Esempio n. 1
bool wxWinHelpController::DisplayContents(void)
    if (m_helpFile.IsEmpty()) return false;

    wxString str = GetValidFilename(m_helpFile);

#if defined(__WIN95__)
    return (WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(), (const wxChar*) str, HELP_FINDER, 0L) != 0);
    return (WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(), (const wxChar*) str, HELP_CONTENTS, 0L) != 0);
Esempio n. 2
// wrap the real HtmlHelp() but just return false (and not crash) if it
// couldn't be loaded
// it also takes a wxWindow instead of HWND
static bool
CallHtmlHelpFunction(wxWindow *win, const wxChar *str, UINT uint, DWORD dword)
    HTMLHELP htmlHelp = GetHtmlHelpFunction();

    return htmlHelp && htmlHelp(GetSuitableHWND(win), str, uint, dword);
Esempio n. 3
bool wxWinHelpController::DisplayContextPopup(int contextId)
    if (m_helpFile.empty()) return false;

    wxString str = GetValidFilename(m_helpFile);

    return (WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(this), str.wx_str(), HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, (DWORD) contextId) != 0);
Esempio n. 4
bool wxWinHelpController::DisplayContents(void)
    if (m_helpFile.empty()) return false;

    wxString str = GetValidFilename(m_helpFile);

    return (WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(this), str.wx_str(), HELP_FINDER, 0L) != 0);
Esempio n. 5
bool wxWinHelpController::KeywordSearch(const wxString& k,
                                        wxHelpSearchMode WXUNUSED(mode))
    if (m_helpFile.IsEmpty()) return false;

    wxString str = GetValidFilename(m_helpFile);

    return (WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(), (const wxChar*) str, HELP_PARTIALKEY, (DWORD)(const wxChar*) k) != 0);
Esempio n. 6
bool wxWinHelpController::DisplaySection(int section)
    // Use context number
    if (m_helpFile.empty()) return false;

    wxString str = GetValidFilename(m_helpFile);

    return (WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(this), str.wx_str(), HELP_CONTEXT, (DWORD)section) != 0);
Esempio n. 7
/* static */ bool
wxCHMHelpController::CallHtmlHelp(wxWindow *win,
                                  const wxChar *str,
                                  unsigned cmd,
                                  WXWPARAM param)
    HTMLHELP htmlHelp = GetHtmlHelpFunction();

    return htmlHelp && htmlHelp(GetSuitableHWND(win), str, cmd, param);
Esempio n. 8
bool wxWinHelpController::KeywordSearch(const wxString& k,
                                        wxHelpSearchMode WXUNUSED(mode))
    if (m_helpFile.empty()) return false;

    wxString str = GetValidFilename(m_helpFile);

    return WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(this), str.wx_str(), HELP_PARTIALKEY,
                   (ULONG_PTR)k.wx_str()) != 0;
Esempio n. 9
// Can't close the help window explicitly in WinHelp
bool wxWinHelpController::Quit(void)
    return (WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(), 0, HELP_QUIT, 0L) != 0);
Esempio n. 10
// Can't close the help window explicitly in WinHelp
bool wxWinHelpController::Quit(void)
    return WinHelp(GetSuitableHWND(this), 0, HELP_QUIT, 0) != 0;