Esempio n. 1
void unroll_this(pTHX_ OP* op) {
    struct sljit_compiler* compiler = sljit_create_compiler();
    HV* seenops = newHV();

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (getenv("RUNOPS_OPTIMIZED_DEBUG")) {
        CV *runcv = Perl_find_runcv(NULL);
        sljit_compiler_verbose(compiler, stderr);

        DEBUGf(("Unroll %s::%s cv=%p, op=%p (%s)\n", HvNAME_get(CvSTASH(runcv)),
                GvENAME(CvGV(runcv)), runcv, op, sljit_get_platform_name()));

    sljit_emit_enter(compiler, 0, 2, 1, 0);
    unroll_tree(compiler, seenops, op, NULL);
    fixup_jumps(compiler, needjumps, labels);
    // This is needed for things that drop off the runloop without a
    // return, e.g. S_sortcv. TODO: Make conditional?
    sljit_emit_return(compiler, SLJIT_MEM, (sljit_w) &PL_op);

    op->op_ppaddr = sljit_generate_code(compiler);
    op->op_spare = 3;
    DEBUGf(("Code at %p\n", op->op_ppaddr));

    labels = NULL;
    needjumps = NULL;
Esempio n. 2
=for apidoc mro_method_changed_in

Invalidates method caching on any child classes
of the given stash, so that they might notice
the changes in this one.

Ideally, all instances of C<PL_sub_generation++> in
perl source outside of C<mro.c> should be
replaced by calls to this.

Perl automatically handles most of the common
ways a method might be redefined.  However, there
are a few ways you could change a method in a stash
without the cache code noticing, in which case you
need to call this method afterwards:

1) Directly manipulating the stash HV entries from
XS code.

2) Assigning a reference to a readonly scalar
constant into a stash entry in order to create
a constant subroutine (like

This same method is available from pure perl
via, C<mro::method_changed_in(classname)>.

Perl_mro_method_changed_in(pTHX_ HV *stash)
    const char * const stashname = HvNAME_get(stash);
    const STRLEN stashname_len = HvNAMELEN_get(stash);

    SV ** const svp = hv_fetch(PL_isarev, stashname, stashname_len, 0);
    HV * const isarev = svp ? MUTABLE_HV(*svp) : NULL;


        Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't call mro_method_changed_in() on anonymous symbol table");

    /* Inc the package generation, since a local method changed */

    /* If stash is UNIVERSAL, or one of UNIVERSAL's parents,
       invalidate all method caches globally */
    if((stashname_len == 9 && strEQ(stashname, "UNIVERSAL"))
        || (isarev && hv_exists(isarev, "UNIVERSAL", 9))) {

    /* else, invalidate the method caches of all child classes,
       but not itself */
    if(isarev) {
	HE* iter;

        while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) {
	    I32 len;
            const char* const revkey = hv_iterkey(iter, &len);
            HV* const revstash = gv_stashpvn(revkey, len, 0);
            struct mro_meta* mrometa;

            if(!revstash) continue;
            mrometa = HvMROMETA(revstash);
Esempio n. 3
=for apidoc mro_isa_changed_in

Takes the necessary steps (cache invalidations, mostly)
when the @ISA of the given package has changed.  Invoked
by the C<setisa> magic, should not need to invoke directly.

Perl_mro_isa_changed_in(pTHX_ HV* stash)
    HV* isarev;
    AV* linear_mro;
    HE* iter;
    SV** svp;
    I32 items;
    bool is_universal;
    struct mro_meta * meta;

    const char * const stashname = HvNAME_get(stash);
    const STRLEN stashname_len = HvNAMELEN_get(stash);


        Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't call mro_isa_changed_in() on anonymous symbol table");

    /* wipe out the cached linearizations for this stash */
    meta = HvMROMETA(stash);
    if (meta->mro_linear_dfs) {
	meta->mro_linear_dfs = NULL;
	/* This is just acting as a shortcut pointer.  */
	meta->mro_linear_c3 = NULL;
    } else if (meta->mro_linear_c3) {
	/* Only the current MRO is stored, so this owns the data.  */
	meta->mro_linear_c3 = NULL;
    if (meta->isa) {
	meta->isa = NULL;

    /* Inc the package generation, since our @ISA changed */

    /* Wipe the global method cache if this package
       is UNIVERSAL or one of its parents */

    svp = hv_fetch(PL_isarev, stashname, stashname_len, 0);
    isarev = svp ? MUTABLE_HV(*svp) : NULL;

    if((stashname_len == 9 && strEQ(stashname, "UNIVERSAL"))
        || (isarev && hv_exists(isarev, "UNIVERSAL", 9))) {
        is_universal = TRUE;
    else { /* Wipe the local method cache otherwise */
	is_universal = FALSE;

    /* wipe next::method cache too */
    if(meta->mro_nextmethod) hv_clear(meta->mro_nextmethod);

    /* Iterate the isarev (classes that are our children),
       wiping out their linearization, method and isa caches */
    if(isarev) {
        while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) {
	    I32 len;
            const char* const revkey = hv_iterkey(iter, &len);
            HV* revstash = gv_stashpvn(revkey, len, 0);
            struct mro_meta* revmeta;

            if(!revstash) continue;
            revmeta = HvMROMETA(revstash);
	    if (revmeta->mro_linear_dfs) {
		revmeta->mro_linear_dfs = NULL;
		/* This is just acting as a shortcut pointer.  */
		revmeta->mro_linear_c3 = NULL;
	    } else if (revmeta->mro_linear_c3) {
		/* Only the current MRO is stored, so this owns the data.  */
		revmeta->mro_linear_c3 = NULL;
	    if (revmeta->isa) {
		revmeta->isa = NULL;

    /* Now iterate our MRO (parents), and do a few things:
         1) instantiate with the "fake" flag if they don't exist
         2) flag them as universal if we are universal
         3) Add everything from our isarev to their isarev

    /* We're starting at the 2nd element, skipping ourselves here */
    linear_mro = mro_get_linear_isa(stash);
    svp = AvARRAY(linear_mro) + 1;
    items = AvFILLp(linear_mro);

    while (items--) {
        SV* const sv = *svp++;
        HV* mroisarev;

        HE *he = hv_fetch_ent(PL_isarev, sv, TRUE, 0);

	/* That fetch should not fail.  But if it had to create a new SV for
	   us, then we can detect it, because it will not be the correct type.
	   Probably faster and cleaner for us to free that scalar [very little
	   code actually executed to free it] and create a new HV than to
	   copy&paste [SIN!] the code from newHV() to allow us to upgrade the
	   new SV from SVt_NULL.  */

        mroisarev = MUTABLE_HV(HeVAL(he));

	if(SvTYPE(mroisarev) != SVt_PVHV) {
	    mroisarev = newHV();
	    HeVAL(he) = MUTABLE_SV(mroisarev);

	/* This hash only ever contains PL_sv_yes. Storing it over itself is
	   almost as cheap as calling hv_exists, so on aggregate we expect to
	   save time by not making two calls to the common HV code for the
	   case where it doesn't exist.  */
	(void)hv_store(mroisarev, stashname, stashname_len, &PL_sv_yes, 0);

        if(isarev) {
            while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) {
                I32 revkeylen;
                char* const revkey = hv_iterkey(iter, &revkeylen);
		(void)hv_store(mroisarev, revkey, revkeylen, &PL_sv_yes, 0);