Esempio n. 1
uint_8 i2c_master_send_block (i2c_buf_t *buf, uint_8 *ptr, uint_32 length) {
	 * this function sends a block of data out of the i2c port as master, it also ensures that a
	 * stop condition is sent at the end
	if (!length) {
		return(E_OK); // nothing to do
	if (length > I2C_BUF_MAX) {
	if ((I2C_PDD_GetBusStatus(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_BUS_BUSY) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
			((buf->flags & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || (buf->tx_req != 0x00U)) {
	// begin critical section
	buf->flags |= MASTER_IN_PROGRES; /* Set flag "busy" */
	memcpy(buf->tx_buf, ptr, length);
	buf->rx_idx = 0;
	buf->tx_idx = 0;
	buf->rx_req = 0;
  buf->tx_req = length;       /* Set the counter of output bufer's content */
  buf->sendstop = TRUE;  /* Set generating stop condition */
	I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_TX_DIRECTION); /* Set TX mode */
  if (I2C_PDD_GetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE) { /* Is device in master mode? */
    I2C_PDD_RepeatStart(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* If yes then repeat start cycle generated */
	else {
    I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE); /* If no then start signal generated */
  if ((buf->flags & ADDR_7) != 0x00) { /* Is 7-bit addressing set ? */
    buf->flags |= (ADDR_COMPLETE | REP_ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Only one byte of address will be sent 7-bit address mode*/
    I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, buf->slave_addr_low); /* Send slave address */
  else if ((buf->flags & ADDR_10) != 0x00) { /* Is 10-bit addressing set ? */
    buf->flags &= ~(ADDR_COMPLETE | REP_ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Second byte of address will be sent later */
    I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, buf->slave_addr_high); /* Send slave address - high byte*/
	else if ((buf->flags & GENERAL_CALL) != 0x00) { /* Is general call command required ? */
    buf->flags |= ADDR_COMPLETE; /* Only one byte of address will be sent in general call address mode*/
    I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, 0x00); /* Send general call address */
	// end critical section
Esempio n. 2
/* ===================================================================*/
LDD_TError IntI2cLdd1_MasterReceiveBlock(LDD_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPtr, LDD_TData *BufferPtr, LDD_I2C_TSize Size, LDD_I2C_TSendStop SendStop)
  IntI2cLdd1_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPrv = (IntI2cLdd1_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPtr;

  if (Size == 0x00U) {                 /* Test variable Size on zero */
    return ERR_OK;                     /* If zero then OK */
  if (SendStop == LDD_I2C_NO_SEND_STOP) { /* Test variable SendStop on supported value */
    return ERR_PARAM_MODE;             /* If not supported value then error */
  if ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & GENERAL_CALL) != 0x00U) { /* Is the general call flag set (SelectSlaveDevice - address type is general call) ? */
    return ERR_NOTAVAIL;               /* It is not possible to receive data - Call SelectSlaveDevice method */
  if (DeviceDataPrv->SendStop == LDD_I2C_SEND_STOP) {
    if ((I2C_PDD_GetBusStatus(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_BUS_BUSY) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
      ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || \
      (DeviceDataPrv->InpLenM != 0x00U)) {
      return ERR_BUSY;                 /* If yes then error */
  } else {
    if(((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
      (DeviceDataPrv->InpLenM != 0x00U)) {
      return ERR_BUSY;               /* If yes then error */
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Critical section begin, general PE function is used */
  DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag |= MASTER_IN_PROGRES; /* Set flag "busy" */
  DeviceDataPrv->InpPtrM = (uint8_t *)BufferPtr; /* Save pointer to data for reception */
  DeviceDataPrv->InpByteMNum = 0x00U;  /* Clear data number */
  DeviceDataPrv->InpLenM = Size;       /* Set the counter of input bufer's content */
  DeviceDataPrv->SendStop = SendStop;  /* Set generating stop condition */
  I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_TX_DIRECTION); /* Set TX mode */
  if (I2C_PDD_GetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE) { /* Is device in master mode? */
    I2C_PDD_RepeatStart(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* If yes then repeat start cycle generated */
  } else {
    I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE); /* If no then start signal generated */
  if ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & ADDR_7) != 0x00U) { /* Is 7-bit addressing set ? */
    DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag |= (ADDR_COMPLETE|REP_ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Only one byte of address will be sent 7-bit address mode*/
    I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, (uint8_t)(DeviceDataPrv->SlaveAddr | 0x01U)); /* Send slave address */
  } else {
    if ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & ADDR_10) != 0x00U) { /* Is 10-bit addressing set ? */
      DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag &= (uint8_t)~(ADDR_COMPLETE | REP_ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Second byte of address will be sent later */
      I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, DeviceDataPrv->SlaveAddrHigh); /* Send slave address - high byte */
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Critical section end, general PE function is used */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
Esempio n. 3
/* ===================================================================*/
LDD_TError IntI2cLdd1_MasterSendBlock(LDD_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPtr, LDD_TData *BufferPtr, LDD_I2C_TSize Size, LDD_I2C_TSendStop SendStop)
  IntI2cLdd1_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPrv = (IntI2cLdd1_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPtr;

  if (Size == 0x00U) {                 /* Test variable Size on zero */
    return ERR_OK;                     /* If zero then OK */
  if (DeviceDataPrv->SendStop == LDD_I2C_SEND_STOP) {
    if ((I2C_PDD_GetBusStatus(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_BUS_BUSY) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
       ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || \
       (DeviceDataPrv->OutLenM != 0x00U))  {
      return ERR_BUSY;                 /* If yes then error */
  } else {
    if (((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
      (DeviceDataPrv->OutLenM != 0x00U))  {
      return ERR_BUSY;                 /* If yes then error */
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Critical section begin, general PE function is used */
  DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag |= MASTER_IN_PROGRES; /* Set flag "busy" */
  DeviceDataPrv->OutPtrM = (uint8_t *)BufferPtr; /* Save pointer to data for transmitting */
  DeviceDataPrv->OutByteMNum = 0x00U;  /* Set data counter */
  DeviceDataPrv->OutLenM = Size;       /* Set the counter of output bufer's content */
  DeviceDataPrv->SendStop = SendStop;  /* Set generating stop condition */
  I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_TX_DIRECTION); /* Set TX mode */
  if (I2C_PDD_GetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE) { /* Is device in master mode? */
    I2C_PDD_RepeatStart(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* If yes then repeat start cycle generated */
  } else {
    I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE); /* If no then start signal generated */
  if ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & ADDR_7) != 0x00U) { /* Is 7-bit addressing set ? */
    DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag |= (ADDR_COMPLETE | REP_ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Only one byte of address will be sent 7-bit address mode*/
    I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, DeviceDataPrv->SlaveAddr); /* Send slave address */
  } else {
    if ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & ADDR_10) != 0x00U) { /* Is 10-bit addressing set ? */
      DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag &= (uint8_t)~(ADDR_COMPLETE | REP_ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Second byte of address will be sent later */
      I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, DeviceDataPrv->SlaveAddrHigh); /* Send slave address - high byte */
    } else {
      if ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & GENERAL_CALL) != 0x00U) { /* Is general call command required ? */
        DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag |= ADDR_COMPLETE; /* Only one byte of address will be sent in general call address mode*/
        I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, 0x00U); /* Send general call address */
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Critical section end, general PE function is used */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
Esempio n. 4
/* ===================================================================*/
LDD_TError I2C2_MasterReceiveBlock(LDD_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPtr, LDD_TData *BufferPtr, LDD_I2C_TSize Size, LDD_I2C_TSendStop SendStop)
  I2C2_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPrv = (I2C2_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPtr;

  if (Size == 0x00U) {                 /* Test variable Size on zero */
    return ERR_OK;                     /* If zero then OK */
  if (SendStop == LDD_I2C_NO_SEND_STOP) { /* Test variable SendStop on supported value */
    return ERR_PARAM_MODE;             /* If not supported value then error */
  if (DeviceDataPrv->SendStop == LDD_I2C_SEND_STOP) {
    if ((I2C_PDD_GetBusStatus(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_BUS_BUSY) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
      ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || \
      (DeviceDataPrv->InpLenM != 0x00U)) {
      return ERR_BUSY;                 /* If yes then error */
  } else {
    if(((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
      (DeviceDataPrv->InpLenM != 0x00U)) {
      return ERR_BUSY;               /* If yes then error */
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Critical section begin, general PE function is used */
  DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag |= MASTER_IN_PROGRES; /* Set flag "busy" */
  DeviceDataPrv->InpPtrM = (uint8_t *)BufferPtr; /* Save pointer to data for reception */
  DeviceDataPrv->InpLenM = Size;       /* Set the counter of input bufer's content */
  DeviceDataPrv->SendStop = SendStop;  /* Set generating stop condition */
  I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_TX_DIRECTION); /* Set TX mode */
  if (I2C_PDD_GetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE) { /* Is device in master mode? */
    I2C_PDD_RepeatStart(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* If yes then repeat start cycle generated */
  } else {
    I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE); /* If no then start signal generated */
  I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, 0x3BU); /* Send slave address */
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Critical section end, general PE function is used */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
Esempio n. 5
/* ===================================================================*/
LDD_TError CI2C1_MasterSendBlock(LDD_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPtr, LDD_TData *BufferPtr, LDD_I2C_TSize Size, LDD_I2C_TSendStop SendStop)
  CI2C1_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPrv = (CI2C1_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPtr;

  if (Size == 0x00U) {                 /* Test variable Size on zero */
    return ERR_OK;                     /* If zero then OK */
  if (DeviceDataPrv->SendStop == LDD_I2C_SEND_STOP) {
    if ((I2C_PDD_GetBusStatus(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_BUS_BUSY) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
       ((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || \
       (DeviceDataPrv->OutLenM != 0x00U))  {
      return ERR_BUSY;                 /* If yes then error */
  } else {
    if (((DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag & MASTER_IN_PROGRES) != 0x00U) || /* Is the bus busy? */  \
      (DeviceDataPrv->OutLenM != 0x00U))  {
      return ERR_BUSY;                 /* If yes then error */
  /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Critical section begin (RTOS function call is defined by MQXLite RTOS Adapter property) */
  DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag |= MASTER_IN_PROGRES; /* Set flag "busy" */
  DeviceDataPrv->OutPtrM = (uint8_t *)BufferPtr; /* Save pointer to data for transmitting */
  DeviceDataPrv->OutLenM = Size;       /* Set the counter of output bufer's content */
  DeviceDataPrv->SendStop = SendStop;  /* Set generating stop condition */
  I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_TX_DIRECTION); /* Set TX mode */
  if (I2C_PDD_GetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE) { /* Is device in master mode? */
    I2C_PDD_RepeatStart(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* If yes then repeat start cycle generated */
  } else {
    I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE); /* If no then start signal generated */
  I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, 0x00U); /* Send slave address */
  /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Critical section ends (RTOS function call is defined by MQXLite RTOS Adapter property) */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
Esempio n. 6
void i2c_interrupt_process (i2c_buf_t *buf) { 
	 * this is the i2c interrupt handler, will be called from a wrapper function, 
	 * processor failexpert recommended using register for status, not sure if
	 * necessary. assuming device is always in master mode.
	uint8_t status = I2C_S_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR);
	uint8_t errormask = 0x00;
	// clear interrupt flag
	I2C_S_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR) = (uint_8)(status | ((I2C_S_IICIF_MASK & I2C_S_ARBL_MASK) & I2C_S_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)));
	if (I2C_PDD_GetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_MASTER_MODE) { /* Is device in master mode? */
    if (I2C_PDD_GetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR) == I2C_PDD_TX_DIRECTION) { /* Is device in Tx mode? */
      if ((status & I2C_PDD_RX_ACKNOWLEDGE) != 0x00U){ /* NACK received? */
        I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_SLAVE_MODE); /* Switch device to slave mode (stop signal sent) */
        I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_RX_DIRECTION); /* Switch to Rx mode */
        buf->tx_req = 0x00U; /* No character for sending */
        buf->rx_req = 0x00U; /* No character for reception */
        buf->flags &= ~(MASTER_IN_PROGRES); /* No character for sending or reception */
        buf->flags |= (ADDR_COMPLETE | REP_ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Set the flag */
        errormask |= LDD_I2C_MASTER_NACK; /* Set the Master Nack error mask */
			else {
        if ((buf->flags & ADDR_COMPLETE) != 0x00U) { /* If 10-bit addr has been completed */
          if (buf->tx_req != 0x00U) { /* Is any char. for transmitting? */
            buf->tx_req--;  /* Decrease number of chars for the transmit */
            I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, buf->tx_buf[buf->tx_idx++]); /* Send character */
          else {
            if (buf->rx_req != 0x00U) { /* Is any char. for reception? */
              if ((buf->flags & REP_ADDR_COMPLETE) != 0x00U) { /* If repeated start and addr tx has been completed for 10-bit mode ?*/
                if (buf->rx_req == 0x01U) { /* If only one char to receive */
                  I2C_PDD_EnableTransmitAcknowledge(I2C0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* then transmit ACK disable */
								else {
                  I2C_PDD_EnableTransmitAcknowledge(I2C0_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* else transmit ACK enable */
                I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_RX_DIRECTION); /* Switch to Rx mode */
                (void)I2C_PDD_ReadDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* Dummy read character */
							else {                 /* Repeated address has not been completed for 10-bit addressing mode */
                I2C_PDD_RepeatStart(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* Repeat start cycle generated */
								I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, (uint8_t)(buf->slave_addr_high | 0x01U)); /* Send slave address high byte*/
								buf->flags |= REP_ADDR_COMPLETE;
            else {
              buf->flags &= ~(MASTER_IN_PROGRES); /* Clear flag "busy" */
              if (buf->sendstop == TRUE) {
                I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_SLAVE_MODE); /* Switch device to slave mode (stop signal sent) */
                I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_RX_DIRECTION); /* Switch to Rx mode */
        } else {
					I2C_PDD_WriteDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR, buf->slave_addr_low); /* Send second part of the 10-bit addres */
          buf->flags |= (ADDR_COMPLETE); /* Address complete */
    else {
      buf->rx_req--;        /* Decrease number of chars for the receive */
      if (buf->rx_req != 0x00U) { /* Is any char. for reception? */
        if (buf->rx_req == 0x01U) {
          I2C_PDD_EnableTransmitAcknowledge(I2C0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Transmit NACK */
      } else {
        buf->flags &= ~(MASTER_IN_PROGRES); /* Clear flag "busy" */
        I2C_PDD_SetMasterMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_SLAVE_MODE); /* If no, switch device to slave mode (stop signal sent) */
        I2C_PDD_EnableTransmitAcknowledge(I2C0_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Transmit ACK */
      buf->rx_buf[buf->rx_idx++] = I2C_PDD_ReadDataReg(I2C0_BASE_PTR); /* Receive character */
  } else {
    if ((status & I2C_PDD_ARBIT_LOST) != 0x00U) { /* Arbitration lost? */
      buf->tx_req = 0x00U;  /* Any character is not for sent */
      buf->rx_req = 0x00U;  /* Any character is not for reception */
      buf->sendstop = TRUE; /* Set variable for sending stop condition (for master mode) */
      buf->flags &= ~(MASTER_IN_PROGRES); /* Any character is not for sent or reception*/
      I2C_PDD_SetTransmitMode(I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C_PDD_RX_DIRECTION); /* Switch to Rx mode */
      errormask |= LDD_I2C_ARBIT_LOST; /* Set the ArbitLost error mask */
  if (errormask != 0x00) {            /* Is any error mask set? */
    buf->errors |= errormask; /* Update list of error mask value */
    // maybe do something here to handle error?