Esempio n. 1
void SetActivityForSequence( CStudioHdr *pstudiohdr, int i )
	int iActivityIndex;
	const char *pszActivityName;
	mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = pstudiohdr->pSeqdesc( i );

	seqdesc.flags |= STUDIO_ACTIVITY;

	pszActivityName = GetSequenceActivityName( pstudiohdr, i );
	if ( pszActivityName[0] != '\0' )
		iActivityIndex = ActivityList_IndexForName( pszActivityName );
		if ( iActivityIndex == -1 )
			// Allow this now.  Animators can create custom activities that are referenced only on the client or by scripts, etc.
			//Warning( "***\nModel %s tried to reference unregistered activity: %s \n***\n", pstudiohdr->name, pszActivityName );
			// HACK: the client and server don't share the private activity list so registering it on the client would hose the server
			seqdesc.flags &= ~STUDIO_ACTIVITY;
			seqdesc.activity = ActivityList_RegisterPrivateActivity( pszActivityName );
			seqdesc.activity = iActivityIndex;
Esempio n. 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBasePlayerAnimState::DebugShowAnimState( int iStartLine )
	Vector vOuterVel;
	GetOuterAbsVelocity( vOuterVel );

	int iLine = iStartLine;
	AnimStatePrintf( iLine++, "main: %s(%d), cycle: %.2f cyclerate: %.2f playbackrate: %.2f\n", 
		GetSequenceName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), m_pOuter->GetSequence() ), 
		m_pOuter->GetSequenceCycleRate(m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), m_pOuter->GetSequence()),

	if ( m_AnimConfig.m_LegAnimType == LEGANIM_8WAY )
		CAnimationLayer *pLayer = m_pOuter->GetAnimOverlay( MAIN_IDLE_SEQUENCE_LAYER );

		AnimStatePrintf( iLine++, "idle: %s, weight: %.2f\n",
			GetSequenceName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), pLayer->GetSequence() ), 
			(float)pLayer->GetWeight() );

	for ( int i=0; i < m_pOuter->GetNumAnimOverlays()-1; i++ )
		CAnimationLayer *pLayer = m_pOuter->GetAnimOverlay( AIMSEQUENCE_LAYER + i );
		AnimStatePrintf( iLine++, "%s(%d), weight: %.2f, cycle: %.2f, order (%d), aim (%d)", 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? "-- ": (pLayer->GetSequence() == 0 ? "-- " : (showanimstate_activities.GetBool()) ? GetSequenceActivityName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), pLayer->GetSequence() ) : GetSequenceName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), pLayer->GetSequence() ) ), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (int)pLayer->GetSequence(), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (float)pLayer->GetWeight(), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (float)pLayer->GetCycle(), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (int)pLayer->GetOrder(),
		AnimStatePrintf( iLine++, "%s(%d), flags (%d), weight: %.2f, cycle: %.2f, order (%d), aim (%d)", 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? "-- " : ( pLayer->GetSequence() == 0 ? "-- " : (showanimstate_activities.GetBool()) ? GetSequenceActivityName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), pLayer->GetSequence() ) : GetSequenceName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), pLayer->GetSequence() ) ), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (int)pLayer->GetSequence(), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (int)pLayer->m_fFlags,// Doesn't exist on client
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (float)pLayer->GetWeight(), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (float)pLayer->GetCycle(), 
			!pLayer->IsActive() ? 0 : (int)pLayer->m_nOrder,

	AnimStatePrintf( iLine++, "vel: %.2f, time: %.2f, MAX: %.2f, animspeed: %.2f", 
		vOuterVel.Length2D(), gpGlobals->curtime, GetInterpolatedGroundSpeed(), m_pOuter->GetSequenceGroundSpeed(m_pOuter->GetSequence()) );
	if ( m_AnimConfig.m_LegAnimType == LEGANIM_8WAY )
		AnimStatePrintf( iLine++, "ent yaw: %.2f, body_yaw: %.2f, move_yaw: %.2f, gait_yaw: %.2f, body_pitch: %.2f", 
			m_angRender[YAW], g_flLastBodyYaw, m_flLastMoveYaw, m_flGaitYaw, g_flLastBodyPitch );
		AnimStatePrintf( iLine++, "ent yaw: %.2f, body_yaw: %.2f, body_pitch: %.2f, move_x: %.2f, move_y: %.2f", 
			m_angRender[YAW], g_flLastBodyYaw, g_flLastBodyPitch, m_vLastMovePose.x, m_vLastMovePose.y );

	// Draw a red triangle on the ground for the eye yaw.
	float flBaseSize = 10;
	float flHeight = 80;
	Vector vBasePos = GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 3 );
	QAngle angles( 0, 0, 0 );
	angles[YAW] = m_flEyeYaw;
	Vector vForward, vRight, vUp;
	AngleVectors( angles, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
	debugoverlay->AddTriangleOverlay( vBasePos+vRight*flBaseSize/2, vBasePos-vRight*flBaseSize/2, vBasePos+vForward*flHeight, 255, 0, 0, 255, false, 0.01 );

	// Draw a blue triangle on the ground for the body yaw.
	angles[YAW] = m_angRender[YAW];
	AngleVectors( angles, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
	debugoverlay->AddTriangleOverlay( vBasePos+vRight*flBaseSize/2, vBasePos-vRight*flBaseSize/2, vBasePos+vForward*flHeight, 0, 0, 255, 255, false, 0.01 );
