/* NOT [BDyess] 8/22/95 */ void dmessage(char *message, unsigned int flags, unsigned int from, unsigned int to) { struct distress dist; int len; /*char dead[20], alive[20];*/ /* aha! A new type distress/macro call came in. parse it appropriately */ if (F_gen_distress && (flags == (MTEAM | MDISTR | MVALID))) { if (paradise) printf("RCD: %s\n", message); HandleGenDistr(message, from, to, &dist); len = makedistress(&dist, message, distmacro[dist.distype].macro); if (UseLite) rcdlite(&dist); if (len <= 0) return; flags ^= MDISTR; } /* keep track of how many queued messages there are for use with the infoIcon [BDyess] */ if (infoIcon) { if (to == me->p_no && flags & MINDIV) { /* personal message */ me_messages++; } else if (flags & MTEAM) { /* team message */ team_messages++; } else { /* message for all */ all_messages++; } if (iconified) drawIcon(); } logit(message); /* fix for upgrade bug. Forced UDP would resend numbers, (thinking them speed changes) screwing up upgrading on those twinkish sturgeon servers. [BDyess] */ if (strncmp(message, "UPG->", 5) == 0) upgrading = 1; if (upgrading && !(me->p_flags & PFORBIT)) upgrading = 0; if ((from != me->p_no) || pigSelf) rsvp_borg_call(message, from); /* beep when a personal message is sent while iconified [BDyess] */ if (to == me->p_no && (flags & MINDIV) && iconified) { W_Beep(); } if (from == 255 && strcmp(message, "Tractor beam aborted warp engagement") == 0) { me->p_flags &= ~PFWARPPREP; } /* want a warning for personal kills, so check here [BDyess] */ /* and personal deaths [BDyess] */ if(strncmp(message,"GOD->ALL",8) && (0 == strcmp(message,pseudo))) { hwarning(message+9); } print_message(message, flags, from, to); }
dmessage(char *message, unsigned char flags, unsigned char from, unsigned char to) { register int len; W_Color color; char timebuf[10]; LONG curtime; struct tm *tm; char buf[80]; int take, destroy, team, kill, killp, killa, bomb, conq; struct distress dist; take = MTEAM + MTAKE + MVALID; destroy = MTEAM + MDEST + MVALID; kill = MALL + MKILL + MVALID; killp = MALL + MKILLP + MVALID; killa = MALL + MKILLA + MVALID; bomb = MTEAM + MBOMB + MVALID; team = MTEAM + MVALID; conq = MALL + MCONQ + MVALID; time(&curtime); tm = localtime(&curtime); sprintf(timebuf, "%02d:%02d:%02d", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); len = strlen(message); if (from == 255) { /* From God */ color = textColor; } else { color = playerColor(&(players[from])); } if (censorMessages) if ((flags != kill) && (flags != killp) && (flags != killa) && (flags != bomb) && (flags != take) && (flags != destroy)) censor(message); /* aha! A new type distress/macro call came in. parse it appropriately */ if (flags == (MTEAM | MDISTR | MVALID)) { HandleGenDistr(message, from, to, &dist); len = makedistress(&dist, message, distmacro[dist.distype].macro); #ifdef BEEPLITE if (UseLite) rcdlite(&dist); #endif if (len <= 0) return; flags ^= MDISTR; } if (niftyNewMessages) { if (logmess) { if (logFile != NULL) { fprintf(logFile, "%s: %s\n", timebuf, message); fflush(logFile); } else { printf("%s: %s\n", timebuf, message); } } if (!(logmess && logFile == NULL) && flags == conq) { /* output conquer stuff to stdout in addition to message window */ fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", message); if (instr(message, "kill")) { fprintf(stdout, "NOTE: The server here does not properly set message flags\n"); fprintf(stdout, "You should probably pester the server god to update....\n"); } } if (flags == (MCONFIG + MINDIV + MVALID)) { if (from == 255) CheckFeatures(message); return; } if ((flags == team) || (flags == take) || (flags == destroy)) { W_WriteText(messwt, 0, 0, color, message, len, shipFont(me)); if ((flags == team) && !strncmp(message + 10, " ", 5) && (message[15] == 0)) { printf("dmessage:flags==team PIG call from=%d\n", from); pmessage(cowid, from, MINDIV); } } else if ((flags == kill) || (flags == killp) || (flags == killa) || (flags == bomb)) { W_WriteText(messwk, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (!reportKills) return; /* HW */ } else if (flags & MINDIV) { W_WriteText(messwi, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (!strncmp(message + 10, " ", 5) && (message[15] == 0)) { printf("dmessage:MINDIV PIG call from=%d\n", from); pmessage(cowid, from, MINDIV); } } else { /* if we don't know where * * * the message beLONGs by * * * this time, stick it * in * * the all board... */ W_WriteText(messwa, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (!strncmp(message + 10, " ", 5) && (message[15] == 0)) { pmessage(cowid, from, MINDIV); } } W_WriteText(reviewWin, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); } else { /* ok, here we have the old kludge nastiness that we can turn on if we * * * HAVE to. yuk, blech, ptooie... */ if ((strncmp(message, "GOD->ALL", 8) == 0 && (instr(message, "was kill") || instr(message, "killed by"))) || (*message != ' ' && instr(message, "We are being attacked"))) { W_WriteText(messwk, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (!reportKills) return; W_WriteText(reviewWin, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (logmess) { if (logFile != NULL) { fprintf(logFile, "%s ", timebuf); fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", message); fflush(logFile); } else { printf("%s ", message); printf("%s\n", timebuf); } } return; } switch (flags & (MTEAM | MINDIV | MALL)) { case MTEAM: W_WriteText(messwt, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (!strncmp(message + 10, " ", 5) && (message[15] == 0)) { pmessage(cowid, from, MINDIV); } if (logmess) { if (logFile != NULL) { fprintf(logFile, "%s ", timebuf); fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", message); fflush(logFile); } else { printf("%s ", message); printf("%s\n", timebuf); } } break; case MINDIV: if (!(flags & MCONFIG)) W_WriteText(messwi, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (!strncmp(message + 10, " ", 5) && (message[15] == 0)) { pmessage(cowid, from, MINDIV); } if (logmess) { if (logFile != NULL) { fprintf(logFile, "%s ", timebuf); fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", message); fflush(logFile); } else { printf("%s ", message); printf("%s\n", timebuf); } } break; default: W_WriteText(messwa, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); if (!strncmp(message + 10, " ", 5) && (message[15] == 0)) { pmessage(cowid, from, MINDIV); } if (logmess) { if (logFile != NULL) { fprintf(logFile, "%s ", timebuf); fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", message); fflush(logFile); } else { printf("%s", message); printf("%s\n", timebuf); } } break; } W_WriteText(reviewWin, 0, 0, color, message, len, 0); } }