Esempio n. 1
//  DIALOG OPERATION: GetCurrentState
//                                              07/08/99 Modified: 07/08/99
//  PURPOSE:   To get the Dialog, Window, and Current Operation names for
//             the specified subtask.
//  PARAMETERS: vSubtask     - subtask view for the desired window
//              pchDlgTag    - return dialog tag
//              pchWndTag    - return window tag
//              pchOperation - name of the current operation (if any)
//  RETURNS:    -1  - Error locating window
//               0  - OK
//./ END + 5
GetCurrentState( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                 zPCHAR pchDlgTag,
                 zPCHAR pchWndTag,
                 zPCHAR pchOperation )
   ZSubtask *pZSubtask;

   if ( GetWindowAndCtrl( &pZSubtask, 0, vSubtask, 0 ) == 0 )
      zstrcpy( pchDlgTag, *(pZSubtask->m_pzsDlgTag) );
      zstrcpy( pchWndTag, *(pZSubtask->m_pzsWndTag) );
      if ( pZSubtask->m_cpcCurrOper )
         zstrcpy( pchOperation, pZSubtask->m_cpcCurrOper );
         pchOperation[ 0 ] = 0;

      return( 0 );

   pchDlgTag[ 0 ] = 0;
   pchWndTag[ 0 ] = 0;
   pchOperation[ 0 ] = 0;
   return( -1 );
Esempio n. 2
ZFont::ZFont( zVIEW vSubtask, zCPCHAR cpcTag, zCPCHAR cpcFaceName,
              int nPtSize, CDC *pDC, zLONG lTextColor )
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
   TraceLineS( "ZFont ctor2: ", cpcTag );

   ZSubtask *pZSubtask;

   if ( GetWindowAndCtrl( &pZSubtask, 0, vSubtask, 0 ) == 0 &&
        pZSubtask->m_pZPrintout &&
        pZSubtask->m_pZPrintout->m_dHeight >= 0.1 &&
        pZSubtask->m_pZPrintout->m_dHeight <= -0.1 )
      // Scale the font as specified in Zeidon.ini
      nPtSize = (int) ((double) nPtSize * pZSubtask->m_pZPrintout->m_dHeight);

   CreatePointFont( nPtSize, cpcFaceName, pDC );
   m_TagList.AddTail( cpcTag );
   m_clrText = fnTranslateColor( lTextColor );
Esempio n. 3
// Simple font class to permit an application to reuse fonts while printing
// a document.
// typedef struct tagLOGFONT {     /* lf */
//    int   lfHeight;
//    int   lfWidth;
//    int   lfEscapement;
//    int   lfOrientation;
//    int   lfWeight;
//    BYTE  lfItalic;
//    BYTE  lfUnderline;
//    BYTE  lfStrikeOut;
//    BYTE  lfCharSet;
//    BYTE  lfOutPrecision;
//    BYTE  lfClipPrecision;
//    BYTE  lfQuality;
//    BYTE  lfPitchAndFamily;
//    BYTE  lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];
// The LOGFONT structure defines the attributes of a font, a drawing
// object used to write text on a display surface.
// Member  Description
// lfHeight - Specifies the desired height, in logical units, for the
// font. If this value is greater than zero, it specifies the cell
// height of the font. If it is less than zero, it specifies the
// character height of the font. (Character height is the cell height
// minus the internal leading. Applications that specify font height in
// points typically use a negative number for this member.) If this
// value is zero, the font mapper uses a default height. The font
// mapper chooses the largest physical font that does not exceed the
// requested size (or the smallest font, if all the fonts exceed the
// requested size). The absolute value of the lfHeight member must not
// exceed 16,384 after it is converted to device units.
// lfWidth - Specifies the average width, in logical units, of
// characters in the font. If this value is zero, the font mapper
// chooses a reasonable default width for the specified font height.
// (The default width is chosen by matching the aspect ratio of the
// device against the digitization aspect ratio of the available fonts.
// The closest match is determined by the absolute value of the
// difference.) The widths of characters in TrueType fonts are scaled
// by a factor of this member divided by the width of the characters in
// the physical font (as specified by the tmAveCharWidth member of the
// TEXTMETRIC structure).
// lfEscapement - Specifies the angle, in tenths of degrees, between
// the base line of a character and the x-axis. The angle is measured
// in a counterclockwise direction from the x-axis for left-handed
// coordinate systems (that is, MM_TEXT, in which the y direction is
// down) and in a clockwise direction from the x-axis for right-handed
// coordinate systems (in which the y direction is up).
// lfOrientation - Specifies the orientation of the characters. This
// value is ignored.
// lfWeight - Specifies the font weight. This member can be one of the
// following values:
// Constant        Value
// =============== =====
// FW_DONTCARE     0
// FW_THIN 100
// FW_LIGHT        300
// FW_NORMAL       400
// FW_REGULAR      400
// FW_MEDIUM       500
// FW_SEMIBOLD     600
// FW_DEMIBOLD     600
// FW_BOLD 700
// FW_EXTRABOLD    800
// FW_ULTRABOLD    800
// FW_BLACK        900
// FW_HEAVY        900
// The actual appearance of the font depends on the type face. Some
// fonts have only FW_NORMAL, FW_REGULAR, and FW_BOLD weights. If
// FW_DONTCARE is specified, a default weight is used.
// lfItalic        Specifies an italic font if nonzero.
// lfUnderline     Specifies an underlined font if nonzero.
// lfStrikeOut     Specifies a strikeout font if nonzero.
// lfCharSet       Specifies the character set of the font. The
// following values are predefined:
// Constant         Value
// ================ =====
// ANSI_CHARSET         0
// OEM_CHARSET        255
// The DEFAULT_CHARSET value is not used by the font mapper. An
// application can use this value to allow the name and size of a font
// to fully describe the logical font. If the specified font name does
// not exist, a font from any character set can be substituted for the
// specified font; applications should use the DEFAULT_CHARSET value
// sparingly to avoid unexpected results.
// The OEM character set is system-dependent.  Fonts with other
// character sets may exist in the system. If an application uses a
// font with an unknown character set, it should not attempt to
// translate or interpret strings that are to be rendered with that
// font.
// lfOutPrecision - Specifies the desired output precision. The output
// precision defines how closely the output must match the height,
// width, character orientation, escapement, and pitch of the requested
// font. This member can be one of the following values:
// Applications can use the values OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS,
// OUT_RASTER_PRECIS, and OUT_TT_PRECIS to control how the font mapper
// chooses a font when the system contains more than one font with a
// given name. For example, if a system contains a font named "Symbol"
// in raster and TrueType form, specifying OUT_TT_PRECIS would force
// the font mapper to choose the TrueType version. (Specifying
// OUT_TT_PRECIS forces the font mapper to choose a TrueType font
// whenever the specified font name matches a device or raster font,
// even when there is no TrueType font with the same name.) An
// application can use TrueType fonts exclusively by specifying
// OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS.  When this value is specified, the system
// chooses a TrueType font even when the name specified in the
// lfFaceName member matches a raster or vector font.
// lfClipPrecision Specifies the desired clipping precision. The
// clipping precision defines how to clip characters that are partially
// outside the clipping region. This member can be any one of the
// following values:
// To use an embedded read-only font, applications must specify the
// To achieve consistent rotation of device, TrueType, and vector
// fonts, an application can use the OR operator to combine the
// CLIP_LH_ANGLES value with any of the other lfClipPrecision values.
// If the CLIP_LH_ANGLES bit is set, the rotation for all fonts is
// dependent on whether the orientation of the coordinate system is
// left-handed or right-handed. If CLIP_LH_ANGLES is not set, device
// fonts always rotate counter-clockwise, but the rotation of other
// fonts is dependent on the orientation of the coordinate system. (For
// more information about the orientation of coordinate systems, see
// the description of the lfEscapement member.)
// lfQuality - Specifies the output quality of the font, which defines
// how carefully the graphics device interface (GDI) must attempt to
// match the logical-font attributes to those of an actual physical
// font. This member can be one of the following values:
// Value            Meaning
// ================ ======================================================
// DEFAULT_QUALITY  Appearance of the font does not matter.
// DRAFT_QUALITY    Appearance of the font is less important than when the
//                  PROOF_QUALITY  value is used. For GDI raster fonts,
//                  scaling is enabled. Bold, italic, underline, and
//                  strikeout fonts are synthesized if necessary.
// PROOF_QUALITY    Character quality of the font is more important than
//                  exact
// matching of the logical-font attributes. For GDI raster fonts,
// scaling is disabled and the font closest in size is chosen.
// Bold, italic, underline, and strikeout fonts are synthesized if
// necessary.
// lfPitchAndFamily - Specifies the pitch and family of the font. The two
// low-order bits, which specify the pitch of the font, can be one of
// the following values:
// The four high-order bits of the member, which specify the font
// family, can be one of the following values:
// Value           Meaning
// ==============  ========================================================
// FF_DECORATIVE   Novelty fonts. Old English is an example.
// FF_DONTCARE     Don't care or don't know.
// FF_MODERN       Fonts with constant stroke width, with or without
//                 serifs.  Pica, Elite, and Courier New are examples.
// FF_ROMAN        Fonts with variable stroke width and with serifs.
//                 Times New Roman and New Century Schoolbook are examples.
// FF_SCRIPT       Fonts designed to look like handwriting.  Script and
//                 Cursive are examples.
// FF_SWISS        Fonts with variable stroke width and without serifs.
//                 MS Sans Serif is an example.
// An application can specify a value for the lfPitchAndFamily member
// by using the Boolean OR operator to join a pitch constant with a
// family constant.  Font families describe the look of a font in a
// general way. They are intended for specifying fonts when the exact
// typeface desired is not available.
// lfFaceName - Specifies the typeface name of the font. The length of
// this string must not exceed LF_FACESIZE - 1. The EnumFontFamilies
// function can be used to enumerate the typeface names of all
// currently available fonts. If lfFaceName is 0, GDI uses a
// device-dependent typeface.
// Comments
// Applications can use the default settings for most of these members
// when creating a logical font.  The members that should always be
// given specific values are lfHeight and lfFaceName. If lfHeight and
// lfFaceName are not set by the application, the logical font that is
// created is device-dependent.
//  CFont fontVertical( h, 0, 2700, 2700, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0,
//                      ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS,
//                      VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_SWISS, 0);
//  BOOL CreateFont( int nHeight, int nWidth,
//                   int nEscapement, int nOrientation,
//                   int nWeight, BYTE bItalic,
//                   BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut,
//                   BYTE nCharSet, BYTE nOutPrecision,
//                   BYTE nClipPrecision, BYTE nQuality,
//                   BYTE nPitchAndFamily,
//                   LPCTSTR lpszFacename );
// CFont( int height, int width, int escapement = 0, int orientation = 0,
//        int weight = FW_NORMAL, UINT8 italic = false,
//        BYTE underline = false, UINT8 strikeout = false,
//        UINT8 charSet = 1, UINT8 outputPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS,
//        UINT8 clipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
//        UINT8 quality = DEFAULT_QUALITY,
//        UINT8 pitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE,
//        const char far *facename = 0 );
// BOOL CreateFont( int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement,
//                  int nOrientation, int nWeight, BYTE bItalic,
//                  BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut, BYTE nCharSet,
//                  BYTE nOutPrecision, BYTE nClipPrecision,
//                  BYTE nQuality, BYTE nPitchAndFamily,
//                  LPCTSTR lpszFacename );
ZFont::ZFont( zVIEW vSubtask, zCPCHAR cpcTag, zLONG nPtSize, zSHORT nWeight,
              zSHORT bItalic, zSHORT bUnderscore, zSHORT bStrikeout,
              zLONG lTextColor, zLONG lTextBkColor,
              zSHORT nEscapement, zCPCHAR cpcFaceName )
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
   TraceLineS( "ZFont ctor: ", cpcTag );

   m_bSet = FALSE;
   m_nIdNbr = 0;
   zmemset( &m_Panose, 0, sizeof( PANOSE ) );
   m_byCharset = ANSI_CHARSET;
   m_byPitchFamily = 0;

   m_TagList.AddTail( cpcTag );
   m_clrText = fnTranslateColor( lTextColor );
   if ( lTextBkColor == CLR_INVALID || lTextBkColor == 0xff000000 )
      m_clrTextBk = CLR_INVALID;
      m_clrTextBk = fnTranslateColor( lTextBkColor );

   m_nPointSize = nPtSize;
   m_nWeight = nWeight;
   if ( bItalic )
      m_nFlags = 1;
      m_nFlags = 0;

   if ( bUnderscore )
      m_nFlags |= 2;

   if ( bStrikeout )
      m_nFlags |= 16;

   if ( m_nWeight >= FW_BOLD )
      m_nFlags |= 32;

   m_nEscapement = nEscapement;
   if ( cpcFaceName == 0 && *cpcFaceName == 0 )
      ZSubtask *pZSubtask;

      if ( GetWindowAndCtrl( &pZSubtask, 0, vSubtask, 0 ) == 0 &&
           pZSubtask->m_bUseMapDlgUnits )
         m_csFaceName = "MS Sans Serif";
         m_csFaceName = "Arial";
      m_csFaceName = cpcFaceName;

   zmemset( &m_Panose, 0, sizeof( PANOSE ) );
   CreateFont( nPtSize, 0, nEscapement, nEscapement, nWeight,
               (BYTE) bItalic, (BYTE) bUnderscore, (BYTE) bStrikeout,
               (BYTE) (nEscapement ? VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_SWISS :
                                     DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE),
               m_csFaceName );