bool SRUKF::measurementUpdate(const Matrix& measurement, const Matrix& measurementNoise, const Matrix& predictedMeasurementSigmas, const Matrix& stateEstimateSigmas) { int numberOfSigmaPoints = stateEstimateSigmas.getn(); debug << "Predicted measurement sigmas:" << std::endl << predictedMeasurementSigmas; Matrix predictedMeasurement = CalculateMeanFromSigmas(predictedMeasurementSigmas); Matrix Mz(m_numStates,numberOfSigmaPoints, false); Matrix Mx(m_numStates,numberOfSigmaPoints, false); for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSigmaPoints; i++) { Mz.setCol(i, m_sqrtSigmaWeights[0][i] * (predictedMeasurementSigmas.getCol(i) - predictedMeasurement)); Mx.setCol(i, m_sqrtSigmaWeights[0][i] * (stateEstimateSigmas.getCol(i) - m_mean)); } Matrix Sz = horzcat(Mz,measurementNoise); Matrix Pxz = Mx*Mz.transp(); Matrix K = Pxz * Invert22(Sz*Sz.transp()); debug << "K:" << std::endl << K; m_mean = m_mean + K * (measurement - predictedMeasurement); m_sqrtCovariance = HT(horzcat(Mx-K*Mz,K*measurementNoise)); //m_covariance = HT(horzcat(sigmaPoints-m_mean*m_sigmaWeights - K*predictedObservationSigmas + // K*predictedObservation*m_sigmaWeights,K*measurementNoise)); return true; }
static int dis_tcc(uint32_t *pc, uint32_t inst) { char *tcc[0x10] = { "tn", "te", "tle", "tl", "tleu", "tcs", "tneg", "tvs", "ta", "tne", "tg", "tge", "tgu", "tcc", "tpos", "tvc" }; (void)printf("%p:\t%s%s\t%s, ", (void *)pc, HT(inst) ? "h" : "", tcc[COND(inst)], TCC(inst) ? "%xcc" : "%icc"); if (IMM(inst)) (void)printf("0x%x\n", SWTRAP(inst)); else (void)printf("%s\n", sregs[RS2(inst)]); return OK; }
Matrix SRUKF::CalculateCovarianceFromSigmas(const Matrix& sigmaPoints, const Matrix& mean) const { unsigned int numPoints = sigmaPoints.getn(); Matrix diff; Matrix temp(m_numStates, numPoints, false); //debug << "mean" << std::endl << mean << std::endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { //debug << "sigma" << std::endl << sigmaPoints.getCol(i) << std::endl; diff = sigmaPoints.getCol(i) - mean; //debug << "diff" << std::endl << diff << std::endl; temp.setCol(i, m_sqrtSigmaWeights[0][i] * diff); } debug << "temp" << std::endl << temp << std::endl; return HT(temp); }
void UKF4::timeUpdate(float timePassed) { updateUncertainties[0][2] = timePassed; // x velx updateUncertainties[1][3] = timePassed; // y vely //-----------------------Update for velocity // Estimated velocity and position, combined with an estimated decay on velocity (friction) is used to predict the new position stateEstimates[0][0] += stateEstimates[2][0]*timePassed; // Update x position by x velocity. stateEstimates[1][0] += stateEstimates[3][0]*timePassed; // Update y position by y velocity. stateEstimates[2][0] *= ukfParams.vel_decay_rate; // Reduce x velocity assuming deceleration stateEstimates[3][0] *= ukfParams.vel_decay_rate; // Reduce y velocity assuming deceleration // Householder transform. Unscented KF algorithm. Takes a while. stateStandardDeviations=HT(horzcat(updateUncertainties*stateStandardDeviations, sqrtOfProcessNoise)); return; }
void MultiThreadingOptionsMenu (void) { CMenu m (10); int h, i, bSound = [rtSound], choice = 0; static int menuToTask [rtTaskCount] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5}; //map menu entries to tasks static int taskToMenu [6] = {0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7}; //map tasks to menu entries h = ? 6 : 1; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) m.AddCheck (GT (1060 + i), [taskToMenu [i]], -1, HT (359 + i)); i = m.Menu (NULL, TXT_MT_MENU_TITLE, NULL, &choice); h = ? rtTaskCount : rtSound + 1; for (i = rtSound; i < h; i++) [i] = (m [menuToTask [i]].m_value != 0); if ( { ControlRenderThreads (); ControlSoundThread (); ControlTranspRenderThread (); ControlEffectsThread (); } }
NMatrix UKF4::GetLocSR(){ return HT(vertcat(stateStandardDeviations.getRow(0), stateStandardDeviations.getRow(1))); }
// //RHM: 26/6/08 New function, needed for shared ball stuff (and maybe others....) //====================================================================== // ukf4UpdateResult UKF4::linear2MeasurementUpdate(float Y1,float Y2, float SR11, float SR12, float SR22, int index1, int index2) // // KF update (called for example by shared ball) where a pair of measurements, [Y1;Y2]; // with variance Square Root of Covariance (SR) [SR11 SR12; 0 SR22] // are predicted to be Xhat[index1][0] and Xhat[index2][0] respectively // This is based on the function fieldObjectmeas, but simplified. // // Example Call (given data from wireless: ballX, ballY, SRballXX, SRballXY, SRballYY) // linear2MeasurementUpdate( ballX, ballY, SRballXX, SRballXY, SRballYY, 3, 4 ) { NMatrix SR = NMatrix(2,2,false); SR[0][0] = SR11; SR[0][1] = SR12; SR[1][1] = SR22; NMatrix R = NMatrix(2,2,false); R = SR * SR.transp(); NMatrix Py = NMatrix(2, 2, false); NMatrix Pxy = NMatrix(4, 2, false); NMatrix CS = NMatrix(2, 4, false); CS.setRow(0, stateStandardDeviations.getRow(index1)); CS.setRow(1, stateStandardDeviations.getRow(index2)); Py = CS * CS.transp(); Pxy = stateStandardDeviations * CS.transp(); NMatrix K = Pxy * Invert22(Py + R); //Invert22 NMatrix y = NMatrix(2, 1, false); y[0][0] = Y1; y[1][0] = Y2; NMatrix yBar = NMatrix(2, 1, false); //Estimated values of the measurements Y1,Y2 yBar[0][0] = stateEstimates[index1][0]; yBar[1][0] = stateEstimates[index2][0]; //RHM: (3) Outlier rejection. float innovation2 = convDble( (yBar - y).transp() * Invert22(Py + SR * SR.transp()) * (yBar - y) ); // oppLog((30, "innovation2: %5.3f, outlier thresh: %5.3f", innovation2, ukfParams.outlier_rejection_thresh)); lastInnov2 = innovation2; lastStateEstimates = stateEstimates; lastStateStandardDeviations = stateStandardDeviations; lastFrameUpdated = frameUpdated; if (innovation2 > ukfParams.outlier_rejection_thresh){ //std::cout<<"+++++++++++++++++not update+++++++++++++++++"<<std::endl; return UKF4_OUTLIER; } if(innovation2 < 0){ //std::cout<<"**********************************"<<std::endl; //Py.print(); //std::cout<<"**********************************"<<std::endl; } stateStandardDeviations = HT(horzcat(stateStandardDeviations - K * CS, K * SR)); stateEstimates = stateEstimates - K * (yBar - y); return UKF4_OK; }
// update based on an opponent detection ukf4UpdateResult UKF4::opponentDetection(float obsDistance, float obsBearing, float distanceErrorOffset, float distanceErrorRelative, float bearingError) { WorldObject* self = &(worldObjects->objects_[robotState->WO_SELF]); oppLog((70, "update using self %i, loc (%5.3f, %5.3f), orient %5.3f, sd (%5.5f, %5.5f), sd orient %5.5f", robotState->WO_SELF, self->loc.x, self->loc.y, self->orientation, self->sd.x, self->sd.y, self->sdOrientation)); // TODO: incorporate robot's own sd in x,y,theta float oppX = obsDistance * cos(obsBearing + self->orientation) + self->loc.x; float oppY = obsDistance * sin(obsBearing + self->orientation) + self->loc.y; oppLog((70, "update opp filter with robot at dist %5.3f, bear %5.3f, global (%5.3f, %5.3f)", obsDistance, obsBearing, oppX, oppY)); // if robot is off field.... return outlier if (fabs(oppX) > (GRASS_X/20.0) || fabs(oppY) > (GRASS_Y/20.0)){ oppLog((10, "observed opponent off field, outlier")); return UKF4_OUTLIER; } float R_range = distanceErrorOffset + distanceErrorRelative * powf(obsDistance, 2); float R_bearing = bearingError; // Calculate update uncertainties - S_obj_rel & R_obj_rel NMatrix S_obj_rel = NMatrix(2,5,false); // Todd: convert dist/bearing/locx/y/theta error to abs x/y error S_obj_rel[0][0] = cos(obsBearing + self->orientation) * sqrtf(R_range); // oppX/drange * r_range S_obj_rel[0][1] = -sin(obsBearing + self->orientation)*obsDistance*sqrtf(R_bearing); // oppX/dbear * r_bear S_obj_rel[0][2] = self->sd.x; // oppX/locx * r_locx S_obj_rel[0][3] = 0.0; // oppX/locy * r_locy S_obj_rel[0][4] = -sin(obsBearing+self->orientation)*obsDistance*self->sdOrientation; // oppX/theta * r_theta S_obj_rel[1][0] = sin(obsBearing + self->orientation) * sqrtf(R_range); // oppY/drange * r_range S_obj_rel[1][1] = cos(obsBearing + self->orientation) * obsDistance * sqrtf(R_bearing); // oppY/dbear * r_bear S_obj_rel[1][2] = 0.0; // oppY/locx * r_locx S_obj_rel[1][3] = self->sd.y; // oppY/locy * r_locy S_obj_rel[1][4] = cos(obsBearing + self->orientation) * obsDistance * self->sdOrientation; // oppY/theta * r_theta // oppLog((10, "sd range %5.5f, sd bearing %5.5f, sdx %5.5f, sdy %5.5f, sdtheta %5.5f", R_range, R_bearing, self->sd.x, self->sd.y, self->sdOrientation)); //oppLog((10, "from those errors to globalx: %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f", S_obj_rel[0][0], S_obj_rel[0][1], S_obj_rel[0][2], S_obj_rel[0][3], S_obj_rel[0][4])); //oppLog((10, "from those errors to globaly: %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f", S_obj_rel[1][0], S_obj_rel[1][1], S_obj_rel[1][2], S_obj_rel[1][3], S_obj_rel[1][4])); NMatrix R_obj_rel = S_obj_rel * S_obj_rel.transp(); // R = S^2 // Unscented KF Stuff. NMatrix yBar; //reset NMatrix Py; NMatrix Pxy=NMatrix(4, 2, false); //Pxy=[0;0;0]; NMatrix scriptX=NMatrix(stateEstimates.getm(), 2 * nStates + 1, false); scriptX.setCol(0, stateEstimates); //scriptX(:,1)=Xhat; //----------------Saturate ScriptX angle sigma points to not wrap for(int i=1;i<nStates+1;i++){//hack to make test points distributed // Addition Portion. scriptX.setCol(i, stateEstimates + sqrtf((float)nStates + ukfParams.kappa) * stateStandardDeviations.getCol(i - 1)); // Subtraction Portion. scriptX.setCol(nStates + i,stateEstimates - sqrtf((float)nStates + ukfParams.kappa) * stateStandardDeviations.getCol(i - 1)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- NMatrix scriptY = NMatrix(2, 2 * nStates + 1, false); NMatrix temp = NMatrix(2, 1, false); for(int i = 0; i < 2 * nStates + 1; i++){ // expected values for each sigma point (abs x/y location) temp[0][0] = scriptX[0][i]; temp[1][0] = scriptX[1][i]; scriptY.setCol(i, temp.getCol(0)); } NMatrix Mx = NMatrix(scriptX.getm(), 2 * nStates + 1, false); NMatrix My = NMatrix(scriptY.getm(), 2 * nStates + 1, false); for(int i = 0; i < 2 * nStates + 1; i++){ Mx.setCol(i, sqrtOfTestWeightings[0][i] * scriptX.getCol(i)); My.setCol(i, sqrtOfTestWeightings[0][i] * scriptY.getCol(i)); } NMatrix M1 = sqrtOfTestWeightings; yBar = My * M1.transp(); // Predicted Measurement. Py = (My - yBar * M1) * (My - yBar * M1).transp(); Pxy = (Mx - stateEstimates * M1) * (My - yBar * M1).transp(); NMatrix K = Pxy * Invert22(Py + R_obj_rel); // K = Kalman filter gain. NMatrix y = NMatrix(2,1,false); // Measurement. I terms of relative (x,y). y[0][0] = oppX; y[1][0] = oppY; //end of standard ukf stuff //RHM: 20/06/08 Outlier rejection. float innovation2 = convDble((yBar - y).transp() * Invert22(Py + R_obj_rel) * (yBar - y)); // Update Alpha float innovation2measError = convDble((yBar - y).transp() * Invert22(R_obj_rel) * (yBar - y)); alpha *= 1 / (1 + innovation2measError); locLog(70, "Y: %5.3f, %5.3f, Ybar: %5.3f, %5.3f, yBar-y: %5.3f, %5.3f", y[0][0], y[1][0], yBar[0][0], yBar[1][0], yBar[0][0]-y[0][0], yBar[1][0]-y[1][0]); oppLog((70, "innovation2: %5.3f, outlier thresh: %5.3f", innovation2, ukfParams.outlier_rejection_thresh)); lastInnov2 = innovation2; lastStateEstimates = stateEstimates; lastStateStandardDeviations = stateStandardDeviations; lastFrameUpdated = frameUpdated; if (innovation2 > ukfParams.outlier_rejection_thresh){ return UKF4_OUTLIER; } if (innovation2 < 0){ //std::cout<<"**********************************"<<std::endl; //Py.print(); //R_obj_rel.print(); //std::cout<<"**********************************"<<std::endl; } // only update this from actual seen observations frameUpdated = frameInfo->frame_id; oppLog((70, "Y: %5.3f, %5.3f, Ybar: %5.3f, %5.3f, yBar-y: %5.3f, %5.3f", y[0][0], y[1][0], yBar[0][0], yBar[1][0], yBar[0][0]-y[0][0], yBar[1][0]-y[1][0])); NMatrix change = NMatrix(4,1,false) - K*(yBar - y); // oppLog((70, "Change: %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f", change[0][0], change[1][0], change[2][0], change[3][0])); stateStandardDeviations = HT( horzcat(Mx - stateEstimates*M1 - K*My + K*yBar*M1, K*S_obj_rel) ); stateEstimates = stateEstimates - K*(yBar - y); return UKF4_OK; }
// RHM 7/7/08: Additional function for resetting void UKF4::Reset() { // Add extra uncertainty stateStandardDeviations = HT(horzcat(stateStandardDeviations, sqrtOfProcessNoiseReset)); }