Esempio n. 1
RECT * hbwapi_par_RECT( RECT * p, int iParam, HB_BOOL bMandatory )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   memset( p, 0, sizeof( RECT ) );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      p->left   = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "left"   ) );
      p->top    = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "top"    ) );
      p->right  = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "right"  ) );
      p->bottom = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "bottom" ) );

      return p;
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 4 )
      p->left   = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 1 );
      p->top    = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 2 );
      p->right  = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 3 );
      p->bottom = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 4 );

      return p;
   else if( bMandatory )
      return p;

   return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
POINT * hbwapi_par_POINT( POINT * p, int iParam, HB_BOOL bMandatory )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   memset( p, 0, sizeof( POINT ) );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      p->x = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "x" ) );
      p->y = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "y" ) );

      return p;
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 2 )
      p->x = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 1 );
      p->y = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 2 );

      return p;
   else if( bMandatory )
      return p;

   return NULL;
Esempio n. 3
HB_BOOL wvt_Array2Point( PHB_ITEM aPoint, POINT * pt )
   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( aPoint ) && hb_arrayLen( aPoint ) == 2 )
      pt->x = hb_arrayGetNL( aPoint, 1 );
      pt->y = hb_arrayGetNL( aPoint, 2 );
      return HB_TRUE;
   return HB_FALSE;
Esempio n. 4
HB_BOOL wvt_Array2Size( PHB_ITEM aSize, SIZE * siz )
   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( aSize ) && hb_arrayLen( aSize ) == 2 )
      siz->cx = hb_arrayGetNL( aSize, 1 );
      siz->cy = hb_arrayGetNL( aSize, 2 );
      return HB_TRUE;
   return HB_FALSE;
Esempio n. 5
static LPTSTR s_StringList( int iParam )
   PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING ), pArrItem;
   LPTSTR lpStr = NULL;

   if( pItem )
      HB_SIZE nLen, nSize, nTotal, n, n1;

      if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
         nSize = hb_arrayLen( pItem );
         for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
            pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
            if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
               n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem, NULL, 0 );
               if( n1 )
                  nLen += n1 + 1;
         if( nLen )
            nTotal = nLen + 1;
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( nTotal * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
               pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
               if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
                  n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem,
                                       lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                  if( n1 )
                     nLen += n1 + 1;
            lpStr[ nLen ] = 0;
         nLen = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, NULL, 0 );
         if( nLen )
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( ( nLen + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, lpStr, nLen );
            lpStr[ nLen ] = 0;

   return lpStr;
Esempio n. 6
HB_BOOL wvt_Array2Rect( PHB_ITEM aRect, RECT * rc )
   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( aRect ) && hb_arrayLen( aRect ) == 4 )
      rc->left   = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 1 );
      rc->top    = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 2 );
      rc->right  = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 3 );
      rc->bottom = hb_arrayGetNL( aRect, 4 );
      return HB_TRUE;
   return HB_FALSE;
Esempio n. 7
PHB_ITEM hb_i18n_gettext( PHB_ITEM pMsgID, PHB_ITEM pContext )
   PHB_I18N_TRANS pI18N = hb_i18n_table();
   PHB_CODEPAGE cdpage = NULL;
   PHB_ITEM pMsgDst = pMsgID;

   if( pI18N )
      PHB_ITEM pTable = pContext && pI18N->context_table ?
                        hb_hashGetItemPtr( pI18N->context_table, pContext, 0 ) :

      cdpage = pI18N->base_cdpage;
      if( pTable )
         pTable = hb_hashGetItemPtr( pTable, pMsgID, 0 );
         if( pTable )
            if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pTable ) )
               pTable = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pTable, 1 );
            if( pTable && HB_IS_STRING( pTable ) )
               pMsgID = pTable;
               cdpage = pI18N->cdpage;

   if( pMsgID )
      if( HB_IS_STRING( pMsgID ) )
         if( cdpage )
            PHB_CODEPAGE cdp = hb_vmCDP();
            if( cdp && cdp != cdpage )
               if( pMsgDst != pMsgID )
                  hb_itemCopy( pMsgDst, pMsgID );
                  pMsgID = pMsgDst;
               hb_i18n_transitm( pMsgID, cdpage, cdp );
         pMsgID = NULL;

   return pMsgID;
Esempio n. 8
 * Detach local variable (swap current value with a memvar handle)
PHB_ITEM hb_memvarDetachLocal( PHB_ITEM pLocal )
   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_memvarDetachLocal(%p)", pLocal ) );

   if( HB_IS_BYREF( pLocal ) )
         if( HB_IS_MEMVAR( pLocal ) || HB_IS_EXTREF( pLocal ) )
         else if( HB_IS_ENUM( pLocal ) )
            if( ! pLocal->item.asEnum.valuePtr )
               PHB_ITEM pBase = HB_IS_BYREF( pLocal->item.asEnum.basePtr ) ?
                               hb_itemUnRef( pLocal->item.asEnum.basePtr ) :
               if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pBase ) )
                  PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL );
                  hb_arrayGetItemRef( pBase, pLocal->item.asEnum.offset, pItem );
                  pLocal->item.asEnum.valuePtr = pItem;
                  pLocal = pItem;
         else if( pLocal->item.asRefer.value >= 0 &&
                  pLocal->item.asRefer.offset == 0 )
         pLocal = hb_itemUnRefOnce( pLocal );
      while( HB_IS_BYREF( pLocal ) );

   /* Change the value only if this variable is not referenced
    * by another codeblock yet.
    * In this case we have to copy the current value to a global memory
    * pool so it can be shared by codeblocks
   if( ! HB_IS_MEMVAR( pLocal ) )
      PHB_ITEM pMemvar = hb_memvarValueNew();

      hb_itemRawCpy( pMemvar, pLocal );
      pMemvar->type &= ~HB_IT_DEFAULT;

      pLocal->type = HB_IT_BYREF | HB_IT_MEMVAR;
      pLocal->item.asMemvar.value = pMemvar;

   return pLocal;
Esempio n. 9
void hbwapi_stor_POINT( POINT * p, int iParam )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "x", p->x );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "y", p->y );
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 2 )
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 1, p->x );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 2, p->y );
Esempio n. 10
static const char * hb_dbTransFieldPos( PHB_ITEM pFields, HB_USHORT uiField )
   const char * szField = NULL;
   PHB_ITEM pItem;

   pItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pFields, uiField );
   if( pItem )
      if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
         szField = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pItem, DBS_NAME );
         szField = hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem );

      if( *szField == '\0' )
         szField = NULL;

   return szField;
Esempio n. 11
void hbwapi_stor_RECT( RECT * p, int iParam )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "left"  , p->left   );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "top"   , p->top    );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "right" , p->right  );
      s_hb_hashSetCItemNL( pStru, "bottom", p->bottom );
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 4 )
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 1, p->left   );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 2, p->top    );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 3, p->right  );
      hb_arraySetNL( pStru, 4, p->bottom );
Esempio n. 12
static void hb_compGenArgList( int iFirst, int iLast,
                               int * pArgC, const char *** pArgV,
                               PHB_ITEM * pIncItem,
                               PHB_PP_OPEN_FUNC * pOpenFunc,
                               PHB_PP_MSG_FUNC * pMsgFunc )
   PHB_ITEM pParam;
   HB_SIZE ul, nLen;
   int argc = 1, i;
   const char ** argv;

   if( pMsgFunc )
      *pMsgFunc = NULL;
      if( HB_ISLOG( iFirst ) )
         if( hb_parl( iFirst ) )
            *pMsgFunc = s_pp_msg;

   if( pIncItem && pOpenFunc )
      *pOpenFunc = NULL;
      *pIncItem = hb_param( iFirst, HB_IT_HASH );
      if( *pIncItem )
         *pOpenFunc = s_pp_openFile;

   for( i = iFirst; i <= iLast; ++i )
      pParam = hb_param( i, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING );
      if( pParam )
         if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pParam ) )
            ul = hb_arrayLen( pParam );
            if( ul )
                  if( hb_arrayGetType( pParam, ul ) & HB_IT_STRING )
               while( --ul );
         else if( HB_IS_STRING( pParam ) )

   argv = ( const char ** ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( char * ) * ( argc + 1 ) );
   argc = 0;
   for( i = iFirst; i <= iLast; ++i )
      pParam = hb_param( i, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING );
      if( pParam )
         if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pParam ) )
            nLen = hb_arrayLen( pParam );
            for( ul = 1; ul <= nLen; ++ul )
               if( hb_arrayGetType( pParam, ul ) & HB_IT_STRING )
                  argv[ argc++ ] = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pParam, ul );
         else if( HB_IS_STRING( pParam ) )
            argv[ argc++ ] = hb_itemGetCPtr( pParam );
   argv[ argc ] = NULL;

   *pArgC = argc;
   *pArgV = argv;
Esempio n. 13
/* Mark a passed item as used so it will be not released by the GC
void hb_gcItemRef( HB_ITEM_PTR pItem )

   ULONG ulSize;
   HB_ITEM FakedItem;
   PHB_ITEM pKey;
   PHB_ITEM pValue;
   USHORT ui;

      int iResumeCounter = 0;

   FakedItem.type = HB_IT_ARRAY;


   while( HB_IS_BYREF( pItem ) )
      if( HB_IS_EXTREF( pItem ) )
         pItem->item.asExtRef.func->mark( pItem->item.asExtRef.value );


      if( HB_IS_MEMVAR( pItem ) == FALSE )
         if( pItem->item.asRefer.offset == 0 )
            FakedItem.item.asArray.value = pItem->item.asRefer.BasePtr.pBaseArray;

            //hb_gcItemRef( &FakedItem );
            NESTED_ITEMREF( &FakedItem, 1 );

            // return;
         if( HB_VM_STACK.pPos == HB_VM_STACK.pItems )

      pItem = hb_itemUnRefOnce( pItem );

   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
      HB_GARBAGE_PTR pAlloc = ( HB_GARBAGE_PTR ) pItem->item.asArray.value;

      //printf( "Array %p\n", pItem->item.asArray.value );

      /* Check this array only if it was not checked yet */
      if( pAlloc->used == s_uUsedFlag )
         ulSize = pItem->item.asArray.value->ulLen;
         /* mark this block as used so it will be no re-checked from
          * other references
         pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;

         /* mark also all array elements */
         pItem = pItem->item.asArray.value->pItems;
         //printf( "Items %p\n", pItem );

         while( ulSize )
            //printf( "Item %p\n", pItem );

            //hb_gcItemRef( pItem );
            NESTED_ITEMREF( pItem, 2 );

   else if( HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) )
      HB_GARBAGE_PTR pAlloc = ( HB_GARBAGE_PTR ) pItem->item.asHash.value;

      /* Check this hash only if it was not checked yet */
      if( pAlloc->used == s_uUsedFlag )
         ulSize = pItem->item.asHash.value->ulLen;
         pKey = pItem->item.asHash.value->pKeys;
         pValue = pItem->item.asHash.value->pValues;

         /* mark this block as used so it will be no re-checked from
          * other references
         pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;

         /* mark also all hash elements */
         while( ulSize )
            //printf( "Kry %p Value: %p\n", pKey, pValue );

            //hb_gcItemRef( pKey );
            NESTED_ITEMREF( pKey, 3 );

            //hb_gcItemRef( pValue );
            NESTED_ITEMREF( pValue, 4 );

   else if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pItem ) )
      HB_GARBAGE_PTR pAlloc = ( HB_GARBAGE_PTR ) pItem->item.asBlock.value;

      /* Check this block only if it was not checked yet */
      if( pAlloc->used == s_uUsedFlag )
         pCBlock = pItem->item.asBlock.value;
         ui = 1;

         pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;  /* mark this codeblock as used */

         /* mark as used all detached variables in a codeblock */
         while( ui <= pCBlock->uiLocals )
            //hb_gcItemRef( &pCBlock->pLocals[ ui ] );
            NESTED_ITEMREF( &pCBlock->pLocals[ ui ] , 5 );

   else if( HB_IS_POINTER( pItem ) )
      /* check if this memory was allocated by a hb_gcAlloc() */
      if ( pItem->item.asPointer.collect )
         HB_GARBAGE_PTR pAlloc = ( HB_GARBAGE_PTR ) pItem->item.asPointer.value;

         /* Check this memory only if it was not checked yet */
         if( pAlloc->used == s_uUsedFlag )
            /* mark this memory as used so it will be no re-checked from
             * other references
            pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;

   /* all other data types don't need the GC */

Esempio n. 14
static void _hb_jsonEncode( PHB_ITEM pValue, PHB_JSON_ENCODE_CTX pCtx,
                            HB_SIZE nLevel, HB_BOOL fEOL, PHB_CODEPAGE cdp )
   /* Protection against recursive structures */
   if( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) || HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ) && hb_itemSize( pValue ) > 0 )
      void * id = HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ? hb_hashId( pValue ) : hb_arrayId( pValue );
      HB_SIZE nIndex;

      for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLevel; nIndex++ )
         if( pCtx->pId[ nIndex ] == id )
            if( ! fEOL && pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
      if( nLevel >= pCtx->nAllocId )
         pCtx->nAllocId += 8;
         pCtx->pId = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pCtx->pId, sizeof( void * ) * pCtx->nAllocId );
      pCtx->pId[ nLevel ] = id;

   if( fEOL )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

   if( HB_IS_STRING( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nPos, nLen = hb_itemGetCLen( pValue );
      const char * szString = hb_itemGetCPtr( pValue );
      char buf[ 8 ];

      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );

      if( cdp )
         HB_WCHAR wc;

         nPos = 0;
         while( HB_CDPCHAR_GET( cdp, szString, nLen, &nPos, &wc ) )
            if( wc >= ' ' && wc < 0x7F && wc != '\\' && wc != '\"' )
               buf[ 0 ] = ( char ) wc;
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 1 );
            switch( wc )
               case '\\':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\\", 2 );
               case '\"':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\"", 2 );
               case '\b':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\b", 2 );
               case '\f':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\f", 2 );
               case '\n':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\n", 2 );
               case '\r':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\r", 2 );
               case '\t':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\t", 2 );
                  hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "\\u%04X", wc );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 6 );
         nPos = 0;
         while( nPos < nLen )
            unsigned char uch = szString[ nPos ];
            HB_SIZE nPos2 = nPos;
            while( uch >= ' ' && uch != '\\' && uch != '\"' )
               uch = szString[ ++nPos2 ];
            if( nPos2 > nPos )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szString + nPos, nPos2 - nPos );
               if( nPos2 >= nLen )
               nPos = nPos2;

            switch( uch )
               case '\\':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\\", 2 );
               case '\"':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\"", 2 );
               case '\b':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\b", 2 );
               case '\f':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\f", 2 );
               case '\n':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\n", 2 );
               case '\r':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\r", 2 );
               case '\t':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\t", 2 );
                  hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "\\u00%02X", uch );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 6 );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMINT( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 24 ];
      HB_MAXINT nVal = hb_itemGetNInt( pValue );
      HB_BOOL fNeg = nVal < 0;
      int i = 0;

      if( fNeg )
         nVal = -nVal;
         buf[ sizeof( buf ) - ++i ] = ( nVal % 10 ) + '0';
      while( ( nVal /= 10 ) != 0 );
      if( fNeg )
         buf[ sizeof( buf ) - ++i ] = '-';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, &buf[ sizeof( buf ) - i ], i );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMERIC( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 64 ];
      int iDec;
      double dblValue = hb_itemGetNDDec( pValue, &iDec );

      hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.*f", iDec, dblValue );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, strlen( buf ) );
   else if( HB_IS_NIL( pValue ) )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
   else if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pValue ) )
      if( hb_itemGetL( pValue ) )
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "true", 4 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "false", 5 );

   else if( HB_IS_DATE( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 10 ];

      hb_itemGetDS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 9 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 10 );
   else if( HB_IS_TIMESTAMP( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 19 ];
      hb_itemGetTS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 18 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 19 );
   else if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_itemSize( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pValue, nIndex );

            if( nIndex > 1 )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

            if( pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

            if( pCtx->fHuman &&
                ! ( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) &&
                    hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0 ) )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );

            _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE, cdp );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "]", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[]", 2 );
   else if( HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_hashLen( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pKey = hb_hashGetKeyAt( pValue, nIndex );

            if( HB_IS_STRING( pKey ) )
               PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_hashGetValueAt( pValue, nIndex );

               if( nIndex > 1 )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );
               _hb_jsonEncode( pKey, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE, cdp );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ": ", 2 );
                  fEOL = ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) && hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0;
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ":", 1 );
                  fEOL = HB_FALSE;

               _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, fEOL, cdp );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "}", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{}", 2 );
      /* All unsupported types are replacd by null */
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
Esempio n. 15
static const char * hb_i18n_setcodepage( PHB_I18N_TRANS pI18N,
                                         const char * szCdpID,
                                         HB_BOOL fBase, HB_BOOL fTranslate )
   const char * szOldCdpID = NULL, * szKey;

   if( pI18N )
      PHB_CODEPAGE cdp = szCdpID ? hb_cdpFind( szCdpID ) : NULL, cdpage;

      cdpage = fBase ? pI18N->base_cdpage : pI18N->cdpage;
      if( cdpage )
         szOldCdpID = cdpage->id;
      if( cdp && cdp != cdpage )
         if( fTranslate && cdpage )
            HB_SIZE nHashLen = hb_hashLen( pI18N->context_table ), ul;
            for( ul = 1; ul <= nHashLen; ++ul )
               PHB_ITEM pContext = hb_hashGetValueAt( pI18N->context_table, ul );
               HB_SIZE nCount = hb_hashLen( pContext ), u;

               for( u = 1; u <= nCount; ++u )
                  if( fBase )
                     hb_i18n_transitm( hb_hashGetKeyAt( pContext, u ),
                                       cdpage, cdp );
                     PHB_ITEM pResult = hb_hashGetValueAt( pContext, u );
                     if( HB_IS_STRING( pResult ) )
                        hb_i18n_transitm( pResult, cdpage, cdp );
                     else if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pResult ) )
                        HB_SIZE nTrans = hb_arrayLen( pResult ), u2;
                        for( u2 = 1; u2 <= nTrans; ++u2 )
                           hb_i18n_transitm( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pResult, u2 ),
                                             cdpage, cdp );
               if( fBase )
                  hb_i18n_transitm( hb_hashGetKeyAt( pI18N->context_table, ul ),
                                    cdpage, cdp );
                  hb_hashSetFlags( pContext, HB_HASH_RESORT );
            if( fBase )
               hb_hashSetFlags( pI18N->context_table, HB_HASH_RESORT );

         if( fBase )
            pI18N->base_cdpage = cdp;
            szKey = "BASE_CODEPAGE";
            pI18N->cdpage = cdp;
            szKey = "CODEPAGE";
         hb_i18n_setitem( pI18N->table, szKey, szCdpID );

   return szOldCdpID;
Esempio n. 16
PHB_ITEM hb_i18n_ngettext( PHB_ITEM pNum, PHB_ITEM pMsgID, PHB_ITEM pContext )
   PHB_I18N_TRANS pI18N = hb_i18n_table();
   PHB_CODEPAGE cdpage = NULL;
   PHB_ITEM pMsgDst = pMsgID;
   PHB_ITEM pBlock = NULL;
   int iPluralForm = 0;

   if( pI18N )
      PHB_ITEM pTable = pContext && pI18N->context_table ?
                        hb_hashGetItemPtr( pI18N->context_table, pContext, 0 ) :

      cdpage = pI18N->base_cdpage;
      pBlock = pI18N->base_plural_block;
      iPluralForm = pI18N->base_plural_form;

      if( pTable )
         PHB_ITEM pMsg = HB_IS_ARRAY( pMsgID ) ?
                         hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pMsgID, 1 ) : pMsgID;
         pTable = pMsg && HB_IS_STRING( pMsg ) ?
                  hb_hashGetItemPtr( pTable, pMsg, 0 ) : NULL;
         if( pTable )
            if( HB_IS_STRING( pTable ) ||
                ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pTable ) &&
                  ( hb_arrayGetType( pTable, 1 ) & HB_IT_STRING ) != 0 ) )
               pMsgID = pTable;
               cdpage = pI18N->cdpage;
               pBlock = pI18N->plural_block;
               iPluralForm = pI18N->plural_form;

   if( pMsgID && HB_IS_ARRAY( pMsgID ) )
      long lIndex;

      if( ! pNum )
         lIndex = 1;
      else if( pBlock )
         hb_evalBlock1( pBlock, pNum );
         lIndex = hb_parnl( -1 );
         lIndex = hb_i18n_pluralindex( iPluralForm, pNum );

      if( lIndex < 1 || ( lIndex != 1 &&
            ( hb_arrayGetType( pMsgID, lIndex ) & HB_IT_STRING ) == 0 ) )
         lIndex = 1;

      pMsgID = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pMsgID, lIndex );

   if( pMsgID )
      if( HB_IS_STRING( pMsgID ) )
         if( cdpage )
            PHB_CODEPAGE cdp = hb_vmCDP();
            if( cdp && cdp != cdpage )
               if( pMsgDst != pMsgID )
                  hb_itemCopy( pMsgDst, pMsgID );
                  pMsgID = pMsgDst;
               hb_i18n_transitm( pMsgID, cdpage, cdp );
         pMsgID = NULL;

   return pMsgID;
Esempio n. 17
static void _hb_jsonEncode( PHB_ITEM pValue, PHB_JSON_ENCODE_CTX pCtx,
                            HB_SIZE nLevel, HB_BOOL fEOL )
   /* Protection against recursive structures */
   if( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) || HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ) && hb_itemSize( pValue ) > 0 )
      void * id = HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ? hb_hashId( pValue ) : hb_arrayId( pValue );
      HB_SIZE nIndex;

      for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLevel; nIndex++ )
         if( pCtx->pId[ nIndex ] == id )
            if( ! fEOL && pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
      if( nLevel >= pCtx->nAllocId )
         pCtx->nAllocId += 8;
         pCtx->pId = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pCtx->pId, sizeof( void * ) * pCtx->nAllocId );
      pCtx->pId[ nLevel ] = id;

   if( fEOL )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

   if( HB_IS_STRING( pValue ) )
      const char * szString = hb_itemGetCPtr( pValue );
      HB_SIZE nPos, nPos2, nLen = hb_itemGetCLen( pValue );

      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );

      nPos = 0;
      while( nPos < nLen )
         nPos2 = nPos;
         while( *( ( const unsigned char * ) szString + nPos2 ) >= ' ' &&
                szString[ nPos2 ] != '\\' && szString[ nPos2 ] != '\"' )
         if( nPos2 > nPos )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szString + nPos, nPos2 - nPos );
            nPos = nPos2;

         switch( szString[ nPos ] )
            case '\\':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\\", 2 );
            case '\"':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\"", 2 );
            case '\b':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\b", 2 );
            case '\f':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\f", 2 );
            case '\n':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\n", 2 );
            case '\r':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\r", 2 );
            case '\t':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\t", 2 );
               char buf[ 8 ];
               hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "\\u00%02X", ( unsigned char ) szString[ nPos ] );
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 6 );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMINT( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 32 ];

      hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%" PFHL "d", hb_itemGetNInt( pValue ) );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, strlen( buf ) );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMERIC( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 64 ];
      int iDec;
      double dblValue = hb_itemGetNDDec( pValue, &iDec );

      hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.*f", iDec, dblValue );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, strlen( buf ) );
   else if( HB_IS_NIL( pValue ) )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
   else if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pValue ) )
      if( hb_itemGetL( pValue ) )
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "true", 4 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "false", 5 );

   else if( HB_IS_DATE( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 10 ];

      hb_itemGetDS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 9 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 10 );
   else if( HB_IS_TIMESTAMP( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 19 ];
      hb_itemGetTS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 18 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 19 );
   else if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_itemSize( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pValue, nIndex );

            if( nIndex > 1 )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

            if( pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

            if( pCtx->fHuman &&
                ! ( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) &&
                    hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0 ) )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );

            _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "]", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[]", 2 );
   else if( HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_hashLen( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pKey = hb_hashGetKeyAt( pValue, nIndex );

            if( HB_IS_STRING( pKey ) )
               PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_hashGetValueAt( pValue, nIndex );
               HB_BOOL fEOL = HB_FALSE;

               if( nIndex > 1 )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );
               _hb_jsonEncode( pKey, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ": ", 2 );
                  fEOL = ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) && hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0;
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ":", 1 );

               _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, fEOL );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "}", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{}", 2 );
      /* All unsupported types are replacd by null */
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
Esempio n. 18
static LPTSTR s_dialogPairs( int iParam, DWORD * pdwIndex )
   PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ARRAY | HB_IT_STRING ), pArrItem;
   LPTSTR lpStr = NULL;
   DWORD dwMaxIndex = 0;

   if( pItem )
      HB_SIZE nLen, nSize, nTotal, n, n1, n2;

      if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
         nSize = hb_arrayLen( pItem );
         for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
            pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
            if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
               n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem, NULL, 0 );
               if( n1 )
                  nLen += n1 * 2 + 2;
            else if( hb_arrayLen( pArrItem ) >= 2 )
               n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 1 ), NULL, 0 );
               n2 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 2 ), NULL, 0 );
               if( n1 && n2 )
                  nLen += n1 + n2 + 2;
         if( nLen )
            nTotal = nLen + 1;
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( nTotal * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            for( n = nLen = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
               pArrItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, n + 1 );
               if( HB_IS_STRING( pArrItem ) )
                  n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem,
                                       lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                  if( n1 )
                     nLen += n1 + 1;
                     n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pArrItem,
                                          lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                     nLen += n1 + 1;
               else if( hb_arrayLen( pArrItem ) >= 2 )
                  n1 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 1 ),
                                       lpStr + nLen, nTotal - nLen );
                  if( n1 )
                     n2 = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArrItem, 2 ),
                                          lpStr + nLen + n1 + 1,
                                          nTotal - nLen - n1 - 1 );
                     if( n2 )
                        nLen += n1 + n2 + 2;
            lpStr[ nLen ] = 0;
         nLen = HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, NULL, 0 );
         if( nLen )
            lpStr = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( ( nLen * 2 + 3 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
            HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, lpStr, nLen + 1 );
            for( n = n1 = 0; n < nLen; ++n )
               if( lpStr[ n ] == 0 )
                  if( lpStr[ n + 1 ] == 0 )
            if( n1 == 0 )
               HB_ITEMCOPYSTR( pItem, lpStr + nLen + 1, nLen + 1 );
               lpStr[ nLen * 2 + 2 ] = 0;
               dwMaxIndex = 1;
               if( n == nLen && lpStr[ n - 1 ] != 0 )
                  lpStr[ n + 1 ] = 0;
               if( ( n1 & 1 ) == 0 )
                  dwMaxIndex = ( DWORD ) n1;
                  hb_xfree( lpStr );
                  lpStr = NULL;

   if( pdwIndex )
      if( dwMaxIndex < *pdwIndex )
         *pdwIndex = dwMaxIndex;
      else if( dwMaxIndex && *pdwIndex == 0 )
         *pdwIndex = 1;

   return lpStr;
Esempio n. 19
/* Mark a passed item as used so it will be not released by the GC
void hb_gcItemRef( PHB_ITEM pItem )
   while( HB_IS_BYREF( pItem ) )
      if( HB_IS_ENUM( pItem ) )
      else if( HB_IS_EXTREF( pItem ) )
         pItem->item.asExtRef.func->mark( pItem->item.asExtRef.value );
      else if( ! HB_IS_MEMVAR( pItem ) &&
               pItem->item.asRefer.offset == 0 &&
               pItem->item.asRefer.value >= 0 )
         /* array item reference */
         PHB_GARBAGE pAlloc = HB_GC_PTR( pItem->item.asRefer.BasePtr.array );
         if( ( pAlloc->used & ~HB_GC_DELETE ) == s_uUsedFlag )
            /* mark this array as used */
            pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;
            /* mark also all array elements */
            pAlloc->pFuncs->mark( HB_BLOCK_PTR( pAlloc ) );
      pItem = hb_itemUnRefOnce( pItem );

   if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
      PHB_GARBAGE pAlloc = HB_GC_PTR( pItem->item.asArray.value );

      /* Check this array only if it was not checked yet */
      if( ( pAlloc->used & ~HB_GC_DELETE ) == s_uUsedFlag )
         /* mark this array as used so it will be no re-checked from
          * other references
         pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;
         /* mark also all array elements */
         pAlloc->pFuncs->mark( HB_BLOCK_PTR( pAlloc ) );
   else if( HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) )
      PHB_GARBAGE pAlloc = HB_GC_PTR( pItem->item.asHash.value );

      /* Check this hash table only if it was not checked yet */
      if( ( pAlloc->used & ~HB_GC_DELETE ) == s_uUsedFlag )
         /* mark this hash table as used */
         pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;
         /* mark also all hash elements */
         pAlloc->pFuncs->mark( HB_BLOCK_PTR( pAlloc ) );
   else if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pItem ) )
      PHB_GARBAGE pAlloc = HB_GC_PTR( pItem->item.asBlock.value );

      if( ( pAlloc->used & ~HB_GC_DELETE ) == s_uUsedFlag )
         /* mark this codeblock as used */
         pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;
         /* mark as used all detached variables in a codeblock */
         pAlloc->pFuncs->mark( HB_BLOCK_PTR( pAlloc ) );
   else if( HB_IS_POINTER( pItem ) )
      if( pItem->item.asPointer.collect )
         PHB_GARBAGE pAlloc = HB_GC_PTR( pItem->item.asPointer.value );

         if( ( pAlloc->used & ~HB_GC_DELETE ) == s_uUsedFlag )
            /* mark this memory block as used */
            pAlloc->used ^= HB_GC_USED_FLAG;
            /* mark also all internal user blocks attached to this block */
            pAlloc->pFuncs->mark( HB_BLOCK_PTR( pAlloc ) );
   /* all other data types don't need the GC */
Esempio n. 20
LOGFONT * hbwapi_par_LOGFONT( LOGFONT * p, int iParam, HB_BOOL bMandatory )
   PHB_ITEM pStru = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ANY );

   void * hfFaceName;
   LPCTSTR pfFaceName;
   HB_SIZE nLen;

   memset( p, 0, sizeof( LOGFONT ) );

   if( pStru && HB_IS_HASH( pStru ) )
      p->lfHeight         = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfHeight"         ) );
      p->lfWidth          = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfWidth"          ) );
      p->lfEscapement     = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfEscapement"     ) );
      p->lfOrientation    = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfOrientation"    ) );
      p->lfWeight         = ( LONG ) hb_itemGetNL( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfWeight"         ) );
      p->lfItalic         = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfItalic"         ) );
      p->lfUnderline      = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfUnderline"      ) );
      p->lfStrikeOut      = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfStrikeOut"      ) );
      p->lfCharSet        = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfCharSet"        ) );
      p->lfOutPrecision   = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfOutPrecision"   ) );
      p->lfClipPrecision  = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfClipPrecision"  ) );
      p->lfQuality        = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfQuality"        ) );
      p->lfPitchAndFamily = ( BYTE ) hb_itemGetNI( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfPitchAndFamily" ) );

      pfFaceName = HB_ITEMGETSTR( hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pStru, "lfFaceName" ), &hfFaceName, &nLen );

      if( nLen > ( LF_FACESIZE - 1 ) )
         nLen = LF_FACESIZE - 1;

      memcpy( p->lfFaceName, pfFaceName, nLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
      p->lfFaceName[ nLen ] = TEXT( '\0' );

      hb_strfree( hfFaceName );

      return p;
   else if( pStru && HB_IS_ARRAY( pStru ) && hb_arrayLen( pStru ) >= 14 )
      p->lfHeight         = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 1 );
      p->lfWidth          = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 2 );
      p->lfEscapement     = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 3 );
      p->lfOrientation    = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 4 );
      p->lfWeight         = ( LONG ) hb_arrayGetNL( pStru, 5 );
      p->lfItalic         = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 6 );
      p->lfUnderline      = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 7 );
      p->lfStrikeOut      = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 8 );
      p->lfCharSet        = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 9 );
      p->lfOutPrecision   = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 10 );
      p->lfClipPrecision  = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 11 );
      p->lfQuality        = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 12 );
      p->lfPitchAndFamily = ( BYTE ) hb_arrayGetNI( pStru, 13 );

      pfFaceName = HB_ARRAYGETSTR( pStru, 14, &hfFaceName, &nLen );

      if( nLen > ( LF_FACESIZE - 1 ) )
         nLen = LF_FACESIZE - 1;

      memcpy( p->lfFaceName, pfFaceName, nLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
      p->lfFaceName[ nLen ] = TEXT( '\0' );

      hb_strfree( hfFaceName );

      return p;
   else if( bMandatory )
      return p;

   return NULL;
Esempio n. 21
File: eval.c Progetto: xharbour/core
PHB_ITEM hb_itemDo( PHB_ITEM pItem, HB_SIZE ulPCount, ... )

   PHB_ITEM pResult = NULL;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_itemDo(%p, %hu, ...)", pItem, ulPCount ) );

   if( pItem )
      PHB_SYMB pSymbol = NULL;

      if( HB_IS_STRING( pItem ) )
         PHB_DYNS pDynSym = hb_dynsymFindName( pItem->item.asString.value );

         if( pDynSym )
            pSymbol = pDynSym->pSymbol;
      else if( HB_IS_POINTER( pItem ) )
         pSymbol = ( PHB_SYMB ) pItem->item.asPointer.value;
      else if( HB_IS_SYMBOL( pItem ) )
         pSymbol = pItem->item.asSymbol.value;

      if( pSymbol )

         hb_vmPushSymbol( pSymbol );

         if( ulPCount )
            register ULONG ulParam;
            va_list        va;

            va_start( va, ulPCount );
            for( ulParam = 1; ulParam <= ulPCount; ulParam++ )
               hb_vmPush( va_arg( va, PHB_ITEM ) );
            va_end( va );

         hb_vmDo( ( USHORT ) ulPCount );

         pResult = hb_itemNew( NULL );
         hb_itemForwardValue( pResult, &( HB_VM_STACK.Return ) );

      else if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pItem ) )

         hb_vmPushSymbol( &hb_symEval );
         hb_vmPush( pItem );

         if( ulPCount )
            register ULONG ulParam;
            va_list        va;

            va_start( va, ulPCount );
            for( ulParam = 1; ulParam <= ulPCount; ulParam++ )
               hb_vmPush( va_arg( va, PHB_ITEM ) );
            va_end( va );

         hb_vmSend( ( USHORT ) ulPCount );

         pResult = hb_itemNew( NULL );
         hb_itemForwardValue( pResult, &( HB_VM_STACK.Return ) );

      else if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) )
         if( hb_execFromArray( pItem ) )
            pResult = hb_itemNew( NULL );
            hb_itemForwardValue( pResult, &( HB_VM_STACK.Return ) );

   return pResult;
Esempio n. 22
HB_BOOL hb_execFromArray( PHB_ITEM pParam )
   PHB_ITEM pArray = NULL;
   PHB_ITEM pSelf = NULL;
   HB_ULONG ulParamOffset = 0;

   if( pParam && HB_IS_ARRAY( pParam ) && ! HB_IS_OBJECT( pParam ) )
      pArray = pParam;
      pParam = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArray, 1 );
      if( HB_IS_OBJECT( pParam ) )
         pSelf = pParam;
         pParam = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArray, 2 );
         ulParamOffset = 2;
         ulParamOffset = 1;

   if( pParam )
      PHB_SYMB pExecSym = NULL;

      if( HB_IS_SYMBOL( pParam ) )
         pExecSym = hb_itemGetSymbol( pParam );
      else if( HB_IS_STRING( pParam ) )
         pExecSym = hb_dynsymGet( hb_itemGetCPtr( pParam ) )->pSymbol;
      else if( HB_IS_BLOCK( pParam ) && ! pSelf )
         pSelf = pParam;
         pExecSym = &hb_symEval;

      if( pExecSym )
         int iPCount = 0;

         hb_vmPushSymbol( pExecSym );
         if( pSelf )
            hb_vmPush( pSelf );

         if( pArray )
            pParam = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArray, ++ulParamOffset );
            while( pParam && iPCount < 255 )
               hb_vmPush( pParam );
               pParam = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pArray, ++ulParamOffset );

         if( pSelf )
            hb_vmSend( ( HB_USHORT ) iPCount );
            hb_vmProc( ( HB_USHORT ) iPCount );

         return HB_TRUE;


   return HB_FALSE;