Esempio n. 1
	void Remove() {
		const sigaction_t& sa = GetSigAction(SIG_DFL);

		sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL); // segmentation fault
		sigaction(SIGILL,  &sa, NULL); // illegal instruction
		sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); // maybe some network error
		sigaction(SIGIO,   &sa, NULL); // who knows?
		sigaction(SIGFPE,  &sa, NULL); // div0 and more
		sigaction(SIGABRT, &sa, NULL);
		sigaction(SIGINT,  &sa, NULL);
		sigaction(SIGBUS,  &sa, NULL); // on macosx EXC_BAD_ACCESS (mach exception) is translated to SIGBUS

Esempio n. 2
	void Install() {
		struct rlimit limits;
		if ((getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &limits) == 0) && (limits.rlim_cur > 0)) {
			LOG("Core dumps enabled, not installing signal handler");
			LOG("see /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern where it gets written");
		const sigaction_t& sa = GetSigAction(&HandleSignal);

		sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL); // segmentation fault
		sigaction(SIGILL,  &sa, NULL); // illegal instruction
		sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); // maybe some network error
		sigaction(SIGIO,   &sa, NULL); // who knows?
		sigaction(SIGFPE,  &sa, NULL); // div0 and more
		sigaction(SIGABRT, &sa, NULL);
		sigaction(SIGINT,  &sa, NULL);
		sigaction(SIGBUS,  &sa, NULL); // on macosx EXC_BAD_ACCESS (mach exception) is translated to SIGBUS

Esempio n. 3
	void HandleSignal(int signal, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* pctx)
		if (signal == SIGINT) {
			// ctrl+c = kill
			LOG("caught SIGINT, aborting");

#ifndef HEADLESS
			// first try a clean exit
			SDL_Event event;
			event.type = SDL_QUIT;

			// abort after 5sec

		// Turn off signal handling for this signal temporarily in order to disable recursive events (e.g. SIGSEGV)

		if (reentrances >= 2) {
			sigaction_t& sa = GetSigAction(NULL);
			sigaction(signal, &sa, NULL);

		ucontext_t* uctx = reinterpret_cast<ucontext_t*> (pctx);


		std::string error = strsignal(signal);
		// append the signal name (it seems there is no OS function to map signum to signame :<)
		if (signal == SIGSEGV) {
			error += " (SIGSEGV)";
		} else if (signal == SIGILL) {
			error += " (SIGILL)";
		} else if (signal == SIGPIPE) {
			error += " (SIGPIPE)";
		} else if (signal == SIGIO) {
			error += " (SIGIO)";
		} else if (signal == SIGABRT) {
			error += " (SIGABRT)";
		} else if (signal == SIGFPE) {
			error += " (SIGFPE)";
		} else if (signal == SIGBUS) {
			error += " (SIGBUS)";
		LOG_L(L_ERROR, "%s in spring %s", error.c_str(), (SpringVersion::GetFull()).c_str());

		const bool nonFatalSignal = false;
		const bool fatalSignal =
			(signal == SIGSEGV) ||
			(signal == SIGILL)  ||
			(signal == SIGPIPE) ||
			(signal == SIGFPE)  || // causes a endless loop, and process never gets far the causing cmd :<
			(signal == SIGABRT) || // same
			(signal == SIGBUS);

		bool keepRunning = false;
		bool aiCrash = false;

		if (fatalSignal)
			keepRunning = false;
		if (nonFatalSignal)
			keepRunning = true;

		// print stacktrace
		HaltedStacktrace(error, siginfo, uctx);

		// try to clean up
		if (keepRunning) {
			bool cleanupOk = true;

			// try to cleanup AIs
			if (aiCrash) {
				cleanupOk = false;
				/*if (!containedAIInterfaceSo.empty()) {
					//LOG_L(L_ERROR, "Trying to kill AI Interface library only ...\n");
					// TODO
					//cleanupOk = true;
				} else if (!containedSkirmishAISo.empty()) {
					//LOG_L(L_ERROR, "Trying to kill Skirmish AI library only ...\n");
					// TODO
					//cleanupOk = true;

			if (cleanupOk) {
			} else {
				keepRunning = false;

		// exit app if we catched a critical one
		if (!keepRunning) {
			// don't handle any further signals when exiting

			std::ostringstream buf;
			buf << "Spring has crashed:\n"
				<< error << ".\n\n"
				<< "A stacktrace has been written to:\n"
				<< "  " << logOutput.GetFilePath();
			ErrorMessageBox(buf.str(), "Spring crashed", MBF_OK | MBF_CRASH); // this also calls exit()

        // Re-enable signal handling for this signal
		// FIXME: reentrances should be implemented using boost::thread_specific_ptr
        if (reentrances >= 2) {
            sigaction_t& sa = GetSigAction(&HandleSignal);
            sigaction(signal, &sa, NULL);

