bool ScriptMA04::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) { if (exitId == 0) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -7099.0f, 954.0f, 1866.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Game_Flag_Set(36); Set_Enter(10, 49); } return true; } if (exitId == 1) { float x, y, z; Actor_Query_XYZ(0, &x, &y, &z); if (z <= 1677.0f || !Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -7199.0f, 955.0f, 1675.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { if (sub_402888()) { Overlay_Remove("MA04OVER"); } Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -7199.0f, 955.0f, 1675.0f, 0, 0, false, 1); Game_Flag_Set(62); if (Global_Variable_Query(1) != 2 && Global_Variable_Query(1) != 3) { Async_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -7199.0f, 956.17f, 1568.0f, 0, false); } Set_Enter(51, 51); } return true; } if (exitId == 2) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -7115.0f, 954.0f, 1742.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { int sounds[] = {252, 405, 404, 407, 406}; Ambient_Sounds_Play_Sound(sounds[Random_Query(0, 4)], 50, 0, 0, 0); Delay(3000); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -7139.0f, 954.0f, 1746.0f, 0, 1, false, 1); } } return false; }
bool AIScriptMutant1::Update() { if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 5 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1) != 590) { if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant1) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1, 590); } return false; } if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) != 4) { return false; } switch (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1)) { case 400: if (!Game_Flag_Query(523) && Game_Flag_Query(524) == 1) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1, 401); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2, 401); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant3, 401); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorMutant1, 1); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorMutant2, 1); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorMutant3, 1); Game_Flag_Set(523); } break; case 401: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant1) == Player_Query_Current_Set() && (Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorMutant1, kActorMcCoy) < 30 || Actor_Query_Combat_Aggressiveness(70) >= 60)) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1, 410); } break; case 404: if (!Game_Flag_Query(630)) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1, 403); } break; case 410: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant1) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_Off(kActorMutant1); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1, 403); } break; case 599: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant1) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1, 411); } break; } if (Game_Flag_Query(630) == 1 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1) != 599) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant1, 404); } return false; }
bool SceneScriptMA02::ClickedOn3DObject(const char *objectName, bool a2) { if (Object_Query_Click("E-ESPER", objectName)) { Actor_Face_Object(kActorMcCoy, "E-ESPER", true); Delay(1000); ESPER_Flag_To_Activate(); return true; } if (Object_Query_Click("BAR-MAIN", objectName) && !Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -29.0f, -140.4f, 298.0f, 36, 1, false, 0)) { Actor_Face_Object(kActorMcCoy, "BAR-MAIN", true); if (Global_Variable_Query(1) < 4) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMaggie, 3); } else if (Global_Variable_Query(1) == 5 && Game_Flag_Query(653) && !Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueCrystalsCigarette)) { Overlay_Remove("MA02OVER"); Item_Pickup_Spin_Effect(985, 480, 240); Actor_Voice_Over(1150, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(1160, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(1170, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(1180, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(1190, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(1200, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueCrystalsCigarette, 1, -1); } else { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8526, 0); } return true; } return false; }
void ScriptMA04::InitializeScene() { if (Game_Flag_Query(63)) { Setup_Scene_Information(-7199.0f, 953.97f, 1579.0f, 502); if (Global_Variable_Query(1) != 2 && Global_Variable_Query(1) != 3) { Scene_Loop_Start_Special(0, 0, 0); } } else if (Game_Flag_Query(35)) { Setup_Scene_Information(-7099.0f, 954.0f, 1866.0f, 502); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(647)) { Setup_Scene_Information(-7107.0f, 954.0f, 1742.0f, 502); Scene_Loop_Start_Special(0, 4, 0); } else { Setup_Scene_Information(-7143.0f, 954.0f, 1868.0f, 733); } Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(0, 496, 0, 639, 354, 1); Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(1, 33, 63, 113, 258, 0); Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(2, 248, 98, 314, 284, 1); Scene_2D_Region_Add(0, 343, 97, 353, 190); Scene_2D_Region_Add(1, 0, 340, 116, 479); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(408, 30, 0, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(103, 30, -80, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(104, 12, 0, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(72, 5, 30, 11, 11, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(73, 5, 30, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(74, 5, 30, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(375, 10, 60, 20, 20, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(376, 10, 60, 20, 20, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(87, 10, 60, 16, 16, -100, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(68, 60, 180, 16, 25, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(69, 60, 180, 16, 25, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); if (sub_402758()) { Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(403, 3, 3, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 0); } Scene_Loop_Set_Default(1); }
void SceneScriptHF01::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(663)) { ADQ_Flush(); ADQ_Add(kActorOfficerGrayford, 280, 3); Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorOfficerLeary, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorOfficerLeary, 8.2f, 8.0f, -346.67f, 1021); Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorOfficerGrayford, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorOfficerGrayford, 51.21f, 8.0f, -540.78f, 796); Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On(kActorOfficerLeary, kActorCombatStateUncover, true, kActorMcCoy, 4, kAnimationModeCombatIdle, kAnimationModeCombatWalk, kAnimationModeCombatRun, 0, 0, 0, 100, 300, false); Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On(kActorOfficerGrayford, kActorCombatStateUncover, true, kActorMcCoy, 4, kAnimationModeCombatIdle, kAnimationModeCombatWalk, kAnimationModeCombatRun, 0, 0, 0, 100, 300, false); } if (!Game_Flag_Query(165) && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorCrazylegs) != 2) { if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kCluePhoneCallLucy1) && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableAffectionTowards) == 3 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) != 599) { Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorLucy, -5.0f, 8.0f, -622.0f, 419); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorLucy, true); } else if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kCluePhoneCallDektora1) && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableAffectionTowards) == 2 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorDektora) != 599) { Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorDektora, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorDektora, -5.0f, 8.0f, -622.0f, 419); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorDektora, true); } } if (Game_Flag_Query(617)) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSteele, 280); Game_Flag_Reset(617); //return true; return; } if (Game_Flag_Query(652)) { Game_Flag_Reset(652); Actor_Voice_Over(950, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(960, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(970, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(980, kActorVoiceOver); } else if (!Game_Flag_Query(377) && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) < 4) { ADQ_Flush(); ADQ_Add(kActorMurray, 0, 14); ADQ_Add(kActorMurray, 10, 3); ADQ_Add(kActorMia, 0, 3); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMurray, kActorMia, true); ADQ_Add(kActorMurray, 20, 13); ADQ_Add(kActorMia, 10, 3); ADQ_Add(kActorMurray, 30, 3); ADQ_Add(kActorMia, 20, 3); Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMurray, 271, false); Game_Flag_Set(377); } if (Game_Flag_Query(311)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 124.0f, 8.0f, -724.0f, 0, 1, false, 0); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(309)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 406.0f, 8.0f, -717.0f, 0, 1, false, 0); } else if (!Game_Flag_Query(313)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 100.0f, 0.0f, -300.0f, 0, 1, false, 0); } Game_Flag_Reset(311); Game_Flag_Reset(309); Game_Flag_Reset(313); //return false; }
void SceneScriptCT01::InitializeScene() { Music_Play(3, 28, 0, 2, -1, 1, 0); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagArrivedFromSpinner1); if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT02toCT01)) { Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagCT02toCT01); Setup_Scene_Information(-35.2f, -6.5f, 352.28f, 603); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT03toCT01)) { Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagCT03toCT01); Setup_Scene_Information(-311.0f, -6.5f, 710.0f, 878); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT12toCT01)) { Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagCT12toCT01); Setup_Scene_Information(-419.0f, -6.5f, 696.0f, 28); if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) != 2 && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) != 3 ) { if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagSpinnerAtCT01)) { Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeLoseControl, kCT01LoopInshotFromCT12WithSpinner, false); } else { Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeLoseControl, kCT01LoopInshotFromCT12NoSpinner, false); } } } else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagSpinnerAtCT01)) { Setup_Scene_Information(-530.0f, -6.5f, 241.0f, 506); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagArrivedFromSpinner1); } else { Setup_Scene_Information(-397.0f, -6.5f, 471.0f, 250); } Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(kCT01ExitCT02, 290, 256, 360, 304, 1); if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueZubenRunsAway)) { Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(kCT01ExitCT03, 571, 233, 639, 367, 1); } if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT05WarehouseOpen)) { Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(kCT01ExitCT12, 506, 400, 639, 479, 2); } if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagSpinnerAtCT01)) { Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(kCT01ExitSpinner, 0, 286, 158, 350, 2); } Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(54, 50, 1, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(55, 40, -100, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(56, 40, 100, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(61, 10, 30, 16, 20, 0, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(62, 10, 30, 16, 20, 0, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(63, 10, 30, 16, 20, 0, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(64, 10, 30, 16, 20, 0, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Speech_Sound(60, 0, 10, 260, 27, 47, -100, 100, -101, -101, 1, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Speech_Sound(60, 20, 10, 260, 27, 47, -100, 100, -101, -101, 1, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Speech_Sound(60, 40, 10, 260, 27, 47, -100, 100, -101, -101, 1, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Speech_Sound(60, 50, 10, 260, 27, 47, -100, 100, -101, -101, 1, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(68, 10, 40, 33, 50, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(69, 10, 40, 33, 50, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(375, 20, 40, 33, 50, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(376, 20, 40, 33, 50, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(377, 20, 40, 33, 50, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagSpinnerAtCT01)) { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(kCT01LoopMain); } else { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(kCT01LoopMainLoopNoSpinner); } }
void ScriptHF01::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(663)) { ADQ_Flush(); ADQ_Add(24, 280, 3); Actor_Put_In_Set(23, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(23, 8.2f, 8.0f, -346.67f, 1021); Actor_Put_In_Set(24, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(24, 51.21f, 8.0f, -540.78f, 796); Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On(23, 3, 1, 0, 4, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 100, 300, 0); Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On(24, 3, 1, 0, 4, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 100, 300, 0); } if (!Game_Flag_Query(165) && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(9) != 2) { if (Actor_Clue_Query(0, 141) && Global_Variable_Query(45) == 3 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(6) != 599) { Actor_Put_In_Set(6, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(6, -5.0f, 8.0f, -622.0f, 419); Actor_Set_Targetable(6, true); } else if (Actor_Clue_Query(0, 139) && Global_Variable_Query(45) == 2 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(3) != 599) { Actor_Put_In_Set(3, 37); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(3, -5.0f, 8.0f, -622.0f, 419); Actor_Set_Targetable(3, true); } } if (Game_Flag_Query(617)) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(1, 280); Game_Flag_Reset(617); //return true; return; } if (Game_Flag_Query(652)) { Game_Flag_Reset(652); Actor_Voice_Over(950, 99); Actor_Voice_Over(960, 99); Actor_Voice_Over(970, 99); Actor_Voice_Over(980, 99); } else if (!Game_Flag_Query(377) && Global_Variable_Query(1) < 4) { ADQ_Flush(); ADQ_Add(31, 0, 14); ADQ_Add(31, 10, 3); ADQ_Add(22, 0, 3); Actor_Face_Actor(31, 22, true); ADQ_Add(31, 20, 13); ADQ_Add(22, 10, 3); ADQ_Add(31, 30, 3); ADQ_Add(22, 20, 3); Actor_Face_Heading(31, 271, false); Game_Flag_Set(377); } if (Game_Flag_Query(311)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, 124.0f, 8.0f, -724.0f, 0, 1, false, 0); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(309)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, 406.0f, 8.0f, -717.0f, 0, 1, false, 0); } else if (!Game_Flag_Query(313)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, 100.0f, 0.0f, -300.0f, 0, 1, false, 0); } Game_Flag_Reset(311); Game_Flag_Reset(309); Game_Flag_Reset(313); //return false; }
bool AIScriptFreeSlotB::Update() { if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) > 5) { return false; } if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4) { switch (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB)) { case 300: Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 301); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorFreeSlotB, 1); break; case 301: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorFreeSlotB) == Player_Query_Current_Set() && Actor_Query_Inch_Distance_From_Actor(kActorFreeSlotB, kActorMcCoy) <= 48) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 302); } break; case 302: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorFreeSlotB) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 301); } break; case 599: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorFreeSlotB) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 300); } break; default: Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 300); break; } return false; } if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB) < 400) { AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorFreeSlotB); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 400); return true; } else { if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB) != 405 || Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMcCoy) != kSetKP02) { if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB) == 599) { if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorFreeSlotB) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_Off(kActorFreeSlotB); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 400); return true; } } return false; } Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorFreeSlotB, 406); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorFreeSlotB, 1); return true; } }
int SceneScriptUG05::sub_4021B0() { if (Global_Variable_Query(45) == 2 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorDektora) != 599) { return kActorDektora; } if (Global_Variable_Query(45) == 3 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) != 599) { return kActorLucy; } return -1; }
int ScriptUG05::sub_4021B0() { if (Global_Variable_Query(45) == 2 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(3) != 599) { return 3; } if (Global_Variable_Query(45) == 3 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(6) != 599) { return 6; } return -1; }
void ScriptUG09::PlayerWalkedOut() { if (Global_Variable_Query(1) == 4 && Global_Variable_Query(1) != 5) { Game_Flag_Reset(630); } if (Game_Flag_Query(432)) { Game_Flag_Set(176); Game_Flag_Reset(259); } }
void AIScriptLucy::checkCombat() { Game_Flag_Set(701); if (Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetHF01) == 1 && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 5 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) != 450) { if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableAffectionTowards) == 3) { Global_Variable_Set(kVariableAffectionTowards, 0); } Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 450); Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On(kActorLucy, kActorCombatStateIdle, false, kActorMcCoy, 4, kAnimationModeIdle, kAnimationModeWalk, kAnimationModeRun, -1, 0, 0, 10, 300, false); } }
bool AIScriptLucy::Update() { float x, y, z; if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 3 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) < 200) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 200); } if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 230 && Player_Query_Current_Scene() == 37) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 233); } if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) < 300) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 300); } if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 599 && Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorLucy) != 99) { if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorLucy) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetFreeSlotI); Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 41, 0); } } if (Game_Flag_Query(616) && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 201) { Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetHF03); Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 371, 156); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 250); } if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) > 229 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) < 239 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) != 232 && Player_Query_Current_Scene() == 37 && Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorLucy) == 40 && !Game_Flag_Query(701) && Actor_Query_Inch_Distance_From_Actor(kActorLucy, kActorMcCoy) < 84 && !Player_Query_Combat_Mode() && Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorLucy, kActorMcCoy) > 40) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 232); } if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 235) { Actor_Query_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, &x, &y, &z); if (z > -875.0f) { Game_Flag_Set(586); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 236); } } if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 237) { Actor_Query_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, &x, &y, &z); if (x > 350.0f) { Game_Flag_Set(585); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 238); } } return false; }
void ScriptHC03::InitializeScene() { if (Game_Flag_Query(318)) { Setup_Scene_Information(656.0f, 1.61f, -95.0f, 497); Game_Flag_Set(388); Game_Flag_Reset(318); } else { Setup_Scene_Information(607.0f, 0.14f, 13.0f, 57); Game_Flag_Reset(386); } Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(0, 0, 0, 30, 479, 3); if (Game_Flag_Query(403) || Global_Variable_Query(1) > 3) { Item_Remove_From_World(121); Game_Flag_Set(403); Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(1, 400, 275, 515, 375, 2); } Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(103, 50, 50, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(241, 50, 50, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(242, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(243, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(244, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(245, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(246, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(247, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(248, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(249, 3, 30, 16, 16, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(238, 3, 50, 25, 25, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(240, 3, 50, 33, 33, -100, -70, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(181, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(182, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(183, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(184, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(185, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(186, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(188, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(189, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(190, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(191, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(192, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(193, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(194, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(195, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); if (Game_Flag_Query(388)) { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(6); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(403) || Global_Variable_Query(1) > 3) { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(3); } else { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(0); } }
bool AIScriptMutant2::Update() { if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4) { switch (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2)) { case 401: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant2) == Player_Query_Current_Set() && (Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorMutant2, kActorMcCoy) < 20 || Actor_Query_Combat_Aggressiveness(kActorMutant2) >= 60 ) ) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2, 410); } break; case 404: if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagMutantsPaused)) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2, 403); } break; case 410: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant2) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_Off(kActorMutant2); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2, 403); } break; case 599: if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant2) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2, 403); } break; } if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagMutantsPaused) && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2) != 599 ) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2, 404); } } else if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 5 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2) != 590 ) { if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorMutant2) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMutant2, 590); } } return false; }
void SceneScriptMA02::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(34)) { sub_402044(); } if (Game_Flag_Query(36)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -148.12f, -144.13f, 34.27f, 0, 1, false, 0); } if (Global_Variable_Query(1) == 4 && !Game_Flag_Query(655)) { Game_Flag_Set(623); Game_Flag_Set(655); sub_401E4C(); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 23.19f, -144.12f, 378.27f, 0, 0, false, 0); Game_Flag_Set(33); Set_Enter(52, 52); // return true; return; } if (Global_Variable_Query(1) == 5 && !Game_Flag_Query(654)) { if (Game_Flag_Query(653)) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 2390, 0); Music_Play(2, 25, 0, 3, -1, 0, 0); } else { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 2385, 3); } Game_Flag_Set(654); Autosave_Game(3); } if (Global_Variable_Query(1) < 4 && !Game_Flag_Query(36) && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMaggie) != 2) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMaggie, 1); if (!Game_Flag_Query(60)) { Game_Flag_Set(60); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorMaggie, true); Actor_Voice_Over(1210, kActorVoiceOver); if (!Game_Flag_Query(378)) { Actor_Voice_Over(1220, kActorVoiceOver); } Actor_Voice_Over(1230, kActorVoiceOver); if (!Game_Flag_Query(378)) { Actor_Voice_Over(1240, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(1250, kActorVoiceOver); } } } Game_Flag_Reset(36); Game_Flag_Reset(34); //return false; return; }
void SceneScriptUG14::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG19toUG14)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -250.0f, 12.97f, -152.0f, 0, false, false, false); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG19toUG14); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG12toUG14)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -50.0f, 129.0f, -604.0f, 0, false, false, false); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG12toUG14); } else { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 157.0f, 186.04f, -44.01f, 0, false, false, false); Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMcCoy, 10, false); Footstep_Sound_Override_On(3); Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs(kActorMcCoy, 6, false, kAnimationModeIdle); Footstep_Sound_Override_Off(); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 157.0f, 128.92f, -148.01f, 0, false, false, false); Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMcCoy, 807, false); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG10toUG14); } if ( Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4 && Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT04HomelessBodyThrownAway) && !Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG14DeadHomeless) ) { Overlay_Play("UG14OVER", 0, false, true, 0); Delay(1000); Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMcCoy, 609, false); Delay(3000); Actor_Voice_Over(270, kActorVoiceOver); Delay(2150); Actor_Voice_Over(300, kActorVoiceOver); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG14DeadHomeless); } //return false; }
bool ScriptCT12::ClickedOnActor(int actorId) { if (actorId == 28) { Actor_Face_Actor(0, 28, true); Actor_Says(0, 8910, 16); } if (actorId == 24 && Global_Variable_Query(1) == 4 && Game_Flag_Query(671) && Game_Flag_Query(703)) { Actor_Face_Actor(24, 0, true); Actor_Face_Actor(0, 24, true); Actor_Says(0, 710, 3); Actor_Says(24, 20, 3); Actor_Says(0, 715, 3); Actor_Says(24, 30, 3); Actor_Says(0, 720, 3); Actor_Says(24, 40, 3); Actor_Says(24, 50, 3); Actor_Says(24, 60, 3); Actor_Says(0, 725, 3); Actor_Says(24, 70, 3); Actor_Says(24, 80, 3); Actor_Says(24, 90, 3); Actor_Says(24, 100, 3); Actor_Says(24, 110, 3); Game_Flag_Set(629); Game_Flag_Set(666); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(0, 400); } return false; }
void ScriptMA04::sub_403DA8() { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Scene_Object(0, "BED-SHEETS", 12, 1, false)) { Actor_Says(0, 8530, 12); Music_Stop(4); if (sub_402820() || sub_402758()) { Overlay_Remove("MA04OVER"); } Player_Loses_Control(); Game_Flag_Set(647); if ((Game_Flag_Query(40) || Game_Flag_Query(41)) && Global_Variable_Query(1) == 1) { if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(19) == 599) { Actor_Put_In_Set(19, 91); Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(19, 33, 0); } Game_Flag_Set(678); Global_Variable_Set(1, 2); Chapter_Enter(2, 10, 50); if (Query_Difficulty_Level() != 0) { if (!Game_Flag_Query(723)) { Global_Variable_Increment(2, 200); } } } else { Set_Enter(10, 50); } Scene_Loop_Start_Special(1, 3, 0); } }
void SceneScriptTB07::InitializeScene() { Setup_Scene_Information(68.0f, 12.0f, 288.0f, 0); Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(0, 383, 445, 639, 479, 2); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(kSfxBRBED3, 20, 0, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxSUNROOM1, 2, 55, 14, 14, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxSUNROOM2, 2, 55, 14, 14, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxSUNROOM3, 2, 55, 14, 14, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxSUNROOM4, 2, 55, 14, 14, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxBELLY1, 1, 15, 20, 25, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxBELLY2, 1, 15, 20, 25, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxBELLY3, 1, 20, 20, 25, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxBELLY4, 1, 15, 20, 25, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxBELLY5, 1, 15, 20, 25, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); if ( Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4 && !Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueDNATyrell) ) { Item_Add_To_World(kItemDNATyrell, kModelAnimationDNADataDisc, kSetTB07, 9.7f, 48.7f, -174.22f, 0, 12, 12, false, true, false, true); } if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagTB07ShadeDown)) { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(kTB07LoopMainShadeDown); } else { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(kTB07LoopMainLoop); } }
void SceneScriptUG06::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG04toUG06)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 23.0f, 0.0f, 273.0f, 0, false, false, 0); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG04toUG06); } if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagNR01toUG06)) { Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs(kActorMcCoy, 17, false, kAnimationModeIdle); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 66.0f, 0.0f, -36.91f, 0, false, false, 0); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagNR01toUG06); } if ( Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4 && !Game_Flag_Query(524) ) { Player_Loses_Control(); Actor_Voice_Over(2620, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2630, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2640, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2650, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2660, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2670, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2680, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2690, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(2700, kActorVoiceOver); Player_Gains_Control(); Game_Flag_Set(524); Autosave_Game(2); } //return false; }
bool SceneScriptDR02::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) { if (exitId == 0) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -835.0f, -0.04f, -118.0f, 0, true, false, 0)) { Async_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -727.0f, -0.04f, -118.0f, 0, false); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagDR02toDR01); Set_Enter(kSetDR01_DR02_DR04, kSceneDR01); } Ambient_Sounds_Adjust_Looping_Sound(219, 12, -101, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Adjust_Looping_Sound(98, 14, -101, 1); return true; } if (exitId == 1) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -1162.0f, 7.18f, -322.0f, 0, true, false, 0)) { if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) > 2) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8522, 15); } else { Game_Flag_Set(kFlagDR02toDR03); Set_Enter(kSetDR03, kSceneDR03); } } return true; } if (exitId == 2) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -1258.0f, 7.18f, -314.0f, 0, true, false, 0)) { Game_Flag_Set(kFlagDR02toBB01); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagMcCoyInDNARow); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagMcCoyInBradburyBuilding); Set_Enter(kSetBB01, kSceneBB01); } return true; } return false; }
void ScriptMA07::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(673)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -268.0f, -162.8f, 188.0f, 0, 0, false, 0); Game_Flag_Reset(673); } if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(57) == 300) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(57, 305); } if (Game_Flag_Query(58)) { Game_Flag_Reset(58); } if (!Game_Flag_Query(648) && Game_Flag_Query(671) && Global_Variable_Query(1) == 4) { Scene_Exits_Disable(); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(53, 300); } if (Game_Flag_Query(666)) { Actor_Voice_Over(1360, 99); Actor_Voice_Over(1370, 99); Actor_Voice_Over(1380, 99); Actor_Voice_Over(1390, 99); Actor_Voice_Over(1400, 99); Delay(1000); Game_Flag_Reset(666); Game_Flag_Set(34); Set_Enter(10, 49); } //return false; }
void ScriptMA07::InitializeScene() { if (Game_Flag_Query(356)) { Setup_Scene_Information(6.75f, -172.43f, 356.0f, 997); Game_Flag_Reset(356); Game_Flag_Set(665); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(673)) { Setup_Scene_Information(-312.0f, -162.8f, 180.0f, 0); } else { Setup_Scene_Information(104.0f, -162.16f, 56.0f, 519); } Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(381, 100, 1, 1); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(374, 100, 300, 16, 25, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(68, 60, 180, 16, 25, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(69, 60, 180, 16, 25, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(375, 60, 180, 50, 100, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(376, 50, 180, 50, 100, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(377, 50, 180, 50, 100, 0, 0, -101, -101, 0, 0); if (Global_Variable_Query(1) > 1) { Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(1, 0, 200, 50, 479, 3); } if (Game_Flag_Query(665)) { Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(2, 176, 386, 230, 426, 2); } Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(0, 270, 216, 382, 306, 0); }
bool SceneScriptRC01::ClickedOnActor(int actorId) { if (actorId == kActorOfficerLeary && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 1) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorOfficerLeary, 36, true, false)) { Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorOfficerLeary, true); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorOfficerLeary, kActorMcCoy, true); if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorOfficerLeary) == kGoalOfficerLearyRC01WalkToCrowd) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorOfficerLeary, kGoalOfficerLearyDefault); } if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagRC01GotOfficersStatement)) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4535, 13); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyTalking); if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorOfficerLeary, kClueCrowdInterviewA) && !Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueCrowdInterviewA)) { Actor_Face_Object(kActorOfficerLeary, "70_1", true); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 100, 15); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorOfficerLeary, kActorMcCoy, true); Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueCrowdInterviewA, true, kActorOfficerLeary); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyTalking); } else if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorOfficerLeary, kClueCrowdInterviewB) && !Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueCrowdInterviewB)) { Actor_Face_Object(kActorOfficerLeary, "70_5", true); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 120, 19); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorOfficerLeary, kActorMcCoy, true); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 130, 14); I_Sez("JM: Did it have a huge, ugly piece of chrome on it?"); Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueCrowdInterviewB, true, kActorOfficerLeary); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyTalking); } else { Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 90, 16); I_Sez("JM: This officer has a talent for vivid metaphors."); if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyArtMetaphor)) { I_Sez("DL: What is that supposed to mean? I didn't write this line..."); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4540, 16); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyArtMetaphor); } Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyTalking); } } else { I_Sez("MG: Hey, leave that officer alone. Can't you see he's busy?"); I_Sez("JM: (...mmm, donuts...)"); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagRC01GotOfficersStatement); Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueOfficersStatement, true, kActorOfficerLeary); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4515, 13); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyTalking); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 40, 13); if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagRC02Entered)) { Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 50, 14); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 60, 15); I_Sez("MG: It's all fun and games until someone loses a tiger cub."); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4520, 18); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 70, 16); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4525, 14); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerLeary, 80, 18); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4530, 15); } Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagRC01McCoyAndOfficerLearyTalking); } } return true; } return false; }
bool SceneScriptCT12::ClickedOnActor(int actorId) { if (actorId == 28) { Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorHowieLee, true); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8910, 16); } if (actorId == 24 && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4 && Game_Flag_Query(671) && Game_Flag_Query(703)) { Actor_Face_Actor(kActorOfficerGrayford, kActorMcCoy, true); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorOfficerGrayford, true); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 710, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 20, 3); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 715, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 30, 3); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 720, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 40, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 50, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 60, 3); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 725, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 70, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 80, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 90, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 100, 3); Actor_Says(kActorOfficerGrayford, 110, 3); Game_Flag_Set(629); Game_Flag_Set(666); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMcCoy, 400); } return false; }
void AIScriptSadik::Retired(int byActorId) { if ((Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorSadik) == 418 || Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorSadik) == 450 ) && Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorSadik) != kSetKP07 ) { Scene_Exits_Enable(); } if (Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorSadik, kSetKP07)) { Global_Variable_Decrement(kVariableReplicants, 1); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSadik, 599); if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableReplicants) == 0) { Player_Loses_Control(); Delay(2000); Player_Set_Combat_Mode(false); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -12.0f, -41.58f, 72.0f, 0, true, false, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); Game_Flag_Set(579); Game_Flag_Reset(653); Set_Enter(kSetKP05_KP06, kSceneKP06); return; //true; } } Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSadik, 599); return; //false; }
void SceneScriptCT11::SceneLoaded() { Obstacle_Object("TRASH CAN", true); Unobstacle_Object("BOX NORTHWEST 1", true); Unobstacle_Object("BOX SOUTH 1", true); if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) < 4) { if (!Game_Flag_Query(645)) { Item_Add_To_World(115, 951, 33, 640.21f, 30.0f, 470.0f, 512, 12, 12, false, true, false, true); Scene_2D_Region_Add(0, 505, 316, 513, 321); Game_Flag_Set(725); } if (!Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueCar)) { Scene_2D_Region_Add(1, 412, 258, 552, 358); } } else { if (Game_Flag_Query(725)) { Item_Remove_From_World(115); Game_Flag_Reset(725); Game_Flag_Set(645); } Unobstacle_Object("BRIDGE SUPPORT", true); Unobstacle_Object("BODY", true); Unobstacle_Object("HEADLIGHTS", true); Unobstacle_Object("LICENSE PLATE-FRONT", true); Unobstacle_Object("LICENSE PLATE-REAR", true); Unobstacle_Object("BRAKE DISC RF", true); Unobstacle_Object("TIRE RF", true); Unobstacle_Object("RIM RF", true); Unobstacle_Object("DOOR RIGHT", true); Unobstacle_Object("BUMPER REAR", true); } Unclickable_Object("TRASH CAN"); }
bool SceneScriptUG17::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) { if (exitId == 0) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 1000.0f, 67.96f, -1539.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(1); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); Game_Flag_Set(353); Set_Enter(87, kSceneUG15); } return true; } if (exitId == 1) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 1013.0f, 67.96f, -1892.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMcCoy, 89, false); if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 5) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8522, 14); } else { Loop_Actor_Travel_Ladder(kActorMcCoy, 10, 1, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(1); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); Game_Flag_Set(448); Set_Enter(17, kSceneTB03); } } return true; } return false; }
void AIScriptSadik::Retired(int byActorId) { if ((Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorSadik) == 418 || Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorSadik) == 450 ) && Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorSadik) != kSetKP07 ) { Scene_Exits_Enable(); } if (Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorSadik, kSetKP07)) { Global_Variable_Decrement(kVariableReplicantsSurvivorsAtMoonbus, 1); // can't Sadik still be human (Rep-sympathiser here? A bug? Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSadik, kGoalSadikGone); if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableReplicantsSurvivorsAtMoonbus) == 0) { Player_Loses_Control(); Delay(2000); Player_Set_Combat_Mode(false); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -12.0f, -41.58f, 72.0f, 0, true, false, false); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagKP07toKP06); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagMcCoyIsHelpingReplicants); Set_Enter(kSetKP05_KP06, kSceneKP06); return; //true; } } Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSadik, kGoalSadikGone); return; //false; }