Esempio n. 1
void QVX_TensileTest::RunTensileTest(QString* pDispMessage)
	QFile File(OutFilePath);
	if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
		ProgressMessage = "Could not open file. Aborting.";
	QTextStream out(&File); 

//	double CurMaxDisp = 9e9;
	std::string IntMsg;

	vfloat StepPercAmt = 1.0/NumStep;
	int VoxCount = NumVox();

	int count = 0;
	int MinimumPerStep = 5;

	int NumBCs = pEnv->GetNumBCs();
	for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
		if (pEnv->GetBC(j)->Displace.Length2() == 0 ) continue; //if zero displacement, continue
		out << "Disp (m)" << "\t" << "Force (N)" << "\t";
		if (IsBasicTensile){out << "Strain (%)" << "\t" << "Stress (MPa)" << "\t" << "Modulus (MPa)" << "\t";}
	out << "\n";

	double LastStress; //so we can calculate modulus at each point...
	double LastStrain;

	for (int i=0; i<NumStep; i++){
		ProgressMessage = "Performing tensile test...";
		for (int j=0; j<VoxCount; j++) VoxArray[j].ScaleExternalInputs((i+1)*StepPercAmt);
		//wiat to settle between timesteps...
		int LastBroken = -1;
		ClearHistories(); //needed so it doesn't immediately "converge" on the next time step

		while (NumBroken() != LastBroken){ //if one breaks, repeat the settling undtil we're done breaking...
			LastBroken = NumBroken();
//			SetSlowDampZ(CurDamp);

			count = 0;
//			bool LastUnder = false; //were we under the threshhold last time?
//			while (!LastUnder || CurMaxDisp > ConvThresh){
			while (!StopConditionMet()){
	//			if (CurMaxDisp < ConvThresh) LastUnder = true;

				for (int i=0; i<MinimumPerStep; i++){
					if (CancelFlag) break;

					if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){ //always do at least 5 steps...
						ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
						CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!
//					CurMaxDisp = SS.NormObjDisp;
				if (CancelFlag) break;
				if (count > 20000){
					QString Num = QString::number(MaxMoveHistory[0]*1000);
					ProgressMessage = "Simulation not converging at " + Num.toStdString() + ". \n Retry with larger threshold.";
			if (CancelFlag) break;

			EnableFailure(true); //do one step to apply breaking and re-settle as needed...
			if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){
				ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
				CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!

		for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
			CVX_FRegion* pThisBC = pEnv->GetBC(j);
			if (pThisBC->Displace.Length2() != 0 ){ //if non-zero displacement
				double CurDisp = pThisBC->Displace.Length()*(i+1.0)/((double)NumStep);
				double tmp2 = -GetSumForceDir(pThisBC);
				out << CurDisp << "\t" << tmp2 << "\t";
				if (IsBasicTensile){ //only two materials, only one with displacement, so we should only ever enter here once!!
					double ThisStress = tmp2/CSArea;
					double ThisStrain = CurDisp/IniLength;
					out << ThisStrain*100 << "\t" << ThisStress/1e6 << "\t";
					if (i!=0) out << (ThisStress-LastStress)/(ThisStrain-LastStrain)/1e6 << "\t";
					else out << "" << "\t";
					LastStress = ThisStress;
					LastStrain = ThisStrain;
		out << "\n";

//		for (int k=0; k<VoxArray.size(); k++){
//			VoxArray[k].ExternalDisp *= (i+2.0)/(i+1.0);
//		}

		CurTick = i+1;
	int stop = 1;

	ProgressMessage = ""; //flag to not display message boc on return...
	TestRunning = false;
	emit StopExternalGLUpdate();

void QVX_TensileTest::RunTensileTest(QString* pDispMessage)
	QFile File(OutFilePath);
	if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
		ProgressMessage = "Could not open file. Aborting.";
	QTextStream out(&File); 

//	double CurMaxDisp = 9e9;
	std::string IntMsg;

	vfloat StepPercAmt = 1.0/NumStep;
	int VoxCount = NumVox();

	int count = 0;
	int MinimumPerStep = 5;

	int NumBCs = pEnv->GetNumBCs();
	for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
		if (pEnv->GetBC(j)->Displace.Length2() == 0 ) continue; //if zero displacement, continue
		out << "Disp (m)" << "\t" << "Force (N)" << "\t";
		if (IsBasicTensile){out << "Strain (%)" << "\t" << "Stress (MPa)" << "\t" << "Modulus (MPa)" << "\t";}
	out << "\n";

	double LastStress; //so we can calculate modulus at each point for simple tensile...
	double LastStrain;
	double MaxMotion = -FLT_MAX; //the stop condition will be a threshold of this in auto mode
	double LastMotion = 0;
	bool FoundMaxMotion = false;
	if (AutoConverge){ ConvThresh = 0; SetStopConditionValue(ConvThresh);}//don't stop until we get a max

	for (int i=0; i<NumStep; i++){
		ProgressMessage = "Performing tensile test...";
		for (int j=0; j<VoxCount; j++) VoxArray[j].ScaleExternalInputs((i+1)*StepPercAmt);
		//wiat to settle between timesteps...
		int LastBroken = -1;
		ClearHistories(); //needed so it doesn't immediately "converge" on the next time step

		while (NumBroken() != LastBroken){ //if one breaks, repeat the settling until we're done breaking...
			LastBroken = NumBroken();
			EnableFeature(VXSFEAT_FAILURE, false);

		//	EnableFailure(false);
//			SetSlowDampZ(CurDamp);

			count = 0;
//			bool LastUnder = false; //were we under the threshhold last time?
//			while (!LastUnder || CurMaxDisp > ConvThresh){
			while (!StopConditionMet()){
	//			if (CurMaxDisp < ConvThresh) LastUnder = true;

				for (int i=0; i<MinimumPerStep; i++){
					if (CancelFlag) break;

					if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){ //always do at least 5 steps...
						ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
						CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!
//					CurMaxDisp = SS.NormObjDisp;
				if (CancelFlag) break;
				if (!FoundMaxMotion && AutoConverge){
					if (MotionZeroed){ //find first max motion (actually max KE, but close enough)
						FoundMaxMotion = true;
						ConvThresh = LastMotion / AutoConvergeExp;
						//ProgressMessage = "Auto convergence threshhold calculated: " + QString::number(ConvThresh).toStdString();
					else LastMotion = SS.MaxVoxVel*dt;

				if (count%100==0){
					ProgressMessage = "Performing tensile test...";
					if (AutoConverge && !FoundMaxMotion) ProgressMessage += "\nDetermining convergence threshhold.";
					//else ProgressMessage += "\nMotion at " + QString::number(MaxMoveHistory[0]*1000000, 'g', 3).toStdString() + "/" + QString::number(ConvThresh, 'g', 3).toStdString();
					else ProgressMessage += "\nStep " + QString::number(count, 'g', 3).toStdString() +/*", Max Displacement " + QString::number(SS.MaxVoxDisp, 'g', 3).toStdString() + */", Convergence threshhold " + QString::number(ConvThresh, 'g', 3).toStdString();

					if (count > 20000){
						ProgressMessage += "\nSimulation not converging.\nConsider retrying with a larger threshold. (Currently " + QString::number(MaxMoveHistory[0]*1000, 'g', 3).toStdString() +")";


			if (CancelFlag) break;

			EnableFeature(VXSFEAT_FAILURE, true);
//			EnableFailure(true); //do one step to apply breaking and re-settle as needed...
			if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){
				ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
				CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!

		for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
			CVX_FRegion* pThisBC = pEnv->GetBC(j);
			if (pThisBC->Displace.Length2() != 0 ){ //if non-zero displacement
				double CurDisp = pThisBC->Displace.Length()*(i+1.0)/((double)NumStep);
				double tmp2 = -GetSumForceDir(pThisBC);
				out << CurDisp << "\t" << tmp2 << "\t";
				if (IsBasicTensile){ //only two materials, only one with displacement, so we should only ever enter here once!!
					double ThisStress = tmp2/CSArea;
					double ThisStrain = CurDisp/IniLength;
					out << ThisStrain*100 << "\t" << ThisStress/1e6 << "\t";
					if (i!=0) out << (ThisStress-LastStress)/(ThisStrain-LastStrain)/1e6 << "\t";
					else out << "" << "\t";
					LastStress = ThisStress;
					LastStrain = ThisStrain;
		out << "\n";

//		for (int k=0; k<VoxArray.size(); k++){
//			VoxArray[k].ExternalDisp *= (i+2.0)/(i+1.0);
//		}

		CurTick = i+1;
	int stop = 1;

	ProgressMessage = ""; //flag to not display message boc on return...
	TestRunning = false;
	emit StopExternalGLUpdate();
