Esempio n. 1
File: pvb.c Progetto: zardoru/vrxcl
void AwardBossKill (edict_t *boss)
	int			i, damage, exp_points, credits;
	float		levelmod, dmgmod;
	edict_t		*player;
	dmglist_t	*slot=NULL;

	// find the player that did the most damage
	slot = findHighestDmgPlayer(boss);

	for (i=0; i<game.maxclients; i++) 
		player = g_edicts+1+i;
		if (!player->inuse)

		levelmod = ((float)boss->monsterinfo.level+1) / ((float)player->myskills.level+1);

		damage = GetPlayerBossDamage(player, boss);
		if (damage < 1)
			continue; // they get nothing if they didn't touch the boss

		dmgmod = (float)damage / GetTotalBossDamage(boss);

		exp_points = levelmod*dmgmod*PVB_BOSS_EXPERIENCE;
		credits = levelmod*dmgmod*PVB_BOSS_CREDITS;

		// award extra points for the player that did the most damage
		if (slot && (player == slot->player))
			dmgmod = 100*(slot->damage/GetTotalBossDamage(boss));
			G_PrintGreenText(va("%s got a hi-damage bonus! %d damage (%.1f%c)", 
				slot->player->client->pers.netname, (int)slot->damage, dmgmod, '%'));
			exp_points *= BOSS_DAMAGE_BONUSMOD;

		if (exp_points > PVB_BOSS_MAX_EXP)
			exp_points = PVB_BOSS_MAX_EXP;
		else if (exp_points < PVB_BOSS_MIN_EXP)
			exp_points = PVB_BOSS_MIN_EXP;

		player->myskills.credits += credits;
		V_AddFinalExp(player, exp_points);

		safe_cprintf(player, PRINT_HIGH, "You gained %d experience and %d credits!\n", exp_points, credits);
Esempio n. 2
void printDmgList (edict_t *self) 
	int			 i;
	float		percent;
	dmglist_t	*slot;

	for (i=0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) 
		slot = &self->monsterinfo.dmglist[i];
		if (self->monsterinfo.dmglist[i].player)
			percent = 100*(slot->damage/GetTotalBossDamage(self));

			if (self->client)
				gi.dprintf("(%s) slot %d: %s, %.0f damage (%.1f%c)\n", 
					self->client->pers.netname, i, slot->player->client->pers.netname, slot->damage, percent, '%');
			else if (self->mtype)
				gi.dprintf("(%s) slot %d: %s, %.0f damage (%.1f%c)\n", 
					V_GetMonsterName(self), i, slot->player->client->pers.netname, slot->damage, percent, '%');
				gi.dprintf("(%s) slot %d: %s, %.0f damage (%.1f%c)\n", 
					self->classname, i, slot->player->client->pers.netname, slot->damage, percent, '%');