Esempio n. 1
void ParticleUtils::debugDrawParticles(int numParticles, const char* posPtr, int particleStride, hkReal size, int color)
	for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
		const hkVector4& position = *reinterpret_cast<const hkVector4*>(posPtr);
		HK_DISPLAY_STAR(position, size, color);

		posPtr += particleStride;
Esempio n. 2
// doReach() is always called, with reachOn=true when we want to do reaching, reachOn=false otherwise
// This is because is internally handles the easing in and out. It is called once for each arm
void Gdc2005Demo::doReach (hkBool reachOn, WhichArm whichArm, hkaPose& thePose)

	const hkVector4 upWS(0,1,0);

	const hkInt16 shoulderIdx = m_shoulderIdx[whichArm];
	const hkInt16 elbowIdx = m_elbowIdx[whichArm];
	const hkInt16 handIdx = m_handIdx[whichArm];

	hkQsTransform modelFromReference = thePose.getBoneModelSpace(m_reachReferenceBoneIdx);
	// Remove all local translations from the reference bone, use only its orientation
	modelFromReference.m_translation.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	hkQsTransform worldFromReference; worldFromReference.setMul(m_currentTransform, modelFromReference);

	// Look for a place to reach
	hkBool found = false;
	hkVector4 pointWS;
	hkVector4 normalWS;

	// Search for closest point, unless we are switching off reaching
	if (reachOn)
		// The position of our sensor:
		hkVector4 radarPosWS; radarPosWS.setTransformedPos(worldFromReference, m_radarLocationRS[whichArm]);

		// Display it
		if (m_options.m_Display.m_showIkInfo)
			HK_DISPLAY_STAR( radarPosWS, 0.1f, 0xffffffff);

		// Use hkpWorld::getClosestPoints() to look for candidates
		// Use a sphere of 0.05m radius located at the radar point
		hkTransform sphereTransform; sphereTransform.setIdentity();
		hkpSphereShape sphere(0.05f);

		// Use the ray cast filter layer, so it only landscape and movable environment is detected
		hkpCollidable collidable( &sphere, &sphereTransform );
		collidable.setCollisionFilterInfo(hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo(LAYER_RAYCAST, 0));

		// Collect all possible candidates
		// Use the same filter we use for the world (it already knows which layers collide with which layers)
		hkpAllCdPointCollector collector;
		hkpProcessCollisionInput input =*m_world->getCollisionInput();
		input.m_tolerance = 0.4f;
		input.m_filter = m_world->getCollisionFilter();
		m_world->getClosestPoints( &collidable, input, collector);

		// Sort all the candidates (closest first) so the first good one is the best one
		hkArray<hkpRootCdPoint>& allHits = collector.getHits();

		// Now, we have a list of closest points (closest objects). Ray cast against them to find out if they
		// have a surface we can lay the hand on.
		for (int hitId = 0; hitId < allHits.getSize(); hitId++)
			hkContactPoint& contactPoint = allHits[hitId].m_contact;

			hkVector4 closest = contactPoint.getPosition();

			// Construct a unit vector that points from the radar towards the detected point in WS
			// This is the "away" vector
			hkVector4 awayWS;
				awayWS.setSub4(closest, radarPosWS);
				awayWS.addMul4(-awayWS.dot3(upWS), upWS);
				const hkReal length = awayWS.length3();
				if (length>1e-5f)
					const hkVector4 forwardMS(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
					awayWS.setRotatedDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), forwardMS);

			// The closest point is usually at the edge. Move it a little away (10cm)
			closest.addMul4(0.10f, awayWS);

			// Do a raycast above it. We reuse the raycast interface object that we use for the foot placement
			const hkReal upDistance = 0.3f;
			const hkReal downDistance = 0.3f;
			const hkReal totalLength = upDistance + downDistance;
			hkVector4 startWS; startWS.setAddMul4(closest,upWS, upDistance);
			hkVector4 endWS; endWS.setAddMul4(closest,upWS, -downDistance);
			hkReal hitFraction;
			const hkBool properHit = m_raycastInterface->castRay(startWS, endWS, hitFraction, normalWS);

			if (m_options.m_Display.m_showIkInfo)
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE( startWS, endWS, 0x00f8f8f8 );

			// Nothing found, check the next candidate
			if (!properHit)

			// The surface is not (roughly) horizontal, check the next candidate
			if (normalWS.dot3(upWS)<0.8f)

			// Good, we have a good candidate. Check where the landing point is
			pointWS.setAddMul4(startWS, upWS, -totalLength * hitFraction);

			// If we are dealing with a box (the big crates), move the point closer since to account for the radius
				const bool isABox = allHits[hitId].m_rootCollidableB->getShape()->getType() == HK_SHAPE_CONVEX_TRANSLATE;

				// Box : move it back closer
				if (isABox)
					pointWS.addMul4(-0.1f, awayWS);

			// Finally, reject points too far away (the arm won't reach)
			hkVector4 vDistance;vDistance.setSub4(pointWS, radarPosWS);
			const hkReal distanceSqr = vDistance.lengthSquared3();
			if (distanceSqr > 0.16f)

			// If we reached here, we have a found a place where to lay our hand, don't look for more candidates
			found = true;


		// Did we find a place to put the hand on?
		if (found)
			if (m_options.m_Display.m_showIkInfo)
				HK_DISPLAY_STAR(pointWS, 0.5f, 0xffffff00);

			// Move the point a little up to account for the width of the hand
			pointWS.addMul4(0.03f, upWS);

			// Interpolate the point and the normal with the previous ones, unless it's the first time of course
			if (m_reachWeight[whichArm]>0.0f)
				// Use the gain specified by the user
				const hkReal moveGain = m_options.m_IK.m_handIkMoveGain;
				pointWS.setInterpolate4(m_previousReachPointWS[whichArm], pointWS, moveGain);
				normalWS.setInterpolate4(m_previousNormalWS[whichArm], normalWS, moveGain);
			// Store them to interpolate the next frame
			m_previousReachPointWS[whichArm] = pointWS;
			m_previousNormalWS[whichArm] = normalWS;


	// Do gain on the weight for the reaching
	if (found)
		// If reach is on : go towards 1.0f (ease in), otherwise towards 0.0f (ease off)
		const hkReal desiredWeight = (reachOn) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
		const hkReal diffWeight = desiredWeight - m_reachWeight[whichArm];
		const hkReal reachGain = m_options.m_IK.m_handIkReachGain;
		m_reachWeight[whichArm] += diffWeight * reachGain;
		// If we didn't find anything, go towards 0.0f (ease off)
		const hkReal leaveGain = m_options.m_IK.m_handIkLeaveGain;
		m_reachWeight[whichArm] *= (1.0f - leaveGain);
		pointWS = m_previousReachPointWS[whichArm];
		normalWS = m_previousNormalWS[whichArm];

	// If weight 0 or very small, switch off completely and do nothing
	if (m_reachWeight[whichArm] < 0.01f)
		m_reachWeight[whichArm] = 0.0f;
		// Fix the position, use the Two Joints IK solver
			hkVector4 pointMS; pointMS.setTransformedInversePos(m_currentTransform, pointWS);

			hkaTwoJointsIkSolver::Setup setup;

			setup.m_firstJointIdx =shoulderIdx;
			setup.m_secondJointIdx = elbowIdx;
			setup.m_endBoneIdx = handIdx;
			setup.m_hingeAxisLS = m_elbowAxis[whichArm];
			setup.m_firstJointIkGain = m_reachWeight[whichArm];
			setup.m_secondJointIkGain = m_reachWeight[whichArm];
			setup.m_endJointIkGain = m_reachWeight[whichArm];
			setup.m_endTargetMS = pointMS;

			hkaTwoJointsIkSolver::solve(setup, thePose);

		// Now, rotate the wrist, so the palm follows the surface
			const hkVector4 upHandLocalSpace (0,1,0); // In this rig the hand Y axis points up (when the palm faces down)
			const hkQuaternion currentHandRotation = thePose.getBoneModelSpace(handIdx).getRotation();
			hkVector4 currentUpMS; currentUpMS.setRotatedDir(currentHandRotation, upHandLocalSpace);
			hkVector4 desiredUpMS; desiredUpMS.setRotatedInverseDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), normalWS);

				hkVector4 currentUpWS; currentUpWS.setRotatedDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), currentUpMS);
				hkVector4 desiredUpWS; desiredUpWS.setRotatedDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), desiredUpMS);


			// Calculate the shortest rotation that matches both axis
			hkQuaternion extraRotation; extraRotation.setIdentity();
				// Look for the shortest rotation that would bring the foot to the right orientation
				// We scale that rotation (its angle) by the weight of the reach IK
				const hkReal dotProd = currentUpMS.dot3(desiredUpMS);

				if ( (dotProd - 1.0f) < - HK_REAL_EPSILON)
					const hkReal rotationAngle = hkMath::acos(dotProd);

					hkVector4 rotationAxis;
					rotationAxis.setCross(currentUpMS, desiredUpMS);

					if (rotationAxis.length3()>1e-14f)
						extraRotation.setAxisAngle(rotationAxis, rotationAngle*m_reachWeight[whichArm]);

			// Apply the extra rotation
			hkQuaternion newRotationMS; newRotationMS.setMul(extraRotation, currentHandRotation);

			// Set the new rotation to the hand in the pose
			thePose.accessBoneModelSpace(handIdx, hkaPose::PROPAGATE).setRotation(newRotationMS);


void KdTreeVsBroadphaseDemo::doLinearCasts()
	const int numCasts = 100;

	hkObjectArray<hkpClosestCdPointCollector> worldCollectors(numCasts);
	hkObjectArray<hkpClosestCdPointCollector> treeCollectors(numCasts);
	hkArray<hkpLinearCastInput> lcInput (numCasts);

	hkArray<const hkpCollidable*> castCollidables(numCasts);

	for (int i=0; i < numCasts; i++)
		//hkprintf("random seed = %d\n", m_rand.getCurrent());
		castCollidables[i] = m_collidables[ m_rand.getRand32() % m_collidables.getSize() ];

		hkVector4 start, end;
		start = hkGetRigidBody(castCollidables[i])->getPosition();

		hkVector4 worldSize(m_worldSizeX, m_worldSizeY, m_worldSizeZ);

		// Flatten out the rays in one component - this triggers a special case in the raycasting code
			end(i%3) = start(i%3);

		lcInput[i].m_to = end;
		lcInput[i].m_maxExtraPenetration = HK_REAL_EPSILON;
		lcInput[i].m_startPointTolerance = HK_REAL_EPSILON;


		HK_ASSERT(0x3fe8daf1, m_world->m_kdTreeManager->isUpToDate());
		HK_TIME_CODE_BLOCK("kdtreeLinearCast", HK_NULL);
		for (int i=0; i < numCasts; i++)
			m_world->linearCast(castCollidables[i], lcInput[i], treeCollectors[i] );


		HK_TIME_CODE_BLOCK("worldLinearCast", HK_NULL);
		// Mark the world's kd-tree as dirty, forcing raycasting to go through the old (slow) hkp3AxisSweep algorithm
		// You should NOT usually be doing this.
		for (int i=0; i < numCasts; i++)
			m_world->linearCast(castCollidables[i], lcInput[i], worldCollectors[i] );
	// Check that the results agree, and draw the results
		for (int i=0; i<numCasts; i++)

  			HK_ASSERT(0x0, worldCollectors[i].hasHit() == treeCollectors[i].hasHit() );
  			if (worldCollectors[i].hasHit())
  				hkReal tolerance = m_world->getCollisionInput()->m_config->m_iterativeLinearCastEarlyOutDistance;
  				hkBool hitFractionsEqual = hkMath::equal(worldCollectors[i].getEarlyOutDistance(), treeCollectors[i].getEarlyOutDistance(), 2.0f*tolerance);
  				hkBool hitCollidablesEqual =  worldCollectors[i].getHit().m_rootCollidableB == treeCollectors[i].getHit().m_rootCollidableB ;
  				HK_ASSERT(0x0, hitFractionsEqual || hitCollidablesEqual );

			hkVector4 start = hkGetRigidBody(castCollidables[i])->getPosition();

			if (treeCollectors[i].hasHit())
				hkVector4 hitpoint;
				hitpoint.setInterpolate4(start, lcInput[i].m_to, treeCollectors[i].getEarlyOutDistance() );

				HK_DISPLAY_STAR(hitpoint, .1f, hkColor::RED);
				HK_DISPLAY_ARROW(hitpoint, treeCollectors[i].getHit().m_contact.getNormal(),  hkColor::CYAN);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(start, hitpoint, hkColor::BLUE);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(start, lcInput[i].m_to, hkColor::WHITE);
// Do some random raycasts into the world
// Both the kd-tree and the (deprecated) hkp3AxisSweep versions are used for comparison
void KdTreeVsBroadphaseDemo::doRaycasts()
	const int numRays = 100;
	hkLocalArray<hkpWorldRayCastInput> inputs( numRays );

	// Need fixed-size collector arrays to make sure the constructors get called

	hkpWorldRayCastOutput iterativeCollectors[numRays];
	hkpClosestRayHitCollector worldCollectors[numRays];

	for (int i=0; i < numRays; i++)
		hkVector4 start, end;
		start.set(	hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeX, m_worldSizeX),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeY, m_worldSizeY),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeZ, m_worldSizeZ));

		end.set(	hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeX, m_worldSizeX),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeY, m_worldSizeY),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeZ, m_worldSizeZ));

		// Flatten out the rays in one component - this triggers a special case in the raycasting code
			end(i%3) = start(i%3);

		inputs[i].m_from = start;
		inputs[i].m_to = end;
		inputs[i].m_filterInfo = 0;

	// Raycast using the world's kd-tree
	HK_TIMER_BEGIN("kdTreeRaycast", HK_NULL);

	// Check that the tree isn't dirty
	HK_ASSERT(0x3fe8daf1, m_world->m_kdTreeManager->isUpToDate());
	for (int i=0; i < numRays; i++)
		m_world->castRay(inputs[i], iterativeCollectors[i]);


		// Mark the world's kd-tree as dirty, forcing raycasting to go through the old (slow) hkp3AxisSweep algorithm
		// You should NOT usually be doing this.
		for (int i=0; i < numRays; i++)
			m_world->castRay(inputs[i], worldCollectors[i]);
	// Check that the results agree, and draw the results
		for (int i=0; i<numRays; i++)

			HK_ASSERT(0x0, iterativeCollectors[i].hasHit() == worldCollectors[i].hasHit());
			HK_ASSERT(0x0, hkMath::equal(iterativeCollectors[i].m_hitFraction, worldCollectors[i].m_earlyOutHitFraction));

			if (iterativeCollectors[i].hasHit())
				hkVector4 hitpoint;
				hitpoint.setInterpolate4(inputs[i].m_from, inputs[i].m_to, iterativeCollectors[i].m_hitFraction);
				HK_DISPLAY_STAR(hitpoint, .1f, hkColor::RED);
				HK_DISPLAY_ARROW(hitpoint, iterativeCollectors[i].m_normal, hkColor::CYAN);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(inputs[i].m_from, hitpoint, hkColor::BLUE);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(inputs[i].m_from, inputs[i].m_to, hkColor::WHITE);