Esempio n. 1
bool isIDBKeyPathValid(const IDBKeyPath& keyPath)
    auto visitor = WTF::makeVisitor([](const String& string) {
        return IDBIsValidKeyPath(string);
    }, [](const Vector<String>& vector) {
        if (vector.isEmpty())
            return false;
        for (auto& key : vector) {
            if (!IDBIsValidKeyPath(key))
                return false;
        return true;
    return WTF::visit(visitor, keyPath);
Esempio n. 2
PassRefPtr<IDBObjectStore> IDBDatabase::createObjectStore(const String& name, const OptionsObject& options, ExceptionCode& ec)
    if (!m_setVersionTransaction) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::NOT_ALLOWED_ERR;
        return 0;

    String keyPath;
    bool keyPathExists = options.getKeyStringWithUndefinedOrNullCheck("keyPath", keyPath);
    if (keyPathExists && !IDBIsValidKeyPath(keyPath)) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::NON_TRANSIENT_ERR;
        return 0;

    bool autoIncrement = false;
    options.getKeyBool("autoIncrement", autoIncrement);
    // FIXME: Look up evictable and pass that on as well.

    RefPtr<IDBObjectStoreBackendInterface> objectStore = m_backend->createObjectStore(name, keyPath, autoIncrement, m_setVersionTransaction->backend(), ec);
    if (!objectStore) {
        return 0;
    return IDBObjectStore::create(objectStore.release(), m_setVersionTransaction.get());
bool IDBKeyPath::isValid() const
    switch (m_type) {
    case NullType:
        return false;

    case StringType:
        return IDBIsValidKeyPath(m_string);

    case ArrayType:
        if (m_array.isEmpty())
            return false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_array.size(); ++i) {
            if (!IDBIsValidKeyPath(m_array[i]))
                return false;
        return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 4
PassRefPtr<IDBIndex> IDBObjectStore::createIndex(const String& name, const String& keyPath, const OptionsObject& options, ExceptionCode& ec)
    if (!IDBIsValidKeyPath(keyPath)) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::NON_TRANSIENT_ERR;
        return 0;

    bool unique = false;
    options.getKeyBool("unique", unique);

    RefPtr<IDBIndexBackendInterface> index = m_objectStore->createIndex(name, keyPath, unique, m_transaction->backend(), ec);
    ASSERT(!index != !ec); // If we didn't get an index, we should have gotten an exception code. And vice versa.
    if (!index)
        return 0;
    return IDBIndex::create(index.release(), this, m_transaction.get());