTransitioning = false; } } if(bTransitioning) { EnableBlending(TRUE); transitionAlpha += float(fSeconds)*5.0f; if(transitionAlpha > 1.0f) transitionAlpha = 1.0f; } else EnableBlending(FALSE); //------------------------------------ // render the mini view thingy if (bProjector) { SetRenderTarget(projectorTexture); Vect2 renderFrameSize, renderFrameOffset; Vect2 projectorSize = Vect2(float(projectorWidth), float(projectorHeight)); float projectorAspect = (projectorSize.x / projectorSize.y); float baseAspect = (baseSize.x / baseSize.y); if (projectorAspect < baseAspect) { float fProjectorWidth = float(projectorWidth); renderFrameSize = Vect2(fProjectorWidth, fProjectorWidth / baseAspect); renderFrameOffset = Vect2(0.0f, (projectorSize.y-renderFrameSize.y) * 0.5f); } else { float fProjectorHeight = float(projectorHeight); renderFrameSize = Vect2(fProjectorHeight * baseAspect, fProjectorHeight); renderFrameOffset = Vect2((projectorSize.x-renderFrameSize.x) * 0.5f, 0.0f); } DrawPreview(renderFrameSize, renderFrameOffset, projectorSize, curRenderTarget, Preview_Projector); SetRenderTarget(NULL); } if(bRenderView) { // Cache const Vect2 renderFrameSize = GetRenderFrameSize(); const Vect2 renderFrameOffset = GetRenderFrameOffset(); const Vect2 renderFrameCtrlSize = GetRenderFrameControlSize(); SetRenderTarget(NULL); DrawPreview(renderFrameSize, renderFrameOffset, renderFrameCtrlSize, curRenderTarget, bFullscreenMode ? Preview_Fullscreen : Preview_Standard); //draw selections if in edit mode if(bEditMode && !bSizeChanging) { if(scene) { LoadVertexShader(solidVertexShader); LoadPixelShader(solidPixelShader); solidPixelShader->SetColor(solidPixelShader->GetParameter(0), 0xFF0000); scene->RenderSelections(solidPixelShader); } } } else if(bForceRenderViewErase) { InvalidateRect(hwndRenderFrame, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwndRenderFrame); bForceRenderViewErase = false; } //------------------------------------ // actual stream output LoadVertexShader(mainVertexShader); LoadPixelShader(yuvScalePixelShader); Texture *yuvRenderTexture = yuvRenderTextures[curRenderTarget]; SetRenderTarget(yuvRenderTexture); switch(colorDesc.matrix) { case ColorMatrix_GBR: yuvScalePixelShader->SetMatrix(hMatrix, colorDesc.fullRange ? (float*)yuvFullMat[0] : (float*)yuvMat[0]); break; case ColorMatrix_YCgCo: yuvScalePixelShader->SetMatrix(hMatrix, colorDesc.fullRange ? (float*)yuvFullMat[1] : (float*)yuvMat[1]); break; case ColorMatrix_BT2020NCL: yuvScalePixelShader->SetMatrix(hMatrix, colorDesc.fullRange ? (float*)yuvFullMat[2] : (float*)yuvMat[2]); break; case ColorMatrix_BT709: yuvScalePixelShader->SetMatrix(hMatrix, colorDesc.fullRange ? (float*)yuvFullMat[3] : (float*)yuvMat[3]); break; case ColorMatrix_SMPTE240M: yuvScalePixelShader->SetMatrix(hMatrix, colorDesc.fullRange ? (float*)yuvFullMat[4] : (float*)yuvMat[4]); break; default: yuvScalePixelShader->SetMatrix(hMatrix, colorDesc.fullRange ? (float*)yuvFullMat[5] : (float*)yuvMat[5]); } if(downscale < 2.01) yuvScalePixelShader->SetVector2(hScaleVal, 1.0f/baseSize); else if(downscale < 3.01) yuvScalePixelShader->SetVector2(hScaleVal, 1.0f/(outputSize*3.0f)); Ortho(0.0f, outputSize.x, outputSize.y, 0.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f); SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, outputSize.x, outputSize.y); //why am I using scaleSize instead of outputSize for the texture? //because outputSize can be trimmed by up to three pixels due to 128-bit alignment. //using the scale function with outputSize can cause slightly inaccurate scaled images if(bTransitioning) { BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_ONE, GS_BLEND_ZERO); DrawSpriteEx(transitionTexture, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0.0f, 0.0f, scaleSize.x, scaleSize.y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_FACTOR, GS_BLEND_INVFACTOR, transitionAlpha); } DrawSpriteEx(mainRenderTextures[curRenderTarget], 0xFFFFFFFF, 0.0f, 0.0f, outputSize.x, outputSize.y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //------------------------------------ if (bProjector && !copyWait) projectorSwap->Present(0, 0); if(bRenderView && !copyWait) static_cast<D3D10System*>(GS)->swap->Present(0, 0); OSLeaveMutex(hSceneMutex); //------------------------------------ // present/upload profileIn("GPU download and conversion"); bEncode = true; if(copyWait) { copyWait--; bEncode = false; } else { //audio sometimes takes a bit to start -- do not start processing frames until audio has started capturing if(!bRecievedFirstAudioFrame) { static bool bWarnedAboutNoAudio = false; if (renderStartTimeMS-firstFrameTimeMS > 10000 && !bWarnedAboutNoAudio) { bWarnedAboutNoAudio = true; //AddStreamInfo (TEXT ("WARNING: OBS is not receiving audio frames. Please check your audio devices."), StreamInfoPriority_Critical); } bEncode = false; } else if(bFirstFrame) { firstFrameTimestamp = lastStreamTime/1000000; bFirstFrame = false; } if(!bEncode) { if(curYUVTexture == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curYUVTexture = 0; else curYUVTexture++; } } lastStreamTime = curStreamTime; if(bEncode) { UINT prevCopyTexture = (curCopyTexture == 0) ? NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1 : curCopyTexture-1; ID3D10Texture2D *copyTexture = copyTextures[curCopyTexture]; profileIn("CopyResource"); if(!bFirstEncode && bUseThreaded420) { WaitForMultipleObjects(completeEvents.Num(), completeEvents.Array(), TRUE, INFINITE); copyTexture->Unmap(0); } D3D10Texture *d3dYUV = static_cast<D3D10Texture*>(yuvRenderTextures[curYUVTexture]); GetD3D()->CopyResource(copyTexture, d3dYUV->texture); profileOut; ID3D10Texture2D *prevTexture = copyTextures[prevCopyTexture]; if(bFirstImage) //ignore the first frame bFirstImage = false; else { HRESULT result; D3D10_MAPPED_TEXTURE2D map; if(SUCCEEDED(result = prevTexture->Map(0, D3D10_MAP_READ, 0, &map))) { int prevOutBuffer = (curOutBuffer == 0) ? NUM_OUT_BUFFERS-1 : curOutBuffer-1; int nextOutBuffer = (curOutBuffer == NUM_OUT_BUFFERS-1) ? 0 : curOutBuffer+1; EncoderPicture &prevPicOut = outPics[prevOutBuffer]; EncoderPicture &picOut = outPics[curOutBuffer]; EncoderPicture &nextPicOut = outPics[nextOutBuffer]; if(!bUsing444) { profileIn("conversion to 4:2:0"); if(bUseThreaded420) { for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { convertInfo[i].input = (LPBYTE)map.pData; convertInfo[i].inPitch = map.RowPitch; if(bUsingQSV) { mfxFrameData& data = nextPicOut.mfxOut->Data; videoEncoder->RequestBuffers(&data); convertInfo[i].outPitch = data.Pitch; convertInfo[i].output[0] = data.Y; convertInfo[i].output[1] = data.UV; } else { convertInfo[i].output[0] = nextPicOut.picOut->img.plane[0]; convertInfo[i].output[1] = nextPicOut.picOut->img.plane[1]; convertInfo[i].output[2] = nextPicOut.picOut->img.plane[2]; } SetEvent(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert); } if(bFirstEncode) bFirstEncode = bEncode = false; } else { if(bUsingQSV) { mfxFrameData& data = picOut.mfxOut->Data; videoEncoder->RequestBuffers(&data); LPBYTE output[] = {data.Y, data.UV}; Convert444toNV12((LPBYTE)map.pData, outputCX, map.RowPitch, data.Pitch, outputCY, 0, outputCY, output); } else Convert444toNV12((LPBYTE)map.pData, outputCX, map.RowPitch, outputCX, outputCY, 0, outputCY, picOut.picOut->img.plane); prevTexture->Unmap(0); } profileOut; } if(bEncode) { //encodeThreadProfiler.reset(::new ProfilerNode(TEXT("EncodeThread"), true)); //encodeThreadProfiler->MonitorThread(hEncodeThread); curFramePic = &picOut; } curOutBuffer = nextOutBuffer; } else { //We have to crash, or we end up deadlocking the thread when the convert threads are never signalled if (result == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) { String message; HRESULT reason = GetD3D()->GetDeviceRemovedReason(); switch (reason) { case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET: case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: message = TEXT("Your video card or driver froze and was reset. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues."); break; case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: message = TEXT("Your video card disappeared from the system. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues."); break; case DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR: message = TEXT("Your video driver reported an internal error. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues."); break; case DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: message = TEXT("Your video driver reported an invalid call. Please check for possible driver issues."); break; default: message = TEXT("DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED"); break; } message << TEXT(" This error can also occur if you have enabled opencl in x264 custom settings."); CrashError (TEXT("Texture->Map failed: 0x%08x 0x%08x\r\n\r\n%s"), result, reason, message.Array()); } else CrashError (TEXT("Texture->Map failed: 0x%08x"), result); } } if(curCopyTexture == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curCopyTexture = 0; else curCopyTexture++; if(curYUVTexture == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curYUVTexture = 0; else curYUVTexture++; if (bCongestionControl && bDynamicBitrateSupported && !bTestStream && totalStreamTime > 15000) { if (curStrain > 25) { if (renderStartTimeMS - lastAdjustmentTime > 1500) { if (currentBitRate > 100) { currentBitRate = (int)(currentBitRate * (1.0 - (curStrain / 400))); App->GetVideoEncoder()->SetBitRate(currentBitRate, -1); if (!adjustmentStreamId) adjustmentStreamId = App->AddStreamInfo (FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion detected, dropping bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array(), StreamInfoPriority_Low); else App->SetStreamInfo(adjustmentStreamId, FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion detected, dropping bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array()); bUpdateBPS = true; } lastAdjustmentTime = renderStartTimeMS; } } else if (currentBitRate < defaultBitRate && curStrain < 5 && lastStrain < 5) { if (renderStartTimeMS - lastAdjustmentTime > 5000) { if (currentBitRate < defaultBitRate) { currentBitRate += (int)(defaultBitRate * 0.05); if (currentBitRate > defaultBitRate) currentBitRate = defaultBitRate; } App->GetVideoEncoder()->SetBitRate(currentBitRate, -1); /*if (!adjustmentStreamId) App->AddStreamInfo (FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion clearing, raising bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array(), StreamInfoPriority_Low); else App->SetStreamInfo(adjustmentStreamId, FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion clearing, raising bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array());*/ App->RemoveStreamInfo(adjustmentStreamId); adjustmentStreamId = 0; bUpdateBPS = true; lastAdjustmentTime = renderStartTimeMS; } } } } lastRenderTarget = curRenderTarget; if(curRenderTarget == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curRenderTarget = 0; else curRenderTarget++; if(bUpdateBPS || !CloseDouble(curStrain, lastStrain) || curFramesDropped != lastFramesDropped) { PostMessage(hwndMain, OBS_UPDATESTATUSBAR, 0, 0); lastStrain = curStrain; lastFramesDropped = curFramesDropped; } //------------------------------------ // we're about to sleep so we should flush the d3d command queue profileIn("flush"); GetD3D()->Flush(); profileOut; profileOut; profileOut; //frame //------------------------------------ // frame sync //QWORD renderStopTime = GetQPCTimeNS(); if(bWasLaggedFrame = (frameDelta > frameLengthNS)) { numLongFrames++; if(bLogLongFramesProfile && (numLongFrames/float(max(1, numTotalFrames)) * 100.) > logLongFramesProfilePercentage) DumpLastProfileData(); } //OSDebugOut(TEXT("Frame adjust time: %d, "), frameTimeAdjust-totalTime); numTotalFrames++; } DisableProjector(); //encodeThreadProfiler.reset(); if(!bUsing444) { if(bUseThreaded420) { for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { if(h420Threads[i]) { convertInfo[i].bKillThread = true; SetEvent(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert); OSTerminateThread(h420Threads[i], 10000); h420Threads[i] = NULL; } if(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert) { CloseHandle(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert); convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert = NULL; } if(convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete) { CloseHandle(convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete); convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete = NULL; } } if(!bFirstEncode) { ID3D10Texture2D *copyTexture = copyTextures[curCopyTexture]; copyTexture->Unmap(0); } } if(bUsingQSV) for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) delete outPics[i].mfxOut; else for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) { x264_picture_clean(outPics[i].picOut); delete outPics[i].picOut; } } Free(h420Threads); Free(convertInfo); Log(TEXT("Total frames rendered: %d, number of late frames: %d (%0.2f%%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)"), numTotalFrames, numLongFrames, (numTotalFrames > 0) ? (double(numLongFrames)/double(numTotalFrames))*100.0 : 0.0f); }
//todo: this function is an abomination, this is just disgusting. fix it. //...seriously, this is really, really horrible. I mean this is amazingly bad. void OBS::MainCaptureLoop() { int curRenderTarget = 0, curYUVTexture = 0, curCopyTexture = 0; int copyWait = NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1; bSentHeaders = false; bFirstAudioPacket = true; bool bLogLongFramesProfile = GlobalConfig->GetInt(TEXT("General"), TEXT("LogLongFramesProfile"), LOGLONGFRAMESDEFAULT) != 0; float logLongFramesProfilePercentage = GlobalConfig->GetFloat(TEXT("General"), TEXT("LogLongFramesProfilePercentage"), 10.f); Vect2 baseSize = Vect2(float(baseCX), float(baseCY)); Vect2 outputSize = Vect2(float(outputCX), float(outputCY)); Vect2 scaleSize = Vect2(float(scaleCX), float(scaleCY)); HANDLE hScaleVal = yuvScalePixelShader->GetParameterByName(TEXT("baseDimensionI")); //---------------------------------------- // x264 input buffers int curOutBuffer = 0; bool bUsingQSV = videoEncoder->isQSV();//GlobalConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("UseQSV")) != 0; if(bUsingQSV) bUsing444 = false; EncoderPicture lastPic; EncoderPicture outPics[NUM_OUT_BUFFERS]; DWORD outTimes[NUM_OUT_BUFFERS] = {0, 0, 0}; for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) { if(bUsingQSV) { outPics[i].mfxOut = new mfxFrameSurface1; memset(outPics[i].mfxOut, 0, sizeof(mfxFrameSurface1)); mfxFrameData& data = outPics[i].mfxOut->Data; videoEncoder->RequestBuffers(&data); } else { outPics[i].picOut = new x264_picture_t; x264_picture_init(outPics[i].picOut); } } if(bUsing444) { for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) { outPics[i].picOut->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_BGRA; //although the x264 input says BGR, x264 actually will expect packed UYV outPics[i].picOut->img.i_plane = 1; } } else { if(!bUsingQSV) for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) x264_picture_alloc(outPics[i].picOut, X264_CSP_NV12, outputCX, outputCY); } int bCongestionControl = AppConfig->GetInt (TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("CongestionControl"), 0); bool bDynamicBitrateSupported = App->GetVideoEncoder()->DynamicBitrateSupported(); int defaultBitRate = AppConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("MaxBitrate"), 1000); int currentBitRate = defaultBitRate; QWORD lastAdjustmentTime = 0; UINT adjustmentStreamId = 0; //---------------------------------------- // time/timestamp stuff bufferedTimes.Clear(); ctsOffsets.Clear(); int bufferedFrames = 1; //to avoid constantly polling number of frames #ifdef USE_100NS_TIME QWORD streamTimeStart = GetQPCTime100NS(); QWORD frameTime100ns = 10000000/fps; QWORD sleepTargetTime = 0; bool bWasLaggedFrame = false; #else DWORD streamTimeStart = OSGetTime(); DWORD fpsTimeAdjust = 0; #endif totalStreamTime = 0; lastAudioTimestamp = 0; latestVideoTime = firstSceneTimestamp = GetQPCTimeMS(); DWORD fpsTimeNumerator = 1000-(frameTime*fps); DWORD fpsTimeDenominator = fps; DWORD cfrTime = 0; DWORD cfrTimeAdjust = 0; //---------------------------------------- // start audio capture streams desktopAudio->StartCapture(); if(micAudio) micAudio->StartCapture(); //---------------------------------------- // status bar/statistics stuff DWORD fpsCounter = 0; int numLongFrames = 0; int numTotalFrames = 0; int numTotalDuplicatedFrames = 0; bytesPerSec = 0; captureFPS = 0; curFramesDropped = 0; curStrain = 0.0; PostMessage(hwndMain, OBS_UPDATESTATUSBAR, 0, 0); QWORD lastBytesSent[3] = {0, 0, 0}; DWORD lastFramesDropped = 0; #ifdef USE_100NS_TIME double bpsTime = 0.0; #else float bpsTime = 0.0f; #endif double lastStrain = 0.0f; DWORD numSecondsWaited = 0; //---------------------------------------- // 444->420 thread data int numThreads = MAX(OSGetTotalCores()-2, 1); HANDLE *h420Threads = (HANDLE*)Allocate(sizeof(HANDLE)*numThreads); Convert444Data *convertInfo = (Convert444Data*)Allocate(sizeof(Convert444Data)*numThreads); zero(h420Threads, sizeof(HANDLE)*numThreads); zero(convertInfo, sizeof(Convert444Data)*numThreads); for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { convertInfo[i].width = outputCX; convertInfo[i].height = outputCY; convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); convertInfo[i].bNV12 = bUsingQSV; if(i == 0) convertInfo[i].startY = 0; else convertInfo[i].startY = convertInfo[i-1].endY; if(i == (numThreads-1)) convertInfo[i].endY = outputCY; else convertInfo[i].endY = ((outputCY/numThreads)*(i+1)) & 0xFFFFFFFE; } bool bFirstFrame = true; bool bFirstImage = true; bool bFirst420Encode = true; bool bUseThreaded420 = bUseMultithreadedOptimizations && (OSGetTotalCores() > 1) && !bUsing444; List<HANDLE> completeEvents; if(bUseThreaded420) { for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { h420Threads[i] = OSCreateThread((XTHREAD)Convert444Thread, convertInfo+i); completeEvents << convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete; } } //---------------------------------------- QWORD curStreamTime = 0, lastStreamTime, firstFrameTime = GetQPCTimeMS(); #ifdef USE_100NS_TIME lastStreamTime = GetQPCTime100NS()-frameTime100ns; #else lastStreamTime = firstFrameTime-frameTime; #endif //bool bFirstAudioPacket = true; List<ProfilerNode> threadedProfilers; bool bUsingThreadedProfilers = false; while(bRunning || bufferedFrames) { #ifdef USE_100NS_TIME QWORD renderStartTime = GetQPCTime100NS(); totalStreamTime = DWORD((renderStartTime-streamTimeStart)/10000); if(sleepTargetTime == 0 || bWasLaggedFrame) sleepTargetTime = renderStartTime; #else DWORD renderStartTime = OSGetTime(); totalStreamTime = renderStartTime-streamTimeStart; DWORD frameTimeAdjust = frameTime; fpsTimeAdjust += fpsTimeNumerator; if(fpsTimeAdjust > fpsTimeDenominator) { fpsTimeAdjust -= fpsTimeDenominator; ++frameTimeAdjust; } #endif bool bRenderView = !IsIconic(hwndMain) && bRenderViewEnabled; profileIn("frame"); #ifdef USE_100NS_TIME QWORD qwTime = renderStartTime/10000; latestVideoTime = qwTime; QWORD frameDelta = renderStartTime-lastStreamTime; double fSeconds = double(frameDelta)*0.0000001; //Log(TEXT("frameDelta: %f"), fSeconds); lastStreamTime = renderStartTime; #else QWORD qwTime = GetQPCTimeMS(); latestVideoTime = qwTime; QWORD frameDelta = qwTime-lastStreamTime; float fSeconds = float(frameDelta)*0.001f; //Log(TEXT("frameDelta: %llu"), frameDelta); lastStreamTime = qwTime; #endif bool bUpdateBPS = false; profileIn("frame preprocessing and rendering"); //------------------------------------ if(bRequestKeyframe && keyframeWait > 0) { keyframeWait -= int(frameDelta); if(keyframeWait <= 0) { GetVideoEncoder()->RequestKeyframe(); bRequestKeyframe = false; } } if(!bPushToTalkDown && pushToTalkTimeLeft > 0) { pushToTalkTimeLeft -= int(frameDelta); OSDebugOut(TEXT("time left: %d\r\n"), pushToTalkTimeLeft); if(pushToTalkTimeLeft <= 0) { pushToTalkTimeLeft = 0; bPushToTalkOn = false; } } //------------------------------------ OSEnterMutex(hSceneMutex); if(bResizeRenderView) { GS->ResizeView(); bResizeRenderView = false; } //------------------------------------ if(scene) { profileIn("scene->Preprocess"); scene->Preprocess(); for(UINT i=0; i<globalSources.Num(); i++) globalSources[i].source->Preprocess(); profileOut; scene->Tick(float(fSeconds)); for(UINT i=0; i<globalSources.Num(); i++) globalSources[i].source->Tick(float(fSeconds)); } //------------------------------------ QWORD curBytesSent = network->GetCurrentSentBytes(); curFramesDropped = network->NumDroppedFrames(); bpsTime += fSeconds; if(bpsTime > 1.0f) { if(numSecondsWaited < 3) ++numSecondsWaited; //bytesPerSec = DWORD(curBytesSent - lastBytesSent); bytesPerSec = DWORD(curBytesSent - lastBytesSent[0]) / numSecondsWaited; if(bpsTime > 2.0) bpsTime = 0.0f; else bpsTime -= 1.0; if(numSecondsWaited == 3) { lastBytesSent[0] = lastBytesSent[1]; lastBytesSent[1] = lastBytesSent[2]; lastBytesSent[2] = curBytesSent; } else lastBytesSent[numSecondsWaited] = curBytesSent; captureFPS = fpsCounter; fpsCounter = 0; bUpdateBPS = true; } fpsCounter++; curStrain = network->GetPacketStrain(); EnableBlending(TRUE); BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_SRCALPHA, GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA); //------------------------------------ // render the mini render texture LoadVertexShader(mainVertexShader); LoadPixelShader(mainPixelShader); SetRenderTarget(mainRenderTextures[curRenderTarget]); Ortho(0.0f, baseSize.x, baseSize.y, 0.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f); SetViewport(0, 0, baseSize.x, baseSize.y); if(scene) scene->Render(); //------------------------------------ if(bTransitioning) { if(!transitionTexture) { transitionTexture = CreateTexture(baseCX, baseCY, GS_BGRA, NULL, FALSE, TRUE); if(transitionTexture) { D3D10Texture *d3dTransitionTex = static_cast<D3D10Texture*>(transitionTexture); D3D10Texture *d3dSceneTex = static_cast<D3D10Texture*>(mainRenderTextures[lastRenderTarget]); GetD3D()->CopyResource(d3dTransitionTex->texture, d3dSceneTex->texture); } else bTransitioning = false; } else if(transitionAlpha >= 1.0f) { delete transitionTexture; transitionTexture = NULL; bTransitioning = false; } } if(bTransitioning) { EnableBlending(TRUE); transitionAlpha += float(fSeconds)*5.0f; if(transitionAlpha > 1.0f) transitionAlpha = 1.0f; } else EnableBlending(FALSE); //------------------------------------ // render the mini view thingy if(bRenderView) { // Cache const Vect2 renderFrameSize = GetRenderFrameSize(); const Vect2 renderFrameOffset = GetRenderFrameOffset(); const Vect2 renderFrameCtrlSize = GetRenderFrameControlSize(); SetRenderTarget(NULL); LoadVertexShader(mainVertexShader); LoadPixelShader(mainPixelShader); Ortho(0.0f, renderFrameCtrlSize.x, renderFrameCtrlSize.y, 0.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f); if(renderFrameCtrlSize.x != oldRenderFrameCtrlWidth || renderFrameCtrlSize.y != oldRenderFrameCtrlHeight) { // User is drag resizing the window. We don't recreate the swap chains so our coordinates are wrong SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)oldRenderFrameCtrlWidth, (float)oldRenderFrameCtrlHeight); } else SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, renderFrameCtrlSize.x, renderFrameCtrlSize.y); // Draw background (Black if fullscreen, window colour otherwise) if(bFullscreenMode) ClearColorBuffer(0x000000); else ClearColorBuffer(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); if(bTransitioning) { BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_ONE, GS_BLEND_ZERO); DrawSprite(transitionTexture, 0xFFFFFFFF, renderFrameOffset.x, renderFrameOffset.y, renderFrameOffset.x + renderFrameSize.x, renderFrameOffset.y + renderFrameSize.y); BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_FACTOR, GS_BLEND_INVFACTOR, transitionAlpha); } DrawSprite(mainRenderTextures[curRenderTarget], 0xFFFFFFFF, renderFrameOffset.x, renderFrameOffset.y, renderFrameOffset.x + renderFrameSize.x, renderFrameOffset.y + renderFrameSize.y); //draw selections if in edit mode if(bEditMode && !bSizeChanging) { if(scene) { LoadVertexShader(solidVertexShader); LoadPixelShader(solidPixelShader); solidPixelShader->SetColor(solidPixelShader->GetParameter(0), 0xFF0000); scene->RenderSelections(solidPixelShader); } } } else if(bForceRenderViewErase) { InvalidateRect(hwndRenderFrame, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwndRenderFrame); bForceRenderViewErase = false; } //------------------------------------ // actual stream output LoadVertexShader(mainVertexShader); LoadPixelShader(yuvScalePixelShader); Texture *yuvRenderTexture = yuvRenderTextures[curRenderTarget]; SetRenderTarget(yuvRenderTexture); if(downscale < 2.01) yuvScalePixelShader->SetVector2(hScaleVal, 1.0f/baseSize); else if(downscale < 3.01) yuvScalePixelShader->SetVector2(hScaleVal, 1.0f/(outputSize*3.0f)); Ortho(0.0f, outputSize.x, outputSize.y, 0.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f); SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, outputSize.x, outputSize.y); //why am I using scaleSize instead of outputSize for the texture? //because outputSize can be trimmed by up to three pixels due to 128-bit alignment. //using the scale function with outputSize can cause slightly inaccurate scaled images if(bTransitioning) { BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_ONE, GS_BLEND_ZERO); DrawSpriteEx(transitionTexture, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0.0f, 0.0f, scaleSize.x, scaleSize.y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); BlendFunction(GS_BLEND_FACTOR, GS_BLEND_INVFACTOR, transitionAlpha); } DrawSpriteEx(mainRenderTextures[curRenderTarget], 0xFFFFFFFF, 0.0f, 0.0f, outputSize.x, outputSize.y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //------------------------------------ if(bRenderView && !copyWait) static_cast<D3D10System*>(GS)->swap->Present(0, 0); OSLeaveMutex(hSceneMutex); profileOut; //------------------------------------ // present/upload profileIn("video encoding and uploading"); bool bEncode = true; if(copyWait) { copyWait--; bEncode = false; } else { //audio sometimes takes a bit to start -- do not start processing frames until audio has started capturing if(!bRecievedFirstAudioFrame) { static bool bWarnedAboutNoAudio = false; if (qwTime-firstFrameTime > 10000 && !bWarnedAboutNoAudio) { bWarnedAboutNoAudio = true; //AddStreamInfo (TEXT ("WARNING: OBS is not receiving audio frames. Please check your audio devices."), StreamInfoPriority_Critical); } bEncode = false; } else if(bFirstFrame) { firstFrameTime = qwTime; bFirstFrame = false; } if(!bEncode) { if(curYUVTexture == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curYUVTexture = 0; else curYUVTexture++; } } if(bEncode) { curStreamTime = qwTime-firstFrameTime; UINT prevCopyTexture = (curCopyTexture == 0) ? NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1 : curCopyTexture-1; ID3D10Texture2D *copyTexture = copyTextures[curCopyTexture]; profileIn("CopyResource"); if(!bFirst420Encode && bUseThreaded420) { WaitForMultipleObjects(completeEvents.Num(), completeEvents.Array(), TRUE, INFINITE); copyTexture->Unmap(0); } D3D10Texture *d3dYUV = static_cast<D3D10Texture*>(yuvRenderTextures[curYUVTexture]); GetD3D()->CopyResource(copyTexture, d3dYUV->texture); profileOut; ID3D10Texture2D *prevTexture = copyTextures[prevCopyTexture]; if(bFirstImage) //ignore the first frame bFirstImage = false; else { HRESULT result; D3D10_MAPPED_TEXTURE2D map; if(SUCCEEDED(result = prevTexture->Map(0, D3D10_MAP_READ, 0, &map))) { int prevOutBuffer = (curOutBuffer == 0) ? NUM_OUT_BUFFERS-1 : curOutBuffer-1; int nextOutBuffer = (curOutBuffer == NUM_OUT_BUFFERS-1) ? 0 : curOutBuffer+1; EncoderPicture &prevPicOut = outPics[prevOutBuffer]; EncoderPicture &picOut = outPics[curOutBuffer]; EncoderPicture &nextPicOut = outPics[nextOutBuffer]; if(!bUsing444) { profileIn("conversion to 4:2:0"); if(bUseThreaded420) { outTimes[nextOutBuffer] = (DWORD)curStreamTime; bool firstRun = threadedProfilers.Num() == 0; if(firstRun) threadedProfilers.SetSize(numThreads); for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { convertInfo[i].input = (LPBYTE)map.pData; convertInfo[i].inPitch = map.RowPitch; if(bUsingQSV) { mfxFrameData& data = nextPicOut.mfxOut->Data; videoEncoder->RequestBuffers(&data); convertInfo[i].outPitch = data.Pitch; convertInfo[i].output[0] = data.Y; convertInfo[i].output[1] = data.UV; } else { convertInfo[i].output[0] = nextPicOut.picOut->img.plane[0]; convertInfo[i].output[1] = nextPicOut.picOut->img.plane[1]; convertInfo[i].output[2] = nextPicOut.picOut->img.plane[2]; } if(!firstRun) threadedProfilers[i].~ProfilerNode(); ::new (&threadedProfilers[i]) ProfilerNode(TEXT("Convert444Threads"), true); threadedProfilers[i].MonitorThread(h420Threads[i]); bUsingThreadedProfilers = true; SetEvent(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert); } if(bFirst420Encode) bFirst420Encode = bEncode = false; } else { outTimes[curOutBuffer] = (DWORD)curStreamTime; if(bUsingQSV) { mfxFrameData& data = picOut.mfxOut->Data; videoEncoder->RequestBuffers(&data); LPBYTE output[] = {data.Y, data.UV}; Convert444toNV12((LPBYTE)map.pData, outputCX, map.RowPitch, data.Pitch, outputCY, 0, outputCY, output); } else Convert444toNV12((LPBYTE)map.pData, outputCX, map.RowPitch, outputCX, outputCY, 0, outputCY, picOut.picOut->img.plane); prevTexture->Unmap(0); } profileOut; } else { outTimes[curOutBuffer] = (DWORD)curStreamTime; picOut.picOut->img.i_stride[0] = map.RowPitch; picOut.picOut->img.plane[0] = (uint8_t*)map.pData; } if(bEncode) { DWORD curFrameTimestamp = outTimes[prevOutBuffer]; //Log(TEXT("curFrameTimestamp: %u"), curFrameTimestamp); //------------------------------------ FrameProcessInfo frameInfo; frameInfo.firstFrameTime = firstFrameTime; frameInfo.prevTexture = prevTexture; if(bDupeFrames) { while(cfrTime < curFrameTimestamp) { DWORD frameTimeAdjust = frameTime; cfrTimeAdjust += fpsTimeNumerator; if(cfrTimeAdjust > fpsTimeDenominator) { cfrTimeAdjust -= fpsTimeDenominator; ++frameTimeAdjust; } DWORD halfTime = (frameTimeAdjust+1)/2; EncoderPicture &nextPic = (curFrameTimestamp-cfrTime <= halfTime) ? picOut : prevPicOut; //Log(TEXT("cfrTime: %u, time: %u"), cfrTime, curFrameTimestamp); //these lines are just for counting duped frames if(nextPic == lastPic) ++numTotalDuplicatedFrames; else lastPic = nextPic; frameInfo.pic = &nextPic; if(bUsingQSV) frameInfo.pic->mfxOut->Data.TimeStamp = cfrTime; else frameInfo.pic->picOut->i_pts = cfrTime; frameInfo.frameTimestamp = cfrTime; ProcessFrame(frameInfo); cfrTime += frameTimeAdjust; //Log(TEXT("cfrTime: %u, chi frame: %u"), cfrTime, (curFrameTimestamp-cfrTime <= halfTime)); } } else { if(bUsingQSV) picOut.mfxOut->Data.TimeStamp = curFrameTimestamp; else picOut.picOut->i_pts = curFrameTimestamp; frameInfo.pic = &picOut; frameInfo.frameTimestamp = curFrameTimestamp; ProcessFrame(frameInfo); } if (!bRunning) bufferedFrames = videoEncoder->GetBufferedFrames (); } if(bUsing444) { prevTexture->Unmap(0); } curOutBuffer = nextOutBuffer; } else { //We have to crash, or we end up deadlocking the thread when the convert threads are never signalled if (result == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) { String message; HRESULT reason = GetD3D()->GetDeviceRemovedReason(); switch (reason) { case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET: case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: message = TEXT("Your video card or driver froze and was reset. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues."); break; case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: message = TEXT("Your video card disappeared from the system. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues."); break; case DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR: message = TEXT("Your video driver reported an internal error. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues."); break; case DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: message = TEXT("Your video driver reported an invalid call. Please check for possible driver issues."); break; default: message = TEXT("DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED"); break; } CrashError (TEXT("Texture->Map failed: 0x%08x 0x%08x\r\n\r\n%s"), result, reason, message.Array()); } else CrashError (TEXT("Texture->Map failed: 0x%08x"), result); } } if(curCopyTexture == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curCopyTexture = 0; else curCopyTexture++; if(curYUVTexture == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curYUVTexture = 0; else curYUVTexture++; if (bCongestionControl && bDynamicBitrateSupported && !bTestStream) { if (curStrain > 25) { if (qwTime - lastAdjustmentTime > 1500) { if (currentBitRate > 100) { currentBitRate = (int)(currentBitRate * (1.0 - (curStrain / 400))); App->GetVideoEncoder()->SetBitRate(currentBitRate, -1); if (!adjustmentStreamId) adjustmentStreamId = App->AddStreamInfo (FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion detected, dropping bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array(), StreamInfoPriority_Low); else App->SetStreamInfo(adjustmentStreamId, FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion detected, dropping bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array()); bUpdateBPS = true; } lastAdjustmentTime = qwTime; } } else if (currentBitRate < defaultBitRate && curStrain < 5 && lastStrain < 5) { if (qwTime - lastAdjustmentTime > 5000) { if (currentBitRate < defaultBitRate) { currentBitRate += (int)(defaultBitRate * 0.05); if (currentBitRate > defaultBitRate) currentBitRate = defaultBitRate; } App->GetVideoEncoder()->SetBitRate(currentBitRate, -1); /*if (!adjustmentStreamId) App->AddStreamInfo (FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion clearing, raising bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array(), StreamInfoPriority_Low); else App->SetStreamInfo(adjustmentStreamId, FormattedString(TEXT("Congestion clearing, raising bitrate to %d kbps"), currentBitRate).Array());*/ bUpdateBPS = true; lastAdjustmentTime = qwTime; } } } } lastRenderTarget = curRenderTarget; if(curRenderTarget == (NUM_RENDER_BUFFERS-1)) curRenderTarget = 0; else curRenderTarget++; if(bUpdateBPS || !CloseDouble(curStrain, lastStrain) || curFramesDropped != lastFramesDropped) { PostMessage(hwndMain, OBS_UPDATESTATUSBAR, 0, 0); lastStrain = curStrain; lastFramesDropped = curFramesDropped; } //------------------------------------ // we're about to sleep so we should flush the d3d command queue profileIn("flush"); GetD3D()->Flush(); profileOut; profileOut; //video encoding and uploading profileOut; //frame //------------------------------------ // frame sync #ifdef USE_100NS_TIME QWORD renderStopTime = GetQPCTime100NS(); sleepTargetTime += frameTime100ns; if(bWasLaggedFrame = (sleepTargetTime <= renderStopTime)) { numLongFrames++; if(bLogLongFramesProfile && (numLongFrames/float(max(1, numTotalFrames)) * 100.) > logLongFramesProfilePercentage) DumpLastProfileData(); } else SleepTo(sleepTargetTime); #else DWORD renderStopTime = OSGetTime(); DWORD totalTime = renderStopTime-renderStartTime; if(totalTime > frameTimeAdjust) { numLongFrames++; if(bLogLongFramesProfile && (numLongFrames/float(max(1, numTotalFrames)) * 100.) > logLongFramesProfilePercentage) DumpLastProfileData(); } else if(totalTime < frameTimeAdjust) OSSleep(frameTimeAdjust-totalTime); #endif //OSDebugOut(TEXT("Frame adjust time: %d, "), frameTimeAdjust-totalTime); numTotalFrames++; } if(!bUsing444) { if(bUseThreaded420) { for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { if(h420Threads[i]) { convertInfo[i].bKillThread = true; SetEvent(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert); if(bUsingThreadedProfilers) threadedProfilers[i].~ProfilerNode(); OSTerminateThread(h420Threads[i], 10000); h420Threads[i] = NULL; } if(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert) { CloseHandle(convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert); convertInfo[i].hSignalConvert = NULL; } if(convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete) { CloseHandle(convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete); convertInfo[i].hSignalComplete = NULL; } } if(!bFirst420Encode) { ID3D10Texture2D *copyTexture = copyTextures[curCopyTexture]; copyTexture->Unmap(0); } } if(bUsingQSV) for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) delete outPics[i].mfxOut; else for(int i=0; i<NUM_OUT_BUFFERS; i++) { x264_picture_clean(outPics[i].picOut); delete outPics[i].picOut; } } Free(h420Threads); Free(convertInfo); Log(TEXT("Total frames rendered: %d, number of frames that lagged: %d (%0.2f%%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)"), numTotalFrames, numLongFrames, (double(numLongFrames)/double(numTotalFrames))*100.0); if(bDupeFrames) Log(TEXT("Total duplicated frames: %d (%0.2f%%)"), numTotalDuplicatedFrames, (double(numTotalDuplicatedFrames)/double(numTotalFrames))*100.0); }