Esempio n. 1
/* <36b22a> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_manager.cpp:111 */
void CCSBotManager::__MAKE_VHOOK(RestartRound)(void)
	// extend

	m_isBombPlanted = false;

	m_bombDefuser = NULL;
	m_earliestBombPlantTimestamp = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(10, 30);


	m_lastSeenEnemyTimestamp = -9999.9f;
	m_roundStartTimestamp = gpGlobals->time + CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_freezetime");

	// randomly decide if defensive team wants to "rush" as a whole
	const float defenseRushChance = 33.3f;	// 25.0f;
	m_isDefenseRushing = (RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 100) <= defenseRushChance) ? true : false;


	m_isRoundOver = false;
	m_isRespawnStarted = false;
	m_canRespawn = true;
Esempio n. 2
/* <36a3b6> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_manager.cpp:331 */
void CCSBotManager::__MAKE_VHOOK(ServerActivate)(void)
	IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_isMapDataLoaded) = false;

	m_zoneCount = 0;
	m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_DEATHMATCH;


	IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_isLearningMap) = false;
	IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_isAnalysisRequested) = false;

	m_bServerActive = true;

	TheBotPhrases->m_placeCount = 0;
Esempio n. 3
/* <36b780> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_manager.cpp:1109 */
void CCSBotManager::ValidateMapData(void)
	if (IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_isMapDataLoaded) || !UTIL_IsGame("czero"))

	IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_isMapDataLoaded) = true;

	// TODO: Reverse me
	if (LoadNavigationMap())
		CONSOLE_ECHO("Failed to load navigation map.\n");

	CONSOLE_ECHO("Navigation map loaded.\n");

	m_zoneCount = 0;
	m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_DEATHMATCH;

	// Search all entities in the map and set the game type and
	// store all zones (bomb target, etc).

	CBaseEntity *entity = NULL;
	int i;

	for (i = 1; i < gpGlobals->maxEntities; i++)
		entity = CBaseEntity::Instance(INDEXENT(i));

		if (entity == NULL)

		bool found = false;
		bool isLegacy = false;

		if (FClassnameIs(entity->pev, "func_bomb_target"))
			found = true;
			isLegacy = false;

			m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB;
		else if (FClassnameIs(entity->pev, "info_bomb_target"))
			found = true;
			isLegacy = true;

			m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB;
		else if (FClassnameIs(entity->pev, "func_hostage_rescue"))
			found = true;
			isLegacy = false;

		else if (FClassnameIs(entity->pev, "info_hostage_rescue"))
			found = true;
			isLegacy = true;

		else if (FClassnameIs(entity->pev, "hostage_entity"))
			// some very old maps (ie: cs_assault) use info_player_start
			// as rescue zones, so set the scenario if there are hostages
			// in the map
		else if (FClassnameIs(entity->pev, "func_vip_safetyzone"))
			found = true;
			isLegacy = false;

			m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_ESCORT_VIP;

		if (found)
			if (m_zoneCount < MAX_ZONES)
				if (isLegacy)
					m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_center = entity->pev->origin;
					m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_center = (entity->pev->absmax + entity->pev->absmin) / 2.0f;

				m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_isLegacy = isLegacy;
				m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_index = m_zoneCount;
				m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_entity = entity;

				CONSOLE_ECHO("Warning: Too many zones, some will be ignored.\n");

	// If there are no zones and the scenario is hostage rescue,
	// use the info_player_start entities as rescue zones.
	if (m_zoneCount == 0 && m_gameScenario == SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES)
		entity = NULL;

		while ((entity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(entity, "info_player_start")) != NULL)
			if (FNullEnt(entity->edict()))

			if (m_zoneCount < MAX_ZONES)
				m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_center = entity->pev->origin;
				m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_isLegacy = true;
				m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_index = m_zoneCount;
				m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_entity = entity;

				CONSOLE_ECHO("Warning: Too many zones, some will be ignored.\n");

	// Collect nav areas that overlap each zone
	for (i = 0; i < m_zoneCount; i++)
		Zone *zone = &m_zone[i];

		if (zone->m_isLegacy)
			const float legacyRange = 256.0f;

			zone->m_extent.lo.x = zone->m_center.x - legacyRange;
			zone->m_extent.lo.y = zone->m_center.y - legacyRange;
			zone->m_extent.lo.z = zone->m_center.z - legacyRange;

			zone->m_extent.hi.x = zone->m_center.x + legacyRange;
			zone->m_extent.hi.y = zone->m_center.y + legacyRange;
			zone->m_extent.hi.z = zone->m_center.z + legacyRange;
			zone->m_extent.lo = zone->m_entity->pev->absmin;
			zone->m_extent.hi = zone->m_entity->pev->absmax;

		// ensure Z overlap
		const float zFudge = 50.0f;

		zone->m_areaCount = 0;
		zone->m_extent.lo.z -= zFudge;
		zone->m_extent.hi.z += zFudge;

		// build a list of nav areas that overlap this zone
		for (NavAreaList::iterator iter = TheNavAreaList.begin(); iter != TheNavAreaList.end(); ++iter)
			CNavArea *area = (*iter);
			const Extent *areaExtent = area->GetExtent();

			if (areaExtent->hi.x >= zone->m_extent.lo.x && areaExtent->lo.x <= zone->m_extent.hi.x
				&& areaExtent->hi.y >= zone->m_extent.lo.y && areaExtent->lo.y <= zone->m_extent.hi.y
				&& areaExtent->hi.z >= zone->m_extent.lo.z && areaExtent->lo.z <= zone->m_extent.hi.z)
				// area overlaps zone
				zone->m_area[ zone->m_areaCount++ ] = area;

				if (zone->m_areaCount == MAX_ZONE_NAV_AREAS)
Esempio n. 4
/* <36c3c2> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_manager.cpp:903 */
NOBODY bool CCSBotManager::BotAddCommand(BotProfileTeamType team, bool isFromConsole)
	if (IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_isLearningMap) || ENG_CHECK_PARM("-nobots", NULL))
		return false;

	const BotProfile *profile = NULL;

	if (!isFromConsole || CMD_ARGC() < 2)
		if (team == BOT_TEAM_ANY)
			// if team not specified, check cv_bot_join_team cvar for preference
			if (!Q_stricmp(cv_bot_join_team.string, "T"))
				team = BOT_TEAM_T;

			else if (!Q_stricmp(cv_bot_join_team.string, "CT"))
				team = BOT_TEAM_CT;
				TeamName defaultTeam = SelectDefaultTeam();

				if (defaultTeam == TERRORIST)
					team = BOT_TEAM_T;

				else if (defaultTeam == CT)
					team = BOT_TEAM_CT;

		// try to add a bot by name
		profile = TheBotProfiles->GetRandomProfile(GetDifficultyLevel(), team);

		if (profile == NULL)
			CONSOLE_ECHO("All bot profiles at this difficulty level are in use.\n");
			return true;
		// in career, ignore humans
		bool ignoreHumans = false;
		CHalfLifeMultiplay *mp = g_pGameRules;

		if (mp && mp->IsCareer())
			ignoreHumans = true;

		if (UTIL_IsNameTaken(CMD_ARGV(1), ignoreHumans))
			CONSOLE_ECHO("Error - %s is already in the game.\n", CMD_ARGV(1));
			return true;

		profile = TheBotProfiles->GetProfile(CMD_ARGV(1), team);
		if (profile == NULL)
			CONSOLE_ECHO("Error - no profile for '%s' exists.\n", CMD_ARGV(1));
			return true;

	// create the bot
	if (CCSBotManager::AddBot(profile, team))	// TODO: Reverse me
		if (isFromConsole)
			// increase the bot quota to account for manually added bot
			CVAR_SET_FLOAT("bot_quota", cv_bot_quota.value + 1);

	return true;
Esempio n. 5
/* <4ee669> ../game_shared/bot/nav_file.cpp:379 */
NOBODY void CNavArea::Load(SteamFile *file, unsigned int version)
	// load ID
	file->Read(&m_id, sizeof(unsigned int));

	// update nextID to avoid collisions
	if (m_id >= IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_nextID))
		IMPLEMENT_ARRAY(m_nextID) = m_id + 1;

	// load attribute flags
	file->Read(&m_attributeFlags, sizeof(unsigned char));

	// load extent of area
	file->Read(&m_extent, 6 * sizeof(float));

	m_center.x = (m_extent.lo.x + m_extent.hi.x) / 2.0f;
	m_center.y = (m_extent.lo.y + m_extent.hi.y) / 2.0f;
	m_center.z = (m_extent.lo.z + m_extent.hi.z) / 2.0f;

	// load heights of implicit corners
	file->Read(&m_neZ, sizeof(float));
	file->Read(&m_swZ, sizeof(float));

	// load connections (IDs) to adjacent areas
	// in the enum order NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST
	for (int d = 0; d < NUM_DIRECTIONS; d++)
		// load number of connections for this direction
		unsigned int count;
		file->Read(&count, sizeof(unsigned int));

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i<count; ++i)
			NavConnect connect;
			file->Read(&, sizeof(unsigned int));


	// Load hiding spots

	// load number of hiding spots
	unsigned char hidingSpotCount;
	file->Read(&hidingSpotCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

	if (version == 1)
		// load simple vector array
		Vector pos;
		for (int h = 0; h < hidingSpotCount; ++h)
			file->Read(&pos, 3 * sizeof(float));

			// create new hiding spot and put on master list
			HidingSpot *spot = new HidingSpot(&pos, HidingSpot::IN_COVER);

		// load HidingSpot objects for this area
		for (int h=0; h<hidingSpotCount; ++h)
			// create new hiding spot and put on master list
			HidingSpot *spot = new HidingSpot;

			spot->Load(file, version);


	// Load number of approach areas
	file->Read(&m_approachCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

	// load approach area info (IDs)
	unsigned char type;
	for (int a = 0; a < m_approachCount; ++a)
		file->Read(&m_approach[a], sizeof(unsigned int));

		file->Read(&m_approach[a], sizeof(unsigned int));
		file->Read(&type, sizeof(unsigned char) );
		m_approach[a].prevToHereHow = (NavTraverseType)type;

		file->Read(&m_approach[a], sizeof(unsigned int));
		file->Read(&type, sizeof(unsigned char));
		m_approach[a].hereToNextHow = (NavTraverseType)type;

	// Load encounter paths for this area
	unsigned int count;
	file->Read(&count, sizeof(unsigned int));

	if (version < 3)
		// old data, read and discard
		for (unsigned int e = 0; e < count; ++e)
			SpotEncounter encounter;

			file->Read(&, sizeof(unsigned int));
			file->Read(&, sizeof(unsigned int));

			file->Read(&encounter.path.from.x, 3 * sizeof(float));
			file->Read(&, 3 * sizeof(float));

			// read list of spots along this path
			unsigned char spotCount;
			file->Read(&spotCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

			for (int s = 0; s < spotCount; ++s)
				Vector pos;
				file->Read(&pos, 3 * sizeof(float));
				file->Read(&pos, sizeof(float));

	for (unsigned int e = 0; e<count; ++e)
		SpotEncounter encounter;

		file->Read(&, sizeof(unsigned int));

		unsigned char dir;
		file->Read(&dir, sizeof(unsigned char));
		encounter.fromDir = static_cast<NavDirType>(dir);

		file->Read(&, sizeof(unsigned int));

		file->Read(&dir, sizeof(unsigned char));
		encounter.toDir = static_cast<NavDirType>(dir);

		// read list of spots along this path
		unsigned char spotCount;
		file->Read(&spotCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

		SpotOrder order;
		for (int s = 0; s < spotCount; ++s)
			file->Read(&, sizeof(unsigned int));

			unsigned char t;
			file->Read(&t, sizeof(unsigned char));

			order.t = (float)t / 255.0f;



	if (version < 5)

	// Load Place data
	PlaceDirectory::EntryType entry;
	file->Read(&entry, sizeof(entry));

	// convert entry to actual Place