Esempio n. 1
void CWinMaskApplication::Init(void)
    HideStdArgs(fHideLogfile | fHideConffile | fHideVersion | fHideDryRun);
    auto_ptr< CArgDescriptions > arg_desc( new CArgDescriptions );

    // Set the program description
    arg_desc->SetUsageContext( GetArguments().GetProgramBasename(),
                               USAGE_LINE );


    // Parse the arguments according to descriptions.
Esempio n. 2
void CSeqDBPerfApp::Init()
    HideStdArgs(fHideConffile | fHideFullVersion | fHideXmlHelp | fHideDryRun);

    auto_ptr<CArgDescriptions> arg_desc(new CArgDescriptions);

    // Specify USAGE context
                  "CSeqDB performance testing client");

    arg_desc->SetCurrentGroup("BLAST database options");
    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey("db", "dbname", "BLAST database name", 
                            CArgDescriptions::eString, "nr");

    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey("dbtype", "molecule_type",
                            "Molecule type stored in BLAST database",
                            CArgDescriptions::eString, "guess");
    arg_desc->SetConstraint("dbtype", &(*new CArgAllow_Strings,
                                        "nucl", "prot", "guess"));

    arg_desc->SetCurrentGroup("Retrieval options");
                      "Do a full database scan of uncompressed sequence data", true);
                      "Do a full database scan of compressed sequence data", true);
                      "Retrieve BLAST database metadata", true);
    arg_desc->SetDependency("scan_compressed", CArgDescriptions::eExcludes, 
    arg_desc->SetDependency("scan_compressed", CArgDescriptions::eExcludes, 
    arg_desc->SetDependency("scan_uncompressed", CArgDescriptions::eExcludes, 

    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey("num_threads", "number", 
                            "Number of threads to use (requires OpenMP)",
                            CArgDescriptions::eInteger, "1");
    arg_desc->SetConstraint("num_threads", new CArgAllow_Integers(0, kMax_Int));
    //arg_desc->AddFlag("one_db_handle", "Build only 1 CSeqDB object?", true);
    //arg_desc->SetDependency("one_db_handle", CArgDescriptions::eRequires, "num_threads");

    arg_desc->SetCurrentGroup("Output configuration options");
    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey("out", "output_file", "Output file name", 
                            CArgDescriptions::eOutputFile, "-");

Esempio n. 3
void CVecScreenApp::Init()
    HideStdArgs(fHideLogfile | fHideConffile | fHideFullVersion | fHideXmlHelp | fHideDryRun);
    auto_ptr<CArgDescriptions> arg_desc(new CArgDescriptions);

                              "Vector screening tool, version " +
    arg_desc->SetCurrentGroup("Input query options");
    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey(kArgQuery, "input_file", 
                     "Input file name",
                     CArgDescriptions::eInputFile, kDfltArgQuery);

    arg_desc->SetCurrentGroup("BLAST database options");
    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey(kArgDb, "dbname", "BLAST database name", 
                            CArgDescriptions::eString, kDefaultVectorDb);

    arg_desc->SetCurrentGroup("Output configuration options");
    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey(kArgOutput, "output_file", "Output file name", 
                            CArgDescriptions::eOutputFile, "-");

    //arg_desc->AddDefaultKey("outfmt", "format",
    arg_desc->AddDefaultKey(kArgOutputFormat, "format",
            "VecScreen results options:\n"
            "  0 = Show alignments pairwise,\n"
            "  1 = Do not show alignments, just contaminated range offsets\n",
       new CArgAllowValuesBetween(0, CVecscreenRun::CFormatter::eEndValue-1, true));
    // Produce Text output?
    arg_desc->AddFlag("text_output", "Produce text output?", true);

Esempio n. 4

void CCompartApp::Init()
    HideStdArgs(fHideLogfile | fHideConffile | fHideVersion);

    auto_ptr<CArgDescriptions> argdescr(new CArgDescriptions);
                              "Compart v.1.35. Unless -qdb and -sdb are specified, "
                              "the tool expects tabular blast hits at stdin collated "
                              "by query and subject, e.g. with 'sort -k 1,1 -k 2,2'");

    argdescr->AddOptionalKey ("qdb", "qdb", "cDNA BLAST database", 

    argdescr->AddOptionalKey ("sdb", "sdb", "Genomic BLAST database", 

    argdescr->AddFlag ("ho", "Print raw hits only - no compartments");

    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("penalty", "penalty", "Per-compartment penalty",
                            CArgDescriptions::eDouble, "0.55");
    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("min_idty", "min_idty", "Minimal overall identity. Note: in current implementation  there is no sense to set different 'min_idty' and 'min_singleton_idty' (minimum is used anyway).",
                            CArgDescriptions::eDouble, "0.70");
    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("min_singleton_idty", "min_singleton_idty", 
                            "Minimal identity for singleton compartments. "
                            "The actual parameter passed to the compartmentization "
                            "procedure is least of this parameter multipled "
                            "by the seq length, and min_singleton_idty_bps. Note: in current implementation  there is no sense to set different 'min_idty' and 'min_singleton_idty' (minimum is used anyway).",
                            CArgDescriptions::eDouble, "0.70");

    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("min_singleton_idty_bps", "min_singleton_idty_bps", 
                            "Minimal identity for singleton compartments "
                            "in base pairs. Default = parameter disabled.",
                            CArgDescriptions::eInteger, "9999999");

    argdescr->AddDefaultKey ("max_intron", "max_intron", 
                             "Maximum intron length (in base pairs)",

    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("dropoff", "dropoff", 
                            "Max score drop-off during hit extension.",

    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("min_query_len", "min_query_len", 
                            "Minimum length for individual cDNA sequences.",
                            CArgDescriptions::eInteger, "50");

    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("min_hit_len", "min_hit_len", 
                            "Minimum length for reported hits in hits-only mode. "
                            "No effect in compartments mode.",
                            CArgDescriptions::eInteger, "16");
    argdescr->AddDefaultKey ("maxvol", "maxvol", 
                             "Maximum index volume size in MB (approximate)",

    argdescr->AddFlag("noxf", "[With external hits] Suppress overlap x-filtering: "
                      "print all compartment hits intact.");

    argdescr->AddOptionalKey("seqlens", "seqlens", 
                             "[With external hits] Two-column file with sequence IDs "
                             "and their lengths. If none supplied, the program will "
                             "attempt fetching the lengths from GenBank. "
                             "Cannot be used with -qdb.",

    argdescr->AddDefaultKey("N", "N", 
                            "[With external hits] Max number of compartments "
                            "per query (0 = All).",
                            CArgDescriptions::eInteger, "0");

    CArgAllow* constrain01 (new CArgAllow_Doubles(0.0, 1.0));
    argdescr->SetConstraint("penalty", constrain01);
    argdescr->SetConstraint("min_idty", constrain01);
    argdescr->SetConstraint("min_singleton_idty", constrain01);

    CArgAllow_Integers* constrain_maxvol (new CArgAllow_Integers(128,1024));
    argdescr->SetConstraint("maxvol", constrain_maxvol);

    CArgAllow_Integers* constrain_minqlen (new CArgAllow_Integers(21,99999));
    argdescr->SetConstraint("min_query_len", constrain_minqlen);

    CArgAllow_Integers* constrain_minhitlen (new CArgAllow_Integers(1,99999));
    argdescr->SetConstraint("min_hit_len", constrain_minhitlen);

Esempio n. 5
void CAppNWA::Init()
    HideStdArgs(fHideLogfile | fHideConffile | fHideVersion);

    auto_ptr<CArgDescriptions> argdescr(new CArgDescriptions);
                              "Demo application using xalgoalign library");

        ("matrix", "matrix", "scoring matrix",
         CArgDescriptions::eString, "nucl");

        ("seq1", "seq1",
         "the first input sequence in fasta file",
        ("seq2", "seq2",
         "the second input sequence in fasta file",

        ("esf", "esf",
         "End-space free alignment. Format: lrLR where each character "
         "can be z (free end) or x (regular end) representing "
         "left and right ends. First sequence's ends are specified first.", 

        ("Wm", "match", "match bonus (nucleotide sequences)",

        ("Wms", "mismatch", "mismatch penalty (nucleotide sequences)",

        ("Wg", "gap", "gap opening penalty",

        ("Ws", "space", "gap extension (space) penalty",

        ("band", "band", "Band width in banded alignment",
         CArgDescriptions::eInteger, "-1");

        ("shift", "shift", 
         "Band shift in banded alignment "
         "(specify negative value to indicate second sequence)",
         CArgDescriptions::eInteger, "0");

                      "Use linear-memory alignment algorithm (Myers & Miller)");

    argdescr->AddFlag("mt", "Use multiple threads");

    // output formats
        ("o1", "o1", "Filename for type 1 output", CArgDescriptions::eString);

        ("o2", "o2", "Filename for type 2 output", CArgDescriptions::eString);

        ("ofasta", "ofasta",
         "Generate gapped FastA output for the aligner sequences",

        ("oasn", "oasn", "ASN.1 output filename", CArgDescriptions::eString);

    CArgAllow_Strings* paa_st = new CArgAllow_Strings;
    argdescr->SetConstraint("matrix", paa_st);

    CArgAllow_Strings* paa_esf = new CArgAllow_Strings;
    argdescr->SetConstraint("esf", paa_esf);

Esempio n. 6
void CAlignmentRefiner::Init(void)
    // Create command-line argument descriptions class
    auto_ptr<CArgDescriptions> argDescr(new CArgDescriptions);

    // Specify USAGE context
                              "Alignment Refinement w/ 'Leave One Out'");

    HideStdArgs(fHideLogfile | fHideConffile | fHideDryRun | fHideXmlHelp);

    //  *Mandatory*  
     // input CD/Fasta file name
    argDescr->AddKey("i", "CdFilenameIn", "full filename of input CD w/ alignment to refine (ascii or binary)", argDescr->eString);

    //  base name for output CD file
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("o", "CdBasenameOut", "basename of output CD(s) containing refined alignment; output saved to 'basename_<number>.cn3'; ascii text by default", argDescr->eString, "refiner");

    // output binary?
    argDescr->AddFlag("ob", "output binary data");

    // File for data from the refinement process
        ("details", "filename",
         "create a file to save refinenment process details",

    // quiet reporting of details (only at end of temp steps and trials)
    argDescr->AddFlag("q", "shortened report; only Error level messages");

    //  Number of cycles per trial (a cycle consists of a LOO phase followed by a 
    //  block-editing phase, either of which may be disabled for all cycles)
    //  In each LOO phase, each row is left out exactly once unless overriden by the 'nr' option.
    //  The alignment is NOT reset after a cycle; alignment IS reset after a trial.
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("nc", "integer", "number of cycles per trial; a cycle consists of one leave-one-out (LOO) phase, followed by a block editing phase.  Either, but not both, of the phases in a cycle may be turned off.\n(Note:  alignments do NOT reset between cycles)\n", argDescr->eInteger, "1");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("nc", new CArgAllow_Integers(1, N_MAX_CYCLES));

    // Convergence criteria
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("convSameScore", "double", "when >= this % of LOO attempts fail to change the score, stop further cycles", argDescr->eDouble, "0.95");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("convSameScore", new CArgAllow_Doubles(0, 1.0));

    //  Leave-one-out parameters & options

    argDescr->SetCurrentGroup("  Leave-one-out phase parameters and options  ");

    //  disable LOO phase
    argDescr->AddFlag("no_LOO", "do not perform the LOO phase of each cycle", true);
    argDescr->SetDependency("no_LOO", CArgDescriptions::eExcludes, "selection_order");

    //  *Mandatory*  
    //  Row selection order for LOO: randomly or based on the self-hit to the initial alignment.
    argDescr->AddKey("selection_order", "integer", "Method for row selection in LOO phase:\n0 == randomly (use -n option to specify the number of separate trials)\n1 == increasing self-hit row score to input alignment's PSSM\n2 == decreasing self-hit row score to input alignment's PSSM\n", argDescr->eInteger);
    argDescr->SetConstraint("selection_order", new CArgAllow_Integers(0, 2));
    argDescr->AddAlias("so", "selection_order");

    //  switch from 'leave-one-out' to 'leave-N-out':  recompute PSSM only after
    //  lno rows refined.
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("lno", "integer", "leave-N-out mode:  speed up program by recomputing PSSM after 'lno' rows have been left out\n(values exceeding the number of rows interpreted as Nrows - 1)\nFor best results, value should be < 20% of number of rows in input alignment.\n", argDescr->eInteger, "1");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("lno", new CArgAllow_Integers(0, kMax_Int));

    //  Number of row LOO events per cycle (may be equal to, more than or less than 
    //  number of rows in the CD, and it is not guaranteed that each row will be chosen)
//    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("nr", "integer", "absolute number of LOO attempts per LOO cycle (defaults to all eligible rows in alignment except the master)\n", argDescr->eInteger);
//    argDescr->SetConstraint("nr", new CArgAllow_Integers(1, N_MAX_ROWS));

    //  declare whether structures are to be among the rows left out
    argDescr->AddFlag("fix_structs", "do not perform LOO refinement on structures (i.e., those sequences having a PDB identifier)", true);

    //  Block aligner parameters / constraints on search space

    //  leave-one-out arguments used by block aligner
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("p", "double", "percentile parameter for loop-length cutoff in block aligner", argDescr->eDouble, "1.0");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("p", new CArgAllow_Doubles(0, 10.0));
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("x", "integer", "extension parameter for loop-length cutoff in block aligner", argDescr->eInteger, "0");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("x", new CArgAllow_Integers(0, kMax_Int));
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("c", "integer", "cutoff parameter for loop-length cutoff in block aligner", argDescr->eInteger, "0");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("c", new CArgAllow_Integers(0, kMax_Int));

    //  Constraints on sequence length used in search for improved alignments
    argDescr->AddFlag("fs", "allow refiner to use full sequence (by default, refinement is constrained to initial aligned footprint)", true);
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("ex","integer", "footprint extension size (symmetric for N- and C-termini); positive values extend the footprint; negative values shrink the footprint and can be used with -fs; relevant extension overriden by -nex and/or -cex", argDescr->eInteger, "0");
    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("nex","integer", "N-terminal footprint extension size; positive values extend the footprint; negative values shrink the footprint and can be used with -fs; overrides any N-terminal extension from -ex", argDescr->eInteger);
    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("cex","integer", "C-terminal footprint extension size; positive values extend the footprint; negative values shrink the footprint and can be used with -fs; overrides any C-terminal extension from -ex\n", argDescr->eInteger);

    //  Block freezing/un-freezing
    argDescr->AddFlag("ab", "realign all blocks; overrides -f and -l options", true);
    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("f", "integer", "first block to realign (post-IBM, from 1); overridden if -ab set", argDescr->eInteger);
    argDescr->SetConstraint("f", new CArgAllow_Integers(1, kMax_Int));
    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("l", "integer", "last block to realign (post-IBM, from 1); overridden if -ab set", argDescr->eInteger);
    argDescr->SetConstraint("l", new CArgAllow_Integers(1, kMax_Int));
//    argDescr->AddExtra(0, 25, "Block number (post-IBM, from 1) to freeze:  can override -ab or -f, -l for a specific block(s) in a range of unfrozen blocks\n", argDescr->eInteger);
    argDescr->AddExtra(0, 25, "Row OR block numbers to exclude from LOO (from 1 to # rows/blocks); master == row 1 is always excluded\n(See 'extras_are_blocks' flag.)\n", argDescr->eInteger);

    //  Flag to tell whether the extra args are row numbers (if not present) or block numbers (if present).
    argDescr->AddFlag("extras_are_blocks", "treat extra arguments as block numbers (default is to treat them as row numbers)", true);


    //  Random selection order related options

    argDescr->SetCurrentGroup("  Random selection order specific options  ");

    //  Number of trials
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("n", "integer", "number of independent trials (restarts from original alignment)\nNOTE:  only relevant if use random selection order of rows; ignored if deterministic selection order used (see 'selection_order')", argDescr->eInteger, "3");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("n", new CArgAllow_Integers(1, N_MAX_TRIALS));

    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("nout", "integer", "number of output CDs; save CDs from the top 'nout' trials", argDescr->eInteger, "1");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("nout", new CArgAllow_Integers(1, N_MAX_TRIALS));

    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("convScoreChange", "double", "when avg. deviation <= this % of mean score for M trials, stop further trials", argDescr->eDouble, "0.001");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("convScoreChange", new CArgAllow_Doubles(0, 1.0));

    // Specify seed to RNG
    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("seed", "positive_integer", "specify the seed for random number generation\n", argDescr->eInteger);
    argDescr->SetConstraint("seed", new CArgAllow_Integers(1000, kMax_Int-1));


    //  Block editing options

    argDescr->SetCurrentGroup("  Block-editing phase parameters and options  ");

    argDescr->AddFlag("be_fix", "do not modify block boundaries", true);
    argDescr->AddFlag("be_noShrink", "do not attempt to shrink block boundaries", true);
    argDescr->AddFlag("be_shrinkFirst", "if set, try to shrink before extending a block; requires be_alg = both\n\n", true);

    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("be_minSize", "integer", "smallest allowed block width (set to 0 to allow block deletion events);\nblocks that start smaller than min size are not truncated.", argDescr->eInteger, "1");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_minSize", new CArgAllow_Integers(0, 1000));

    //  Scoring methods and algorithms for block edits.
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("be_alg", "string", "block editing method", argDescr->eString, "both");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_alg", &(*new CArgAllow_Strings, "extend", "greedyExt", "shrink", "both"));
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("be_score", "string", "column scoring method", argDescr->eString, "3.3.3");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_score", &(*new CArgAllow_Strings, "vote", "sumScores", "median", "scoreWeight", "compound", "3.3.3"));

    //  The following three options define the parameters for the 'compound' scoring method.
    //  '3.3.3' is a special shortcut compound method that uses 3, .3, .3 for these values,
    //  respectively.  
    //  For future:  Use 'compound' to use same three scorers w/ non-default values.
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("be_median", "integer", "if be_score = 'median', '3.3.3', value column median must equal or exceed", argDescr->eInteger, "3");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_median", new CArgAllow_Integers(-10, 20));
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("be_negScore", "double", "negative score fraction:  fraction of total column score less than zero\nto be added to a block, column's fraction must have at least this value\n** used for 'scoreWeight', 'compound', '3.3.3' scoring only", argDescr->eDouble, ".3");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_negScore", new CArgAllow_Doubles(0, 1));
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("be_negRows", "double", "negative rows fraction:  largest fraction of rows in a column with a negative value\nfor the column to be added to a block\n** used for 'compound', '3.3.3' scoring only", argDescr->eDouble, ".3");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_negRows", new CArgAllow_Doubles(0, 1));

    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("be_minScore", "integer", "if be_score = 'vote', score at or above which a row votes 'yes'", argDescr->eInteger, "0");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_minScore", new CArgAllow_Integers(-100, 100));
    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("be_eThresh", "double", "extension threshold:\n column score at or above which a column is added to a block\nif not given, assumes same values as 'be_sThresh', or if neither is present an error is reported\n** with 'vote' scoring, must be in [0, 1]", argDescr->eDouble);
//    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_eThresh", new CArgAllow_Doubles(-1000, 1000));
    argDescr->AddOptionalKey("be_sThresh", "double", "shrinkage threshold (ignored if -be_noShrink not specified):\n column score below which a column is removed from a block\nif not given, assumes same values as 'be_eThresh', or if neither is present an error is reported\n** with 'vote' scoring, must be in [0, 1]\n", argDescr->eDouble);
//    argDescr->SetConstraint("be_sThresh", new CArgAllow_Doubles(-1000, 1000));


    // argDescr->AddFlag("qd", "shortened details report; only report details at end of cycles and trials.  Has an affect only if '-details' is provided");

    // Setup arg.descriptions for this application