Esempio n. 1
void Host_Say_Team_f(void)
Esempio n. 2
void Host_Say_f(void)
Esempio n. 3
// Use CMD_ARGV,  CMD_ARGV, and CMD_ARGC to get pointers the character string command.
void ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity )
	const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV(0);
	const char *pstr;

	// Is the client spawned yet?
	if ( !pEntity->pvPrivateData )

	entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;

	if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "say" ) )
		Host_Say( pEntity, 0 );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "say_team" ) )
		Host_Say( pEntity, 1 );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "spectate" ) )
		// Prevent this is the cvar is set
		if ( allow_spectators.value )
			CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev);
			edict_t *pentSpawnSpot = EntSelectSpawnPoint( pPlayer );
			pPlayer->StartObserver( VARS(pentSpawnSpot)->origin, VARS(pentSpawnSpot)->angles);

	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "ob_mode" ) )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev);
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "ob_prev" ) )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev);
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "ob_next" ) )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev);

	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "give" ) )
		if ( g_flWeaponCheat != 0.0)
			int iszItem = ALLOC_STRING( CMD_ARGV(1) );	// Make a copy of the classname
			GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->GiveNamedItem( STRING(iszItem) );

	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "drop" ) )
		// player is dropping an item. 
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->DropPlayerItem((char *)CMD_ARGV(1));
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "fov" ) )
		if ( g_flWeaponCheat && CMD_ARGC() > 1)
			GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV = atoi( CMD_ARGV(1) );
			CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"fov\" is \"%d\"\n", (int)GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV ) );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "use" ) )
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem((char *)CMD_ARGV(1));
	else if (((pstr = strstr(pcmd, "weapon_")) != NULL)  && (pstr == pcmd))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem(pcmd);
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "lastinv" ))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectLastItem();
	else if ( g_pGameRules->ClientCommand( GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), pcmd ) )
		// MenuSelect returns true only if the command is properly handled,  so don't print a warning
		// tell the user they entered an unknown command
		char command[128];

		// check the length of the command (prevents crash)
		// max total length is 192 ...and we're adding a string below (#Game_unknown_command)
		strncpy( command, pcmd, 127 );
		command[127] = '\0';

		ClientPrint( &pEntity->v, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_unknown_command", command );
Esempio n. 4
// Use CMD_ARGV,  CMD_ARGV, and CMD_ARGC to get pointers the character string command.
void ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity )
	const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV(0);
	const char *pstr;

	// Is the client spawned yet?
	if ( !pEntity->pvPrivateData )

	entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;

	if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "say" ) )
		Host_Say( pEntity, 0 );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "say_team" ) )
		Host_Say( pEntity, 1 );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "fullupdate" ) )
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->ForceClientDllUpdate(); 
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "give" ) )
		if ( g_flWeaponCheat != 0.0)
			int iszItem = ALLOC_STRING( CMD_ARGV(1) );	// Make a copy of the classname
			GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->GiveNamedItem( STRING(iszItem) );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "fire") )
		if ( g_flWeaponCheat != 0.0)
			CBaseEntity *pPlayer = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEntity);
			if (CMD_ARGC() > 1)
				FireTargets(CMD_ARGV(1), pPlayer, pPlayer, USE_TOGGLE, 0);
				TraceResult tr;
					pev->origin + pev->view_ofs,
					pev->origin + pev->view_ofs + gpGlobals->v_forward * 1000,
					dont_ignore_monsters, pEntity, &tr

				if (tr.pHit)
					CBaseEntity *pHitEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit);
					if (pHitEnt)
						pHitEnt->Use(pPlayer, pPlayer, USE_TOGGLE, 0);
						ClientPrint( &pEntity->v, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, UTIL_VarArgs( "Fired %s \"%s\"\n", STRING(pHitEnt->pev->classname), STRING(pHitEnt->pev->targetname) ) );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "drop" ) )
		// player is dropping an item. 
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->DropPlayerItem((char *)CMD_ARGV(1));
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "fov" ) )
		if ( g_flWeaponCheat && CMD_ARGC() > 1)
			GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV = atoi( CMD_ARGV(1) );
			CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"fov\" is \"%d\"\n", (int)GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV ) );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "use" ) )
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem((char *)CMD_ARGV(1));
	else if (((pstr = strstr(pcmd, "weapon_")) != NULL)  && (pstr == pcmd))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem(pcmd);
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "lastinv" ))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectLastItem();
	else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "spectate" ) && (pev->flags & FL_PROXY) )	// added for proxy support
		CBasePlayer * pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev);

		edict_t *pentSpawnSpot = g_pGameRules->GetPlayerSpawnSpot( pPlayer );
		pPlayer->StartObserver( pev->origin, VARS(pentSpawnSpot)->angles);
	else if ( g_pGameRules->ClientCommand( GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), pcmd ) )
		// MenuSelect returns true only if the command is properly handled,  so don't print a warning
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "VModEnable") )
		// clear 'Unknown command: VModEnable' in singleplayer
		// tell the user they entered an unknown command
		char command[128];

		// check the length of the command (prevents crash)
		// max total length is 192 ...and we're adding a string below ("Unknown command: %s\n")
		strncpy( command, pcmd, 127 );
		command[127] = '\0';

		// tell the user they entered an unknown command
		ClientPrint( &pEntity->v, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, UTIL_VarArgs( "Unknown command: %s\n", command ) );
Esempio n. 5
// Use CMD_ARGV,  CMD_ARGV, and CMD_ARGC to get pointers the character string command.
void ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity )
	const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV(0);
	const char *pstr;

	// Is the client spawned yet?
	if ( !pEntity->pvPrivateData )

	entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;

	if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "say" ) )
		Host_Say( pEntity, 0 );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "say_team" ) )
		Host_Say( pEntity, 1 );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "give" ) )
		if ( g_flWeaponCheat != 0.0)
			int iszItem = ALLOC_STRING( CMD_ARGV(1) );	// Make a copy of the classname
			GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->GiveNamedItem( STRING(iszItem) );

	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "drop" ) )
		// player is dropping an item. 
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->DropPlayerItem((char *)CMD_ARGV(1));
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "fov" ) )
		if ( g_flWeaponCheat && CMD_ARGC() > 1)
			GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV = atoi( CMD_ARGV(1) );
			CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"fov\" is \"%d\"\n", (int)GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV ) );
	else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "use" ) )
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem((char *)CMD_ARGV(1));
	else if (((pstr = strstr(pcmd, "weapon_")) != NULL)  && (pstr == pcmd))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem(pcmd);
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "lastinv" ))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectLastItem();
	//modif de Julien
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "test" ))
		ALERT ( at_console , "testmode ON\n" );
		g_testmode = 1;

		int i = 0;
		while ( i < 5 )
			GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->CheatImpulseCommands( 101 );

	//modif de Julien
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "testmode" ))
		ALERT ( at_console , "testmode ON\n" );
		g_testmode = 1;

	//modif de Julien
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "flybee" ))

/*		CBaseMonster *pFlybee = ( CBaseMonster *) UTIL_FindEntityByClassname ( NULL, "monster_flybee" );

		if ( pFlybee != NULL )
			pFlybee->GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_DIE );

		CBaseEntity *pMe = CBaseEntity::Instance ( pEntity );

		CBaseEntity *pE = FindEntityForward( pMe );

		if ( pE )
			if ( pE->pev->takedamage )
				pE->TakeDamage ( pev, pev, pE->pev->health, DMG_GENERIC );

	//modif de Julien
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "ordimenu" ))
		if ( atoi(CMD_ARGV(1)) == 2 )
			EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "buttons/blip2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );

			//désactive les caméras
			edict_t* pentCherche = NULL;

			for ( int i = 0 ; i<15 ; i++ )
				pentCherche = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME ( pentCherche, "monster_camera" );

				if (!FNullEnt(pentCherche))
					CBaseEntity *pTarget = CBaseEntity::Instance(pentCherche);
					pTarget->Use( CBaseEntity::Instance(pEntity), CBaseEntity::Instance(pEntity), USE_ON, 1 );
					//la valeur 1 désactive la camera, 0 la déclenche

			// détruit certains triggers

			pentCherche = NULL;

			for ( int j = 0 ; j<5 ; j++ )
				pentCherche = FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME ( pentCherche, "security" );

				if (!FNullEnt(pentCherche))
					UTIL_Remove( CBaseEntity::Instance(pentCherche) );
			for ( int k = 0 ; k<5 ; k++ )
				pentCherche = FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME ( pentCherche, "security_2" );

				if (!FNullEnt(pentCherche))
					UTIL_Remove( CBaseEntity::Instance(pentCherche) );

			for ( int l = 0 ; l<5 ; l++ )
				pentCherche = FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME ( pentCherche, "security_3" );

				if (!FNullEnt(pentCherche))
					UTIL_Remove( CBaseEntity::Instance(pentCherche) );


		else if ( atoi(CMD_ARGV(1)) == 1 )
			EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "sentences/blip.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );

	//modif de Julien
	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "ordicontrol" ))
		CBaseEntity *pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname ( NULL, "func_conveyorcontrol" );

		if ( pEnt != NULL )
			pEnt->Use ( GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), USE_OFF, atoi(CMD_ARGV(1)) );


	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "keypad" ))
		if ( atoi(CMD_ARGV(1)) == 0 )
			EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "buttons/button10.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );

		CBaseEntity *pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname ( NULL, "func_keypad" );

		while ( pEntity != NULL )
			if ( ENTINDEX(pEntity->edict()) == atoi(CMD_ARGV(1)) )
				FireTargets ( STRING(pEntity->pev->target), pEntity, GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), USE_ON, 0 );

			pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname ( pEntity, "func_keypad" );

		EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "buttons/blip2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );


	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "medkit" ))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->UseMedkit();

	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "battery" ))
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->UseBattery(0);

	else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "soin" ))
		int commande = atoi(CMD_ARGV(1));
		GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->UseBattery(commande);

	else if ( g_pGameRules->ClientCommand( GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), pcmd ) )
		// MenuSelect returns true only if the command is properly handled,  so don't print a warning
		// tell the user they entered an unknown command
		ClientPrint( &pEntity->v, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, UTIL_VarArgs( "Unknown command: %s\n", pcmd ) );