Esempio n. 1
PUBLIC HTStream * HTRules (HTRequest *	request,
			   void *	param,
			   HTFormat	input_format,
			   HTFormat	output_format,
			   HTStream *	output_stream)
    HTAlertCallback *cbf = HTAlert_find(HT_A_CONFIRM);
    **  If the library has been compiled so that we automatically accept
    **  rule files then it's OK not to ask the user.
    if (!cbf || (cbf && (*cbf)(request,HT_A_CONFIRM, HT_MSG_RULES, NULL,NULL,NULL))) {
    if ((cbf && (*cbf)(request,HT_A_CONFIRM, HT_MSG_RULES, NULL,NULL,NULL))) {
	HTStream * me;
	HTTRACE(APP_TRACE, "Rule file... Parser object created\n");
	if ((me = (HTStream *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL)
	me->isa = &HTRuleClass;
	me->request = request;
	me->buffer = HTChunk_new(512);
	me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN;
	if (!rules) rules = HTList_new();
	return me;
    } else {
	HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_NO_AUTO_RULES,
			   NULL, 0, "HTRules");
	return HTErrorStream();

**  Parse a rule file - don't ask don't tell - be carefull with this one!
PUBLIC HTStream * HTRules_parseAutomatically (HTRequest *	request,
					      void *		param,
					      HTFormat		input_format,
					      HTFormat		output_format,
					      HTStream *	output_stream)
    if (request) {
	HTStream * me;
	HTTRACE(APP_TRACE, "Rule file... Automatic parser object created\n");
	if ((me = (HTStream *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL)
	me->isa = &HTRuleClass;
	me->request = request;
	me->buffer = HTChunk_new(512);
	me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN;
	if (!rules) rules = HTList_new();
	return me;
    } else {
	HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_NO_AUTO_RULES,
			   NULL, 0, "HTRules");
	return HTErrorStream();
Esempio n. 2
/*	Structured Text object
**	----------------------
**	The structured stream can generate either presentation,
**	or plain text, or HTML.
PRIVATE HTStructured * HTML_new (HTRequest *	request,
				 void *		param,
				 HTFormat	input_format,
				 HTFormat	output_format,
				 HTStream *	output_stream)
    HTStructured * me = NULL;
    if (request) {
	if ((me = (HTStructured *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStructured))) == NULL)
	me->isa = &HTMLPresentation;
	me->dtd = HTML_dtd();
	me->request = request;
	me->node_anchor =  HTRequest_anchor(request);
	me->title = HTChunk_new(128);
	me->comment_start = NULL;
	me->comment_end = NULL;
	me->target = output_stream;
	me->sp = me->stack + MAX_NESTING - 1;

	/* Create the text object */
	me->text = HTextImp_new(me->request, me->node_anchor, me->target);
    return me;
Esempio n. 3
**  Check whether the application provides us with a cookie or more.
PRIVATE int HTCookie_beforeFilter (HTRequest * request, void * param, int mode)
    if ((CookieMode & HT_COOKIE_SEND) && FindCookie) {
        HTAssocList * cookies = (*FindCookie)(request, FindCookieContext);
        if (cookies) {
            HTChunk * cookie_header = HTChunk_new(64);
            HTAssocList * cur = cookies;
            HTAssoc * pres;
            BOOL first=YES;
            while ((pres = (HTAssoc *) HTAssocList_nextObject(cur))) {
                if (!first) HTChunk_putc(cookie_header, ';');
                HTChunk_puts(cookie_header, HTAssoc_name(pres));
                HTChunk_putc(cookie_header, '=');
                HTChunk_puts(cookie_header, HTAssoc_value(pres));
                first = NO;
            HTRequest_addExtraHeader(request, "Cookie", HTChunk_data(cookie_header));

            /* Also delete the association list */
    return HT_OK;
Esempio n. 4
int optionsURL_tcl(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
		   int argc, char **argv) {

    if (argc == 2) {
	char *url 	      = argv[1];
	if (url) {

	    HTRequest *req    = HTRequest_new();
	    BOOL work;
	    HTChunk *chunk	= HTChunk_new(0x2000);
	    HTStream *stream = HTStreamToChunk(req, &chunk, 0);
	    HTRequest_setOutputFormat(req, DEFAULT_FORMAT);
	    HTRequest_setOutputStream(req, stream);
	    HTRequest_setPreemptive(req, YES);

	    work = HTOptionsAbsolute(url, req);

	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, work ? "YES" : "NO", HTChunkData(chunk), NULL);
	    return TCL_OK;
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, bad_vars, NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
    else {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, err_string, argv[0], " url", NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
Esempio n. 5
int postURL_tcl(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
		int argc, char **argv) {

    if (argc == 3) {
	char *url 	      = argv[1];
	char *dest 	      = argv[2];
	if (url && dest) {

	    HTParentAnchor *source = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(url);
	    HTRequest *req    = HTRequest_new();
	    HTChunk *chunk	= HTChunk_new(0x2000);
	    HTStream *stream = HTStreamToChunk(req, &chunk, 0);
	    BOOL work;
	    HTRequest_setOutputFormat(req, DEFAULT_FORMAT);
	    HTRequest_setOutputStream(req, stream);
	    HTRequest_setPreemptive(req, YES);
	    work = HTPostAbsolute (source, dest, req);

	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, work ? "YES" : "NO", HTChunkData(chunk), NULL);
	    return TCL_OK;
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, bad_vars, NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
    else {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, err_string, argv[0], " url destination", NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
Esempio n. 6
/*	Determine a suitable suffix
**	---------------------------
**  Use the set of bindings to find a suitable suffix (or index)
**  for a certain combination of language, media type and encoding
**  given in the anchor.
**  Returns a pointer to a suitable suffix string that must be freed 
**  by the caller. If more than one suffix is found they are all
**  concatenated using the first delimiter in HTDelimiters.
**  If no suffix is found, NULL is returned.
PUBLIC char * HTBind_getSuffix (HTParentAnchor * anchor)
    int cnt;
    HTList * cur;
    HTChunk * suffix = HTChunk_new(48);
    char delimiter = *HTDelimiters;
    char * ct=NULL, * ce=NULL, * cl=NULL;
    HTFormat format = HTAnchor_format(anchor);
    HTList * encoding = HTAnchor_encoding(anchor);
    HTList * language = HTAnchor_language(anchor);
    if (!HTBindings) HTBind_init();
    if (anchor) {
	for (cnt=0; cnt<HT_L_HASH_SIZE; cnt++) {
	    if ((cur = HTBindings[cnt])) { 
		HTBind *pres;
		while ((pres = (HTBind *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) {
		    if (!ct && (pres->type && pres->type == format)){
			ct = pres->suffix;
		    } else if (!ce && pres->encoding && encoding) {
			HTList * cur_enc = encoding;
			HTEncoding pres_enc;
			while ((pres_enc = (HTEncoding) HTList_nextObject(cur_enc))) {
			    if (pres_enc == pres->encoding) {
				ce = pres->suffix;
		    } else if (!cl && pres->language && language) {
			HTList * cur_lang = language;
			HTLanguage pres_lang;
			while ((pres_lang = (HTLanguage) HTList_nextObject(cur_lang))) {
			    if (pres_lang == pres->language) {
				cl = pres->suffix;

	/* Put the found suffixes together */
	if (ct) {
	    HTChunk_putc(suffix, delimiter);
	    HTChunk_puts(suffix, ct);
	if (ce) {
	    HTChunk_putc(suffix, delimiter);
	    HTChunk_puts(suffix, ce);
	if (cl) {
	    HTChunk_putc(suffix, delimiter);
	    HTChunk_puts(suffix, cl);
    return HTChunk_toCString(suffix);
Esempio n. 7
/*	Create a chunk from an allocated string
**	---------------------------------------
PUBLIC HTChunk * HTChunk_fromCString (char * str, int grow)
    HTChunk * ch;
    ch = HTChunk_new(grow);
    if (str) {
	ch->data = str;			/* can't handle non-allocated str */
	ch->size = strlen(str);
	ch->allocated = ch->size + 1; /* [SIC] bobr */
    return ch;
Esempio n. 8
/* C O N S T R U C T O R S */
PUBLIC CSParse_t * CSParse_new(void)
    CSParse_t * me;
	if ((me = (CSParse_t *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(CSParse_t))) == NULL)
    me->nowIn = NowIn_NEEDOPEN;
    me->token = HTChunk_new(0x10);
	if ((me->pParseContext = (ParseContext_t *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(ParseContext_t))) == NULL)
    return me;
Esempio n. 9
/*	Create a chunk from an allocated buffer
**	---------------------------------------
PUBLIC HTChunk * HTChunk_fromBuffer (char * buf, int buflen, int size, int grow)
    HTChunk * ch;
    ch = HTChunk_new(grow);
    if (buf) {
	ch->data = buf;
	ch->size = ch->allocated = buflen;
	if (size < buflen)
	    HTChunk_setSize(ch, size);	/* This ensures the end is 0-filled */
    return ch;
Esempio n. 10
PUBLIC HTStream * HTNewsPost_new (HTRequest * request, HTStream * target)
    HTStream * me;
    if ((me = (HTStream  *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL)
    me->isa = &NewsPostClass;
    me->target = target;
    me->request = request;
    me->buffer = HTChunk_new(256);
    me->transparent = NO;
    return HTMIMERequest_new(request, me, YES);
Esempio n. 11
PRIVATE HTStream * HTTPReceive_new (HTRequest * request, https_info * http)
    HTStream * me;
    if ((me = (HTStream  *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL)
    me->isa = &HTTPReceiveClass;
    me->request = request;
    me->http = http;
    me->state = EOL_BEGIN;
    me->buffer = HTChunk_new(128);		 /* Sufficiant for most URLs */
    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "HTTP Request Stream %p created\n" _ me);
    return me;
Esempio n. 12
/*	MIME header parser stream.
**	-------------------------
**	This stream parses a complete MIME header and if a content type header
**	is found then the stream stack is called. Any left over data is pumped
**	right through the stream
PUBLIC HTStream* HTMIMEConvert (HTRequest *	request,
				void *		param,
				HTFormat	input_format,
				HTFormat	output_format,
				HTStream *	output_stream)
    HTStream * me;
    if ((me = (HTStream *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(* me))) == NULL)
    me->isa = &HTMIME;       
    me->request = request;
    me->response = HTRequest_response(request);
    me->net = HTRequest_net(request);
    me->target = output_stream;
    me->target_format = output_format;
    me->save_stream = LocalSaveStream ? LocalSaveStream : HTBlackHoleConverter;
    me->token = HTChunk_new(256);
    me->value = HTChunk_new(256);
    me->hash = 0;
    me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN;
    me->haveToken = NO;
    return me;
Esempio n. 13
PUBLIC char * Range_toStr(Range_t * pRange)
    HTChunk * pChunk;
    char * ptr;
    pChunk = HTChunk_new(20);
    ptr = FVal_toStr(&pRange->min);
    HTChunk_puts(pChunk, ptr);
    if (FVal_initialized(&pRange->max)) {
        ptr = FVal_toStr(&pRange->max);
	HTChunk_puts(pChunk, ":");
	HTChunk_puts(pChunk, ptr);
    return HTChunk_toCString(pChunk);
Esempio n. 14
/*	Create SGML Engine
**	------------------
** On entry,
**	dtd		represents the DTD, along with
**	actions		is the sink for the data as a set of routines.
PUBLIC HTStream *SGML_new(const SGML_dtd * dtd, HTStructured * target)
    int i;
    HTStream* context;
    if ((context = (HTStream  *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL)

    context->isa = &SGMLParser;
    context->string = HTChunk_new(128);	/* Grow by this much */
    context->dtd = dtd;
    context->target = target;
    context->actions = (HTStructuredClass*)(((HTStream*)target)->isa);
    /* Ugh: no OO */
    context->state = S_text;
    for(i=0; i<MAX_ATTRIBUTES; i++)
	context->value[i] = 0;
    return context;
Esempio n. 15
PUBLIC int HTLoadNews (SOCKET soc, HTRequest * request)
    news_info *news;
    HTParentAnchor *anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request);
    HTNet * net = HTRequest_net(request);
    char * url = HTAnchor_physical(anchor);

    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "NNTP........ Looking for `%s\'\n" _ url);
    if ((news = (news_info *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(news_info))) == NULL)
    news->cmd = HTChunk_new(128);
    news->state = NEWS_BEGIN;
    news->net = net;
    HTNet_setContext(net, news);
    HTNet_setEventCallback(net, NewsEvent);
    HTNet_setEventParam(net, news);  /* callbacks get http* */

    return NewsEvent(soc, news, HTEvent_BEGIN);		/* get it started - ops is ignored */
Esempio n. 16
PUBLIC HTStream * HTStreamToChunk (HTRequest * 	request,
				   HTChunk **	chunk,
				   int 		max_size)
    if (request) {
	HTStream * me;
	*chunk = NULL;
	if ((me = (HTStream  *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL)
	me->isa = &HTStreamToChunkClass;
	me->request = request;
	me->max_size = (!max_size) ? max_size : HT_MAXSIZE;
	me->chunk = *chunk = HTChunk_new(me->max_size > 0 ?
					 HTMIN(me->max_size, HT_MAXGROWSIZE) :
	HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "ChunkStream. Chunk %p created with max size %d\n" _ 
		    me->chunk _ me->max_size);
	return me;
    return HTErrorStream();
Esempio n. 17
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    HTSQL *	sql = NULL;
    char *	sqlserver = DEFAULT_SQL_SERVER;
    char *	sqldb = DEFAULT_SQL_DB;
    char *	sqluser = DEFAULT_SQL_USER;
    char *	sqlpw = DEFAULT_SQL_PW;
    char *	cvsuser = DEFAULT_CVS_USER;
    time_t	cvsdate = -1;
    FILE * fin = stdin;
    char *	input_buffer[BUFSIZE];
    HTChunk *	loginfo = HTChunk_new(BUFSIZE);
    int		arg = 0;
    BOOL	create_db = YES;

    /* Initiate libwww */

    /* Scan command line for parameters */
    for (arg=1; arg<argc; arg++) {
        if (*argv[arg] == '-') {

            if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[arg], "-?")) {
                Cleanup(0, sql, loginfo);

            } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-v")) {

            } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-nocreate")) {
                create_db = NO;

            } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-sqldb", 5)) {
                sqldb = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
                        argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_SQL_DB;

            } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-sqlpassword", 5)) {
                sqlpw = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
                        argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_SQL_PW;

            } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-sqlserver", 5)) {
                sqlserver = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
                            argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_SQL_SERVER;

            } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-sqluser", 5)) {
                sqluser = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
                          argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_SQL_USER;

            } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-cvsuser", 5)) {
                cvsuser = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
                          argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_CVS_USER;

            } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-cvsdate", 5)) {
                cvsdate = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
                          HTParseTime(argv[++arg], NULL, NO) : -1;

            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Bad Argument (%s)\n", argv[arg]);
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Bad Argument (%s)\n", argv[arg]);

    /* Get an SQL object */
    if ((sql = HTSQL_new(sqlserver, sqluser, sqlpw, 0)) == NULL)
        Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);

    /* Connect to the SQL server */
    if (HTSQL_connect(sql) != YES) Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);

    /* Select our database */
    if (HTSQL_selectDB(sql, sqldb) != YES) Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);

    /* Create our tables */
    if (create_db) createTables(sql, 0);

    /* Read the arguments from stdin */
    for (;;) {
        int status = fread(input_buffer, 1, BUFSIZE, fin);
        if (status < 0) Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);
        if (status == 0) break;
        HTChunk_putb(loginfo, (const char *) input_buffer, status);

    /* Parse the input chunk */
        char * ptr = HTChunk_data(loginfo);
        char * noop1 = HTNextField(&ptr);
        char * noop2 = HTNextField(&ptr);
        char * root = HTNextField(&ptr);
        char * operation = NULL;
        char * files = NULL;
        char * comment = NULL;
        int comment_id = -1;
        int user_id = -1;
        char * p, * q;
        char *lasts;					     /* For strtok_r */

        /* Find shared log message and get id */
        if ((q = HTStrCaseStr(ptr, "\nLog Message:")) != NULL) {
            comment = q+14;
            *q = '\0';
        if ((comment_id = add_comment(sql, comment)) < 0)
            Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);

        /* Add/find user and get id */
        if ((user_id = add_user(sql, cvsuser)) < 0)
            Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);

        /* For each operation, find the files involved */
        while ((q = HTStrCaseStr(ptr, " Files:")) != NULL) {

            /* Find the operation */
            files = q+9;
            for (p=q; p>HTChunk_data(loginfo) && *p && *p!='\n'; p--);
            operation = HTNextField(&p);

            /* Find the next line */
            if ((q = strchr(files, '\n')) != NULL) {
                *q++ = '\0';
                ptr = q;

            /* Create the query */
            if (operation && files && comment) {
                char * file;
                int location_id = -1;

                if ((file = strtok_r(files, DELIMITERS, &lasts)) != NULL) {
                if ((file = strtok(files, DELIMITERS)) != NULL) {
#endif /* HT_REENTRANT */
                    do {
                        char * path = NULL;
                        StrAllocMCopy(&path, root, "/", file, NULL);

                        /* Add/find location and get id */
                        if ((location_id = add_location(sql, path)) < 0) {
                            Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);

#if 0
                        fprintf(stderr, "location: `%s\', user: `%s\', operation: `%s\', comment: `%s\'\n",
                                path, cvsuser, operation, comment);

                        /* Add log entry */
                            char buf[16384];
                            char * query = HTSQL_printf(buf, 16384, "insert into %s values (%u,%u,%T,%S,%u)",
                            if (HTSQL_query(sql, query) != YES) {
                                Cleanup(-1, sql, loginfo);

                    } while ((file = (char *) strtok_r(NULL, DELIMITERS, &lasts)) != NULL);
                    while ((file = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS)) != NULL);
#endif /* HT_REENTRANT */

    return 0;
Esempio n. 18
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    int		status = 0;	
    int		arg;
    int		tokencount = 0;
    BOOL	formdata = NO;
    HTChunk *	keywords = NULL;			/* From command line */
    HTAssocList*formfields = NULL;
    HTMethod	method = METHOD_GET;			    /* Default value */
    ComLine *	cl = ComLine_new();
    BOOL	cache = NO;			     /* Use persistent cache */
    BOOL	flush = NO;		       /* flush the persistent cache */
    char *	cache_root = NULL;

    /* Starts Mac GUSI socket library */
#ifdef GUSI

#ifdef __MWERKS__ /* STR */
    InitGraf((Ptr) &qd.thePort); 
    InitMenus(); TEInit(); 
    SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false;

    /* Initiate W3C Reference Library with a client profile */
    HTProfile_newNoCacheClient(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION);

    /* Need our own trace and print functions */

    ** Delete the default Username/password handler so that we can handle
    ** parameters handed to us from the command line. The default is set
    ** by the profile.
    HTAlert_add(PromptUsernameAndPassword, HT_A_USER_PW);

    ** Add default content decoder. We insert a through line as it doesn't
    ** matter that we get an encoding that we don't know.
    HTFormat_addCoding("*", HTIdentityCoding, HTIdentityCoding, 0.3);

    /* Scan command Line for parameters */
    for (arg=1; arg<argc; arg++) {
	if (*argv[arg] == '-') {
	    /* - alone => filter */
	    if (argv[arg][1] == '\0') {
		cl->flags |= CL_FILTER;	   
	    /* -? or -help: show the command line help page */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg],"-?") || !strcmp(argv[arg],"-help")) {
		cl->anchor = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(W3C_HELP);
		tokencount = 1;

	    /* non-interactive */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-n")) {

	    /* Treat the keywords as form data with a <name> "=" <value> */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-form")) {
		formdata = YES;

	    /* from -- Initial represntation (only with filter) */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-from")) {
		cl->format = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    HTAtom_for(argv[++arg]) : WWW_HTML;

	    /* to -- Final representation */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-to")) {
		HTFormat format = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    HTAtom_for(argv[++arg]) : DEFAULT_FORMAT;
		HTRequest_setOutputFormat(cl->request, format);

	    /* destination for PUT, POST etc. */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-dest")) {
		if (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') {
		    char * dest = HTParse(argv[++arg], cl->cwd, PARSE_ALL);
		    cl->dest = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(dest);

	    /* source please */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-source")) {
		HTRequest_setOutputFormat(cl->request, WWW_RAW);

	    /* log file */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-l")) {
		cl->logfile = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_LOG_FILE;

	    /* Max forward hops in case of TRACE request */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-hops") ||
		       !strcmp(argv[arg], "-maxforwards")) {
		int hops = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    atoi(argv[++arg]) : DEFAULT_HOPS;
		if (hops >= 0) HTRequest_setMaxForwards(cl->request, hops);

	    /* automated authentication of format user:password@realm */
	    } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-auth", 5)) {
		char * credentials = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : NULL;
		if (credentials) ParseCredentials(cl, credentials);

	    /* rule file */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-r")) {
		cl->rules = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_RULE_FILE;

	    /* output filename */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-o")) { 
		cl->outputfile = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE;

	    /* timeout -- Change the default request timeout */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-timeout")) {
		int timeout = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    atoi(argv[++arg]) : DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
		if (timeout >= 1) cl->timer = timeout*MILLIES;

	    /* preemptive or non-preemptive access */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-single")) {
		HTRequest_setPreemptive(cl->request, YES);

	    /* content Length Counter */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-cl")) { 
		cl->flags |= CL_COUNT;

	    /* print version and exit */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-version")) { 
		Cleanup(cl, 0);

	    /* run in quiet mode */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-q")) { 
		cl->flags |= CL_QUIET;

	    /* Start the persistent cache */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-cache")) {
		cache = YES;

	    /* Determine the cache root */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-cacheroot")) { 
		cache_root = (arg+1 < argc && *argv[arg+1] != '-') ?
		    argv[++arg] : NULL;

	    /* Persistent cache flush */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-flush")) {
		flush = YES;

	    /* Do a cache validation */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-validate")) {
		cl->flags |= CL_VALIDATE;

	    /* Do an end-to-end cache-validation */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-endvalidate")) {
		cl->flags |= CL_END_VALIDATE;

	    /* Force complete reload */
	    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-nocache")) {
		cl->flags |= CL_CACHE_FLUSH;

	    /* trace flags */
	    } else if (!strncmp(argv[arg], "-v", 2)) {

	    /* GET method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-get")) {
		method = METHOD_GET;

	    /* HEAD method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-head")) {
		method = METHOD_HEAD;

	    /* DELETE method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-delete")) {
		method = METHOD_DELETE;

	    /* POST Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-post")) {
		method = METHOD_POST;

	    /* PUT Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-put")) {
		method = METHOD_PUT;

	    /* OPTIONS Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-options")) {
		method = METHOD_OPTIONS;

	    /* TRACE Method */
	    } else if (!strcasecomp(argv[arg], "-trace")) {
		method = METHOD_TRACE;

	    } else {
		if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Bad Argument (%s)\n", argv[arg]);
	} else {	 /* If no leading `-' then check for URL or keywords */
    	    if (!tokencount) {
		char * ref = HTParse(argv[arg], cl->cwd, PARSE_ALL);
		cl->anchor = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(ref);
		tokencount = 1;
	    } else if (formdata) {		   /* Keywords are form data */
		char * string = argv[arg];
		if (tokencount++ <= 1) formfields = HTAssocList_new();
		HTParseFormInput(formfields, string);
	    } else {		   	       /* keywords are search tokens */
		char * escaped = HTEscape(argv[arg], URL_XALPHAS);
		if (tokencount++ <= 1)
		    keywords = HTChunk_new(128);
		    HTChunk_putc(keywords, ' ');
		HTChunk_puts(keywords, HTStrip(escaped));

    if (!tokencount && !cl->flags & CL_FILTER) {
	Cleanup(cl, 0);

    /* Should we use persistent cache? */
    if (cache) {
	HTCacheInit(cache_root, 20);

	/* Should we start by flushing? */
	if (flush) HTCache_flushAll();

    ** Check whether we should do some kind of cache validation on
    ** the load
    if (cl->flags & CL_VALIDATE)
	HTRequest_setReloadMode(cl->request, HT_CACHE_VALIDATE);
    else if (cl->flags & CL_END_VALIDATE)
	HTRequest_setReloadMode(cl->request, HT_CACHE_END_VALIDATE);
    else if (cl->flags & CL_CACHE_FLUSH)
	HTRequest_setReloadMode(cl->request, HT_CACHE_FLUSH);

    /* Add progress notification */
    if (cl->flags & CL_QUIET) HTAlert_deleteOpcode(HT_A_PROGRESS);

    /* Output file specified? */
    if (cl->outputfile) {
	if ((cl->output = fopen(cl->outputfile, "wb")) == NULL) {
	    if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Can't open `%s'\\n",cl->outputfile);
	    cl->output = OUTPUT;

    ** Set up the output. Even though we don't use this explicit, it is
    ** required in order to show the stream stack that we know that we are
    ** getting raw data output on the output stream of the request object.
			      HTFWriter_new(cl->request, cl->output, YES));

    /* Setting event timeout */

    ** Make sure that the first request is flushed immediately and not
    ** buffered in the output buffer
    HTRequest_setFlush(cl->request, YES);

    /* Log file specifed? */
    if (cl->logfile) {
	cl->log = HTLog_open(cl->logfile, YES, YES);
        if (cl->log) HTNet_addAfter(HTLogFilter, NULL, cl->log, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LATE);

    /* Just convert formats */
    if (cl->flags & CL_FILTER) {
	HTRequest_setAnchor(cl->request, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor);
	HTRequest_setPreemptive(cl->request, YES);
	HTLoadSocket(STDIN_FILENO, cl->request);
	Cleanup(cl, 0);
    /* Content Length Counter */
    if (cl->flags & CL_COUNT) {
						   cl->request, 0x2000));

    /* Rule file specified? */
    if (cl->rules) {
	char * rules = HTParse(cl->rules, cl->cwd, PARSE_ALL);
	if (!HTLoadRulesAutomatically(rules))
	    if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Can't access rules\n");

    /* Add our own filter to update the history list */
    HTNet_addAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST);

    /* Start the request */
    switch (method) {
    case METHOD_GET:

	if (formdata)
	    status = HTGetFormAnchor(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	else if (keywords)
	    status = HTSearchAnchor(keywords, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	    status = HTLoadAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

    case METHOD_HEAD:
	if (formdata) {
	    HTRequest_setMethod(cl->request, METHOD_HEAD);
	    status = HTGetFormAnchor(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	} else if (keywords) {
	    HTRequest_setMethod(cl->request, METHOD_HEAD);
	    status = HTSearchAnchor(keywords, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	} else
	    status = HTHeadAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

	status = HTDeleteAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

    case METHOD_POST:
	if (formdata) {
	    HTParentAnchor * posted = NULL;
#if 1
	    posted = HTPostFormAnchor(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	    status = posted ? YES : NO;
	    /* If we want output to a chunk instead */
	    post_result = HTPostFormAnchorToChunk(formfields, (HTAnchor *) cl->anchor,
	    status = post_result ? YES : NO;
	} else {
	    if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Nothing to post to this address\n");
	    status = NO;	    

    case METHOD_PUT:
	status = HTPutDocumentAnchor(cl->anchor, (HTAnchor *) cl->dest,

	status = HTOptionsAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

    case METHOD_TRACE:
	status = HTTraceAnchor((HTAnchor *) cl->anchor, cl->request);

	if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Don't know this method\n");

    if (keywords) HTChunk_delete(keywords);
    if (formfields) HTAssocList_delete(formfields);
    if (status != YES) {
	if (SHOW_MSG) HTPrint("Sorry, can't access resource\n");
	Cleanup(cl, -1);

    /* Go into the event loop... */

    /* Only gets here if event loop fails */
    Cleanup(cl, 0);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 19
PUBLIC char * HTDialog_errorMessage (HTRequest * request, HTAlertOpcode op,
			             int msgnum, const char * dfault,
				     void * input)
    HTList * cur = (HTList *) input;
    HTError * pres;
    HTErrorShow showmask = HTError_show();
    HTChunk * msg = NULL;
    int code;
    if (!request || !cur) return NULL;
    while ((pres = (HTError *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) {
	int index = HTError_index(pres);
	if (HTError_doShow(pres)) {
	    if (!msg) {
		HTSeverity severity = HTError_severity(pres);
		msg = HTChunk_new(128);
		if (severity == ERR_WARN)
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, "Warning: ");
		else if (severity == ERR_NON_FATAL)
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, "Non Fatal Error: ");
		else if (severity == ERR_FATAL)
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, "Fatal Error: ");
		else if (severity == ERR_INFO)
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, "Information: ");
		else {
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, "UNKNOWN ERROR TYPE");
		    return HTChunk_toCString(msg);

		/* Error number */
		if ((code = HTErrors[index].code) > 0) {
		    char buf[10];
		    sprintf(buf, "%d ", code);
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, buf);
	    } else
		HTChunk_puts(msg, "\nReason: ");

	    if (index == HTERR_SYSTEM) {
		int length = 0;
		char * pars = (char *) HTError_parameter(pres, &length);
		HTChunk_puts(msg, HTError_location(pres));
		HTChunk_puts(msg, " ");
		HTChunk_puts(msg, HTErrors[index].msg);
		if (length && pars) {
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, " (");
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, pars);
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, ")");
	    } else {

		/* Error message */
		HTChunk_puts(msg, HTErrors[index].msg);

		/* Error parameters */
		if (showmask & HT_ERR_SHOW_PARS) {
		    int length;
		    int cnt;		
		    char *pars = (char *) HTError_parameter(pres, &length);
		    if (length && pars) {
			HTChunk_puts(msg, " (");
			for (cnt=0; cnt<length; cnt++) {
			    char ch = *(pars+cnt);
			    if (ch < 0x20 || ch >= 0x7F)
				HTChunk_putc(msg, '#');
				HTChunk_putc(msg, ch);
			HTChunk_puts(msg, ") ");
		/* Error Location */
		if (showmask & HT_ERR_SHOW_LOCATION) {
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, "This occured in ");
		    HTChunk_puts(msg, HTError_location(pres));
		    HTChunk_putc(msg, '\n');

	    ** Make sure that we don't get this error more than once even
	    ** if we are keeping the error stack from one request to another
	    /* If we only are show the most recent entry then break here */
	    if (showmask & HT_ERR_SHOW_FIRST)
    return HTChunk_toCString(msg);
Esempio n. 20
PUBLIC BOOL HTBind_add (const char *	suffix,
			const char *	representation,
			const char *	encoding,
			const char *	transfer,
			const char *	language,
			double		value)
    HTBind * suff;
    if (!suffix)
	return NO;
    if (!strcmp(suffix, "*"))
	suff = &no_suffix;
    else if (!strcmp(suffix, "*.*"))
	suff = &unknown_suffix;
    else {
	HTList * suflist;
	int hash;
	const unsigned char * p;

	/* Select list from hash table */
	for (p=suffix, hash=0; *p; p++) {
	    hash = (hash * 3 + TOLOWER(*p)) % HT_L_HASH_SIZE;

	if (!HTBindings) HTBind_init();
	if (!HTBindings[hash]) HTBindings[hash] = HTList_new();
	suflist = HTBindings[hash];

	/* Look for existing binding */
	    HTList *cur = suflist;
	    while ((suff = (HTBind *) HTList_nextObject(cur)) != NULL) {
		if (!strcmp(suff->suffix, suffix))

	/* If not found -- create a new node */
	if (!suff) {
	    if ((suff = (HTBind *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTBind))) == NULL)
	    HTList_addObject(suflist, (void *) suff);
	    StrAllocCopy(suff->suffix, suffix);

    /* Set the appropriate values */
	HTChunk * chunk = HTChunk_new(32);
	char *ptr;
	if (representation) {
	    HTChunk_puts(chunk, representation);
	    ptr = HTChunk_data(chunk);
	    for (; *ptr; ptr++)
		*ptr = TOLOWER(*ptr);
	    suff->type = HTAtom_for(HTChunk_data(chunk));
	if (encoding) {
	    HTChunk_puts(chunk, encoding);
	    ptr = HTChunk_data(chunk);
	    for (; *ptr; ptr++)
		*ptr = TOLOWER(*ptr);
	    suff->encoding = HTAtom_for(HTChunk_data(chunk));
	if (transfer) {
	    HTChunk_puts(chunk, transfer);
	    ptr = HTChunk_data(chunk);
	    for (; *ptr; ptr++)
		*ptr = TOLOWER(*ptr);
	    suff->transfer = HTAtom_for(HTChunk_data(chunk));
	if (language) {
	    HTChunk_puts(chunk, language);
	    ptr = HTChunk_data(chunk);
	    for (; *ptr; ptr++)
		*ptr = TOLOWER(*ptr);
	    suff->language = HTAtom_for(HTChunk_data(chunk));
	suff->quality = value;
    return YES;