Bitmap* PixmanBitmap::Resample(int scale_w, int scale_h, const Rect& src_rect) { PixmanBitmap *dst = new PixmanBitmap(scale_w, scale_h, GetTransparent()); double zoom_x = (double)src_rect.width / scale_w; double zoom_y = (double)src_rect.height / scale_h; pixman_transform_t xform; pixman_transform_init_scale(&xform, pixman_double_to_fixed(zoom_x), pixman_double_to_fixed(zoom_y)); pixman_image_set_transform(bitmap, &xform); pixman_image_composite32(PIXMAN_OP_SRC, bitmap, (pixman_image_t*) NULL, dst->bitmap, src_rect.x, src_rect.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale_w, scale_h); pixman_transform_init_identity(&xform); pixman_image_set_transform(bitmap, &xform); return dst; }
void gdImage::Copy(gdImage& dst, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h) { int c; int x, y; int tox, toy; int i; int colorMap[gdMaxColors]; for (i=0; (i<gdMaxColors); i++) { colorMap[i] = (-1); } toy = dstY; for (y=srcY; (y < (srcY + h)); y++) { tox = dstX; for (x=srcX; (x < (srcX + w)); x++) { int nc; c = GetPixel(x, y); /* Added 7/24/95: support transparent copies */ if (GetTransparent() == c) { tox++; continue; } /* Have we established a mapping for this color? */ if (colorMap[c] == (-1)) { /* If it's the same image, mapping is trivial */ if (&dst == this) { nc = c; } else { /* First look for an exact match */ nc = dst.ColorExact( red[c], green[c], blue[c]); } if (nc == (-1)) { /* No, so try to allocate it */ nc = dst.ColorAllocate( red[c], green[c], blue[c]); /* If we're out of colors, go for the closest color */ if (nc == (-1)) { nc = dst.ColorClosest( red[c], green[c], blue[c]); } } colorMap[c] = nc; } dst.SetPixel(tox, toy, colorMap[c]); tox++; } toy++; } }
void SQRCheckButton::DrawWndBackground() { m_beBGDrawed = true; //处于选中状态 if( m_bCheck ) DrawBackImage( m_hWnd->m_Enable, m_hWnd->m_Disable, m_MouseOverImage, m_ClickDownImage, IsHeld() ); else { CFPos pt = GetCursorPos(); if( IsHeld() ) { SetEventStateMask(IP_UNCHECK_CLICKDOWN); DrawRect( m_UncheckClickDownImage ); } else if( IsInWndArea( pt.x, pt.y ) && IsEnable() && IsLastMouseMsgWnd() ) { SetEventStateMask(IP_UNCHECK_MOUSEOVER); DrawRect( m_UncheckMouseOverImage ); } else if( !IsEnable() ) { SetEventStateMask(IP_UNCHECK_DISABLE); DrawRect( m_UncheckDisableImage ); } else if( m_uFlashCircle && m_uFlashEndTime - m_uFlashStartTime > uint32(GetProcessTime()) - m_uFlashStartTime ) { float fAlpha = GetTransparent(); float fWeight = abs( (float)( ( uint32(GetProcessTime()) - m_uFlashStartTime )%( m_uFlashCircle*2 ) - m_uFlashCircle ) )/m_uFlashCircle; SetTransparent( fAlpha*fWeight ); SetEventStateMask(IP_UNCHECK_ENABLE); DrawRect( m_UncheckEnableImage ); SetTransparent( fAlpha*( 1.0f - fWeight ) ); SetEventStateMask(IP_UNCHECK_MOUSEOVER); DrawRect( m_UncheckMouseOverImage ); SetTransparent( fAlpha ); } else { SetEventStateMask(IP_UNCHECK_ENABLE); DrawRect( m_UncheckEnableImage ); } } }
void PixmanBitmap::Flip(const Rect& dst_rect, bool horizontal, bool vertical) { if (!horizontal && !vertical) return; PixmanBitmap* resampled = new PixmanBitmap(dst_rect.width, dst_rect.height, GetTransparent()); resampled->FlipBlit(0, 0, this, dst_rect, horizontal, vertical); pixman_image_composite32(PIXMAN_OP_SRC, resampled->bitmap, (pixman_image_t*) NULL, bitmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, dst_rect.x, dst_rect.y, dst_rect.width, dst_rect.height); delete resampled; RefreshCallback(); }
void SQRButton::DrawBackImage( WND_IMAGE_LIST& Enable, WND_IMAGE_LIST& Disable, WND_IMAGE_LIST& MouseOver, WND_IMAGE_LIST& ClickDown, bool bClick ) { if(!Enable.IsImageLoadValid()&&!Disable.IsImageLoadValid()) return; CFPos pt = GetCursorPos(); if( bClick ) { SetEventStateMask(IP_CLICKDOWN); DrawRect( ClickDown ); } else if( IsInWndArea( pt.x, pt.y ) && IsEnable() && IsLastMouseMsgWnd() ) { SetEventStateMask(IP_MOUSEOVER); DrawRect( MouseOver ); } else if( !IsEnable() ) { SetEventStateMask(IP_DISABLE); DrawRect( Disable ); } else if( m_uFlashCircle && m_uFlashEndTime - m_uFlashStartTime > uint32(GetProcessTime()) - m_uFlashStartTime ) { float fAlpha = GetTransparent(); float fWeight = abs( (float)( ( uint32(GetProcessTime()) - m_uFlashStartTime )%( m_uFlashCircle*2 ) - m_uFlashCircle ) )/m_uFlashCircle; SetTransparent( fAlpha*fWeight ); SetEventStateMask(IP_ENABLE); DrawRect( Enable ); SetTransparent( fAlpha*( 1.0f - fWeight ) ); DrawRect( MouseOver ); SetTransparent( fAlpha ); } else { SetEventStateMask(IP_ENABLE); DrawRect( Enable ); } if( m_bFirstMouseOver && GetEventStateMask() == IP_MOUSEOVER ) OnPlayWndSound( eMS_MouseOver ); m_bFirstMouseOver = GetEventStateMask() == IP_MOUSEOVER ? false : true; }
void PixmanBitmap::ToneBlit(int x, int y, Bitmap* _src, Rect src_rect, const Tone &tone) { if (tone == Tone()) { if (_src != this) Blit(x, y, _src, src_rect, 255); return; } PixmanBitmap* src = (PixmanBitmap*) _src; if (_src != this) pixman_image_composite32(PIXMAN_OP_SRC, src->bitmap, (pixman_image_t*) NULL, bitmap, src_rect.x, src_rect.y, 0, 0, x, y, src_rect.width, src_rect.height); if (tone.gray == 0) { pixman_color_t tcolor = { << 8, << 8, << 8, 0xFFFF}; pixman_image_t *timage = pixman_image_create_solid_fill(&tcolor); pixman_image_composite32(PIXMAN_OP_ADD, timage, src->bitmap, bitmap, src_rect.x, src_rect.y, 0, 0, x, y, src_rect.width, src_rect.height); pixman_image_unref(timage); } else { pixman_rectangle16_t rect = {0, 0, src_rect.width, src_rect.height}; PixmanBitmap *gray = new PixmanBitmap(src, src_rect, GetTransparent()); pixman_color_t gcolor = {0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF}; pixman_image_fill_rectangles(PIXMAN_OP_HSL_SATURATION, gray->bitmap, &gcolor, 1, &rect); pixman_color_t acolor = {0, 0, 0, tone.gray << 8}; pixman_image_fill_rectangles(PIXMAN_OP_IN_REVERSE, gray->bitmap, &acolor, 1, &rect); pixman_image_composite32(PIXMAN_OP_ATOP, gray->bitmap, (pixman_image_t*) NULL, bitmap, src_rect.x, src_rect.y, 0, 0, x, y, src_rect.width, src_rect.height); pixman_color_t tcolor = { << 8, << 8, << 8, 0xFFFF}; pixman_image_t *timage = pixman_image_create_solid_fill(&tcolor); pixman_image_composite32(PIXMAN_OP_ADD, timage, src->bitmap, bitmap, src_rect.x, src_rect.y, 0, 0, x, y, src_rect.width, src_rect.height); pixman_image_unref(timage); delete gray; } RefreshCallback(); }