Esempio n. 1
FolderListing   *FolderInit(FolderListing *init)
  /*  ------------- Access Struct  -------------  */
  init = malloc(sizeof(FolderListing));

  init->index = 0;
  init->name = NULL;
  init->fileType = NULL;
  init->url = NULL;

  init->metadata = HashMapInit();
  init->tag = NULL;
  init->exists = false;

  init->next = NULL;
  init->prev = NULL;

  return (init);
int main()
    char *aName[3] = {"Alice\0", "Bob\0", "Wesker\0"};
    HashMap *pMap;

    /* You should initialize the DS before any operations. */
    int32_t rc = HashMapInit(&pMap);
    if (rc != SUCC)
        return rc;

    /* If you plan to delegate the resource clean task to the DS, please set the
       custom clean method. */
    pMap->set_destroy(pMap, DestroyPair);

    /* Insert key value pairs into the map. */
    Employ *pEmploy = (Employ*)malloc(sizeof(Employ));
    pEmploy->iId = 1;
    pEmploy->cYear = 25;
    pEmploy->cLevel = 100;
    Pair *pPair = (Pair*)malloc(sizeof(Pair));
    pPair->key = (Key)aName[0];
    pPair->value = (Value)pEmploy;
    pMap->put(pMap, pPair, strlen(aName[0]));

    pEmploy = (Employ*)malloc(sizeof(Employ));
    pEmploy->iId = 2;
    pEmploy->cYear = 25;
    pEmploy->cLevel = 90;
    pPair = (Pair*)malloc(sizeof(Pair));
    pPair->key = (Key)aName[1];
    pPair->value = (Value)pEmploy;
    pMap->put(pMap, pPair, strlen(aName[1]));

    pEmploy = (Employ*)malloc(sizeof(Employ));
    pEmploy->iId = 3;
    pEmploy->cYear = 25;
    pEmploy->cLevel = 80;
    pPair = (Pair*)malloc(sizeof(Pair));
    pPair->key = (Key)aName[2];
    pPair->value = (Value)pEmploy;
    pMap->put(pMap, pPair, strlen(aName[2]));

    /* Retrieve the value with the designated key. */
    Value value;
    pMap->get(pMap, (Key)aName[0], strlen(aName[0]), &value);
    assert(((Employ*)value)->iId == 1);
    assert(((Employ*)value)->cYear == 25);
    assert(((Employ*)value)->cLevel == 100);

    pMap->iterate(pMap, true, NULL);
    while (pMap->iterate(pMap, false, &pPair) == CONTINUE) {
        /* Do what you plan to do for the retrieved pair. */

    /* Remove the key value pair with the designated key. */
    pMap->remove(pMap, (Key)aName[1], strlen(aName[1]));

    assert(pMap->find(pMap, (Key)aName[0], strlen(aName[0])) == SUCC);
    assert(pMap->find(pMap, (Key)aName[1], strlen(aName[1])) == NOKEY);
    assert(pMap->find(pMap, (Key)aName[2], strlen(aName[2])) == SUCC);

    /* Check the pair count in the map. */
    int32_t iSize = pMap->size(pMap);
    assert(iSize == 2);

    /* You should deinitialize the DS after all the relevant tasks. */

    return SUCC;