Esempio n. 1
 * Executes one (or perhaps a few more) IO instruction(s).
 * @returns VBox status code suitable for EM.
 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure.
 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure.
static int emR3HmExecuteIOInstruction(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu)
    PCPUMCTX pCtx = pVCpu->em.s.pCtx;

    STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);

     * Try to restart the io instruction that was refused in ring-0.
    VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = HMR3RestartPendingIOInstr(pVM, pVCpu, pCtx);
    if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
        STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);
        return VBOXSTRICTRC_TODO(rcStrict);     /* rip already updated. */
    AssertMsgReturn(rcStrict == VERR_NOT_FOUND, ("%Rrc\n", VBOXSTRICTRC_VAL(rcStrict)),

     * Hand it over to the interpreter.
    rcStrict = IEMExecOne(pVCpu);
    LogFlow(("emR3HmExecuteIOInstruction: %Rrc\n", VBOXSTRICTRC_VAL(rcStrict)));
    STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);
    return VBOXSTRICTRC_TODO(rcStrict);
Esempio n. 2
 * Executes one (or perhaps a few more) IO instruction(s).
 * @returns VBox status code suitable for EM.
 * @param   pVM         Pointer to the VM.
 * @param   pVCpu       Pointer to the VMCPU.
static int emR3ExecuteIOInstruction(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu)
    PCPUMCTX pCtx = pVCpu->em.s.pCtx;

    STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);

    /* Try to restart the io instruction that was refused in ring-0. */
    VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = HWACCMR3RestartPendingIOInstr(pVM, pVCpu, pCtx);
    if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
        STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);
        return VBOXSTRICTRC_TODO(rcStrict);     /* rip already updated. */
    AssertMsgReturn(rcStrict == VERR_NOT_FOUND, ("%Rrc\n", VBOXSTRICTRC_VAL(rcStrict)),

    /** @todo probably we should fall back to the recompiler; otherwise we'll go back and forth between HC & GC
     *   as io instructions tend to come in packages of more than one
    int rc2 = CPUMR3DisasmInstrCPU(pVM, pVCpu, pCtx, pCtx->rip, &Cpu, "IO EMU");
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2))
        rcStrict = VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR;

        if (!(Cpu.fPrefix & (DISPREFIX_REP | DISPREFIX_REPNE)))
            switch (Cpu.pCurInstr->uOpcode)
                case OP_IN:
                    rcStrict = IOMInterpretIN(pVM, CPUMCTX2CORE(pCtx), &Cpu);

                case OP_OUT:
                    rcStrict = IOMInterpretOUT(pVM, CPUMCTX2CORE(pCtx), &Cpu);
        else if (Cpu.fPrefix & DISPREFIX_REP)
            switch (Cpu.pCurInstr->uOpcode)
                case OP_INSB:
                case OP_INSWD:
                    rcStrict = IOMInterpretINS(pVM, CPUMCTX2CORE(pCtx), &Cpu);

                case OP_OUTSB:
                case OP_OUTSWD:
                    rcStrict = IOMInterpretOUTS(pVM, CPUMCTX2CORE(pCtx), &Cpu);

         * Handled the I/O return codes.
         * (The unhandled cases end up with rcStrict == VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR.)
        if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
            pCtx->rip += Cpu.cbInstr;
            STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);
            return VBOXSTRICTRC_TODO(rcStrict);

        if (rcStrict == VINF_EM_RAW_GUEST_TRAP)
            /* The active trap will be dispatched. */
            STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);
            return VINF_SUCCESS;
        AssertMsg(rcStrict != VINF_TRPM_XCPT_DISPATCHED, ("Handle VINF_TRPM_XCPT_DISPATCHED\n"));

        if (RT_FAILURE(rcStrict))
            STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);
            return VBOXSTRICTRC_TODO(rcStrict);
        AssertMsg(rcStrict == VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR || rcStrict == VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM, ("rcStrict=%Rrc\n", VBOXSTRICTRC_VAL(rcStrict)));

    STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVCpu->em.s.StatIOEmu, a);
    return emR3ExecuteInstruction(pVM, pVCpu, "IO: ");
Esempio n. 3
 * \#GP (General Protection Fault) handler.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 *          VINF_SUCCESS means we completely handled this trap,
 *          other codes are passed execution to host context.
 * @param   pVM         Pointer to the VM.
 * @param   pTrpmCpu    Pointer to TRPMCPU data (within VM).
 * @param   pRegFrame   Pointer to the register frame for the trap.
static int trpmGCTrap0dHandler(PVM pVM, PTRPMCPU pTrpmCpu, PCPUMCTXCORE pRegFrame)
    LogFlow(("trpmGCTrap0dHandler: cs:eip=%RTsel:%08RX32 uErr=%RGv\n", pRegFrame->cs.Sel, pRegFrame->eip, pTrpmCpu->uActiveErrorCode));
    PVMCPU  pVCpu = TRPMCPU_2_VMCPU(pTrpmCpu);

     * Convert and validate CS.
    STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVM->trpm.s.StatTrap0dDisasm, a);
    uint32_t cBits;
    int rc = SELMValidateAndConvertCSAddrGCTrap(pVCpu, pRegFrame->eflags, pRegFrame->ss.Sel, pRegFrame->cs.Sel,
                                                pRegFrame->rip, &PC, &cBits);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        Log(("trpmGCTrap0dHandler: Failed to convert %RTsel:%RX32 (cpl=%d) - rc=%Rrc !!\n",
             pRegFrame->cs.Sel, pRegFrame->eip, pRegFrame->ss.Sel & X86_SEL_RPL, rc));
        STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->trpm.s.StatTrap0dDisasm, a);
        return trpmGCExitTrap(pVM, pVCpu, VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR, pRegFrame);

     * Disassemble the instruction.
    uint32_t    cbOp;
    rc = EMInterpretDisasOneEx(pVM, pVCpu, PC, pRegFrame, &Cpu, &cbOp);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        AssertMsgFailed(("DISCoreOneEx failed to PC=%RGv rc=%Rrc\n", PC, rc));
        STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->trpm.s.StatTrap0dDisasm, a);
        return trpmGCExitTrap(pVM, pVCpu, VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR, pRegFrame);
    STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->trpm.s.StatTrap0dDisasm, a);

     * Optimize RDTSC traps.
     * Some guests (like Solaris) are using RDTSC all over the place and
     * will end up trapping a *lot* because of that.
     * Note: it's no longer safe to access the instruction opcode directly due to possible stale code TLB entries
    if (Cpu.pCurInstr->uOpcode == OP_RDTSC)
        return trpmGCTrap0dHandlerRdTsc(pVM, pVCpu, pRegFrame);

     * Deal with I/O port access.
    if (    pVCpu->trpm.s.uActiveErrorCode == 0
        &&  (Cpu.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_PORTIO))
        VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = IOMRCIOPortHandler(pVM, pRegFrame, &Cpu);
        if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
            pRegFrame->rip += cbOp;
        rc = VBOXSTRICTRC_TODO(rcStrict);
        return trpmGCExitTrap(pVM, pVCpu, rc, pRegFrame);

     * Deal with Ring-0 (privileged instructions)
    if (    (pRegFrame->ss.Sel & X86_SEL_RPL) <= 1
        &&  !pRegFrame->eflags.Bits.u1VM)
        return trpmGCTrap0dHandlerRing0(pVM, pVCpu, pRegFrame, &Cpu, PC);

     * Deal with Ring-3 GPs.
    if (!pRegFrame->eflags.Bits.u1VM)
        return trpmGCTrap0dHandlerRing3(pVM, pVCpu, pRegFrame, &Cpu, PC);

     * Deal with v86 code.
     * We always set IOPL to zero which makes e.g. pushf fault in V86
     * mode. The guest might use IOPL=3 and therefore not expect a #GP.
     * Simply fall back to the recompiler to emulate this instruction if
     * that's the case. To get the correct we must use CPUMRawGetEFlags.
    X86EFLAGS eflags;
    eflags.u32 = CPUMRawGetEFlags(pVCpu); /* Get the correct value. */
    Log3(("TRPM #GP V86: cs:eip=%04x:%08x IOPL=%d efl=%08x\n", pRegFrame->cs.Sel, pRegFrame->eip, eflags.Bits.u2IOPL, eflags.u));
    if (eflags.Bits.u2IOPL != 3)
        Assert(eflags.Bits.u2IOPL == 0);

        rc = TRPMForwardTrap(pVCpu, pRegFrame, 0xD, 0, TRPM_TRAP_HAS_ERRORCODE, TRPM_TRAP, 0xd);
        Assert(rc == VINF_EM_RAW_GUEST_TRAP);
        return trpmGCExitTrap(pVM, pVCpu, rc, pRegFrame);
    return trpmGCExitTrap(pVM, pVCpu, VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR, pRegFrame);