Esempio n. 1
 * @fn        Write_Data
 * @brief     This func for read data form slave device
 * @param     uint8 - Address of slave device
 * @return    uint8 - The byte read form the Addr 
uint8 Read_Data(uint8 Addr)
  uint8 Value;
  I2c_Start(); //make the I2C bus begin
  //if((Addr != Last_Addr + 1) || (Addr & 0xFF))
  I2c_Write_Byte(0xC8 ); // write address 1100100 and make the R/w with 0
  I2c_Write_Byte(Addr);// write register to slaver

  I2c_Start(); //repeat make the I2C bus begin

  I2c_Write_Byte(0xC9);// write address 1100100 and make the R/w with 1
  Value = I2c_Read_Byte(); // we recive the content from slaver 
  return Value;
Esempio n. 2
int main(void)
    _U08 u8Config;

    ANCON0 = 0XFF;  /*Desactivamos las entradas analógicas*/
    ANCON1 = 0XFF;  /*Desactivamos las entradas analógicas*/

    Gpios_PinDirection(GPIOS_PORTD, 0, GPIOS_INPUT);  /*SCL2*/
    Gpios_PinDirection(GPIOS_PORTD, 1, GPIOS_INPUT);  /*SDA2*/
    Gpios_PinDirection(GPIOS_PORTC, 6, GPIOS_OUTPUT); /*puerto de tx uart como salida*/

    (void)Uart_Init(UART_PORT1, 115200);   /*velocidad a 115200 bauds*/
    xdev_out(putChar);                     /*funcion Uart_PutChar como salida estandar*/

    I2c_Init(I2C_PORT2, 100000);           /*puerto I2C 2 a 100KHz de velocidad*/

    I2c_Start(I2C_PORT2);                                   /*generamos condicion start*/
    (void)I2c_bTxByte(I2C_PORT2, ADDR_WRITE(0b1001101));    /*madamos direccion del sensor en modo escritura*/
    (void)I2c_bTxByte(I2C_PORT2, 0x01);                     /*mandamos direccion a leer*/
    I2c_RepeatedStart(I2C_PORT2);                           /*repetimos señal start*/
    (void)I2c_bTxByte(I2C_PORT2, ADDR_READ(0b1001101));     /*madmaos direccion del sensor en modo lectura*/
    u8Config = I2c_u8RxByte(I2C_PORT2, I2C_NACK);           /*leemos dato leido y contestamos NACK*/
    I2c_Stop(I2C_PORT2);                                    /*indicamos fin de comunicacion*/

    /*mostramos por serial el byte leido el cual tendra el valor de 0x40, indica sensor listo*/
    xprintf("Registro config: 0x%X\r\n", (_U16)u8Config);

    while (1)
        /*Escribe aqui tu aplicacion*/
Esempio n. 3
 * @fn        Write_Data
 * @brief     This func for write words
 *            We can write 2 byte into register 
 * @param     uint8 - Address of slave device
 *            uint8 - The byte want to be writen
 * @return    none 
void Write_Data(uint8 Addr,uint8 Value)
  I2c_Start(); //make the I2C bus begin
  I2c_Write_Byte(0xC8);//master send slaver address
  I2c_Ack();             //we can get Ackknowledge from slaver if equal to 0,means right
  I2c_Write_Byte(Addr);//master send register to slaver
  I2c_Write_Byte(Value);//master send value to slaver
  if( I2c_Ack() )            
 //   return False;