void GameList::UninstallWAD() { const auto game = GetSelectedGame(); if (!game) return; ModalMessageBox warning_dialog(this); warning_dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); warning_dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Confirm")); warning_dialog.setText(tr("Uninstalling the WAD will remove the currently installed version of " "this title from the NAND without deleting its save data. Continue?")); warning_dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Yes); if (warning_dialog.exec() == QMessageBox::No) return; ModalMessageBox result_dialog(this); const bool success = WiiUtils::UninstallTitle(game->GetTitleID()); result_dialog.setIcon(success ? QMessageBox::Information : QMessageBox::Critical); result_dialog.setWindowTitle(success ? tr("Success") : tr("Failure")); result_dialog.setText(success ? tr("Successfully removed this title from the NAND.") : tr("Failed to remove this title from the NAND.")); result_dialog.exec(); }
std::vector<u32> VolumeWAD::GetBanner(int* width, int* height) const { *width = 0; *height = 0; const std::optional<u64> title_id = GetTitleID(); if (!title_id) return std::vector<u32>(); return GetWiiBanner(width, height, *title_id); }
std::vector<u32> CVolumeWiiCrypted::GetBanner(int* width, int* height) const { *width = 0; *height = 0; u64 title_id; if (!GetTitleID(&title_id)) return std::vector<u32>(); return GetWiiBanner(width, height, title_id); }
void Emulator::Load() { Stop(); try { Init(); if (!fs::is_file(m_path)) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "File not found: %s", m_path); return; } const std::string& elf_dir = fs::get_parent_dir(m_path); if (IsSelf(m_path)) { const std::size_t elf_ext_pos = m_path.find_last_of('.'); const std::string& elf_ext = fmt::to_upper(m_path.substr(elf_ext_pos != -1 ? elf_ext_pos : m_path.size())); const std::string& elf_name = m_path.substr(elf_dir.size()); if (elf_name.compare(elf_name.find_last_of("/\\", -1, 2) + 1, 9, "EBOOT.BIN", 9) == 0) { m_path.erase(m_path.size() - 9, 1); // change EBOOT.BIN to BOOT.BIN } else if (elf_ext == ".SELF" || elf_ext == ".SPRX") { m_path.erase(m_path.size() - 4, 1); // change *.self to *.elf, *.sprx to *.prx } else { m_path += ".decrypted.elf"; } if (!DecryptSelf(m_path, elf_dir + elf_name)) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to decrypt %s", elf_dir + elf_name); return; } } SetCPUThreadStop(0); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Path: %s", m_path); // Load custom config if (fs::file cfg_file{ m_path + ".yml" }) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Custom config: %s.yml", m_path); cfg::root.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } const fs::file elf_file(m_path); ppu_exec_object ppu_exec; ppu_prx_object ppu_prx; spu_exec_object spu_exec; arm_exec_object arm_exec; if (!elf_file) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to open %s", m_path); return; } else if (ppu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PS3 executable m_status = Ready; vm::ps3::init(); if (m_elf_path.empty()) { m_elf_path = "/host_root/" + m_path; LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Elf path: %s", m_elf_path); } // Load PARAM.SFO const auto _psf = psf::load_object(fs::file(elf_dir + "/../PARAM.SFO")); m_title = psf::get_string(_psf, "TITLE", m_path); m_title_id = psf::get_string(_psf, "TITLE_ID"); fs::get_data_dir(m_title_id, m_path); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Title: %s", GetTitle()); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Serial: %s", GetTitleID()); // Mount all devices const std::string& emu_dir_ = g_cfg_vfs_emulator_dir; const std::string& emu_dir = emu_dir_.empty() ? fs::get_executable_dir() : emu_dir_; const std::string& bdvd_dir = g_cfg_vfs_dev_bdvd; const std::string& home_dir = g_cfg_vfs_app_home; vfs::mount("dev_hdd0", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg_vfs_dev_hdd0, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_hdd1", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg_vfs_dev_hdd1, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_flash", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg_vfs_dev_flash, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_usb", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg_vfs_dev_usb000, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_usb000", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg_vfs_dev_usb000, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("app_home", home_dir.empty() ? elf_dir + '/' : fmt::replace_all(home_dir, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); // Mount /dev_bdvd/ if necessary if (bdvd_dir.empty() && fs::is_file(elf_dir + "/../../PS3_DISC.SFB")) { const auto dir_list = fmt::split(elf_dir, { "/", "\\" }); // Check latest two directories if (dir_list.size() >= 2 && dir_list.back() == "USRDIR" && *(dir_list.end() - 2) == "PS3_GAME") { vfs::mount("dev_bdvd", elf_dir.substr(0, elf_dir.length() - 15)); } else { vfs::mount("dev_bdvd", elf_dir + "/../../"); } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Disc: %s", vfs::get("/dev_bdvd")); } else if (bdvd_dir.size()) { vfs::mount("dev_bdvd", fmt::replace_all(bdvd_dir, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); } // Mount /host_root/ if necessary if (g_cfg_vfs_allow_host_root) { vfs::mount("host_root", {}); } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Used configuration:\n%s\n", cfg::root.to_string()); ppu_load_exec(ppu_exec); fxm::import<GSRender>(PURE_EXPR(Emu.GetCallbacks().get_gs_render())); // TODO: must be created in appropriate sys_rsx syscall } else if (ppu_prx.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PPU PRX (experimental) m_status = Ready; vm::ps3::init(); ppu_load_prx(ppu_prx); } else if (spu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // SPU executable (experimental) m_status = Ready; vm::ps3::init(); spu_load_exec(spu_exec); } else if (arm_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // ARMv7 executable m_status = Ready; vm::psv::init(); arm_load_exec(arm_exec); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Invalid or unsupported file format: %s", m_path); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_exec -> %s", ppu_exec.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_prx -> %s", ppu_prx.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** spu_exec -> %s", spu_exec.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** arm_exec -> %s", arm_exec.get_error()); return; } debug::autopause::reload(); SendDbgCommand(DID_READY_EMU); if (g_cfg_autostart) Run(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG_FATAL(LOADER, "%s thrown: %s", typeid(e).name(), e.what()); Stop(); } }
void Emulator::Load(bool add_only) { Stop(); try { Init(); // Load game list (maps ABCD12345 IDs to /dev_bdvd/ locations) YAML::Node games = YAML::Load(fs::file{fs::get_config_dir() + "/games.yml", fs::read + fs::create}.to_string()); if (!games.IsMap()) { games.reset(); } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Path: %s", m_path); const std::string elf_dir = fs::get_parent_dir(m_path); // Load PARAM.SFO (TODO) const auto _psf = psf::load_object([&] { if (fs::file sfov{elf_dir + "/sce_sys/param.sfo"}) { return sfov; } else { return fs::file(elf_dir + "/../PARAM.SFO"); } }()); m_title = psf::get_string(_psf, "TITLE", m_path); m_title_id = psf::get_string(_psf, "TITLE_ID"); const auto _cat = psf::get_string(_psf, "CATEGORY"); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Title: %s", GetTitle()); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Serial: %s", GetTitleID()); // Initialize data/cache directory m_cache_path = fs::get_data_dir(m_title_id, m_path); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Cache: %s", GetCachePath()); // Load custom config-0 if (fs::file cfg_file{m_cache_path + "/config.yml"}) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Applying custom config: %s/config.yml", m_cache_path); g_cfg.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } // Load custom config-1 if (fs::file cfg_file{fs::get_config_dir() + "data/" + m_title_id + "/config.yml"}) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Applying custom config: data/%s/config.yml", m_title_id); g_cfg.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } // Load custom config-2 if (fs::file cfg_file{m_path + ".yml"}) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Applying custom config: %s.yml", m_path); g_cfg.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Used configuration:\n%s\n", g_cfg.to_string()); // Load patches from different locations fxm::check_unlocked<patch_engine>()->append(fs::get_config_dir() + "data/" + m_title_id + "/patch.yml"); fxm::check_unlocked<patch_engine>()->append(m_cache_path + "/patch.yml"); // Mount all devices const std::string emu_dir_ = g_cfg.vfs.emulator_dir; const std::string emu_dir = emu_dir_.empty() ? fs::get_config_dir() : emu_dir_; const std::string home_dir = g_cfg.vfs.app_home; std::string bdvd_dir = g_cfg.vfs.dev_bdvd; vfs::mount("dev_hdd0", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_hdd0, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_hdd1", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_hdd1, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_flash", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_flash, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_usb", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_usb000, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_usb000", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_usb000, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("app_home", home_dir.empty() ? elf_dir + '/' : fmt::replace_all(home_dir, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); // Detect boot location const std::string hdd0_game = vfs::get("/dev_hdd0/game/"); const std::string hdd0_disc = vfs::get("/dev_hdd0/disc/"); if (_cat == "DG" && m_path.find(hdd0_game + m_title_id + '/') != -1) { // Booting disc game from wrong location LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Disc game found at invalid location: /dev_hdd0/game/%s/", m_title_id); // Move and retry from correct location if (fs::rename(hdd0_game + m_title_id, hdd0_disc + m_title_id)) { LOG_SUCCESS(LOADER, "Disc game moved to special location: /dev_hdd0/disc/%s/", m_title_id); return SetPath(hdd0_disc + m_path.substr(hdd0_game.size())), Load(); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to move disc game to /dev_hdd0/disc/%s/ (%s)", m_title_id, fs::g_tls_error); return; } } // Booting disc game if (_cat == "DG" && bdvd_dir.empty()) { // Mount /dev_bdvd/ if necessary if (auto pos = elf_dir.rfind("/PS3_GAME") + 1) { bdvd_dir = elf_dir.substr(0, pos); } } // Booting patch data if (_cat == "GD" && bdvd_dir.empty()) { // Load /dev_bdvd/ from game list if available if (auto node = games[m_title_id]) { bdvd_dir = node.Scalar(); } else { LOG_FATAL(LOADER, "Disc directory not found. Try to run the game from the actual game disc directory."); } } // Check /dev_bdvd/ if (!bdvd_dir.empty() && fs::is_dir(bdvd_dir)) { fs::file sfb_file; vfs::mount("dev_bdvd", bdvd_dir); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Disc: %s", vfs::get("/dev_bdvd")); if (!sfb_file.open(vfs::get("/dev_bdvd/PS3_DISC.SFB")) || sfb_file.size() < 4 || sfb_file.read<u32>() != ".SFB"_u32) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Invalid disc directory for the disc game %s", m_title_id); return; } const std::string bdvd_title_id = psf::get_string(psf::load_object(fs::file{vfs::get("/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/PARAM.SFO")}), "TITLE_ID"); if (bdvd_title_id != m_title_id) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Unexpected disc directory for the disc game %s (found %s)", m_title_id, bdvd_title_id); return; } // Store /dev_bdvd/ location games[m_title_id] = bdvd_dir; YAML::Emitter out; out << games; fs::file(fs::get_config_dir() + "/games.yml", fs::rewrite).write(out.c_str(), out.size()); } else if (_cat == "DG" || _cat == "GD") { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to mount disc directory for the disc game %s", m_title_id); return; } if (add_only) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Finished to add data to games.yml by boot for: %s", m_path); return; } // Check game updates const std::string hdd0_boot = hdd0_game + m_title_id + "/USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN"; if (_cat == "DG" && fs::is_file(hdd0_boot)) { // Booting game update LOG_SUCCESS(LOADER, "Updates found at /dev_hdd0/game/%s/!", m_title_id); return SetPath(hdd0_boot), Load(); } // Mount /host_root/ if necessary if (g_cfg.vfs.host_root) { vfs::mount("host_root", {}); } // Open SELF or ELF fs::file elf_file(m_path); if (!elf_file) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to open executable: %s", m_path); return; } // Check SELF header if (elf_file.size() >= 4 && elf_file.read<u32>() == "SCE\0"_u32) { const std::string decrypted_path = m_cache_path + "boot.elf"; fs::stat_t encrypted_stat = elf_file.stat(); fs::stat_t decrypted_stat; // Check modification time and try to load decrypted ELF if (fs::stat(decrypted_path, decrypted_stat) && decrypted_stat.mtime == encrypted_stat.mtime) { elf_file.open(decrypted_path); } else { // Decrypt SELF elf_file = decrypt_self(std::move(elf_file)); if (fs::file elf_out{decrypted_path, fs::rewrite}) { elf_out.write(elf_file.to_vector<u8>()); elf_out.close(); fs::utime(decrypted_path, encrypted_stat.atime, encrypted_stat.mtime); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to create boot.elf"); } } } ppu_exec_object ppu_exec; ppu_prx_object ppu_prx; spu_exec_object spu_exec; arm_exec_object arm_exec; if (!elf_file) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to decrypt SELF: %s", m_path); return; } else if (ppu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PS3 executable g_system = system_type::ps3; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::ps3::init(); if (m_elf_path.empty()) { if (m_path.find(hdd0_game) != -1) { m_elf_path = "/dev_hdd0/game/" + m_path.substr(hdd0_game.size()); } else if (!bdvd_dir.empty() && fs::is_dir(bdvd_dir)) { //Disc games are on /dev_bdvd/ size_t pos = m_path.rfind("PS3_GAME"); m_elf_path = "/dev_bdvd/" + m_path.substr(pos); } else { //For homebrew m_elf_path = "/host_root/" + m_path; } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Elf path: %s", m_elf_path); } ppu_load_exec(ppu_exec); fxm::import<GSRender>(Emu.GetCallbacks().get_gs_render); // TODO: must be created in appropriate sys_rsx syscall } else if (ppu_prx.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PPU PRX (experimental) g_system = system_type::ps3; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::ps3::init(); ppu_load_prx(ppu_prx, m_path); } else if (spu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // SPU executable (experimental) g_system = system_type::ps3; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::ps3::init(); spu_load_exec(spu_exec); } else if (arm_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // ARMv7 executable g_system = system_type::psv; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::psv::init(); if (m_elf_path.empty()) { m_elf_path = "host_root:" + m_path; LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Elf path: %s", m_elf_path); } arm_load_exec(arm_exec); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Invalid or unsupported file format: %s", m_path); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_exec -> %s", ppu_exec.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_prx -> %s", ppu_prx.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** spu_exec -> %s", spu_exec.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** arm_exec -> %s", arm_exec.get_error()); return; } if (g_cfg.misc.autostart && IsReady()) { Run(); } else if (IsPaused()) { m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG_FATAL(LOADER, "%s thrown: %s", typeid(e).name(), e.what()); Stop(); } }
void Emulator::Load() { Stop(); try { Init(); // Open SELF or ELF fs::file elf_file(m_path); if (!elf_file) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to open file: %s", m_path); return; } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Path: %s", m_path); const std::string elf_dir = fs::get_parent_dir(m_path); const fs::file sfov(elf_dir + "/sce_sys/param.sfo"); const fs::file sfo1(elf_dir + "/../PARAM.SFO"); // Load PARAM.SFO (TODO) const auto _psf = psf::load_object(sfov ? sfov : sfo1); m_title = psf::get_string(_psf, "TITLE", m_path); m_title_id = psf::get_string(_psf, "TITLE_ID"); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Title: %s", GetTitle()); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Serial: %s", GetTitleID()); // Initialize data/cache directory m_cache_path = fs::get_data_dir(m_title_id, m_path); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Cache: %s", GetCachePath()); // Load custom config-0 if (fs::file cfg_file{m_cache_path + "/config.yml"}) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Applying custom config: %s/config.yml", m_cache_path); g_cfg.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } // Load custom config-1 if (fs::file cfg_file{fs::get_config_dir() + "data/" + m_title_id + "/config.yml"}) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Applying custom config: data/%s/config.yml", m_title_id); g_cfg.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } // Load custom config-2 if (fs::file cfg_file{m_path + ".yml"}) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Applying custom config: %s.yml", m_path); g_cfg.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Used configuration:\n%s\n", g_cfg.to_string()); // Load patches from different locations fxm::check_unlocked<patch_engine>()->append(fs::get_config_dir() + "data/" + m_title_id + "/patch.yml"); fxm::check_unlocked<patch_engine>()->append(m_cache_path + "/patch.yml"); // Mount all devices const std::string emu_dir_ = g_cfg.vfs.emulator_dir; const std::string emu_dir = emu_dir_.empty() ? fs::get_config_dir() : emu_dir_; const std::string home_dir = g_cfg.vfs.app_home; std::string bdvd_dir = g_cfg.vfs.dev_bdvd; vfs::mount("dev_hdd0", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_hdd0, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_hdd1", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_hdd1, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_flash", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_flash, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_usb", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_usb000, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("dev_usb000", fmt::replace_all(g_cfg.vfs.dev_usb000, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); vfs::mount("app_home", home_dir.empty() ? elf_dir + '/' : fmt::replace_all(home_dir, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); // Mount /dev_bdvd/ if necessary if (bdvd_dir.empty()) { size_t pos = elf_dir.rfind("PS3_GAME"); std::string temp = elf_dir.substr(0, pos); if ((pos != std::string::npos) && fs::is_file(temp + "/PS3_DISC.SFB")) { bdvd_dir = temp; } } if (!bdvd_dir.empty() && fs::is_dir(bdvd_dir)) { vfs::mount("dev_bdvd", fmt::replace_all(bdvd_dir, "$(EmulatorDir)", emu_dir)); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Disc: %s", vfs::get("/dev_bdvd")); } // Mount /host_root/ if necessary if (g_cfg.vfs.host_root) { vfs::mount("host_root", {}); } // Check SELF header if (elf_file.size() >= 4 && elf_file.read<u32>() == "SCE\0"_u32) { const std::string decrypted_path = m_cache_path + "boot.elf"; fs::stat_t encrypted_stat = elf_file.stat(); fs::stat_t decrypted_stat; // Check modification time and try to load decrypted ELF if (fs::stat(decrypted_path, decrypted_stat) && decrypted_stat.mtime == encrypted_stat.mtime) { elf_file.open(decrypted_path); } else { // Decrypt SELF elf_file = decrypt_self(std::move(elf_file)); if (fs::file elf_out{decrypted_path, fs::rewrite}) { elf_out.write(elf_file.to_vector<u8>()); elf_out.close(); fs::utime(decrypted_path, encrypted_stat.atime, encrypted_stat.mtime); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to create boot.elf"); } } } ppu_exec_object ppu_exec; ppu_prx_object ppu_prx; spu_exec_object spu_exec; arm_exec_object arm_exec; if (!elf_file) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to decrypt SELF: %s", m_path); return; } else if (ppu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PS3 executable g_system = system_type::ps3; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::ps3::init(); if (m_elf_path.empty()) { if (!bdvd_dir.empty() && fs::is_dir(bdvd_dir)) { //Disc games are on /dev_bdvd/ size_t pos = m_path.rfind("PS3_GAME"); m_elf_path = "/dev_bdvd/" + m_path.substr(pos); } else if (m_path.find(vfs::get("/dev_hdd0/game/")) != -1) { m_elf_path = "/dev_hdd0/game/" + m_path.substr(vfs::get("/dev_hdd0/game/").size()); } else { //For homebrew m_elf_path = "/host_root/" + m_path; } LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Elf path: %s", m_elf_path); } ppu_load_exec(ppu_exec); fxm::import<GSRender>(Emu.GetCallbacks().get_gs_render); // TODO: must be created in appropriate sys_rsx syscall } else if (ppu_prx.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PPU PRX (experimental) g_system = system_type::ps3; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::ps3::init(); ppu_load_prx(ppu_prx, ""); } else if (spu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // SPU executable (experimental) g_system = system_type::ps3; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::ps3::init(); spu_load_exec(spu_exec); } else if (arm_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // ARMv7 executable g_system = system_type::psv; m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); vm::psv::init(); if (m_elf_path.empty()) { m_elf_path = "host_root:" + m_path; LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Elf path: %s", m_elf_path); } arm_load_exec(arm_exec); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Invalid or unsupported file format: %s", m_path); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_exec -> %s", ppu_exec.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_prx -> %s", ppu_prx.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** spu_exec -> %s", spu_exec.get_error()); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** arm_exec -> %s", arm_exec.get_error()); return; } if (g_cfg.misc.autostart && IsReady()) { Run(); } else if (IsPaused()) { m_state = system_state::ready; GetCallbacks().on_ready(); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG_FATAL(LOADER, "%s thrown: %s", typeid(e).name(), e.what()); Stop(); } }
void GameList::ShowContextMenu(const QPoint&) { if (!GetSelectedGame()) return; QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this); if (HasMultipleSelected()) { bool wii_saves = true; bool compress = false; bool decompress = false; for (const auto& game : GetSelectedGames()) { DiscIO::Platform platform = game->GetPlatform(); if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::GameCubeDisc || platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) { const auto blob_type = game->GetBlobType(); if (blob_type == DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ) decompress = true; else if (blob_type == DiscIO::BlobType::PLAIN) compress = true; } if (platform != DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD && platform != DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) wii_saves = false; } if (compress) menu->addAction(tr("Compress Selected ISOs..."), this, [this] { CompressISO(false); }); if (decompress) menu->addAction(tr("Decompress Selected ISOs..."), this, [this] { CompressISO(true); }); if (compress || decompress) menu->addSeparator(); if (wii_saves) { menu->addAction(tr("Export Wii Saves (Experimental)"), this, &GameList::ExportWiiSave); menu->addSeparator(); } menu->addAction(tr("Delete Selected Files..."), this, &GameList::DeleteFile); } else { const auto game = GetSelectedGame(); DiscIO::Platform platform = game->GetPlatform(); if (platform != DiscIO::Platform::ELFOrDOL) { menu->addAction(tr("&Properties"), this, &GameList::OpenProperties); menu->addAction(tr("&Wiki"), this, &GameList::OpenWiki); menu->addSeparator(); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::GameCubeDisc || platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) { menu->addAction(tr("Set as &Default ISO"), this, &GameList::SetDefaultISO); const auto blob_type = game->GetBlobType(); if (blob_type == DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ) menu->addAction(tr("Decompress ISO..."), this, [this] { CompressISO(true); }); else if (blob_type == DiscIO::BlobType::PLAIN) menu->addAction(tr("Compress ISO..."), this, [this] { CompressISO(false); }); QAction* change_disc = menu->addAction(tr("Change &Disc"), this, &GameList::ChangeDisc); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::EmulationStateChanged, change_disc, [change_disc] { change_disc->setEnabled(Core::IsRunning()); }); change_disc->setEnabled(Core::IsRunning()); menu->addSeparator(); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) { auto* perform_disc_update = menu->addAction(tr("Perform System Update"), this, [this, file_path = game->GetFilePath()] { WiiUpdate::PerformDiscUpdate(file_path, this); }); perform_disc_update->setEnabled(!Core::IsRunning() || !SConfig::GetInstance().bWii); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD) { QAction* wad_install_action = new QAction(tr("Install to the NAND"), menu); QAction* wad_uninstall_action = new QAction(tr("Uninstall from the NAND"), menu); connect(wad_install_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &GameList::InstallWAD); connect(wad_uninstall_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &GameList::UninstallWAD); for (QAction* a : {wad_install_action, wad_uninstall_action}) { a->setEnabled(!Core::IsRunning()); menu->addAction(a); } if (!Core::IsRunning()) wad_uninstall_action->setEnabled(WiiUtils::IsTitleInstalled(game->GetTitleID())); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::EmulationStateChanged, menu, [=](Core::State state) { wad_install_action->setEnabled(state == Core::State::Uninitialized); wad_uninstall_action->setEnabled(state == Core::State::Uninitialized && WiiUtils::IsTitleInstalled(game->GetTitleID())); }); menu->addSeparator(); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD || platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) { menu->addAction(tr("Open Wii &Save Folder"), this, &GameList::OpenWiiSaveFolder); menu->addAction(tr("Export Wii Save (Experimental)"), this, &GameList::ExportWiiSave); menu->addSeparator(); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::GameCubeDisc) { menu->addAction(tr("Open GameCube &Save Folder"), this, &GameList::OpenGCSaveFolder); menu->addSeparator(); } menu->addAction(tr("Open &Containing Folder"), this, &GameList::OpenContainingFolder); menu->addAction(tr("Delete File..."), this, &GameList::DeleteFile); menu->addSeparator(); auto* model = Settings::Instance().GetGameListModel(); auto* tags_menu = menu->addMenu(tr("Tags")); auto path = game->GetFilePath(); auto game_tags = model->GetGameTags(path); for (const auto& tag : model->GetAllTags()) { auto* tag_action = tags_menu->addAction(tag); tag_action->setCheckable(true); tag_action->setChecked(game_tags.contains(tag)); connect(tag_action, &QAction::toggled, [path, tag, model](bool checked) { if (!checked) model->RemoveGameTag(path, tag); else model->AddGameTag(path, tag); }); } menu->addAction(tr("New Tag..."), this, &GameList::NewTag); menu->addAction(tr("Remove Tag..."), this, &GameList::DeleteTag); menu->addSeparator(); QAction* netplay_host = new QAction(tr("Host with NetPlay"), menu); connect(netplay_host, &QAction::triggered, [this, game] { emit NetPlayHost(QString::fromStdString(game->GetUniqueIdentifier())); }); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::EmulationStateChanged, menu, [=](Core::State state) { netplay_host->setEnabled(state == Core::State::Uninitialized); }); netplay_host->setEnabled(!Core::IsRunning()); menu->addAction(netplay_host); } menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); }
void Emulator::Load() { Stop(); try { Init(); if (!fs::is_file(m_path)) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "File not found: %s", m_path); return; } const std::string& elf_dir = fs::get_parent_dir(m_path); if (IsSelf(m_path)) { const std::size_t elf_ext_pos = m_path.find_last_of('.'); const std::string& elf_ext = fmt::to_upper(m_path.substr(elf_ext_pos != -1 ? elf_ext_pos : m_path.size())); const std::string& elf_name = m_path.substr(elf_dir.size()); if (elf_name.compare(elf_name.find_last_of("/\\", -1, 2) + 1, 9, "EBOOT.BIN", 9) == 0) { m_path.erase(m_path.size() - 9, 1); // change EBOOT.BIN to BOOT.BIN } else if (elf_ext == ".SELF" || elf_ext == ".SPRX") { m_path.erase(m_path.size() - 4, 1); // change *.self to *.elf, *.sprx to *.prx } else { m_path += ".decrypted.elf"; } if (!DecryptSelf(m_path, elf_dir + elf_name)) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to decrypt %s", elf_dir + elf_name); return; } } ResetInfo(); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Path: %s", m_path); // Load custom config if (fs::file cfg_file{ m_path + ".yml" }) { LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Custom config: %s.yml", m_path); cfg::root.from_string(cfg_file.to_string()); } const fs::file elf_file(m_path); ppu_exec_loader ppu_exec; ppu_prx_loader ppu_prx; spu_exec_loader spu_exec; arm_exec_loader arm_exec; if (!elf_file) { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Failed to open %s", m_path); return; } else if (ppu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PS3 executable m_status = Ready; vm::ps3::init(); if (m_elf_path.empty()) { m_elf_path = "/host_root/" + m_path; LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Elf path: %s", m_elf_path); } // Load PARAM.SFO m_psf = psf::load_object(fs::file(elf_dir + "/../PARAM.SFO")); m_title = psf::get_string(m_psf, "TITLE", m_path); m_title_id = psf::get_string(m_psf, "TITLE_ID"); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Title: %s", GetTitle()); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Serial: %s", GetTitleID()); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ""); LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Used configuration:\n%s\n", cfg::root.to_string()); // Mount /dev_bdvd/ if (g_cfg_vfs_dev_bdvd.size() == 0 && fs::is_file(elf_dir + "/../../PS3_DISC.SFB")) { const auto dir_list = fmt::split(elf_dir, { "/", "\\" }); // Check latest two directories if (dir_list.size() >= 2 && dir_list.back() == "USRDIR" && *(dir_list.end() - 2) == "PS3_GAME") { g_cfg_vfs_dev_bdvd = elf_dir.substr(0, elf_dir.length() - 15); } else { g_cfg_vfs_dev_bdvd = elf_dir + "/../../"; } } // Mount /app_home/ if (g_cfg_vfs_app_home.size() == 0) { g_cfg_vfs_app_home = elf_dir + '/'; } vfs::dump(); ppu_exec.load(); Emu.GetCallbackManager().Init(); fxm::import<GSRender>(PURE_EXPR(Emu.GetCallbacks().get_gs_render())); // TODO: must be created in appropriate sys_rsx syscall } else if (ppu_prx.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // PPU PRX (experimental) m_status = Ready; vm::ps3::init(); ppu_prx.load(); GetCallbackManager().Init(); } else if (spu_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // SPU executable (experimental) m_status = Ready; vm::ps3::init(); spu_exec.load(); } else if (arm_exec.open(elf_file) == elf_error::ok) { // ARMv7 executable m_status = Ready; vm::psv::init(); arm_exec.load(); } else { LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Invalid or unsupported file format: %s", m_path); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_exec_loader -> %s", bijective_find<elf_error>(ppu_exec, "???")); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** ppu_prx_loader -> %s", bijective_find<elf_error>(ppu_prx, "???")); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** spu_exec_loader -> %s", bijective_find<elf_error>(spu_exec, "???")); LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "** arm_exec_loader -> %s", bijective_find<elf_error>(arm_exec, "???")); return; } debug::autopause::reload(); SendDbgCommand(DID_READY_EMU); if (g_cfg_autostart) Run(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG_FATAL(LOADER, "%s thrown: %s", typeid(e).name(), e.what()); Stop(); } }
// called from ---GUI--- thread bool NetPlayServer::SyncSaveData() { m_save_data_synced_players = 0; u8 save_count = 0; constexpr size_t exi_device_count = 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < exi_device_count; i++) { if (m_settings.m_EXIDevice[i] == ExpansionInterface::EXIDEVICE_MEMORYCARD || SConfig::GetInstance().m_EXIDevice[i] == ExpansionInterface::EXIDEVICE_MEMORYCARDFOLDER) { save_count++; } } const auto game = m_dialog->FindGameFile(m_selected_game); if (game == nullptr) { PanicAlertT("Selected game doesn't exist in game list!"); return false; } bool wii_save = false; if (m_settings.m_CopyWiiSave && (game->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc || game->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD)) { wii_save = true; save_count++; } { sf::Packet pac; pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA); pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_NOTIFY); pac << save_count; SendAsyncToClients(std::move(pac)); } if (save_count == 0) return true; const std::string region = SConfig::GetDirectoryForRegion(SConfig::ToGameCubeRegion(game->GetRegion())); for (size_t i = 0; i < exi_device_count; i++) { const bool is_slot_a = i == 0; if (m_settings.m_EXIDevice[i] == ExpansionInterface::EXIDEVICE_MEMORYCARD) { std::string path = is_slot_a ? Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MEMCARD_A_PATH) : Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MEMCARD_B_PATH); MemoryCard::CheckPath(path, region, is_slot_a); bool mc251; IniFile gameIni = SConfig::LoadGameIni(game->GetGameID(), game->GetRevision()); gameIni.GetOrCreateSection("Core")->Get("MemoryCard251", &mc251, false); if (mc251) path.insert(path.find_last_of('.'), ".251"); sf::Packet pac; pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA); pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_RAW); pac << is_slot_a << region << mc251; if (File::Exists(path)) { if (!CompressFileIntoPacket(path, pac)) return false; } else { // No file, so we'll say the size is 0 pac << sf::Uint64{0}; } SendAsyncToClients(std::move(pac)); } else if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_EXIDevice[i] == ExpansionInterface::EXIDEVICE_MEMORYCARDFOLDER) { const std::string path = File::GetUserPath(D_GCUSER_IDX) + region + DIR_SEP + StringFromFormat("Card %c", is_slot_a ? 'A' : 'B'); sf::Packet pac; pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA); pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_GCI); pac << is_slot_a; if (File::IsDirectory(path)) { std::vector<std::string> files = GCMemcardDirectory::GetFileNamesForGameID(path + DIR_SEP, game->GetGameID()); pac << static_cast<u8>(files.size()); for (const std::string& file : files) { pac << file.substr(file.find_last_of('/') + 1); if (!CompressFileIntoPacket(file, pac)) return false; } } else { pac << static_cast<u8>(0); } SendAsyncToClients(std::move(pac)); } } if (wii_save) { const auto configured_fs = IOS::HLE::FS::MakeFileSystem(IOS::HLE::FS::Location::Configured); const auto save = WiiSave::MakeNandStorage(configured_fs.get(), game->GetTitleID()); sf::Packet pac; pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA); pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_WII); if (save->SaveExists()) { const std::optional<WiiSave::Header> header = save->ReadHeader(); const std::optional<WiiSave::BkHeader> bk_header = save->ReadBkHeader(); const std::optional<std::vector<WiiSave::Storage::SaveFile>> files = save->ReadFiles(); if (!header || !bk_header || !files) return false; pac << true; // save exists // Header pac << sf::Uint64{header->tid}; pac << header->banner_size << header->permissions << header->unk1; for (size_t i = 0; i < header->md5.size(); i++) pac << header->md5[i]; pac << header->unk2; for (size_t i = 0; i < header->banner_size; i++) pac << header->banner[i]; // BkHeader pac << bk_header->size << bk_header->magic << bk_header->ngid << bk_header->number_of_files << bk_header->size_of_files << bk_header->unk1 << bk_header->unk2 << bk_header->total_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < bk_header->unk3.size(); i++) pac << bk_header->unk3[i]; pac << sf::Uint64{bk_header->tid}; for (size_t i = 0; i < bk_header->mac_address.size(); i++) pac << bk_header->mac_address[i]; // Files for (const WiiSave::Storage::SaveFile& file : *files) { pac << file.mode << file.attributes << static_cast<u8>(file.type) << file.path; if (file.type == WiiSave::Storage::SaveFile::Type::File) { const std::optional<std::vector<u8>>& data = *file.data; if (!data || !CompressBufferIntoPacket(*data, pac)) return false; } } } else { pac << false; // save does not exist } SendAsyncToClients(std::move(pac)); } return true; }