Esempio n. 1
char* DebugPrintSabMech(sabmech_t* sabmech, char* output, int bufferSize)
	char tempBuffer[64];

	if(!sabmech || !output)
		return output;
	output[0]= '\0';
	Com_sprintf(tempBuffer, 64, "BehaveMode: %s", GetStringForID(sabBehaveTable, sabmech->behaveMode));
	Q_strcat(output, bufferSize, tempBuffer);

		Q_strcat(output, bufferSize, ", Stun");
		Q_strcat(output, bufferSize, ", Knockdown");
		Q_strcat(output, bufferSize, ", Disarm");
		Q_strcat(output, bufferSize, ", Parry");
		Q_strcat(output, bufferSize, ", SlowBounce");
		Q_strcat(output, bufferSize, ", HeavySlowBounce");

	return output;
Esempio n. 2
// these are added in cg_main, CG_Init so they tab-complete
qboolean	ConsoleCommand( void ) {
	char	*cmd;

	cmd = gi.argv(0);

	if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "entitylist") == 0 ) 
		return qtrue;

	if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "game_memory") == 0) {
		return qtrue;

//	if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "addbot") == 0) {
//		Svcmd_AddBot_f();
//		return qtrue;
//	}

	if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "nav") == 0) 
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		Svcmd_Nav_f ();
		return qtrue;

	if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "npc") == 0) 
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		Svcmd_NPC_f ();
		return qtrue;

	if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "use") == 0) 
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		Svcmd_Use_f ();
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "ICARUS" ) == 0 )	
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;


		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "saberColor" ) == 0 )	
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "saber" ) == 0 )
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "saberblade" ) == 0 )
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceJump" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setSaberThrow" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceHeal" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForcePush" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForcePull" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceSpeed" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceGrip" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceLightning" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setMindTrick" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setSaberDefense" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setSaberOffense" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceRage" ) == 0 )	
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_RAGE );
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceDrain" ) == 0 )	
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_DRAIN );
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceProtect" ) == 0 )	
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_PROTECT );
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceAbsorb" ) == 0 )	
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_ABSORB );
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceSight" ) == 0 )	
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_SEE );
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "setForceAll" ) == 0 )	
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_RAGE );
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_DRAIN );
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_PROTECT );
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_ABSORB );
		Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_SEE );
		for ( int i = SS_NONE+1; i < SS_NUM_SABER_STYLES; i++ )
			g_entities[0].client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= (1<<i);
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "saberAttackCycle" ) == 0 )	
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "runscript" ) == 0 ) 
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		char *cmd2 = gi.argv(1);

		if ( cmd2 && cmd2[0] )
			char *cmd3 = gi.argv(2);
			if ( cmd3 && cmd3[0] )
				gentity_t *found = NULL;
				if ( (found = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(targetname), cmd2 ) ) != NULL )
					Quake3Game()->RunScript( found, cmd3 );
					//can't find cmd2
					gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"runscript: can't find targetname %s\n", cmd2 );
				Quake3Game()->RunScript( &g_entities[0], cmd2 );
			gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"usage: runscript <ent targetname> scriptname\n" );
		//FIXME: else warning
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "playerteam" ) == 0 ) 
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		char	*cmd2 = gi.argv(1);
		int		n;

		if ( !*cmd2 || !cmd2[0] )
			gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"'playerteam' - change player team, requires a team name!\n" );
			gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Valid team names are:\n");
			for ( n = (TEAM_FREE + 1); n < TEAM_NUM_TEAMS; n++ )
				gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"%s\n", GetStringForID( TeamTable, n ) );
			team_t	team;

			team = (team_t)GetIDForString( TeamTable, cmd2 );
			if ( team == -1 )
				gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"'playerteam' unrecognized team name %s!\n", cmd2 );
				gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Valid team names are:\n");
				for ( n = TEAM_FREE; n < TEAM_NUM_TEAMS; n++ )
					gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"%s\n", GetStringForID( TeamTable, n ) );
				g_entities[0].client->playerTeam = team;
				//FIXME: convert Imperial, Malon, Hirogen and Klingon to Scavenger?
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "control" ) == 0 )
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		char	*cmd2 = gi.argv(1);
		if ( !*cmd2 || !cmd2[0] )
			if ( !G_ClearViewEntity( &g_entities[0] ) )
				gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"control <NPC_targetname>\n", cmd2 );
			Q3_SetViewEntity( 0, cmd2 );
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "grab" ) == 0 )
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		char	*cmd2 = gi.argv(1);
		if ( !*cmd2 || !cmd2[0] )
			if ( !G_ReleaseEntity( &g_entities[0] ) )
				gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"grab <NPC_targetname>\n", cmd2 );
			G_GrabEntity( &g_entities[0], cmd2 );
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "knockdown" ) == 0 )
		if ( !g_cheats->integer ) 
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "print \"Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n\"");
			return qfalse;
		G_Knockdown( &g_entities[0], &g_entities[0], vec3_origin, 300, qtrue );
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "playerModel" ) == 0 )
		if ( gi.argc() == 1 )
			gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"USAGE: playerModel <NPC Name>\n       playerModel <g2model> <skinhead> <skintorso> <skinlower>\n       playerModel player (builds player from customized menu settings)\n" );
			gi.Printf( "playerModel = %s ", va("%s %s %s %s\n", g_char_model->string, g_char_skin_head->string, g_char_skin_torso->string, g_char_skin_legs->string ) );
		else if ( gi.argc() == 2 )
			G_ChangePlayerModel( &g_entities[0], gi.argv(1) );
		else if (  gi.argc() == 5 )
			//instead of setting it directly via a command, we now store it in cvars
			//G_ChangePlayerModel( &g_entities[0], va("%s|%s|%s|%s", gi.argv(1), gi.argv(2), gi.argv(3), gi.argv(4)) );
			gi.cvar_set("g_char_model", gi.argv(1) );
			gi.cvar_set("g_char_skin_head", gi.argv(2) );
			gi.cvar_set("g_char_skin_torso", gi.argv(3) );
			gi.cvar_set("g_char_skin_legs", gi.argv(4) );
			G_InitPlayerFromCvars( &g_entities[0] );
		return qtrue;

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "playerTint" ) == 0 )
		if ( gi.argc() == 4 )
			g_entities[0].client->renderInfo.customRGBA[0] = atoi(gi.argv(1));
			g_entities[0].client->renderInfo.customRGBA[1] = atoi(gi.argv(2));
			g_entities[0].client->renderInfo.customRGBA[2] = atoi(gi.argv(3));
			gi.cvar_set("g_char_color_red", gi.argv(1) );
			gi.cvar_set("g_char_color_green", gi.argv(2) );
			gi.cvar_set("g_char_color_blue", gi.argv(3) );
			gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"USAGE: playerTint <red 0 - 255> <green 0 - 255> <blue 0 - 255>\n" );
			gi.Printf( "playerTint = %s\n", va("%d %d %d", g_char_color_red->integer, g_char_color_green->integer, g_char_color_blue->integer ) );
		return qtrue;
	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "nexttestaxes" ) == 0 )

	if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "exitview" ) == 0 )
	if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "iknowkungfu") == 0)
		gi.cvar_set( "g_debugMelee", "1" );
		G_SetWeapon( &g_entities[0], WP_MELEE );
		for ( int i = FP_FIRST; i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS; i++ )
			g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowersKnown |= ( 1 << i );
			if ( i == FP_TELEPATHY )
				g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[i] = FORCE_LEVEL_4;
				g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[i] = FORCE_LEVEL_3;

	return qfalse;
Esempio n. 3
qboolean G_ActivateBehavior (gentity_t *self, int bset )
	bState_t	bSID = (bState_t)-1;
	char *bs_name = NULL;

	if ( !self )
		return qfalse;

	bs_name = self->behaviorSet[bset];
	if( !(VALIDSTRING( bs_name )) )
		return qfalse;

	if ( self->NPC )
		bSID = (bState_t)(GetIDForString( BSTable, bs_name ));

	if(bSID > -1)
		self->NPC->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
		self->NPC->behaviorState = bSID;
		char			newname[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];		
		sprintf((char *) &newname, "%s/%s", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, bs_name );
		//FIXME: between here and actually getting into the ICARUS_RunScript function, the stack gets blown!
		if ( ( ICARUS_entFilter == -1 ) || ( ICARUS_entFilter == self->s.number ) )
			Q3_DebugPrint( WL_VERBOSE, "%s attempting to run bSet %s (%s)\n", self->targetname, GetStringForID( BSETTable, bset ), bs_name );
		ICARUS_RunScript( self, va( "%s/%s", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, bs_name ) );
	return qtrue;
Esempio n. 4
qboolean G_ActivateBehavior (gentity_t *self, int bset )
	bState_t	bSID = (bState_t)-1;
	char *bs_name = NULL;

	if ( !self )
		return qfalse;

	bs_name = self->behaviorSet[bset];
	if( !(VALIDSTRING( bs_name )) )
		return qfalse;

	if ( self->NPC )
		bSID = (bState_t)(GetIDForString( BSTable, bs_name ));

	if(bSID > -1)
		self->NPC->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
		self->NPC->behaviorState = bSID;
		char			newname[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];		
		sprintf((char *) &newname, "%s/%s", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, bs_name );
		//FIXME: between here and actually getting into the ICARUS_RunScript function, the stack gets blown!
		//if ( ( ICARUS_entFilter == -1 ) || ( ICARUS_entFilter == self->s.number ) )
		if (0)
			G_DebugPrint( WL_VERBOSE, "%s attempting to run bSet %s (%s)\n", self->targetname, GetStringForID( BSETTable, bset ), bs_name );

		//make the code handle the case of the scripts directory already being given
		if(!Q_strncmp(bs_name, va( "%s/", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR ), 8 ) )
		{//already has script directory specified.
			trap_ICARUS_RunScript( self, bs_name );
			trap_ICARUS_RunScript( self, va( "%s/%s", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, bs_name ) );
		//trap_ICARUS_RunScript( self, va( "%s/%s", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, bs_name ) );
	return qtrue;
Esempio n. 5
void SabBeh_AttackVsBlock( gentity_t *attacker, sabmech_t *mechAttacker, 
								gentity_t *blocker, sabmech_t *mechBlocker, vec3_t hitLoc, qboolean hitSaberBlade,
								qboolean *attackerMishap, qboolean *blockerMishap)
{//set the saber behavior for an attacking vs blocking/parrying blade impact
	qboolean startSaberLock = qfalse;
	qboolean parried = G_BlockIsParry(blocker, attacker, hitLoc);
	qboolean atkparry = G_InAttackParry(blocker);
	qboolean atkfake = (attacker->client->ps.userInt3 & (1 << FLAG_ATTACKFAKE)) 
		? qtrue : qfalse;

	G_BlockIsQuickParry(blocker,attacker,hitLoc);//Return value was never used, so I just call it now
	if(parried && blocker->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT 
		&& BOT_ATTACKPARRYRATE * botstates[blocker->s.number]->settings.skill > Q_irand(0,999))
	{//bot performed an attack parry (by cheating a bit)
		//G_Printf("%i: %i: Bot Cheat Attack Parried\n", level.time, blocker->s.number);
		atkparry = qtrue;

	if(parried && atkparry)
		G_Printf("%i: %i: Attack Parried\n", level.time, blocker->s.number);

	{//attacker was attempting a superbreak and he hit someone who could block the move, rail him for screwing up.
		*attackerMishap = SabBeh_RollBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, qtrue,qfalse);
		SabBeh_AddBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, MPCOST_BLOCKED_SUPERBREAK, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechAttacker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACKPARRIED;

		SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_BLOCKING_SUPERBREAK, qfalse);
#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechBlocker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_BLOCK;
	else if(atkfake)
	{//attacker faked before making this attack, treat like standard attack/attack
		{//defender parried the attack fake.
			*attackerMishap = SabBeh_RollBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, atkparry,qtrue);
			SabBeh_AddBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, MPCOST_PARRIED_ATTACKFAKE, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechAttacker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACK;
			if (blocker->client->pers.cmd.buttons & BUTTON_SPECIALBUTTON2 //(was Button_15)
				&& blocker->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] >= FORCE_LEVEL_2)
				attacker->client->ps.userInt3 |= (1 << FLAG_QUICKPARRY);
			attacker->client->ps.userInt3 |= ( 1 << FLAG_PARRIED );

			SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_PARRYING_ATTACKFAKE, qfalse);
#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechBlocker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_BLOCK;
		else if(atkparry)
			saberKnockOutOfHand(&g_entities[attacker->client->ps.saberEntityNum], attacker, vec3_origin);
		{//otherwise, the defender stands a good chance of having his defensives broken.	
			SabBeh_AddBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, MPCOST_BLOCKED_ATTACK_FAKE, qtrue);

			if(attacker->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_DESANN)
				SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_BLOCKING_DESANN_ATTACK_FAKE, qfalse);
			{//standard attacker
				SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_BLOCKING_ATTACK_FAKE, qfalse);

#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechAttacker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACK;
			if (WP_SabersCheckLock(attacker, blocker))
				attacker->client->ps.userInt3 |= ( 1 << FLAG_LOCKWINNER );
				attacker->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
				blocker->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
				startSaberLock = qtrue;
#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechBlocker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_BLOCKFAKED;

	else if(hitSaberBlade && BG_InSlowBounce(&blocker->client->ps) 
		&& blocker->client->ps.userInt3 & (1 << FLAG_OLDSLOWBOUNCE)
		&& attacker->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_TAVION)
	{//blocker's saber was directly hit while in a slow bounce, disarm the blocker!
		mechBlocker->doDisarm = qtrue;
		blocker->client->ps.saberAttackChainCount = BALANCE_HIGH;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechBlocker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_BLOCKFAKED;

		//set attacker
		SabBeh_AddBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, MPCOST_TAVION_ATTACK_SLOW_BOUNCE, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechAttacker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACK;
	{//standard attack
		//set blocker
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechBlocker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_BLOCK;

		//set attacker
		//parry values
			if(attacker->client->ps.saberMove == LS_A_LUNGE
			|| attacker->client->ps.saberMove == LS_SPINATTACK
			|| attacker->client->ps.saberMove == LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL)
			{//attacker's lunge was parried, force mishap.
				*attackerMishap = SabBeh_RollBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, qtrue,atkparry);
				*attackerMishap = SabBeh_RollBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, atkparry,atkparry);
			SabBeh_AddBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, MPCOST_PARRIED, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechAttacker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACKPARRIED;
			if (blocker->client->pers.cmd.buttons & BUTTON_SPECIALBUTTON2 //Was Button 15 DMURPHY
				&& blocker->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] >= FORCE_LEVEL_2)
				attacker->client->ps.userInt3 |= ( 1 << FLAG_QUICKPARRY);
				attacker->client->ps.userInt3 |= ( 1 << FLAG_PARRIED );

			SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_PARRYING, qfalse);
		{//blocked values
			SabBeh_AddBalance(attacker, mechAttacker, MPCOST_BLOCKED_ATTACK, qtrue);
			if(attacker->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_TAVION)
			{//aqua styles deals MP to players that don't parry it.
				SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_BLOCKING_TAVION_ATTACK, qfalse);
			else if(attacker->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_STRONG)
				blocker->client->ps.fd.forcePower -= FPCOST_BLOCKING_STRONG_ATTACK;
				SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_BLOCKING_ATTACK, qfalse);
			//racc - This doesn't actually ever happen. :S
			else if(attacker->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel==SS_TAVION
				&& attacker->client->skillLevel[SK_GREENSTYLE] == FORCE_LEVEL_3
				&& (attacker->client->ps.userInt3 & FLAG_QUICKPARRY))
				SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_QUICKPARRY_TAVION_ATTACK, qfalse);
			{//standard blocker cost
				SabBeh_AddBalance(blocker, mechBlocker, MPCOST_BLOCKING_ATTACK, qfalse);
#ifdef _DEBUG
			mechAttacker->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACKBLOCKED;

	if(!OnSameTeam(attacker, blocker) || g_friendlySaber.integer)
	{//don't do parries or charge/regen DP unless we're in a situation where we can actually hurt the target.
		{//parries don't cost any DP and they have a special animation
			//qboolean regenSound = qfalse;
			mechBlocker->doParry = qtrue;
		else if(!startSaberLock)
		{//normal saber blocks
			//update the blocker's block move
			blocker->client->ps.saberLockFrame = 0; //break out of saberlocks.
			WP_SaberBlockNonRandom(blocker, hitLoc, qfalse);

	//do saber DP cost.

	// debugger message.
	G_Printf("%i: %i: Saber Block Cost: %i atk: %s %s blk: %s %s\n", level.time, blocker->s.number, OJP_SaberBlockCost(blocker, attacker, hitLoc), 
		GetStringForID( animTable, attacker->client->ps.torsoAnim ), GetStringForID( SaberMoveTable, attacker->client->ps.saberMove ), 
		GetStringForID( animTable, blocker->client->ps.torsoAnim ), GetStringForID( SaberMoveTable, blocker->client->ps.saberMove ) );

	//[ExpSys] -- [DUALRAWR]
	G_DodgeDrain(blocker, attacker, OJP_SaberBlockCost(blocker, attacker, hitLoc));

	//costs FP as well.
	BG_AddFatigue(&blocker->client->ps, 1);

		G_Printf("%i: SaberBeh Attack vs Block: %i (attacker %s:%s): %s, %i (blocker %s:%s): %s\n", 
			level.time, attacker->s.number, GetStringForID(SaberMoveTable, attacker->playerState->saberMove), GetStringForID(SaberBlockedTable, attacker->playerState->saberBlocked), GetStringForID(sabBehaveTable, mechAttacker->behaveMode), 
			blocker->s.number, GetStringForID(SaberMoveTable, blocker->playerState->saberMove), GetStringForID(SaberBlockedTable, blocker->playerState->saberBlocked), GetStringForID(sabBehaveTable, mechBlocker->behaveMode));
Esempio n. 6
void SabBeh_AttackVsAttack( gentity_t *self, sabmech_t *mechSelf, 
								gentity_t *otherOwner, sabmech_t *mechOther, qboolean *selfMishap, qboolean *otherMishap )
{//set the saber behavior for two attacking blades hitting each other
	qboolean atkfake = (self->client->ps.userInt3 & (1 << FLAG_ATTACKFAKE)) 
		? qtrue : qfalse;
	qboolean otherfake = (otherOwner->client->ps.userInt3 & (1 << FLAG_ATTACKFAKE)) 
		? qtrue : qfalse;

	if(atkfake && !otherfake)
	{//self is sololy faking
		//set self
		SabBeh_AddBalance(self, mechSelf, MPCOST_ATTACK_FAKE_ATTACKED, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechSelf->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_BLOCKFAKED;

		//set otherOwner
		if (WP_SabersCheckLock(self, otherOwner))
			self->client->ps.userInt3 |= ( 1 << FLAG_LOCKWINNER );
			self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
			otherOwner->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
		SabBeh_AddBalance(otherOwner, mechOther, MPCOST_ATTACKING_ATTACK_FAKE, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechOther->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACK;
	else if(otherfake && !atkfake)
	{//only otherOwner is faking
		//set self
		if (WP_SabersCheckLock(otherOwner, self))
			self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
			otherOwner->client->ps.userInt3 |= ( 1 << FLAG_LOCKWINNER );
			otherOwner->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
		SabBeh_AddBalance(self, mechSelf, MPCOST_ATTACKING_ATTACK_FAKE, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechSelf->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACK;

		//set otherOwner
		SabBeh_AddBalance(otherOwner, mechOther, MPCOST_ATTACK_FAKE_ATTACKED, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechOther->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_BLOCKFAKED;
	{//either both are faking or neither is faking.  Either way, it's cancelled out
		//set self
		SabBeh_AddBalance(self, mechSelf, MPCOST_ATTACK_ATTACK, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechSelf->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACK;

		//set otherOwner
		SabBeh_AddBalance(otherOwner, mechOther, MPCOST_ATTACK_ATTACK, qtrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		mechOther->behaveMode = SABBEHAVE_ATTACK;

		G_Printf("%i: SaberBeh Attack vs Attack: %i (self %s:%s): %s, %i (other %s:%s): %s\n", 
			level.time, self->s.number, GetStringForID(SaberMoveTable, self->playerState->saberMove), GetStringForID(SaberBlockedTable, self->playerState->saberBlocked), GetStringForID(sabBehaveTable, mechSelf->behaveMode), 
			otherOwner->s.number, GetStringForID(SaberMoveTable, otherOwner->playerState->saberMove), GetStringForID(SaberBlockedTable, otherOwner->playerState->saberBlocked), GetStringForID(sabBehaveTable, mechOther->behaveMode));
Esempio n. 7
qboolean G_ActivateBehavior (gentity_t *self, int bset )
	bState_t	bSID = (bState_t)-1;
	char *bs_name = NULL;

	if ( !self )
		return qfalse;

	bs_name = self->behaviorSet[bset];
	if( !(VALIDSTRING( bs_name )) )
		return qfalse;

	if ( self->NPC )
		bSID = (bState_t)(GetIDForString( BSTable, bs_name ));

	if(bSID > -1)
		self->NPC->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
		self->NPC->behaviorState = bSID;
		if ( bSID == BS_SEARCH || bSID == BS_WANDER )
			//FIXME: Reimplement?
			if( self->waypoint != WAYPOINT_NONE )
				NPC_BSSearchStart( self->waypoint, bSID );
				self->waypoint = NAV::GetNearestNode(self);
				if( self->waypoint != WAYPOINT_NONE )
					NPC_BSSearchStart( self->waypoint, bSID );
		Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_VERBOSE, "%s attempting to run bSet %s (%s)\n", self->targetname, GetStringForID( BSETTable, bset ), bs_name );
		Quake3Game()->RunScript( self, bs_name );
	return qtrue;