Esempio n. 1
struct EncodingScheme* EncodingScheme_fromList(List* scheme, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct EncodingScheme* list = Allocator_malloc(alloc, sizeof(struct EncodingScheme));
    list->count = List_size(scheme);
    list->forms = Allocator_malloc(alloc, sizeof(struct EncodingScheme_Form) * list->count);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)list->count; i++) {
        Dict* form = List_getDict(scheme, i);
        uint64_t* prefixLen = Dict_getInt(form, String_CONST("prefixLen"));
        uint64_t* bitCount = Dict_getInt(form, String_CONST("bitCount"));
        String* prefixStr = Dict_getString(form, String_CONST("prefix"));
        if (!prefixLen || !bitCount || !prefixStr || prefixStr->len != 8) {
            return NULL;
        uint32_t prefix_be;
        if (Hex_decode((uint8_t*)&prefix_be, 4, prefixStr->bytes, 8) != 4) {
            return NULL;
        list->forms[i].prefixLen = *prefixLen;
        list->forms[i].bitCount = *bitCount;
        list->forms[i].prefix = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(prefix_be);
    if (!EncodingScheme_isSane(list)) {
        return NULL;
    return list;
static int getUUID(uint64_t output[2])
    uint8_t buffer[40] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
        int fd = -1;
        int tries = 0;
        while ((fd = open("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid", O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
            if (++tries > MAX_TRIES || errno == ENOENT) {
                return -1;
        tries = 0;
        uint8_t* buff = (uint8_t*) buffer;
        int count = 37;
        while (count > 0) {
            int r = read(fd, buff, count);
            if (r < 1) {
                if (++tries > MAX_TRIES) {
            buff += r;
            count -= r;
        if (count != 0) {
            return -1;

    // If it isn't in perfect form, fail.
    if (!(buffer[8] == '-'
        && buffer[13] == '-'
        && buffer[18] == '-'
        && buffer[23] == '-'
        && buffer[36] == '\n'))
        return -1;

    // fold back the last 4 characters into the locations of the dashes.
    buffer[8] = buffer[35];
    buffer[13] = buffer[34];
    buffer[18] = buffer[33];
    buffer[23] = buffer[32];
    buffer[32] = '\0';

    if (Hex_decode((uint8_t*)output, 16, buffer, 32) != 16) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static uint8_t receiveMessage(struct Message* msg, struct Interface* iface)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) iface->receiverContext);

    struct Sockaddr_storage source;
    Message_pop(msg, &source, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen, NULL);
    if (Bits_memcmp(&source, ctx->targetAddr, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen)) {
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Got spurious message from [%s], expecting messages from [%s]",
                 Sockaddr_print(&source.addr, msg->alloc),
                 Sockaddr_print(ctx->targetAddr, msg->alloc));
        return 0;

    // we don't yet know with which message this data belongs,
    // the message alloc lives the length of the message reception.
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(msg->alloc);

    struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(msg->bytes, msg->length, alloc);
    Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
    if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, alloc, d)) {
        return 0;

    String* txid = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("txid"));
    if (!txid || txid->len != 8) {
        return 0;

    // look up the result
    uint32_t handle = ~0u;
    Hex_decode((uint8_t*)&handle, 4, txid->bytes, 8);
    int idx = Map_OfRequestByHandle_indexForHandle(handle, &ctx->outstandingRequests);
    if (idx < 0) {
        return 0;

    struct Request* req = ctx->outstandingRequests.values[idx];

    // now this data will outlive the life of the message.
    Allocator_adopt(req->promise->alloc, alloc);

    req->res.responseDict = d;

    int len =
        (msg->length > AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) ? AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE : msg->length;
    Bits_memset(req->res.messageBytes, 0, AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
    Bits_memcpy(req->res.messageBytes, msg->bytes, len);
    done(req, AdminClient_Error_NONE);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
static Iface_DEFUN receiveMessage(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* addrIface)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_containerOf(addrIface, struct Context, addrIface);

    struct Sockaddr_storage source;
    Message_pop(msg, &source, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen, NULL);
    if (Bits_memcmp(&source, ctx->targetAddr, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen)) {
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Got spurious message from [%s], expecting messages from [%s]",
                 Sockaddr_print(&source.addr, msg->alloc),
                 Sockaddr_print(ctx->targetAddr, msg->alloc));
        return NULL;

    // we don't yet know with which message this data belongs,
    // the message alloc lives the length of the message reception.
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(msg->alloc);

    int origLen = msg->length;
    Dict* d = NULL;
    char* err = BencMessageReader_readNoExcept(msg, alloc, &d);
    if (err) { return NULL; }
    Message_shift(msg, origLen, NULL);

    String* txid = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("txid"));
    if (!txid || txid->len != 8) { return NULL; }

    // look up the result
    uint32_t handle = ~0u;
    Hex_decode((uint8_t*)&handle, 4, txid->bytes, 8);
    int idx = Map_OfRequestByHandle_indexForHandle(handle, &ctx->outstandingRequests);
    if (idx < 0) { return NULL; }

    struct Request* req = ctx->outstandingRequests.values[idx];

    // now this data will outlive the life of the message.
    Allocator_adopt(req->promise->alloc, alloc);

    req->res.responseDict = d;

    int len =
        (msg->length > AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) ? AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE : msg->length;
    Bits_memset(req->res.messageBytes, 0, AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
    Bits_memcpy(req->res.messageBytes, msg->bytes, len);
    done(req, AdminClient_Error_NONE);
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 5
static void receiveHelloWithNoAuth()
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<20);
    struct Context* ctx = setUp(PRIVATEKEY, NULL, NULL, alloc);
    struct Message* msg = Message_new(132, 0, alloc);
    Assert_true(Hex_decode(msg->bytes, msg->length,
        "29ea3e12", 132*2) > 0);
    Assert_true(!CryptoAuth_decrypt(ctx->sess, msg));
    Assert_true(msg->length == HELLOWORLDLEN);
    Assert_true(Bits_memcmp(HELLOWORLD, msg->bytes, HELLOWORLDLEN) == 0);
    //printf("bytes=%s  length=%u\n", finalOut->bytes, finalOut->length);
Esempio n. 6
static void parsePrivateKey(Dict* config, struct Address* addr, uint8_t privateKey[32])
    String* privateKeyStr = Dict_getString(config, BSTR("privateKey"));
    if (privateKeyStr == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not extract private key from configuration.\n");
    } else if (privateKeyStr->len != 64) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Private key is not 32 bytes long.\n");
    } else if (Hex_decode(privateKey, 32, (uint8_t*)privateKeyStr->bytes, 64) != 32) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse private key.\n");
    } else {
        crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(addr->key, privateKey);
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(addr->ip6.bytes, addr->key);
        if (addr->ip6.bytes[0] != 0xFC) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Ip address is outside of the FC00/8 range, "
                            "invalid private key.\n");
        } else {
Esempio n. 7
 * Parse out an ethernet MAC address.
 * @param out a pointer to a byte array which will be set to the bytes of the MAC address.
 * @param hexAddr a string representation of an ethernet MAC address such as:
 *                "00:11:22:33:44:55"
 * @return 0 if successful, -1 if the hexAddr is malformed.
int AddrTools_parseMac(uint8_t out[6], const uint8_t hexAddr[17])
    for (int i = 2; i < 15; i += 3) {
        if (hexAddr[i] != ':') {
            return -1;

    uint8_t hex[12];
    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
        hex[j++] = hexAddr[i++];
        hex[j++] = hexAddr[i++];

    if (Hex_decode(out, 6, hex, 12) != 6) {
        return -1;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
int main()
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(20000);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, NULL, NULL);

    uint8_t bytes[32];
    Random_bytes(rand, bytes, 32);

    uint8_t hex[65] = {0};

    Assert_true(Hex_encode(hex, 65, bytes, 32) == 64);

    //printf("hex encoded: %s\n", hex);

    uint8_t bytes2[32];
    Assert_true(Hex_decode(bytes2, 32, hex, 64) == 32);

    Assert_true(Bits_memcmp(bytes, bytes2, 32) == 0);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
 * Parse out a path.
 * @param out a pointer to a number which will be set to the path in HOST BYTE ORDER.
 * @param netAddr a string representation of the path such as "0000.1111.2222.3333" in Big Endian.
 * @return 0 if successful, -1 if the netAddr is malformed.
int AddrTools_parsePath(uint64_t* out, const uint8_t netAddr[20])
    if (netAddr[4] != '.' || netAddr[9] != '.' || netAddr[14] != '.' || netAddr[19] != '\0') {
        return -1;

    uint8_t hex[16] = {
        netAddr[ 0],
        netAddr[ 1],
        netAddr[ 2],
        netAddr[ 3],

        netAddr[ 5],
        netAddr[ 6],
        netAddr[ 7],
        netAddr[ 8],



    uint8_t numberBytes[8];
    if (Hex_decode(numberBytes, 8, hex, 16) != 8) {
        return -1;
    uint64_t out_be;
    Bits_memcpy(&out_be, numberBytes, 8);
    *out = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(out_be);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
static void unsubscribe(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid)
    struct AdminLog* log = (struct AdminLog*) vcontext;
    String* streamIdHex = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("streamId"));
    uint8_t streamId[8];
    char* error = NULL;
    if (streamIdHex->len != 16 || Hex_decode(streamId, 8, (uint8_t*)streamIdHex->bytes, 16) != 8) {
        error = "Invalid streamId.";
    } else {
        error = "No such subscription.";
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)log->subscriptionCount; i++) {
            if (!Bits_memcmp(streamId, log->subscriptions[i].streamId, 8)) {
                removeSubscription(log, &log->subscriptions[i]);
                error = "none";

    Dict response = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(error)), NULL
    Admin_sendMessage(&response, txid, log->admin);
Esempio n. 11
static void receiveMessage2(struct Message* msg, struct Hermes* hermes, struct Allocator* tempAlloc)
    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        char lastChr = msg->bytes[msg->length - 1];
        msg->bytes[msg->length - 1] = '\0';
        Log_keys(hermes->logger, "Got message from angel [%s%c]", msg->bytes, lastChr);
        msg->bytes[msg->length - 1] = lastChr;
        Log_debug(hermes->logger, "Got message from angel");

    Dict* d = NULL;
    char* err = BencMessageReader_readNoExcept(msg, tempAlloc, &d);
    if (err) {
        Log_warn(hermes->logger, "Failed to parse message from angel [%s]", err);

    String* txid = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("txid"));
    uint32_t handle;
    if (!txid || txid->len != 8 || 4 != Hex_decode((uint8_t*)&handle, 4, (uint8_t*)txid->bytes, 8))
        Log_warn(hermes->logger, "Message from angel; txid missing or unrecognized");

    int index = Map_RequestSet_indexForHandle(handle, &hermes->requestSet);
    if (index < 0) {
        Log_warn(hermes->logger, "Message from angel references nonexistant request");

    struct Request* req = Identity_check((struct Request*) hermes->requestSet.values[index]);
    req->onResponse(d, req->onResponseContext);
Esempio n. 12
 * This process is started with 2 parameters, they must all be numeric in base 10.
 * toAngel the pipe which is used to send data back to the angel process.
 * fromAngel the pipe which is used to read incoming data from the angel.
 * Upon initialization, this process will wait for an initial configuration to be sent to
 * it and then it will send an initial response.
int Core_main(int argc, char** argv)
    struct Except* eh = NULL;
    int toAngel;
    int fromAngel;
    if (argc != 4
        || !(toAngel = atoi(argv[2]))
        || !(fromAngel = atoi(argv[3])))
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "This is internal to cjdns and shouldn't started manually.");

    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(ALLOCATOR_FAILSAFE);
    struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, eh);

    // -------------------- Setup the Pre-Logger ---------------------- //
    struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc);
    struct Log* preLogger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc);
    struct IndirectLog* indirectLogger = IndirectLog_new(alloc);
    indirectLogger->wrappedLog = preLogger;
    struct Log* logger = &indirectLogger->pub;

    // The first read inside of getInitialConfig() will begin it waiting.
    struct PipeInterface* pi =
        PipeInterface_new(fromAngel, toAngel, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand);

    Dict* config = getInitialConfig(&pi->generic, eventBase, alloc, eh);
    String* privateKeyHex = Dict_getString(config, String_CONST("privateKey"));
    Dict* adminConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin"));
    String* pass = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("pass"));
    if (!pass || !privateKeyHex) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'pass' and 'privateKey' in configuration.");
    Log_keys(logger, "Starting core with admin password [%s]", pass->bytes);
    uint8_t privateKey[32];
    if (privateKeyHex->len != 64
        || Hex_decode(privateKey, 32, (uint8_t*) privateKeyHex->bytes, 64) != 32)
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "privateKey must be 64 bytes of hex.");

    struct Admin* admin = Admin_new(&pi->generic, alloc, logger, eventBase, pass);

    Dict adminResponse = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("none")), NULL);
    Admin_sendMessageToAngel(&adminResponse, admin);

    // --------------------- Setup the Logger --------------------- //
    // the prelogger will nolonger be used.
    struct Log* adminLogger = AdminLog_registerNew(admin, alloc, rand);
    indirectLogger->wrappedLog = adminLogger;
    logger = adminLogger;

    // CryptoAuth
    struct Address addr;
    parsePrivateKey(privateKey, &addr, eh);
    struct CryptoAuth* cryptoAuth = CryptoAuth_new(alloc, privateKey, eventBase, logger, rand);

    struct SwitchCore* switchCore = SwitchCore_new(logger, alloc);
    struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry = DHTModuleRegistry_new(alloc);
    ReplyModule_register(registry, alloc);

    // Router
    struct RouterModule* router = RouterModule_register(registry,

    SerializationModule_register(registry, logger, alloc);

    struct IpTunnel* ipTun = IpTunnel_new(logger, eventBase, alloc, rand);

    struct Ducttape* dt = Ducttape_register(privateKey,

    struct SwitchPinger* sp =
        SwitchPinger_new(&dt->switchPingerIf, eventBase, logger, alloc);

    // Interfaces.
    struct InterfaceController* ifController =

    // ------------------- Register RPC functions ----------------------- //
    SwitchPinger_admin_register(sp, admin, alloc);
    UDPInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController);
    ETHInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController);
    RouterModule_admin_register(router, admin, alloc);
    AuthorizedPasswords_init(admin, cryptoAuth, alloc);
    Admin_registerFunction("ping", adminPing, admin, false, NULL, admin);
    Admin_registerFunction("Core_exit", adminExit, logger, true, NULL, admin);
    Core_admin_register(addr.ip6.bytes, dt, logger, alloc, admin, eventBase);
    Security_admin_register(alloc, logger, admin);
    IpTunnel_admin_register(ipTun, admin, alloc);

    struct MemoryContext* mc =
        alloc->clone(sizeof(struct MemoryContext), alloc,
            &(struct MemoryContext) {
                .allocator = alloc,
                .admin = admin
Esempio n. 13
static int reconnectionNewEndpointTest(struct InterfaceController* ifController,
                                       uint8_t* pk,
                                       struct Message** fromSwitchPtr,
                                       struct Allocator* alloc,
                                       struct EventBase* eventBase,
                                       struct Log* logger,
                                       struct Interface* routerIf,
                                       struct Random* rand)
    struct Message* message;
    struct Interface iface = {
        .sendMessage = messageFromInterface,
        .senderContext = &message,
        .allocator = alloc

    uint8_t* buffer = Allocator_malloc(alloc, 512);

    struct Message* outgoing =
        &(struct Message) { .length = 0, .padding = 512, .bytes = buffer + 512 };

    struct CryptoAuth* externalCa = CryptoAuth_new(alloc, NULL, eventBase, logger, rand);
    struct Interface* wrapped = CryptoAuth_wrapInterface(&iface, pk, NULL, false, "", externalCa);
    CryptoAuth_setAuth(String_CONST("passwd"), 1, wrapped);

    struct Interface icIface = {
        .allocator = alloc,
        .sendMessage = messageFromInterface,
        .senderContext = &message

    InterfaceController_registerPeer(ifController, NULL, NULL, true, false, &icIface);

    uint8_t hexBuffer[1025];

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

        outgoing->length = 0;
        outgoing->padding = 512;
        outgoing->bytes = buffer + 512;
        Message_shift(outgoing, 12, NULL);
        Bits_memcpyConst(outgoing->bytes, "hello world", 12);

        Message_shift(outgoing, SwitchHeader_SIZE, NULL);
        Bits_memcpyConst(outgoing->bytes, (&(struct SwitchHeader) {
            .label_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(1),
            .lowBits_be = 0
        }), SwitchHeader_SIZE);

        wrapped->sendMessage(outgoing, wrapped);

        *fromSwitchPtr = NULL;

        icIface.receiveMessage(outgoing, &icIface);

        message = *fromSwitchPtr;
        Assert_true(message->length == 24);

        Hex_encode(hexBuffer, 1025, message->bytes, message->length);
        printf("%s\n", hexBuffer);

        // Need to bounce the packets back when connecting after the first try.
        // This is needed to establish the CryptoAuth session and make the InterfaceController
        // merge the endpoints.
        if (i > 0) {
            // Reverse the bits to reverse the path:
            uint64_t path;
            Bits_memcpyConst(&path, message->bytes, 8);
            path = Bits_bitReverse64(path);
            Bits_memcpyConst(message->bytes, &path, 8);

            printf("sending back response.\n");
            routerIf->receiveMessage(message, routerIf);
            printf("forwarding response to external cryptoAuth.\n");
            iface.receiveMessage(message, &iface);
        } else {
            printf("not responding because we don't want to establish a connection yet.\n");

    // check everything except the label
    Assert_true(!CString_strcmp((char*)hexBuffer+16, "0000000068656c6c6f20776f726c6400"));
    // check label: make sure the interface has been switched back into position 0.
    uint64_t label_be;
    Hex_decode((uint8_t*) &label_be, 8, hexBuffer, 16);
    uint64_t rev_label = Bits_bitReverse64(Endian_bigEndianToHost64(label_be));
    // check label is decoded to 0
    Assert_true(0 == NumberCompress_getDecompressed(rev_label,
    // check no other bits are set
    uint64_t out = NumberCompress_getCompressed(0, NumberCompress_bitsUsedForLabel(rev_label));
    Assert_true(rev_label == out);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
 * This process is started with 2 parameters, they must all be numeric in base 10.
 * toAngel the pipe which is used to send data back to the angel process.
 * fromAngel the pipe which is used to read incoming data from the angel.
 * Upon initialization, this process will wait for an initial configuration to be sent to
 * it and then it will send an initial response.
int Core_main(int argc, char** argv)
    struct Except* eh = NULL;

    if (argc != 3) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "This is internal to cjdns and shouldn't started manually.");

    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(ALLOCATOR_FAILSAFE);
    struct Log* preLogger = FileWriterLog_new(stderr, alloc);
    struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc);

    // -------------------- Setup the Pre-Logger ---------------------- //
    struct Log* logger = IndirectLog_new(alloc);
    IndirectLog_set(logger, preLogger);

    // -------------------- Setup the PRNG ---------------------- //
    struct Random* rand = LibuvEntropyProvider_newDefaultRandom(eventBase, logger, eh, alloc);

    // -------------------- Change Canary Value ---------------------- //
    MallocAllocator_setCanary(alloc, (long)Random_int64(rand));
    struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc);

    // The first read inside of getInitialConfig() will begin it waiting.
    struct Pipe* angelPipe = Pipe_named(argv[2], eventBase, eh, alloc);
    angelPipe->logger = logger;
    angelPipe->onClose = angelDied;

    struct Interface* angelIface = FramingInterface_new(65535, &angelPipe->iface, alloc);

    Dict* config = getInitialConfig(angelIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh);

    struct Hermes* hermes = Hermes_new(angelIface, eventBase, logger, alloc);

    String* privateKeyHex = Dict_getString(config, String_CONST("privateKey"));
    Dict* adminConf = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin"));
    String* pass = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("pass"));
    String* bind = Dict_getString(adminConf, String_CONST("bind"));
    if (!(pass && privateKeyHex && bind)) {
        if (!pass) {
            Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'pass'");
        if (!bind) {
            Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'bind'");
        if (!privateKeyHex) {
            Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'privateKey'");
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Expected 'pass', 'privateKey' and 'bind' in configuration.");
    Log_keys(logger, "Starting core with admin password [%s]", pass->bytes);
    uint8_t privateKey[32];
    if (privateKeyHex->len != 64
        || Hex_decode(privateKey, 32, (uint8_t*) privateKeyHex->bytes, 64) != 32)
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "privateKey must be 64 bytes of hex.");

    struct Sockaddr_storage bindAddr;
    if (Sockaddr_parse(bind->bytes, &bindAddr)) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "bind address [%s] unparsable", bind->bytes);

    struct AddrInterface* udpAdmin =
        UDPAddrInterface_new(eventBase, &bindAddr.addr, alloc, eh, logger);

    struct Admin* admin = Admin_new(udpAdmin, alloc, logger, eventBase, pass);

    char* boundAddr = Sockaddr_print(udpAdmin->addr, tempAlloc);
    Dict adminResponse = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("bind"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(boundAddr)), NULL
    Dict response = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("none")), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("admin"), Dict_OBJ(&adminResponse), NULL
    // This always times out because the angel doesn't respond.
    Hermes_callAngel(&response, angelResponse, NULL, alloc, eh, hermes);

    // --------------------- Setup the Logger --------------------- //
    Dict* logging = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("logging"));
    String* logTo = Dict_getString(logging, String_CONST("logTo"));
    if (logTo && String_equals(logTo, String_CONST("stdout"))) {
        // do nothing, continue logging to stdout.
    } else {
        struct Log* adminLogger = AdminLog_registerNew(admin, alloc, rand);
        IndirectLog_set(logger, adminLogger);
        logger = adminLogger;

    // CryptoAuth
    struct Address addr;
    parsePrivateKey(privateKey, &addr, eh);
    struct CryptoAuth* cryptoAuth = CryptoAuth_new(alloc, privateKey, eventBase, logger, rand);

    struct Sockaddr* myAddr = Sockaddr_fromBytes(addr.ip6.bytes, Sockaddr_AF_INET6, alloc);

    struct SwitchCore* switchCore = SwitchCore_new(logger, alloc);
    struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry = DHTModuleRegistry_new(alloc);
    ReplyModule_register(registry, alloc);

    // Router
    struct RouterModule* router = RouterModule_register(registry,

    SerializationModule_register(registry, logger, alloc);

    struct IpTunnel* ipTun = IpTunnel_new(logger, eventBase, alloc, rand, hermes);

    struct Ducttape* dt = Ducttape_register(privateKey,

    struct SwitchPinger* sp =
        SwitchPinger_new(&dt->switchPingerIf, eventBase, logger, alloc);

    // Interfaces.
    struct InterfaceController* ifController =

    // ------------------- Register RPC functions ----------------------- //
    SwitchPinger_admin_register(sp, admin, alloc);
    UDPInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController);
    ETHInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, ifController);
    RouterModule_admin_register(router, admin, alloc);
    AuthorizedPasswords_init(admin, cryptoAuth, alloc);
    Admin_registerFunction("ping", adminPing, admin, false, NULL, admin);
    Core_admin_register(myAddr, dt, logger, ipTun, alloc, admin, eventBase);
    Security_admin_register(alloc, logger, admin);
    IpTunnel_admin_register(ipTun, admin, alloc);

    struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) {
        .allocator = alloc,
        .admin = admin,
        .logger = logger,
        .hermes = hermes