Esempio n. 1
Cmd_Init_Hash (void)
	cmd_hash = Hash_NewTable (1021, cmd_get_key, 0, 0);
	cmd_alias_hash = Hash_NewTable (1021, cmd_alias_get_key, cmd_alias_free, 0);
	cmd_provider_hash = Hash_NewTable(1021, cmd_provider_get_key, cmd_provider_free, 0);
Esempio n. 2
Menu_Init (void)
	menu_pr_state.progs_name = "menu.dat";
	menu_pr_state.allocate_progs_mem = menu_allocate_progs_mem;
	menu_pr_state.free_progs_mem = menu_free_progs_mem;
	menu_pr_state.load_file = menu_load_file;
	menu_pr_state.resolve = menu_resolve_globals;

	menu_hash = Hash_NewTable (61, menu_get_key, menu_free, 0);

	PR_RegisterBuiltins (&menu_pr_state, builtins);

	RUA_Init (&menu_pr_state, 1);

	InputLine_Progs_Init (&menu_pr_state);
	Key_Progs_Init (&menu_pr_state);
	GIB_Progs_Init (&menu_pr_state);
	PR_Cmds_Init (&menu_pr_state);
	R_Progs_Init (&menu_pr_state);
	S_Progs_Init (&menu_pr_state);

	confirm_quit = Cvar_Get ("confirm_quit", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
							 "confirm quit command");

	Cmd_AddCommand ("togglemenu", togglemenu_f,
					"Toggle the display of the menu");
	Cmd_RemoveCommand ("quit");
	Cmd_AddCommand ("quit", quit_f, "Exit the program");
	Cmd_AddCommand ("Menu_Enter", Menu_Enter_f, "Do menu action/move up in the menu tree.");
	Cmd_AddCommand ("Menu_Leave", Menu_Leave_f, "Move down in the menu tree.");
	Cmd_AddCommand ("Menu_Prev",  Menu_Prev_f, "Move cursor up.");
	Cmd_AddCommand ("Menu_Next",  Menu_Next_f, "Move cursor up.");
Esempio n. 3
opcode_init (void)
	opcode_t   *op, *mop;

	if (opcode_type_table) {
		Hash_FlushTable (opcode_void_table);
		Hash_FlushTable (opcode_type_table);
	} else {
		PR_Opcode_Init ();
		opcode_type_table = Hash_NewTable (1021, 0, opcode_free, 0);
		Hash_SetHashCompare (opcode_type_table, get_hash, compare);
		opcode_void_table = Hash_NewTable (1021, get_key, 0, 0);
	for (op = pr_opcodes; op->name; op++) {
		if (op->min_version > options.code.progsversion)
		mop = malloc (sizeof (opcode_t));
		*mop = *op;
		if (options.code.progsversion == PROG_ID_VERSION) {
			// v6 progs have no concept of integer, but the QF engine
			// treats the operands of certain operands as integers
			// irrespective the progs version, so convert the engine's
			// view of the operands to the prog's view.
			if (mop->type_a == ev_integer)
				mop->type_a = ev_float;
			if (mop->type_b == ev_integer)
				mop->type_b = ev_float;
			if (mop->type_c == ev_integer)
				mop->type_c = ev_float;
		Hash_AddElement (opcode_type_table, mop);
		if (mop->type_a == ev_void || mop->type_b == ev_void
			|| mop->type_c == ev_void)
			Hash_Add (opcode_void_table, mop);
Esempio n. 4
symtab_t *
new_symtab (symtab_t *parent, stab_type_e type)
	symtab_t    *symtab;
	int          tabsize = 63;

	ALLOC (16, symtab_t, symtabs, symtab);

	symtab->parent = parent;
	symtab->type = type;
	if (symtab->type == stab_global)
		tabsize = 1023;
	symtab->tab = Hash_NewTable (tabsize, sym_getkey, 0, 0);
	symtab->symtail = &symtab->symbols;
	return symtab;
Esempio n. 5
wad_t *
wad_new (const char *name)
	wad_t *wad = calloc (sizeof (*wad), 1);

	if (!wad)
		return 0;
	wad->filename = strdup (name);
	if (!wad->filename) {
		free (wad);
		return 0;
	wad->lump_hash = Hash_NewTable (1021, 0, 0, 0);
	if (!wad->lump_hash) {
		free (wad->filename);
		free (wad);
		return 0;
	Hash_SetHashCompare (wad->lump_hash, wad_get_hash, wad_compare);
	return wad;
Esempio n. 6
static void
init_qf (void)
	Sys_Init ();

	Cvar_Get ("pr_debug", va ("%d", verbosity), 0, 0, "");
	Cvar_Get ("pr_source_path", source_path, 0, 0, "");
	PR_Init_Cvars ();
	PR_Init ();

	pr.edicts = &edicts;
	pr.num_edicts = &num_edicts;
	pr.reserved_edicts = &reserved_edicts;
	pr.file_error = file_error;
	pr.load_file = load_file;
	pr.allocate_progs_mem = allocate_progs_mem;
	pr.free_progs_mem = free_progs_mem;

	func_tab = Hash_NewTable (1021, 0, 0, 0);
	Hash_SetHashCompare (func_tab, func_hash, func_compare);
Esempio n. 7
iqmblend_t *
Mod_IQMBuildBlendPalette (iqm_t *iqm, int *size)
	int         i, j;
	iqmvertexarray *bindices = 0;
	iqmvertexarray *bweights = 0;
	iqmblend_t *blend_list;
	int         num_blends;
	hashtab_t  *blend_hash;

	for (i = 0; i < iqm->num_arrays; i++) {
		if (iqm->vertexarrays[i].type == IQM_BLENDINDEXES)
			bindices = &iqm->vertexarrays[i];
		if (iqm->vertexarrays[i].type == IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS)
			bweights = &iqm->vertexarrays[i];
	if (!bindices || !bweights) {
		// Not necessarily an error: might be a static model with no bones
		// Either way, no need to make a blend palette
		Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_MODEL, "bone index or weight array missing\n");
		*size = 0;
		return 0;

	blend_list = calloc (MAX_BLENDS, sizeof (iqmblend_t));
	for (i = 0; i < iqm->num_joints; i++) {
		blend_list[i].indices[0] = i;
		blend_list[i].weights[0] = 255;
	num_blends = iqm->num_joints;

	blend_hash = Hash_NewTable (1023, 0, 0, 0);
	Hash_SetHashCompare (blend_hash, blend_get_hash, blend_compare);

	for (i = 0; i < iqm->num_verts; i++) {
		byte       *vert = iqm->vertices + i * iqm->stride;
		byte       *bi = vert + bindices->offset;
		byte       *bw = vert + bweights->offset;
		iqmblend_t  blend;
		iqmblend_t *bl;

		// First, canonicalize vextex bone data:
		//   bone indices are in increasing order
		//   bone weight of zero is never followed by a non-zero weight
		//   bone weight of zero has bone index of zero

		// if the weight is zero, ensure the index is also zero
		// also, ensure non-zero weights never follow zero weights
		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			if (!bw[j]) {
				bi[j] = 0;
			} else {
				if (j && !bw[j-1]) {
					swap_bones (bi, bw, j - 1, j);
					j = 0;					// force a rescan
		// sort the bones such that the indeces are increasing (unless the
		// weight is zero)
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			if (!bw[j+1])					// zero weight == end of list
			if (bi[j] > bi[j+1]) {
				swap_bones (bi, bw, j, j + 1);
				j = -1;						// force rescan

		// Now that the bone data is canonical, it can be hashed.
		// However, no need to check other combinations if the vertex has
		// only one influencing bone: the bone index will only change format.
		if (!bw[1]) {
			*(uint32_t *) bi = bi[0];
		QuatCopy (bi, blend.indices);
		QuatCopy (bw, blend.weights);
		if ((bl = Hash_FindElement (blend_hash, &blend))) {
			*(uint32_t *) bi = (bl - blend_list);
		if (num_blends >= MAX_BLENDS)
			Sys_Error ("Too many blends. Tell taniwha to stop being lazy.");
		blend_list[num_blends] = blend;
		Hash_AddElement (blend_hash, &blend_list[num_blends]);
		*(uint32_t *) bi = num_blends;

	Hash_DelTable (blend_hash);
	*size = num_blends;
	return realloc (blend_list, num_blends * sizeof (iqmblend_t));
Esempio n. 8
File: dict.c Progetto: metacore/spin
void Dict_Initialize()
    GlobalDictionary = Hash_NewTable(0);
    List_Push(&DictionaryStack, GlobalDictionary);