Esempio n. 1
CWayPoint* CWayPointManager::GetWayPoint( const std::string& groupName, const std::string& wpName )
	WayPointList& wpList = GetWayPoints(groupName);

	WayPointListIt it = wpList.begin();
	WayPointListIt itEnd = wpList.end();

	for (; it != itEnd; ++it)
		std::string wpNameIt = (*it)->GetName();
		if(wpName == wpNameIt)
			return (*it);

	return NULL;
CartesianTrajectoryController::ComputeTrajectory( hbrs_srvs::ComputeTrajectory::Request &req,
												  hbrs_srvs::ComputeTrajectory::Response &res )
	 * The following statements are used to catch any conditions under which we should not be performing any of the
	 * computations that follow:
	 * 1 - The waypoint list size is equal to zero.
	 * 2 - The youbot arm is not initialized and able to be used (determined by there being no parameters available).
	ROS_ASSERT( req.way_point_list.poses.size() != 0 );
	ROS_ASSERT( m_arm_joint_names.size() != 0 );

	ROS_INFO_STREAM( "Starting Trajectory for " << req.way_point_list.poses.size() << " waypoints" );

	visualization_msgs::Marker goal_points, ideal_trajectory, real_trajectory, mid_points;
	goal_points.header.frame_id = ideal_trajectory.header.frame_id = real_trajectory.header.frame_id = mid_points.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
	goal_points.header.stamp = ideal_trajectory.header.stamp = real_trajectory.header.stamp = mid_points.header.stamp = ros::Time();
	goal_points.ns = ideal_trajectory.ns = real_trajectory.ns = mid_points.ns = "ctc_visual_output";
	goal_points.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::POINTS;
	ideal_trajectory.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_STRIP;
	real_trajectory.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_STRIP;
	mid_points.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST;
	goal_points.action = ideal_trajectory.action = real_trajectory.action = mid_points.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
	goal_points.pose.orientation.w = ideal_trajectory.pose.orientation.w = real_trajectory.pose.orientation.w = mid_points.pose.orientation.w = 1.0; = 0; = 1; = 2; = 3;

	goal_points.scale.x = m_arm_position_tolerance;
	goal_points.scale.y = m_arm_position_tolerance;
	goal_points.scale.z = m_arm_position_tolerance;

	ideal_trajectory.scale.x = 0.01;
	real_trajectory.scale.x = 0.01;
	mid_points.scale.x = 0.01;

	goal_points.color.a = 1.0;
	goal_points.color.g = 1.0;
	ideal_trajectory.color.a = 1.0;
	ideal_trajectory.color.b = 1.0;
	real_trajectory.color.a = 1.0;
	real_trajectory.color.r = 1.0;
	mid_points.color.a = 1.0;
	mid_points.color.g = 1.0;

	for( int i = 0; i < (int)req.way_point_list.poses.size(); i ++ )
		geometry_msgs::PoseStamped next_pose;
		next_pose.header = req.way_point_list.header;
		next_pose.pose.position.x = req.way_point_list.poses[i].position.x;
		next_pose.pose.position.y = req.way_point_list.poses[i].position.y;
		next_pose.pose.position.z = req.way_point_list.poses[i].position.z;

		ROS_INFO_STREAM( "Starting movement to WayPoint #" << i << " [" << next_pose.pose.position.x <<
							", " << next_pose.pose.position.y << ", " << next_pose.pose.position.z << "] " );

		ROS_DEBUG_STREAM( "CURRENT GRIPPER POSE: " << m_current_gripper_pose );
		std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> WayPointList = GetWayPoints( m_current_gripper_pose, next_pose );
		ROS_DEBUG_STREAM( "WayPoints: " << WayPointList.size() );

		geometry_msgs::Point p;
		p.x = next_pose.pose.position.x;
		p.y = next_pose.pose.position.y;
		p.z = next_pose.pose.position.z;
		goal_points.points.push_back( p );
		m_ctc_marker_publisher.publish( goal_points );

		for( int x = 0; x < (int)WayPointList.size(); x ++ )
			// reset our movement markers for each subgoal that we need to follow.
			bool done_x_movement = false;
			bool done_y_movement = false;
			bool done_z_movement = false;

			geometry_msgs::PoseStamped sub_goal;
			sub_goal.header = WayPointList[x].header;
			sub_goal.pose.position.x = WayPointList[x].pose.position.x;
			sub_goal.pose.position.y = WayPointList[x].pose.position.y;
			sub_goal.pose.position.z = WayPointList[x].pose.position.z;

			ROS_INFO_STREAM( "Starting movement to sub WayPoint #" << x << " [" << sub_goal.pose.position.x <<
					", " << sub_goal.pose.position.y << ", " << sub_goal.pose.position.z << "] " );

			// Get the subgoal positions turn them into a point and publish them as an RVIZ marker.
			geometry_msgs::Point p1;
			p1.x = sub_goal.pose.position.x;
			p1.y = sub_goal.pose.position.y;
			p1.z = sub_goal.pose.position.z;
			ideal_trajectory.points.push_back( p1 );

			// This type of marker needs two values in x,y,z for the same point so we increase z by 0.3 so that we can
			// see the marker when it is being visualized in RVIZ.
			mid_points.points.push_back( p1 );
			p1.z += 0.3;
			mid_points.points.push_back( p1 );
			m_ctc_marker_publisher.publish( mid_points );
			m_ctc_marker_publisher.publish( ideal_trajectory );

			while(  !( done_x_movement && done_y_movement && done_z_movement )  )
				// In the block below we get the updated position of the gripper and we publish it as a point along a
				// trajectory which we then send to RVIZ. This allows for us to visualize where the arm thinks it is
				// moving and we can plot it in relation to the ideal line that we are supposed to follow.
				geometry_msgs::Point p2;
				p2.x = m_current_gripper_pose.pose.position.x;
				p2.y = m_current_gripper_pose.pose.position.y;
				p2.z = m_current_gripper_pose.pose.position.z;
				real_trajectory.points.push_back( p2 );
				m_ctc_marker_publisher.publish( real_trajectory );

				// Get the differences between where we are (m_current_gripper_pose) and where we want the gripper to be
				// (sub_goal).
				double x_difference = m_current_gripper_pose.pose.position.x - sub_goal.pose.position.x;
				double y_difference = m_current_gripper_pose.pose.position.y - sub_goal.pose.position.y;
				double z_difference = m_current_gripper_pose.pose.position.z - sub_goal.pose.position.z;
				ROS_DEBUG_STREAM( "Difference = [ " << x_difference << " , " << y_difference << " , " << z_difference << " ]" );
				ROS_DEBUG_STREAM( "Done in x: " << done_x_movement << " y: " << done_y_movement << " z: " << done_z_movement );

				// Normalize the velocities []
				double normalized_velocities = fabs( x_difference ) + fabs( y_difference ) + fabs( z_difference );

				// Set the header value for the output velocities and then compute the actual velcoty that we want to
				// set in each direction. Note this is being done in Cartesian space so we are setting an x,y,z speeds
				// not seperate joint speeds.
				m_arm_velocities.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
				if( x_difference >= m_arm_position_tolerance )
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.x = -( fabs(x_difference) / normalized_velocities ) * m_arm_velocity_rate;
					done_x_movement = false;
				else if( x_difference <= -m_arm_position_tolerance )
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.x = ( fabs(x_difference) / normalized_velocities ) * m_arm_velocity_rate;
					done_x_movement = false;
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.x = 0;
					done_x_movement = true;

				if( y_difference >= m_arm_position_tolerance )
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.y = -( fabs(y_difference) / normalized_velocities ) * m_arm_velocity_rate;
					done_y_movement = false;
				else if( y_difference <= -m_arm_position_tolerance )
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.y = ( fabs(y_difference) / normalized_velocities ) * m_arm_velocity_rate;
					done_y_movement = false;
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.y = 0;
					done_y_movement = true;

				if( z_difference >= m_arm_position_tolerance )
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.z = -( fabs(z_difference) / normalized_velocities ) * m_arm_velocity_rate;
					done_z_movement = false;
				else if( z_difference <= -m_arm_position_tolerance )
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.z = ( fabs(z_difference) / normalized_velocities ) * m_arm_velocity_rate;
					done_z_movement = false;
					m_arm_velocities.twist.linear.z = 0;
					done_z_movement = true;

				m_youbot_arm_velocity_publisher.publish( m_arm_velocities );
			ROS_INFO_STREAM( "Finished with SubWayPoint #" << x << " of: " << WayPointList.size() );

		ROS_INFO_STREAM( "Finished with WayPoint #" << i << " moving to next WayPoint" );

	ROS_INFO_STREAM( "Finished following provided Trajectory" );
	res.output_value.output_code = hbrs_msgs::CartesianTrajectoryController::SUCCESS;
	return true;