Esempio n. 1
printarrayv(double *a, long n, const char *nom, const hydroparam_t H)
    long i, nbr = 1;
    long nvar;
    fprintf(stdout, "=%s >\n", nom);
    for (nvar = 0; nvar < H.nvar; nvar++) {
        nbr = 1;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            fprintf(stdout, "%13.6e ", a[IHvw(i, nvar)]);
            if (nbr == VALPERLINE) {
                fprintf(stdout, "\n");
                nbr = 1;
        if (nbr != 1)
            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
        fprintf(stdout, "---\n");
Esempio n. 2
hydro_godunov(long idim, double dt, const hydroparam_t H, hydrovar_t * Hv, hydrowork_t * Hw, hydrovarwork_t * Hvw)

  // Local variables
  long i, j;
  double dtdx;

  double *dq;
  double *e;
  double *flux;
  double *q;
  double *qleft, *qright;
  double *qxm, *qxp;
  double *u;
  double *c;
  double *uold;
  double *rl, *ul, *pl, *cl, *wl, *rr, *ur, *pr, *cr, *wr, *ro, *uo, *po, *co, *wo,
    *rstar, *ustar, *pstar, *cstar, *spin, *spout, *ushock, *frac, *scr, *delp, *pold;
  long *sgnm, *ind, *ind2;
  double *qgdnv;


  // constant
  dtdx = dt / H.dx;

  // Update boundary conditions
  if (H.prt) {
    fprintf(stdout, "godunov %ld\n", idim);
  make_boundary(idim, H, Hv);

  // Allocate work space for 1D sweeps
  allocate_work_space(H, Hw, Hvw);
  uold = Hv->uold;
  qgdnv = Hvw->qgdnv;
  flux = Hvw->flux;
  c = Hw->c;
  q = Hvw->q;
  e = Hw->e;
  u = Hvw->u;
  qxm = Hvw->qxm;
  qxp = Hvw->qxp;
  qleft = Hvw->qleft;
  qright = Hvw->qright;
  dq = Hvw->dq;
  rl = Hw->rl;
  ul = Hw->ul;
  pl = Hw->pl;
  cl = Hw->cl;
  wl = Hw->wl;
  rr = Hw->rr;
  ur = Hw->ur;
  pr = Hw->pr;
  cr = Hw->cr;
  wr = Hw->wr;
  ro = Hw->ro;
  uo = Hw->uo;
  po = Hw->po;
  co = Hw->co;
  wo = Hw->wo;
  rstar = Hw->rstar;
  ustar = Hw->ustar;
  pstar = Hw->pstar;
  cstar = Hw->cstar;
  sgnm = Hw->sgnm;
  spin = Hw->spin;
  spout = Hw->spout;
  ushock = Hw->ushock;
  frac = Hw->frac;
  scr = Hw->scr;
  delp = Hw->delp;
  pold = Hw->pold;
  ind = Hw->ind;
  ind2 = Hw->ind2;
  if (idim == 1) {
    for (j = H.jmin + ExtraLayer; j < H.jmax - ExtraLayer; j++) {
      double *qID = &q[IHvw(0, ID)];
      double *qIP = &q[IHvw(0, IP)];
      gatherConservativeVars(idim, j, uold, u, H.imin, H.imax, H.jmin, H.jmax, H.nvar, H.nxt, H.nyt, H.nxyt);

      // Convert to primitive variables
      constoprim(u, q, e, H.nxt, H.nxyt, H.nvar, H.smallr);
      equation_of_state(qID, e, qIP, c, 0, H.nxt, H.smallc, H.gamma);
      Dmemset(dq, 0, (H.nxyt + 2) * H.nvar);

      // Characteristic tracing
      if (H.iorder != 1) {
        slope(q, dq, H.nxt, H.nvar, H.nxyt, H.slope_type);
      trace(q, dq, c, qxm, qxp, dtdx, H.nxt, H.scheme, H.nvar, H.nxyt);
      qleftright(idim, H.nx, H.ny, H.nxyt, H.nvar, qxm, qxp, qleft, qright);

      // Solve Riemann problem at interfaces
      riemann(qleft, qright, qgdnv,
              rl, ul, pl, cl, wl, rr, ur, pr, cr, wr, ro, uo, po, co, wo,
              rstar, ustar, pstar, cstar,
              sgnm, spin, spout, ushock, frac,
              scr, delp, pold, ind, ind2, H.nx + 1, H.smallr, H.smallc, H.gamma, H.niter_riemann, H.nvar, H.nxyt);

      // Compute fluxes
      cmpflx(qgdnv, flux, H.nxt, H.nxyt, H.nvar, H.gamma);
      updateConservativeVars(idim, j, dtdx, uold, u, flux, H.imin, H.imax, H.jmin, H.jmax, H.nvar, H.nxt, H.nyt, H.nxyt);
    }                           // for j

    if (H.prt) {
      printf("After pass %ld\n", idim);
      PRINTUOLD(H, Hv);
  } else {
    for (i = H.imin + ExtraLayer; i < H.imax - ExtraLayer; i++) {
      double *qID = &Hvw->q[IHvw(0, ID)];
      double *qIP = &Hvw->q[IHvw(0, IP)];
      gatherConservativeVars(idim, i, uold, u, H.imin, H.imax, H.jmin, H.jmax, H.nvar, H.nxt, H.nyt, H.nxyt);
      PRINTARRAYV(Hvw->u, H.nyt, "uY", H);

      // Convert to primitive variables
      constoprim(u, q, e, H.nyt, H.nxyt, H.nvar, H.smallr);

      equation_of_state(qID, e, qIP, c, 0, H.nyt, H.smallc, H.gamma);
      PRINTARRAY(Hw->c, H.nyt, "cY", H);

      // Characteristic tracing
      // compute slopes
      Dmemset(dq, 0, H.nyt * H.nvar);
      if (H.iorder != 1) {
        slope(q, dq, H.nyt, H.nvar, H.nxyt, H.slope_type);
      PRINTARRAYV(Hvw->dq, H.nyt, "dqY", H);
      trace(q, dq, c, qxm, qxp, dtdx, H.nyt, H.scheme, H.nvar, H.nxyt);
      qleftright(idim, H.nx, H.ny, H.nxyt, H.nvar, qxm, qxp, qleft, qright);
      PRINTARRAYV(Hvw->qleft, H.ny + 1, "qleftY", H);
      PRINTARRAYV(Hvw->qright, H.ny + 1, "qrightY", H);

      // Solve Riemann problem at interfaces
      riemann(qleft, qright, qgdnv, rl, ul,
              pl, cl, wl, rr, ur, pr,
              cr, wr, ro, uo, po, co,
              wo, rstar, ustar, pstar, cstar,
              sgnm, spin, spout, ushock, frac,
              scr, delp, pold, ind, ind2, H.ny + 1, H.smallr, H.smallc, H.gamma, H.niter_riemann, H.nvar, H.nxyt);

      // Compute fluxes
      cmpflx(qgdnv, flux, H.nyt, H.nxyt, H.nvar, H.gamma);
      PRINTARRAYV(Hvw->flux, H.ny + 1, "fluxY", H);
      // updateConservativeVars(idim, i, dtdx, H, Hv, Hvw);
      updateConservativeVars(idim, i, dtdx, uold, u, flux, H.imin, H.imax, H.jmin, H.jmax, H.nvar, H.nxt, H.nyt, H.nxyt);
    }                           // else
    if (H.prt) {
      printf("After pass %ld\n", idim);
      PRINTUOLD(H, Hv);
  // Deallocate work space
  deallocate_work_space(H, Hw, Hvw);
}                               // hydro_godunov