Esempio n. 1
 * Function:	H5O_efl_size
 * Purpose:	Returns the size of the raw message in bytes not counting the
 *		message type or size fields, but only the data fields.	This
 *		function doesn't take into account message alignment. This
 *		function doesn't count unused slots.
 * Return:	Success:	Message data size in bytes.
 *		Failure:	0
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Tuesday, November 25, 1997
static size_t
H5O_efl_size(const H5F_t *f, hbool_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED disable_shared, const void *_mesg)
    const H5O_efl_t	*mesg = (const H5O_efl_t *) _mesg;
    size_t		ret_value = 0;


    /* check args */

    ret_value = (size_t)H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) +			/*heap address	*/
		2 +					/*slots allocated*/
		2 +					/*num slots used*/
		4 +					/*reserved	*/
		mesg->nused * ((size_t)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) +	/*name offset	*/
			       (size_t)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) +	/*file offset	*/
			       (size_t)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f));	/*file size	*/

} /* end H5O_efl_size() */
Esempio n. 2
    Return the raw message size in bytes
    void *H5O_sdspace_size(f, mesg)
	H5F_t *f;	  IN: pointer to the HDF5 file struct
	const void *mesg;	IN: Pointer to the source extent dimensionality struct
    Size of message on success, zero on failure
	This function returns the size of the raw simple dimensionality message on
    success.  (Not counting the message type or size fields, only the data
    portion of the message).  It doesn't take into account alignment.

	Robb Matzke, 1998-04-09
	The current and maximum dimensions are now H5F_SIZEOF_SIZET bytes
	instead of just four bytes.
static size_t
H5O_sdspace_size(const H5F_t *f, const void *_mesg)
    const H5S_extent_t	*space = (const H5S_extent_t *)_mesg;
    size_t		ret_value;


    /* Basic information for all dataspace messages */
    ret_value = 1 +             /* Version */
            1 +                 /* Rank */
            1 +                 /* Flags */
            1 +                 /* Dataspace type/reserved */
            ((space->version > H5O_SDSPACE_VERSION_1) ? 0 : 4); /* Eliminated/reserved */

    /* Add in the dimension sizes */
    ret_value += space->rank * H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f);

    /* Add in the space for the maximum dimensions, if they are present */
    ret_value += space->max ? (space->rank * H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f)) : 0;

} /* end H5O_sdspace_size() */
Esempio n. 3
 * Function:    H5D__layout_meta_size
 * Purpose:     Returns the size of the raw message in bytes except raw data
 *              part for compact dataset.  This function doesn't take into
 *              account message alignment.
 * Return:      Success:        Message data size in bytes
 *              Failure:        0
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              August 14, 2002
H5D__layout_meta_size(const H5F_t *f, const H5O_layout_t *layout, hbool_t include_compact_data)
    size_t      ret_value = 0;          /* Return value */


    /* check args */

    ret_value = 1 +                     /* Version number                       */
                1;                      /* layout class type                    */

    switch(layout->type) {
        case H5D_COMPACT:
            /* This information only present in older versions of message */
            /* Size of raw data */
            ret_value += 2;
                ret_value += layout->storage.u.compact.size; /* data for compact dataset             */

        case H5D_CONTIGUOUS:
            /* This information only present in older versions of message */
            ret_value += H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f);    /* Address of data */
            ret_value += H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f);    /* Length of data */

        case H5D_CHUNKED:
            if(layout->version < H5O_LAYOUT_VERSION_4) {
                /* Number of dimensions (1 byte) */
                HDassert(layout->u.chunk.ndims > 0 && layout->u.chunk.ndims <= H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS);

                /* B-tree address */
                ret_value += H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f);    /* Address of data */

                /* Dimension sizes */
                ret_value += layout->u.chunk.ndims * 4;
            } /* end if */
            else {
                /* Chunked layout feature flags */

                /* Number of dimensions (1 byte) */
                HDassert(layout->u.chunk.ndims > 0 && layout->u.chunk.ndims <= H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS);

                /* Encoded # of bytes for each chunk dimension */
                HDassert(layout->u.chunk.enc_bytes_per_dim > 0 && layout->u.chunk.enc_bytes_per_dim <= 8);

                /* Dimension sizes */
                ret_value += layout->u.chunk.ndims * layout->u.chunk.enc_bytes_per_dim;

                /* Type of chunk index */

                switch(layout->u.chunk.idx_type) {
                    case H5D_CHUNK_IDX_BTREE:
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_BADVALUE, 0, "v1 B-tree index type found for layout message >v3")

                    case H5D_CHUNK_IDX_NONE:
                        /* nothing */

                    case H5D_CHUNK_IDX_SINGLE:
                        /* Possible filter information */
                        if(layout->u.chunk.flags & H5O_LAYOUT_CHUNK_SINGLE_INDEX_WITH_FILTER) {
                            ret_value += H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f);        /* Size of chunk (in file) */
                            ret_value += 4;                         /* Filter mask for chunk */
                        } /* end if */

                    case H5D_CHUNK_IDX_FARRAY:
                        /* Fixed array creation parameters */
                        ret_value += H5D_FARRAY_CREATE_PARAM_SIZE;

                    case H5D_CHUNK_IDX_EARRAY:
                        /* Extensible array creation parameters */
                        ret_value += H5D_EARRAY_CREATE_PARAM_SIZE;

                    case H5D_CHUNK_IDX_BT2:
                        /* v2 B-tree creation parameters */
                        ret_value += H5D_BT2_CREATE_PARAM_SIZE;

                    case H5D_CHUNK_IDX_NTYPES:
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTENCODE, 0, "Invalid chunk index type")
                } /* end switch */

                /* Chunk index address */
                ret_value += H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f);
            } /* end else */

        case H5D_VIRTUAL:
            ret_value += H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f);    /* Address of global heap */
            ret_value += 4;                     /* Global heap index */

        case H5D_LAYOUT_ERROR:
        case H5D_NLAYOUTS:
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTENCODE, 0, "Invalid layout class")
    } /* end switch */

} /* end H5D__layout_meta_size() */
 * Function:	H5HL_create
 * Purpose:	Creates a new heap data structure on disk and caches it
 *		in memory.  SIZE_HINT is a hint for the initial size of the
 *		data area of the heap.	If size hint is invalid then a
 *		reasonable (but probably not optimal) size will be chosen.
 *		If the heap ever has to grow, then REALLOC_HINT is the
 *		minimum amount by which the heap will grow.
 * Return:	Success:	Non-negative. The file address of new heap is
 *				returned through the ADDR argument.
 *		Failure:	Negative
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		[email protected]
 *		Jul 16 1997
H5HL_create(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, size_t size_hint, haddr_t *addr_p/*out*/)
    H5HL_t	*heap = NULL;           /* Heap created */
    H5HL_prfx_t *prfx = NULL;           /* Heap prefix */
    hsize_t	total_size;		/* Total heap size on disk	*/
    herr_t	ret_value = SUCCEED;    /* Return value */


    /* check arguments */

    /* Adjust size hint as necessary */
    if(size_hint && size_hint < H5HL_SIZEOF_FREE(f))
	size_hint = H5HL_SIZEOF_FREE(f);
    size_hint = H5HL_ALIGN(size_hint);

    /* Allocate new heap structure */
    if(NULL == (heap = H5HL_new(H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f), H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f), H5HL_SIZEOF_HDR(f))))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate new heap struct")

    /* Allocate file space */
    total_size = heap->prfx_size + size_hint;
    if(HADDR_UNDEF == (heap->prfx_addr = H5MF_alloc(f, H5FD_MEM_LHEAP, dxpl_id, total_size)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "unable to allocate file memory")

    /* Initialize info */
    heap->single_cache_obj = TRUE;
    heap->dblk_addr = heap->prfx_addr + (hsize_t)heap->prfx_size;
    heap->dblk_size = size_hint;
        if(NULL == (heap->dblk_image = H5FL_BLK_CALLOC(lheap_chunk, size_hint)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "memory allocation failed")

    /* free list */
    if(size_hint) {
	if(NULL == (heap->freelist = H5FL_MALLOC(H5HL_free_t)))
	    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "memory allocation failed")
	heap->freelist->offset = 0;
	heap->freelist->size = size_hint;
	heap->freelist->prev = heap->freelist->next = NULL;
        heap->free_block = 0;
    } /* end if */
    else {
	heap->freelist = NULL;
        heap->free_block = H5HL_FREE_NULL;
    } /* end else */

    /* Allocate the heap prefix */
    if(NULL == (prfx = H5HL_prfx_new(heap)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "memory allocation failed")

    /* Add to cache */
    if(H5AC_insert_entry(f, dxpl_id, H5AC_LHEAP_PRFX, heap->prfx_addr, prfx, H5AC__NO_FLAGS_SET) < 0)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to cache local heap prefix")

    /* Set address to return */
    *addr_p = heap->prfx_addr;

    if(ret_value < 0) {
        if(prfx) {
            if(H5HL_prfx_dest(prfx) < 0)
                HDONE_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "unable to destroy local heap prefix")
        } /* end if */
        else {
            if(heap) {
                    if(H5MF_xfree(f, H5FD_MEM_LHEAP, dxpl_id, heap->prfx_addr, total_size) < 0)
                        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "can't release heap data?")
                if(H5HL_dest(heap) < 0)
                    HDONE_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "unable to destroy local heap")
            } /* end if */
        } /* end else */
    } /* end if */
Esempio n. 5
 * Function:	H5O_load
 * Purpose:	Loads an object header from disk.
 * Return:	Success:	Pointer to the new object header.
 *		Failure:	NULL
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		[email protected]
 *		Aug  5 1997
static H5O_t *
H5O_load(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, haddr_t addr, const void UNUSED * _udata1,
	 void UNUSED * _udata2)
    H5O_t	*oh = NULL;     /* Object header read in */
    uint8_t     read_buf[H5O_SPEC_READ_SIZE];       /* Buffer for speculative read */
    const uint8_t *p;           /* Pointer into buffer to decode */
    size_t	spec_read_size; /* Size of buffer to speculatively read in */
    size_t	prefix_size;    /* Size of object header prefix */
    unsigned	nmesgs;         /* Total # of messages in this object header */
    unsigned	curmesg = 0;    /* Current message being decoded in object header */
    unsigned    merged_null_msgs = 0;   /* Number of null messages merged together */
    haddr_t	chunk_addr;     /* Address of first chunk */
    size_t	chunk_size;     /* Size of first chunk */
    haddr_t     eoa;		/* Relative end of file address	*/
    H5O_t	*ret_value;     /* Return value */


    /* check args */

    /* Make certain we don't speculatively read off the end of the file */
    if(HADDR_UNDEF == (eoa = H5F_get_eoa(f, H5FD_MEM_OHDR)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "unable to determine file size")

    /* Compute the size of the speculative object header buffer */
    H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(spec_read_size, MIN(eoa - addr, H5O_SPEC_READ_SIZE), /* From: */ hsize_t, /* To: */ size_t);

    /* Attempt to speculatively read both object header prefix and first chunk */
    if(H5F_block_read(f, H5FD_MEM_OHDR, addr, spec_read_size, dxpl_id, read_buf) < 0)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_READERROR, NULL, "unable to read object header")
    p = read_buf;

    /* allocate ohdr and init chunk list */
    if(NULL == (oh = H5FL_CALLOC(H5O_t)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    /* File-specific, non-stored information */
    oh->sizeof_size = H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f);
    oh->sizeof_addr = H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f);

    /* Check for magic number */
    /* (indicates version 2 or later) */
    if(!HDmemcmp(p, H5O_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
        /* Magic number */
        p += H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC;

        /* Version */
        oh->version = *p++;
        if(H5O_VERSION_2 != oh->version)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_VERSION, NULL, "bad object header version number")

        /* Flags */
        oh->flags = *p++;
        if(oh->flags & ~H5O_HDR_ALL_FLAGS)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "unknown object header status flag(s)")

        /* Number of messages (to allocate initially) */
        nmesgs = 1;

        /* Number of links to object (unless overridden by refcount message) */
        oh->nlink = 1;

        /* Time fields */
        if(oh->flags & H5O_HDR_STORE_TIMES) {
            uint32_t tmp;       /* Temporary value */

            UINT32DECODE(p, tmp);
            oh->atime = (time_t)tmp;
            UINT32DECODE(p, tmp);
            oh->mtime = (time_t)tmp;
            UINT32DECODE(p, tmp);
            oh->ctime = (time_t)tmp;
            UINT32DECODE(p, tmp);
            oh->btime = (time_t)tmp;
        } /* end if */
            oh->atime = oh->mtime = oh->ctime = oh->btime = 0;

        /* Attribute fields */
        if(oh->flags & H5O_HDR_ATTR_STORE_PHASE_CHANGE) {
            UINT16DECODE(p, oh->max_compact);
            UINT16DECODE(p, oh->min_dense);
            if(oh->max_compact < oh->min_dense)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_VERSION, NULL, "bad object header attribute phase change values")
        } /* end if */