int main(int argc, char **argv) { cwp_String prefix=NULL; /* Common prefix to build the SPS filenames. */ cwp_String Rname=NULL; /* file name for R file */ int numR=0; /* number of receiver points */ FILE *fpR=NULL; /* file pointer for R file */ cwp_String Sname=NULL; /* file name for S file */ FILE *fpS=NULL; /* file pointer for S file */ int numS=0; /* number of source points */ cwp_String Xname=NULL; /* file name for X file */ FILE *fpX=NULL; /* file pointer for X file */ int numX=0; /* number of relation points entries */ /* WARNING: a record can have more than */ /* one relation entry. E.g. 3D*/ int rev; /* SPS revision to process */ int RC; /* Return code from functions */ int i; /* Just the "i". */ float scalco; /* scale factor */ float scalel; /* scale factor */ float temp; /* temporary float value */ double Xcdp; /* CDP X Coordinate */ double Ycdp; /* CDP Y Coordinate */ float ibin; /* Inline bin size/cdp interval */ //float xbin; /* Xline bin size/ Not used */ float dt; /* sample spacing - I don't need, just check */ //int nt; /* number of points on input trace */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ // File control int oldfldr; // fldr for last trace processed int oldskip; // still skipping the same fldr? int curx; // relation entry control int curtrl; // keeping track of current trace (in case of skip) int idxR; // Index of receiver station entry int idxS; // Index of shot point entry float recsta; // receiver station //float srcsta; // source point station int nproct = 0; // number of processed traces //int nprocf = 0; // number of processed files /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Verbose run? */ if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0; /* get SPS revision to process */ if (!getparint("rev", &rev)) rev=2; /* get inline bin interval */ if (!getparfloat("ibin", &ibin)) ibin=0.; /* lets prepare the geometry informations */ /* ========================================== */ /* Lets try to get common prefix. =========== */ /* ========================================== */ getparstring("prefix", &prefix); // if ( prefix == NULL ) Who cares? /* ========================================== */ /* Receiver points information ============== */ /* ========================================== */ getparstring("rps", &Rname); if ( Rname == NULL ) { if ( prefix == NULL ) err("**** Missing required parameter 'rps=', see self-doc"); // I have a prefix and need build this file name. Rname = calloc(strlen(prefix)+2,sizeof(cwp_String)); if ( Rname == NULL ) err("**** Unable to allocate memory for R-File name."); strcpy(Rname,prefix); strcat(Rname,".r"); } if (verbose) warn("Receiver file: %s",Rname); fpR = efopen(Rname, "r"); if ( fpR == NULL ) err("**** Error opening the receiver information file"); numR = countRec(fpR, 'R'); warn("Found %d receiver points entries.",numR); if ( numR == 0 ) err("**** No receiver point information found!!"); // Allocate area for the receiver informations // calloc zero out memory. RecInfo = calloc(numR,sizeof(struct PointInfo)); if ( RecInfo == NULL ){ err("**** Unable to allocate memory for Receiver Point Informations!!"); } // Get all Receiver Points info into memory RC = getPoints(fpR, 'R', rev, RecInfo); if ( RC != numR) { warn("Short read for Receiver Point Informations!"); warn("Read %d receiver points entries instead of expected%d.",RC,numR); } if (verbose) { warn("Stored: %d Receiver Point Informations.",RC); for (i=0; i<RC; i++) warn("R %10.2f,%10.2f,%4.1f,%10.2lf,%10.2lf,%5.1f", RecInfo[i].Line, RecInfo[i].Point, RecInfo[i].PDepth, RecInfo[i].X, RecInfo[i].Y, RecInfo[i].Elev); } /* ========================================== */ /* Source points information ================ */ /* ========================================== */ getparstring("sps", &Sname); if ( Sname == NULL ) { if ( prefix == NULL ) err("**** Missing required parameter 'sps=', see self-doc"); // I have a prefix and need build this file name. Sname = calloc(strlen(prefix)+2,sizeof(cwp_String)); if ( Sname == NULL ) err("**** Unable to allocate memory for S-File name."); strcpy(Sname,prefix); strcat(Sname,".s"); } if (verbose) warn("Source file: %s",Sname); fpS = efopen(Sname, "r"); if ( fpS == NULL ) err("**** Error opening the source information file"); numS = countRec(fpS, 'S'); warn("Found %d source points entries.",numS); if ( numS == 0 ) err("**** No source point information found!!"); // Allocate area for the Source informations // calloc zero out memory. SrcInfo = calloc(numS,sizeof(struct PointInfo)); if ( SrcInfo == NULL ){ err("**** Unable to allocate memory for Source Point Informations!!"); } // Get all Source Point info into memory RC = getPoints(fpS, 'S', rev, SrcInfo); if ( RC != numS) { warn("Short read for Source Point Informations!"); warn("Read %d source point entries instead of expected%d.",RC,numS); } if (verbose) { warn("Stored: %d Source Point Informations.",RC); for (i=0; i<RC; i++) warn("S %10.2f,%10.2f,%4.1f,%10.2lf,%10.2lf,%5.1f", SrcInfo[i].Line, SrcInfo[i].Point, SrcInfo[i].PDepth, SrcInfo[i].X, SrcInfo[i].Y, SrcInfo[i].Elev); } /* ------------------------------------------ */ /* ========================================== */ /* Relation (records) information =========== */ /* ========================================== */ getparstring("xps", &Xname); if ( Xname == NULL ) { if ( prefix == NULL ) err("**** Missing required parameter 'xps=', see self-doc"); // I have a prefix and need build this file name. Xname = calloc(strlen(prefix)+2,sizeof(cwp_String)); if ( Xname == NULL ) err("**** Unable to allocate memory for X-File name."); strcpy(Xname,prefix); strcat(Xname,".x"); } if (verbose) warn("Relation file: %s",Xname); fpX = efopen(Xname, "r"); if ( fpX == NULL ) err("**** Error opening the relation information file"); numX = countRec(fpX, 'X'); warn("Found %d relation information entries.",numX); if ( numX == 0 ) err("**** No relation information found!!"); // Allocate area for the Register informations // calloc zero out memory. FileInfo = calloc(numX,sizeof(struct RegInfo)); if ( FileInfo == NULL ){ err("**** Unable to allocate memory for Registers Informations!!"); } // Get all Record info into memory RC = getFiles(fpX, rev, FileInfo); if ( RC != numX) { warn("Short read for File Informations!"); warn("Read %d file entries instead of expected%d.",RC,numX); } if (verbose) { warn("Stored: %d Register Information entries.",RC); for (i=0; i<RC; i++) warn("X %4d,%1d,%9.1f,%9.1f,%4d,%4d,%1d,%9.1f,%9.1f,%10.1f,%1d", FileInfo[i].Num, FileInfo[i].Inc, FileInfo[i].SLine, FileInfo[i].SPoint, FileInfo[i].FChan, FileInfo[i].TChan, FileInfo[i].IncChan, FileInfo[i].RLine, FileInfo[i].FRecv, FileInfo[i].TRecv, FileInfo[i].RInc); } /* ------------------------------------------ */ /* ========================================== */ /* ========================================== */ /* ========================================== */ /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); if (seismic) { if (verbose) warn("input is seismic data, trid=%d",tr.trid); // dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; // Don't use dt } else { if (verbose) warn("input is not seismic data, trid=%d",tr.trid); // dt = tr.d1; // Don't use dt } /* error trapping so that the user can have a default value of dt */ if (!(dt || getparfloat("dt", &dt))) { // dt = .004; // Don't use dt warn("WARNING: neither dt nor d1 are set, nor is dt getparred!"); warn("WARNING: It is not used, just checked!!"); } //nt = tr.ns; oldfldr = 0; // fldr for last trace processed oldskip = 0; // still skipping the same fldr? curx = -1; // relation entry control curtrl = 0; // keeping tracl of current trace (in case of skip) /* ------------------------------------------ */ /* ========================================== */ /* ====== Main loop over traces =========== */ /* ========================================== */ do { if (tr.fldr != oldfldr) { // Ok, we have a new fldr. // Advance relation entry? if (curx+1 < numX && tr.fldr == FileInfo[curx+1].Num) { curx++; if ( curx == numX ) break; // No more relation available. // fprintf(stderr,"==> 1-curx %d\n",curx); // Debug // Process this one if ( verbose ) warn("** processing fldr=%d",tr.fldr); oldfldr = tr.fldr; //fprintf(stderr,"==> New file %d: %d\n",curx,tr.fldr); // Debug } else { // skip until the next file is found if ( tr.fldr != oldskip ) { // Skipping new fldr! if ( curx+1 == numX) { curx++; break; // No more relation available } warn("** skipping fldr=%d, looking for %d", tr.fldr,FileInfo[curx+1].Num); oldskip = tr.fldr; } continue; } } // (tr.fldr != oldfldr) // Ok, we are processing current fldr // Is this channel within range? if ( tr.tracf < FileInfo[curx].FChan ) { // skip this one warn("** skipping fldr=%d, tracf=%d, looking for tracf=%d ", tr.fldr,tr.tracf,FileInfo[curx].FChan); continue; } else if ( tr.tracf > FileInfo[curx].TChan ) { // <FIXME> still unsure if ( curx+1 == numX) { // Is there any more relation info? curx++; // Signal the end of table break; // Exit, no more relation available } if ( tr.fldr == FileInfo[curx+1].Num ) { // Is there more info? do { // Advance the register info curx++; if ( tr.tracf >= FileInfo[curx].FChan && // If chan ok, tr.tracf <= FileInfo[curx].TChan) { // exit loop break; // Found it } } while (tr.fldr == FileInfo[curx+1].Num); // Why did I get here? // do we have a new fldr? if ( tr.tracf < FileInfo[curx].FChan || tr.tracf > FileInfo[curx].TChan) { // Ok, we have a new fldr. // skip this trace, look for a new file continue; } } } // Ok, seems that we are good to process this one. // Lets update the header // We will keep fldr and trcf untoutched // But will update tracl curtrl++; tr.tracl = curtrl; if ( tr.ep == 0 ) // Only if zeroed out, keep otherwise tr.ep = FileInfo[curx].SPoint; // No fractionary sp so far. tr.cdp = 0; // not updating it yet // This computes the receiver station // <FIXME> Not sure if this use of IncChan is correct. :( // It should group each IncChan channels in a single station // for multicomponent data. recsta = FileInfo[curx].FRecv + (FileInfo[curx].TRecv-FileInfo[curx].FRecv) * ((tr.tracf-FileInfo[curx].FChan)/FileInfo[curx].IncChan)/ (FileInfo[curx].TChan-FileInfo[curx].FChan); // Get the index of the point at corresponding point structure idxR = GetPointIndex(RecInfo, numR, recsta,FileInfo[curx].RLine); idxS = GetPointIndex(SrcInfo, numS, FileInfo[curx].SPoint, FileInfo[curx].SLine); // <FIXME> - Take care for information not available! // if ( idx[[R|S] < 0 ) { failed! Skip trace/file! } // Avoid division by zero. if ( tr.scalel == 0 ) tr.scalel = 1; if ( tr.scalco == 0 ) tr.scalco = 1; // The scale factor scalel = 1./tr.scalel; scalco = 1./tr.scalco; if ( tr.scalel < 0 ) scalel = -tr.scalel; if ( tr.scalco < 0 ) scalco = -tr.scalco; // Source coordinates = SrcInfo[idxS].X * scalco; = SrcInfo[idxS].Y * scalco; // Receiver coordinates tr.gx = RecInfo[idxR].X * scalco; = RecInfo[idxR].Y * scalco; if ( ibin != 0 ) { // compute CDP number // CDP Position (where to store?) Xcdp = (RecInfo[idxR].X+SrcInfo[idxS].X)/2.; Ycdp = (RecInfo[idxR].Y+SrcInfo[idxS].Y)/2.; // First try for cdp computation. // (may work for 2D straight lines) // temp = sqrt(pow(Xcdp-RecInfo[0].X,2) + pow(Ycdp-RecInfo[0].Y,2)); tr.cdp = 100.5 + temp / ibin; // 100 is just arbitrary // .5 if for rounding :P // Debug: print cdp# Xcdp Ycdp //fprintf(stderr,"cdp %5d %10.2f %10.2f\n",tr.cdp,Xcdp,Ycdp); } // Elevations tr.gelev = RecInfo[idxR].Elev * scalel; tr.selev = SrcInfo[idxS].Elev * scalel; tr.sdepth = SrcInfo[idxS].PDepth * scalel; // Offset - The offset signal is just an educated guess. :/ tr.offset = sqrt(pow(SrcInfo[idxS].X-RecInfo[idxR].X,2) + pow(SrcInfo[idxS].Y-RecInfo[idxR].Y,2)); if ( SrcInfo[idxS].Point > RecInfo[idxR].Point ) tr.offset = -tr.offset; // Assuming all coordinates in UTM projection tr.counit = 1; tr.sstat = SrcInfo[idxS].StaCor; tr.gstat = RecInfo[idxR].StaCor; puttr(&tr); nproct++; // count processed traces } while (gettr(&tr)); /* ========================================== */ /* ========= End of Main loop ============== */ /* ========================================== */ /* ------------------------------------------ */ if ( curx >= numX ) { warn("*** Last record processed -> fldr %d ***",oldfldr); warn("*** Records after this were discarded ***"); } warn("*** %d traces processed...",nproct); return(CWP_Exit()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *plotcmd; /* build pswigb command for popen */ float *trbuf; /* trace buffer */ FILE *plotfp; /* fp for plot data */ int nt; /* number of samples on trace */ int ntr; /* number of traces */ int verbose; /* verbose flag */ float d1; /* time/depth sample rate */ float d2; /* trace/dx sample rate */ float f1; /* tmin/zmin */ float f2; /* tracemin/xmin */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ cwp_Bool have_ntr=cwp_false;/* is ntr known from header or user? */ char *tmpdir; /* directory path for tmp files */ cwp_Bool istmpdir=cwp_false;/* true for user given path */ char *cwproot; /* value of CWPROOT environment variable*/ char *bindir; /* directory path for tmp files */ /* Support for irregularly spaced data */ cwp_String key; /* header key word with x2 information */ cwp_String type1=NULL; /* ... its type */ int index1=0; /* ... its index */ Value val; /* value of key */ Value scale; /* Value of scaler */ cwp_String type2=NULL; /* ... its type */ int index2=0; /* ... its index */ cwp_Bool isDepth=cwp_false; /* Is this key a type of depth? */ cwp_Bool isCoord=cwp_false; /* Is this key a type of coordinate? */ cwp_Bool irregular=cwp_false; /* if true, reading x2 from header */ cwp_String x2string; /* string of x2 values */ off_t x2len; /* ... its length */ cwp_String style; /* style parameter */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); nt = tr.ns; ntr = tr.ntr; if (ntr) have_ntr = cwp_true; if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0; if (!getparfloat("d1", &d1)) { if (tr.d1) d1 = tr.d1; else if (tr.dt) d1 = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; else { if (seismic) { d1 = 0.004; warn("tr.dt not set, assuming dt=0.004"); } else { /* non-seismic data */ d1 = 1.0; warn("tr.d1 not set, assuming d1=1.0"); } } } if (!getparfloat("f1", &f1)) { if (tr.f1) f1 = tr.f1; else if (tr.delrt) f1 = (float) tr.delrt/1000.0; else f1 = 0.0; } /* Get or set ntr */ if (getparint("n2", &ntr) || getparint("ntr", &ntr)) have_ntr = cwp_true; if (!getparfloat("d2", &d2)) d2 = (tr.d2) ? tr.d2 : 1.0; if (!getparfloat("f2", &f2)) { if (tr.f2) f2 = tr.f2; else if (tr.tracr) f2 = (float) tr.tracr; else if (tr.tracl) f2 = (float) tr.tracl; else if (seismic) f2 = 1.0; else f2 = 0.0; } if (!getparstring("style", &style)) style = "seismic"; if (getparstring("key", &key)) { type1 = hdtype(key); if ( (index1 = getindex(key)) == -1 ) err("%s: keyword not in segy.h: '%s'", __FILE__, key); irregular = cwp_true; isDepth = IS_DEPTH(key); isCoord = IS_COORD(key); if (isDepth) { index2 = getindex("scalel"); type2 = hdtype("scalel"); } else if (isCoord) { index2 = getindex("scalco"); type2 = hdtype("scalco"); } } /* Look for user-supplied tmpdir */ if (!getparstring("tmpdir",&tmpdir) && !(tmpdir = getenv("CWP_TMPDIR"))) tmpdir=""; if (!STREQ(tmpdir, "") && access(tmpdir, WRITE_OK)) err("you can't write in %s (or it doesn't exist)", tmpdir); /* See if CWPBIN environment variable is not set */ if (!(bindir = getenv("CWPBIN"))) { /* construct bindir from CWPROOT */ bindir = (char *) emalloc(BUFSIZ); /* Get value of CWPROOT environment variable */ if (!(cwproot = getenv("CWPROOT"))) cwproot ="" ; if (STREQ(cwproot, "")) { warn("CWPROOT environment variable is not set! "); err("Set CWPROOT in shell environment as per instructions in CWP/SU Installation README files"); } /* then bindir = $CWPROOT/bin */ sprintf(bindir, "%s/bin", cwproot); } strcat(bindir,"/"); /* put / at the end of bindir */ /* Allocate trace buffer */ trbuf = ealloc1float(nt); if (!have_ntr || irregular ) { /* count traces */ if (verbose) { if (irregular) { warn("trace spacing from header field %s",key); warn("... getting positions"); } else { warn("n2 not getparred and " "ntr header field not set"); warn(".... counting traces"); } } /* Create temporary "file" to hold data */ if (STREQ(tmpdir,"")) { datafp = etmpfile(); if (irregular) x2fp = etmpfile(); if (verbose) warn("using tmpfile() call"); } else { /* user-supplied tmpdir */ char directory[BUFSIZ]; strcpy(directory, tmpdir); strcpy(datafile, temporary_filename(directory)); strcpy(x2file, temporary_filename(directory)); /* Handle user interrupts */ signal(SIGINT, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGQUIT, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGHUP, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGTERM, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); datafp = efopen(datafile, "w+"); if (irregular) x2fp = efopen(x2file, "w+"); istmpdir=cwp_true; if (verbose) warn("putting temporary files in %s", directory); } /* Loop over input data and read to temporary file */ ntr = 0; if(irregular ) { float x,xmin=FLT_MAX,xmax=-FLT_MAX; fprintf(x2fp,"x2="); do { if(ntr) fprintf(x2fp,","); ++ntr; gethval(&tr,index1,&val); if (isDepth || isCoord) { gethval(&tr,index2,&scale); x = (float) (vtod(type1,val) * pow(10.0,vtod(type2,scale))); } else x = vtof(type1,val); fprintf(x2fp,"%g",x); xmin = MIN(xmin,x); xmax = MAX(xmax,x); if (isDepth && STREQ(style,"vsp")) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i)[i] *= -1.0; } efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, datafp); } while (gettr(&tr)); /* Flip vertical axis if style = vsp */ if (isDepth && STREQ(style,"vsp")) { fprintf(x2fp," x2beg=%g x2end=%g",xmax,xmin); style = "normal"; } if(xmin==xmax) { warn("values in header %s all equal,",key); warn("using f2=%f d2=%f",f2,d2); irregular=cwp_false; have_ntr=cwp_false; efclose(x2fp); if (istmpdir) eremove(x2file); } } else { do { ++ntr; efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, datafp); } while (gettr(&tr)); /* Save naive user */ if (STREQ(style,"vsp")) { style = "normal"; warn("style=vsp requires key= to be set"); } } } /* Set up pswigb command line */ if (irregular ) { x2len = (off_t) eftell( x2fp ); x2string = (char *) emalloc( ++x2len ); rewind(x2fp); fread(x2string,sizeof(char),x2len,x2fp); plotcmd = (char *) emalloc(x2len+BUFSIZ); if (STREQ(style,"vsp")) { style = "normal"; } sprintf(plotcmd, "%spswigb n1=%d d1=%f f1=%f %s style=%s", bindir, nt, d1, f1, x2string, style); free(x2string); } else { if (STREQ(style,"vsp")) { style = "normal"; } plotcmd = (char *) emalloc(BUFSIZ); sprintf(plotcmd, "%spswigb n1=%d n2=%d d1=%f d2=%f f1=%f f2=%f style=%s", bindir, nt, ntr, d1, d2, f1, f2, style); } for (--argc, ++argv; argc; --argc, ++argv) { if (strncmp(*argv, "d1=", 3) && /* skip those already set */ strncmp(*argv, "d2=", 3) && strncmp(*argv, "f1=", 3) && strncmp(*argv, "f2=", 3) && strncmp(*argv, "style=", 6)){ strcat(plotcmd, " "); /* put a space between args */ strcat(plotcmd, "\""); /* user quotes are stripped */ strcat(plotcmd, *argv); /* add the arg */ strcat(plotcmd, "\""); /* user quotes are stripped */ } } /* Open pipe to pswigb and send the traces */ plotfp = epopen(plotcmd, "w"); free(plotcmd); if (!have_ntr || irregular) { /* send out stored traces one by one */ rewind(datafp); { register int itr; for (itr = 0; itr < ntr; ++itr) { efread (trbuf, FSIZE, nt, datafp); efwrite(trbuf, FSIZE, nt, plotfp); } } } else { /* just pump out traces and let pswigb do the work */ do { efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, plotfp); } while (gettr(&tr)); } /* Clean up */ epclose(plotfp); if (!have_ntr) { efclose(datafp); if (istmpdir) eremove(datafile); } if (irregular) { efclose(x2fp); if (istmpdir) eremove(x2file); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char plotcmd[BUFSIZ]; /* build psmovie command for popen */ float *trbuf; /* trace buffer */ FILE *plotfp; /* fp for plot data */ int nt; /* number of samples on trace */ int n2; /* number of traces per frame */ int n3; /* number of frames in data */ int ntr; /* number of traces */ int verbose; /* verbose flag */ float d1; /* time/depth sample rate */ float d2; /* trace/dx sample rate */ float f1; /* tmin/zmin */ float f2; /* tracemin/xmin */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ cwp_Bool have_n2 = cwp_false;/* was n2 getparred? */ cwp_Bool have_n3 = cwp_false;/* was n3 getparred? */ cwp_Bool have_ntr = cwp_false;/* was ntr set in header? */ char *tmpdir; /* directory path for tmp files */ cwp_Bool istmpdir=cwp_false;/* true for user given path */ char *cwproot; /* value of CWPROOT environment variable*/ char *bindir; /* directory path for tmp files */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); nt = tr.ns; ntr = tr.ntr; if (ntr) have_ntr = cwp_true; if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0; if (!getparfloat("d1", &d1)) { if (tr.d1) d1 = tr.d1; else if (tr.dt) d1 = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; else { if (seismic) { d1 = 0.004; warn("tr.dt not set, assuming dt=0.004"); } else { /* non-seismic data */ d1 = 1.0; warn("tr.d1 not set, assuming d1=1.0"); } } } if (!getparfloat("d2", &d2)) d2 = (tr.d2) ? tr.d2 : 1.0; if (!getparfloat("f1", &f1)) { if (tr.f1) f1 = tr.f1; else if (tr.delrt) f1 = (float) tr.delrt/1000.0; else f1 = 0.0; } if (!getparfloat("f2", &f2)) { if (tr.f2) f2 = tr.f2; else if (tr.tracr) f2 = (float) tr.tracr; else if (tr.tracl) f2 = (float) tr.tracl; else if (seismic) f2 = 1.0; else f2 = 0.0; } if (!getparfloat("f2", &f2)) f2 = 1.0; /* Look for user-supplied tmpdir */ if (!getparstring("tmpdir",&tmpdir) && !(tmpdir = getenv("CWP_TMPDIR"))) tmpdir=""; if (!STREQ(tmpdir, "") && access(tmpdir, WRITE_OK)) err("you can't write in %s (or it doesn't exist)", tmpdir); /* See if CWPBIN environment variable is not set */ if (!(bindir = getenv("CWPBIN"))) { /* construct bindir from CWPROOT */ bindir = (char *) emalloc(BUFSIZ); /* Get value of CWPROOT environment variable */ if (!(cwproot = getenv("CWPROOT"))) cwproot ="" ; if (STREQ(cwproot, "")) { warn("CWPROOT environment variable is not set! "); err("Set CWPROOT in shell environment as per instructions in CWP/SU Installation README files"); } /* then bindir = $CWPROOT/bin */ sprintf(bindir, "%s/bin", cwproot); } strcat(bindir,"/"); /* put / at the end of bindir */ /* Allocate trace buffer */ trbuf = ealloc1float(nt); /* Get or set n2 and n3 */ if (getparint("n2", &n2)) have_n2 = cwp_true; if (getparint("n3", &n3)) have_n3 = cwp_true; if (have_n2 && have_n3) have_ntr = cwp_true; if (!have_ntr) { /* count traces */ if (verbose) { warn("n2 or n3 not getparred, or ntr header field not set"); warn(" ... counting traces"); } /* Create temporary "file" to hold data */ if (STREQ(tmpdir,"")) { tracefp = etmpfile(); if (verbose) warn("using tmpfile() call"); } else { /* user-supplied tmpdir */ char directory[BUFSIZ]; strcpy(directory, tmpdir); strcpy(tracefile, temporary_filename(directory)); /* Handle user interrupts */ signal(SIGINT, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGTERM, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); tracefp = efopen(tracefile, "w+"); istmpdir=cwp_true; if (verbose) warn("putting temporary files in %s", directory); } /* Loop over input frames & put them into the data file */ ntr = 0; do { ++ntr; efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, tracefp); } while (gettr(&tr)); } /* Set dimensions of movie */ if (!have_n2 && !have_n3) { n2 = ntr; n3=1; } if (have_n2 && !have_n3) n3 = ntr/n2; if (!have_n2 && have_n3) n2 = ntr/n3; /* Set up psmovie command line */ sprintf(plotcmd, "%spsmovie n1=%d n2=%d n3=%d d1=%f d2=%f f1=%f f2=%f", bindir, nt, n2, n3, d1, d2, f1, f2); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", plotcmd); for (--argc, ++argv; argc; --argc, ++argv) { if (strncmp(*argv, "d1=", 3) && /* skip those already set */ strncmp(*argv, "d2=", 3) && strncmp(*argv, "f1=", 3) && strncmp(*argv, "f2=", 3)) { strcat(plotcmd, " "); /* put a space between args */ strcat(plotcmd, "\""); /* user quotes are stripped */ strcat(plotcmd, *argv); /* add the arg */ strcat(plotcmd, "\""); /* user quotes are stripped */ } } /* Open pipe to psmovie and send the traces */ plotfp = epopen(plotcmd, "w"); if (!have_ntr){ /* send out stored traces one by one */ rewind(tracefp); { register int itr; for (itr = 0; itr < ntr; ++itr) { efread (trbuf, FSIZE, nt, tracefp); efwrite(trbuf, FSIZE, nt, plotfp); } } } else { /* just pump out traces and let psmovie do the work */ do { efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, plotfp); } while (gettr(&tr)); } /* Clean up */ epclose(plotfp); if (!have_ntr) { efclose(tracefp); if (istmpdir) eremove(tracefile); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { float a, b; /* powers for amp and phase */ register float *rt=NULL;/* real trace */ register complex *ct=NULL; /* complex transformed trace */ complex filt; /* pow'd input at one frequency */ int nt; /* number of points on input trace */ size_t ntsize; /* nt in bytes */ float dt; /* sample spacing (secs) on input trace */ int nfft; /* number of points in nfft */ int nf; /* number of frequencies (incl Nyq) */ float onfft; /* 1 / nfft */ int verbose; /* flag to get advisory messages */ size_t nzeros; /* number of padded zeroes in bytes */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ int ntout, sym; /* output params */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Set parameters */ if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0; if (!getparfloat("a", &a)) a = 0.0; if (!getparfloat("b", &b)) b = 0.0; if (!getparint("sym",&sym)) sym = 0; /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); if (seismic) { if (verbose) warn("input is seismic data, trid=%d",tr.trid); dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; } else { if (verbose) warn("input is not seismic data, trid=%d",tr.trid); dt = tr.d1; } if (!dt) err("dt or d1 field is zero and not getparred"); nt = tr.ns; ntsize = nt * FSIZE; if (!getparint("ntout",&ntout)) ntout=tr.ns; /* Set up for fft extra 2 in nfft is to avoid wrap around */ nfft = npfaro(nt, LOOKFAC * nt); if (nfft >= SU_NFLTS || nfft >= PFA_MAX) err("Padded nt=%d -- too big", nfft); nf = nfft/2 + 1; onfft = 1.0 / nfft; nzeros = (nfft - nt) * FSIZE; /* Allocate fft arrays */ rt = ealloc1float(nfft); ct = ealloc1complex(nf); /* Loop over traces */ do { /* Load trace into rt (zero-padded) */ memcpy( (void *) rt, (const void *), ntsize); memset((void *) (rt + nt), 0, nzeros); /* FFT */ pfarc(1, nfft, rt, ct); /* Apply filter */ { register int i; for (i = 0; i < nf; ++i) { filt = dopow(ct[i], a, b); ct[i] = cmul(ct[i], filt); /* symmetric output: flip sign of odd values */ if (sym){ if (ISODD(i)) { ct[i].r = -ct[i].r; ct[i].i = -ct[i].i; } } } } /* Invert */ pfacr(-1, nfft, ct, rt); /* Load traces back in */ { register int i; for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i)[i] = rt[i]; } puttr(&tr); } while (gettr(&tr)); return(CWP_Exit()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *key=NULL; /* header key word from segy.h */ char *type=NULL; /* ... its type */ int index; /* ... its index */ Value val; /* ... its value */ float fval; /* ... its value cast to float */ float twfval; /* ... its value cast to float */ float *xmute=NULL; /* array of key mute curve values */ float *tmute=NULL; /* ... mute curve time values */ float *twindow=NULL; /* ... mute window time values mode=4 */ float linvel; /* linear velocity */ float tm0; /* time shift of mute=2 or 3 for 'key'=0*/ float *taper=NULL; /* ... taper values */ int nxmute=0; /* number of key mute values */ int ntmute; /* ... mute time values */ int ntwindow; /* ... mute time values */ int ntaper; /* ... taper values */ int below; /* mute below curve */ int mode; /* kind of mute (top, bottom, linear) */ int absolute; /* Take absolute value of key for mode=2 */ int hmute=0; /* read mute times from header */ int nxtmute; /* number of mute values */ cwp_String xfile=""; /* file containing positions by key */ FILE *xfilep; /* ... its file pointer */ cwp_String tfile=""; /* file containing times */ FILE *tfilep; /* ... its file pointer */ cwp_String twfile=""; /* file containing mute time windows */ FILE *twfilep; /* ... its file pointer */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* cwp_true if seismic, cwp_false not seismic */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Get parameters */ if (!getparint("mode", &mode)) mode = 0; if (getparstring("hmute", &key)) { hmute = 1; } else if (!(getparstring("xfile",&xfile) && getparstring("tfile",&tfile))) { if (!(nxmute = countparval("xmute"))) err("must give xmute= vector"); if (!(ntmute = countparval("tmute"))) err("must give tmute= vector"); if (nxmute != ntmute) err("lengths of xmute, tmute must be the same"); xmute = ealloc1float(nxmute); getparfloat("xmute", xmute); tmute = ealloc1float(nxmute); getparfloat("tmute", tmute); if (mode==4) { if (!(ntwindow = countparval("twindow"))) err("must give twindow= vector"); if (nxmute != ntwindow) err("lengths of xmute, twindow must be the same"); twindow = ealloc1float(nxmute); getparfloat("twindow", twindow); } } else { MUSTGETPARINT("nmute",&nxtmute); nxmute = nxtmute; xmute = ealloc1float(nxtmute); tmute = ealloc1float(nxtmute); if((xfilep=fopen(xfile,"r"))==NULL) err("cannot open xfile=%s\n",xfile); if (fread(xmute,sizeof(float),nxtmute,xfilep)!=nxtmute) err("error reading xfile=%s\n",xfile); fclose(xfilep); if((tfilep=fopen(tfile,"r"))==NULL) err("cannot open tfile=%s\n",tfile); if (fread(tmute,sizeof(float),nxtmute,tfilep)!=nxtmute) err("error reading tfile=%s\n",tfile); fclose(tfilep); if (mode==4) { if((twfilep=fopen(twfile,"r"))==NULL) err("cannot open tfile=%s\n",twfile); if (fread(twindow,sizeof(float),nxtmute,twfilep)!=nxtmute) err("error reading tfile=%s\n",tfile); fclose(twfilep); } } if (!getparint("ntaper", &ntaper)) ntaper = 0; if (getparint("below", &below)) { mode = below; warn ("use of below parameter is obsolete. mode value set to %d \n", mode); } if (!getparint("absolute", &absolute)) absolute = 1; if (hmute==0) if (!getparstring("key", &key)) key = "offset"; if (!getparfloat("linvel", &linvel)) linvel = 330; if (!getparfloat("tm0", &tm0)) tm0 = 0; checkpars(); if (linvel==0) err ("linear velocity can't be 0"); /* get key type and index */ type = hdtype(key); index = getindex(key); /* Set up taper weights if tapering requested */ if (ntaper) { register int k; taper = ealloc1float(ntaper); for (k = 0; k < ntaper; ++k) { float s = sin((k+1)*PI/(2*ntaper)); taper[k] = s*s; } } /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't read first trace"); seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); if (seismic) { if (!tr.dt) err("dt header field must be set"); } else if (tr.trid==TRID_DEPTH) { /* depth section */ if (!tr.d1) err("d1 header field must be set"); } else { err ("tr.trid = %d, unsupported trace id",tr.trid); } /* Loop over traces */ do { int nt = (int) tr.ns; float tmin = tr.delrt/1000.0; float dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; float t; float tw; int nmute; int itaper; int topmute; int botmute; int ntair=0; register int i; if (!seismic) { tmin = 0.0; dt = tr.d1; } /* get value of key and convert to float */ gethval(&tr, index, &val); fval = vtof(type,val); if (hmute==1) { t = fval/1000.; } else { /* linearly interpolate between (xmute,tmute) values */ intlin(nxmute,xmute,tmute,tmin,tmute[nxmute-1],1,&fval,&t); } if (absolute) fval = abs(fval); /* do the mute */ if (mode==0) { /* mute above */ nmute = MIN(NINT((t - tmin)/dt),nt); if (nmute>0) memset( (void *), 0, nmute*FSIZE); for (i = 0; i < ntaper; ++i) if (i+nmute>0)[i+nmute] *= taper[i]; if (seismic) { tr.muts = NINT(t*1000); } else { tr.muts = NINT(t); } } else if (mode==1){ /* mute below */ nmute = MAX(0,NINT((tmin + nt*dt - t)/dt)); memset( (void *) (, 0, nmute*FSIZE); for (i = 0; i < ntaper; ++i) if (nt>nmute+i && nmute+i>0)[nt-nmute-1-i] *= taper[i]; if (seismic) { tr.mute = NINT(t*1000); } else { tr.mute = NINT(t); } } else if (mode==2){ /* air wave mute */ nmute = NINT((tmin+t)/dt); ntair=NINT(tm0/dt+fval/linvel/dt); topmute=MIN(MAX(0,ntair-nmute/2),nt); botmute=MIN(nt,ntair+nmute/2); memset( (void *) (, 0, (botmute-topmute)*FSIZE); for (i = 0; i < ntaper; ++i){ itaper=ntair-nmute/2-i; if (itaper > 0)[itaper] *=taper[i]; } for (i = 0; i < ntaper; ++i){ itaper=ntair+nmute/2+i; if (itaper<nt)[itaper] *=taper[i]; } } else if (mode==3) { /* hyperbolic mute */ nmute = NINT((tmin + t)/dt); ntair=NINT(sqrt( SQ((float)(tm0/dt))+SQ((float)(fval/linvel/dt)) )); topmute=MIN(MAX(0,ntair-nmute/2),nt); botmute=MIN(nt,ntair+nmute/2); memset( (void *) (, 0, (botmute-topmute)*FSIZE); for (i = 0; i < ntaper; ++i){ itaper=ntair-nmute/2-i; if (itaper > 0)[itaper] *=taper[i]; } for (i = 0; i < ntaper; ++i){ itaper=ntair+nmute/2+i; if (itaper<nt)[itaper] *=taper[i]; } } else if (mode==4) { /* polygonal mute */ tmin=twindow[0]; intlin(nxmute,xmute,twindow,tmin,twindow[nxmute-1],1,&twfval,&tw); if (absolute) twfval = abs(twfval); nmute = NINT(tw/dt); ntair = NINT(t/dt); topmute=MIN(MAX(0,ntair-nmute/2),nt); botmute=MIN(nt,ntair+nmute/2); memset( (void *) (, 0, (botmute-topmute)*FSIZE); for (i = 0;i < ntaper; ++i){ itaper=ntair-nmute/2-i; if (itaper > 0)[itaper] *=taper[i]; } for (i = 0; i < ntaper; ++i){ itaper=ntair+nmute/2+i; if (itaper<nt)[itaper] *=taper[i]; } } puttr(&tr); } while (gettr(&tr)); return(CWP_Exit()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char plotcmd[BUFSIZ]; /* build command for popen */ FILE *plotfp; /* fp for plot data */ float d1; /* time/depth sample rate */ float d2; /* trace/dx sample rate */ float f1; /* tmin/zmin */ float f2; /* tracemin/xmin */ int nt; /* number of samples on trace */ int ntr; /* number of traces */ int verbose; /* verbose flag */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ cwp_Bool have_ntr=cwp_false;/* is ntr known from header or user? */ cwp_String mode; /* sumax mode parameter */ char *tmpdir; /* directory path for tmp files */ cwp_Bool istmpdir=cwp_false;/* true for user given path */ char *cwproot; /* value of CWPROOT environment variable*/ char *bindir; /* directory path for tmp files */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); nt = tr.ns; ntr = tr.ntr; if (ntr) have_ntr = cwp_true; if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0; if (!getparfloat("d1", &d1)) { if (tr.d1) d1 = tr.d1; else if (tr.dt) d1 = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; else { if (seismic) { d1 = 0.004; warn("tr.dt not set, assuming dt=0.004"); } else { /* non-seismic data */ d1 = 1.0; warn("tr.d1 not set, assuming d1=1.0"); } } } if (!getparfloat("d2", &d2)) d2 = (tr.d2) ? tr.d2 : 1.0; if (!getparfloat("f1", &f1)) { if (tr.f1) f1 = tr.f1; else if (tr.delrt) f1 = (float) tr.delrt/1000.0; else f1 = 0.0; } if (!getparfloat("f2", &f2)) { if (tr.f2) f2 = tr.f2; else if (tr.tracr) f2 = (float) tr.tracr; else if (tr.tracl) f2 = (float) tr.tracl; else if (seismic) f2 = 1.0; else f2 = 0.0; } if (getparint("n2", &ntr) || getparint("ntr", &ntr)) have_ntr = cwp_true; if (!getparstring("mode", &mode)) mode = "max"; /* Look for user-supplied tmpdir */ if (!getparstring("tmpdir",&tmpdir) && !(tmpdir = getenv("CWP_TMPDIR"))) tmpdir=""; if (!STREQ(tmpdir, "") && access(tmpdir, WRITE_OK)) err("you can't write in %s (or it doesn't exist)", tmpdir); /* See if CWPBIN environment variable is not set */ if (!(bindir = getenv("CWPBIN"))) { /* construct bindir from CWPROOT */ bindir = (char *) emalloc(BUFSIZ); /* Get value of CWPROOT environment variable */ if (!(cwproot = getenv("CWPROOT"))) cwproot ="" ; if (STREQ(cwproot, "")) { warn("CWPROOT environment variable is not set! "); err("Set CWPROOT in shell environment as per instructions in CWP/SU Installation README files"); } /* then bindir = $CWPROOT/bin */ sprintf(bindir, "%s/bin", cwproot); } strcat(bindir,"/"); /* put / at the end of bindir */ /* Allocate trace buffer */ if (!have_ntr) { /* Store traces and headers in tmpfile while getting a count */ if (verbose) { warn(" n2 not getparred or header field ntr not set"); warn(" .... counting traces"); } /* Store traces and headers in tmpfile while getting a count */ if (STREQ(tmpdir,"")) { tracefp = etmpfile(); headerfp = etmpfile(); if (verbose) warn("using tmpfile() call"); } else { /* user-supplied tmpdir */ char directory[BUFSIZ]; strcpy(directory, tmpdir); strcpy(tracefile, temporary_filename(directory)); strcpy(headerfile, temporary_filename(directory)); /* Trap signals so can remove temp files */ signal(SIGINT, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGQUIT, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGHUP, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGTERM, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); tracefp = efopen(tracefile, "w+"); headerfp = efopen(headerfile, "w+"); istmpdir=cwp_true; if (verbose) warn("putting temporary files in %s", directory); } /* Loop over input data and read to temporary file */ ntr = 0; do { ++ntr; efwrite(&tr, 1, HDRBYTES, headerfp); efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, tracefp); } while (gettr(&tr)); } /* System call to xgraph */ sprintf(plotcmd, "%ssumax output=binary mode=%s | %sxgraph n=%d", bindir, mode, bindir, ntr); for (--argc, ++argv; argc; --argc, ++argv) { if ( strncmp(*argv, "output=", 7) && strncmp(*argv, "mode=", 5) && strncmp(*argv, "n=", 2) && strncmp(*argv, "n2=", 3) &&/*xgraph honors n2,nplot*/ strncmp(*argv, "nplot=", 6) ) { strcat(plotcmd, " "); /* put a space between args */ strcat(plotcmd, "\""); /* user quotes are stripped */ strcat(plotcmd, *argv); /* add the arg */ strcat(plotcmd, "\""); /* user quotes are stripped */ } } /* Open pipe; write data to plotcmd */ plotfp = epopen(plotcmd, "w"); if (!have_ntr) { rewind(headerfp); rewind(tracefp); { register int itr; for (itr = 0; itr < ntr; ++itr) { efread(&tr, 1, HDRBYTES, headerfp); efread(, FSIZE, nt, tracefp); fputtr(plotfp, &tr); } } } else { /* pump out traces and let sumax and psimage do the work */ do { fputtr(plotfp,&tr); } while (gettr(&tr)); } /* Clean up */ epclose(plotfp); efclose(headerfp); if (istmpdir) eremove(headerfile); if (!have_ntr) { efclose(tracefp); if (istmpdir) eremove(tracefile); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { cwp_String mode; /* display: real, imag, amp, arg */ int imode=AMP; /* integer abbrev. for mode in switch */ register complex *ct; /* complex trace */ int nt; /* number of points on input trace */ float dt; /* sample spacing */ float *data; /* array of data from each trace */ float *hdata; /* array of Hilbert transformed data */ float unwrap; /* PI/unwrap=min dphase assumed to by wrap*/ int wint; /* n time sampling to window */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ int ntout; /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); nt = tr.ns; dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; ntout = nt + nt -1; /* check to see if data type is seismic */ seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); if (!seismic) warn("input is not seismic data, trid=%d", tr.trid); /* Get mode; note that imode is initialized to AMP */ if (!getparstring("mode", &mode)) mode = "amp"; if (STREQ(mode, "phase")) imode = ARG; else if (STREQ(mode, "freq")) imode = FREQ; else if (STREQ(mode, "bandwidth")) imode = BANDWIDTH; else if (STREQ(mode, "normamp")) imode = NORMAMP; else if (STREQ(mode, "freqw")) imode = FREQW; else if (STREQ(mode, "thin")) imode = THIN; else if (STREQ(mode, "fdenv")) imode = FENV; else if (STREQ(mode, "sdenv")) imode = SENV; else if (STREQ(mode, "q")) imode = Q; else if (!STREQ(mode, "amp")) err("unknown mode=\"%s\", see self-doc", mode); /* getpar value of unwrap */ switch(imode) { case FREQ: if (!getparfloat("unwrap", &unwrap)) unwrap=1; break; case Q: if (!getparfloat("unwrap", &unwrap)) unwrap=1; break; case FREQW: if (!getparfloat("unwrap", &unwrap)) unwrap=1; if (!getparint("wint", &wint)) wint=3; break; case THIN: if (!getparfloat("unwrap", &unwrap)) unwrap=1; if (!getparint("wint", &wint)) wint=3; break; case ARG: if (!getparfloat("unwrap", &unwrap)) unwrap=0; break; } /* allocate space for data and hilbert transformed data, cmplx trace */ data = ealloc1float(nt); hdata = ealloc1float(nt); ct = ealloc1complex(nt); /* Loop over traces */ do { register int i; /* Get data from trace */ for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) data[i] =[i]; /* construct quadrature trace with hilbert transform */ hilbert(nt, data, hdata); /* build the complex trace */ for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) ct[i] = cmplx(data[i],hdata[i]); /* Form absolute value, phase, or frequency */ switch(imode) { case AMP: for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i;[i] = sqrt(re*re + im*im); } /* set trace id */ tr.trid = ENVELOPE; break; case ARG: { float *phase = ealloc1float(nt); for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; if (re*re+im*im) phase[i] = atan2(im, re); else phase[i] = 0.0; } /* phase unwrapping */ /* default unwrap=0 for this mode */ if (unwrap!=0) unwrap_phase(nt, unwrap, phase); /* write phase values to */ for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i)[i] = phase[i]; /* set trace id */ tr.trid = INSTPHASE; } break; case FREQ: { float *phase = ealloc1float(nt); float fnyq = 0.5 / dt; for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; if (re*re+im*im) { phase[i] = atan2(im, re); } else { phase[i] = 0.0; } } /* unwrap the phase */ if (unwrap!=0) unwrap_phase(nt, unwrap, phase); /* compute freq(t)=dphase/dt */ differentiate(nt, 2.0*PI*dt, phase); /* correct values greater nyquist frequency */ for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i) { if (phase[i] > fnyq) phase[i] = 2 * fnyq - phase[i]; } /* write freq(t) values to */ for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i)[i] = phase[i]; /* set trace id */ tr.trid = INSTFREQ; } break; case FREQW: { float fnyq = 0.5 / dt; float *freqw = ealloc1float(nt); float *phase = ealloc1float(nt); float *envelop = ealloc1float(nt); float *envelop2 = ealloc1float(nt); for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; if (re*re+im*im) { phase[i] = atan2(im, re); } else { phase[i] = 0.0; } envelop[i] = sqrt(re*re + im*im); } /* unwrap the phase */ if (unwrap!=0) unwrap_phase(nt, unwrap, phase); /* compute freq(t)=dphase/dt */ differentiate(nt, 2.0*PI*dt, phase); /* correct values greater nyquist frequency */ for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i) { if (phase[i] > fnyq) phase[i] = 2 * fnyq - phase[i]; envelop2[i]=envelop[i]*phase[i]; } twindow(nt, wint, envelop); twindow(nt, wint, envelop2); /* correct values greater nyquist frequency */ for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i) { freqw[i] = (envelop[i] == 0.0) ? 0.0 :envelop2[i]/envelop[i]; } /* write freq(t) values to */ for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i)[i] = freqw[i]; /* set trace id */ tr.trid = INSTFREQ; } break; case THIN: { float fnyq = 0.5 / dt; float *phase = ealloc1float(nt); float *freqw = ealloc1float(nt); float *phase2 = ealloc1float(nt); for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; if (re*re+im*im) { phase[i] = atan2(im, re); } else { phase[i] = 0.0; } } /* unwrap the phase */ if (unwrap!=0) unwrap_phase(nt, unwrap, phase); /* compute freq(t)=dphase/dt */ differentiate(nt, 2.0*PI*dt, phase); /* correct values greater nyquist frequency */ for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i) { if (phase[i] > fnyq) phase[i] = 2 * fnyq - phase[i]; phase2[i]= 2 * fnyq - phase[i]; } /* Do windowing for Average Ins . Freq over wint*/ twindow(nt, wint, phase2); for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i) { freqw[i] = phase[i] - phase2[i]; /* if (abs(freqw[i]) > fnyq) freqw[i] = 2 * fnyq - freqw[i]; */ /* write Thin-Bed(t) values to */[i] = freqw[i]; } /* set trace id */ tr.trid = INSTFREQ; } break; case BANDWIDTH: { float *envelop = ealloc1float(nt); float *envelop2 = ealloc1float(nt); /* Bandwidth (Barnes 1992) |d(envelope)/dt| band =abs |--------------| |2 PI envelope | */ for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float er = ct[i].r; float em = ct[i].i; envelop[i] = sqrt(er*er + em*em); envelop2[i]=sqrt(er*er + em*em); } differentiate(nt, dt, envelop); for (i = 0; i < ntout; ++i) { if (2.0*PI*envelop2[i]!=0.0) {[i] = ABS(envelop[i]/(2.0*PI*envelop2[i])); } else {[i]=0.0; } } tr.trid = ENVELOPE; } break; case NORMAMP: { float phase; float *na = ealloc1float(nt); for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; if (re*re+im*im) phase = atan2(im, re); else phase = 0.0; na[i] = cos(phase); } for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i)[i] = na[i]; /* set trace id */ tr.trid = INSTPHASE; } break; case FENV: { float *amp = ealloc1float(nt); for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; amp[i] = sqrt(re*re + im*im); } /*conv(nt, 0, envelop, nt, 0, time, ntout, 0, ouput);*/ differentiate(nt, 2.0*PI*dt, amp); for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i)[i] = amp[i]; /* set trace id */ tr.trid = ENVELOPE; } break; case SENV: { float *amp = ealloc1float(nt); for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; amp[i] = sqrt(re*re + im*im); } differentiate(nt, 2.0*PI*dt, amp); differentiate(nt, 2.0*PI*dt, amp); for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i)[i] = amp[i]; /* set trace id */ tr.trid = ENVELOPE; } break; case Q: { float *envelop = ealloc1float(nt); float *envelop2 = ealloc1float(nt); float *phase = ealloc1float(nt); float fnyq = 0.5 / dt; /* Banswith (Barnes 1992) -PI Freq(t) d(envelope)/dt band = -------------------------- envelope(t) */ for (i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { float re = ct[i].r; float im = ct[i].i; envelop[i] = sqrt(re*re + im*im); envelop2[i]=sqrt(re*re + im*im); if (re*re+im*im) { phase[i] = atan2(im, re); } else { phase[i] = 0.0; } } /* get envelope diff */ differentiate(nt, dt, envelop); /* unwrap the phase */ if (unwrap!=0) unwrap_phase(nt, unwrap, phase); /* compute freq(t)=dphase/dt */ differentiate(nt, 2.0*PI*dt, phase); for (i=0 ; i < nt; ++i) { if (phase[i] > fnyq) phase[i] = 2 * fnyq - phase[i]; } for (i = 0; i < ntout; ++i) { if (envelop[i]!=0.0)[i] = -1*PI*phase[i]*envelop2[i]/envelop[i]; else[i]=0.0; } tr.trid = INSTFREQ; } break; default: err("%s: mysterious mode=\"%s\"", __LINE__, mode); } tr.d1 = dt; /* for graphics */ puttr(&tr); } while (gettr(&tr)); return(CWP_Exit()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* OUTPUT FILE POINTERS */ FILE *stalta=NULL; FILE *headerfp=NULL; /* temporary file for trace headers */ char *file=NULL; /* base of output file name(s) */ char *fname=NULL; /* complete output file name */ int nt; /* number of samples in one trace */ int nsta; /* number of samples for short term window */ int nlta; /* number of samples for long term window */ int verbose; /* design info flag */ int it; /* index for time sample in main loop */ double *data_trace; /* individual trace data */ double dt; /* sample spacing, sec */ // double nyq; /* nyquist frequency */ // double sta=0; /* short term avg. value */ // double lta=1.0e-99; /* long term avg. value */ double trigger; /* threshold value for detection */ double *charfct=NULL; /* output sta/lta trace */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); if (!seismic) warn("input is not seismic data, trid=%d", tr.trid); if (!getparint("ns", &nt)) nt = tr.ns; if (!getpardouble("dt", &dt)) dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; if (!dt) err("dt field is zero and not getparred"); /* Get Parameters */ if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0; if (!getparint("nlta", &nlta)) nlta = nt/ 10; if (!getparint("nsta", &nsta)) nsta = nlta / 10; if (!getparstring("file", &file)) file="sta_lta"; /* allocate space for input data and analysis vectors */ data_trace = ealloc1double(nt); data_trace-=1; /* open temporary file for trace headers */ headerfp = etmpfile(); /* set filenames and open files */ fname = malloc( strlen(file)+7 ); sprintf(fname, "", file); stalta = efopen(fname, "w"); free(fname); /* allocate and zero out space for output data */ charfct = ealloc1double(nt); memset((void *) charfct, 0, nt*FSIZE); /* Main loop over traces */ do { /* store trace header in temporary file and read data */ efwrite(&tr, HDRBYTES, 1, headerfp); memcpy((void *) data_trace, (const void *) &, nt*FSIZE); /* STA/LTA trace generation */ recstalta(data_trace, charfct, nt, nsta, nlta); fputdata(stalta, headerfp, charfct, nt); } while (gettr(&tr)); /* close files */ efclose(headerfp); efclose(stalta); return(CWP_Exit()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { register float *rt; /* real trace */ register complex *ct; /* complex transformed trace */ int nt; /* number of points on input trace */ int nfft; /* transform length */ int nf; /* number of frequencies */ int sign; /* sign in exponent of transform */ int verbose; /* flag to get advisory messages */ float dt; /* sampling interval in secs */ float d1; /* output sample interval in Hz */ cwp_Bool seismic; /* is this seismic data? */ float c; /* multiplier */ float w0, w1, w2; /* weights */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=1; /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); nt = tr.ns; /* check for seismic or well log data */ seismic = ISSEISMIC(tr.trid); if (seismic) { if (verbose) warn("input is seismic data, trid=%d",tr.trid); dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0; } else { if (verbose) warn("input is not seismic data, trid=%d",tr.trid); dt = tr.d1; } if (!dt) { dt = .004; if (verbose) warn("dt or d1 not set, assumed to be .004"); } /* Set up pfa fft */ nfft = npfaro(nt, LOOKFAC * nt); if (nfft >= SU_NFLTS || nfft >= PFA_MAX) err("Padded nt=%d--too big", nfft); nf = nfft/2 + 1; d1 = 1.0/(nfft*dt); if (!getparint("sign", &sign)) sign = 1; if (sign != 1 && sign != -1) err("sign = %d must be 1 or -1", sign); /* get weights */ if (!getparfloat("w0",&w0)) w0 = 0.75; if (!getparfloat("w1",&w1)) w1 = 1.00; if (!getparfloat("w2",&w2)) w2 = 0.75; rt = ealloc1float(nfft); ct = ealloc1complex(nf); /* If dt not set, issue advisory on frequency step d1 */ if (dt && verbose) warn("d1=%f", 1.0/(nfft*dt)); /* Main loop over traces */ do { register int i; /* Load trace into rt (zero-padded) */ memcpy((void *) rt, (const void *), nt*FSIZE); memset((void *) (rt + nt), (int) '\0', (nfft-nt)*FSIZE); /* FFT */ pfarc(sign, nfft, rt, ct); /* Store values */ for (i = 0; i < nf; ++i) { c =w0*rcabs(ct[i-1])+w1*rcabs(ct[i])+w2*rcabs(ct[i+1]); if (i==0 || i==nf) {[2*i] = ct[i].r / rcabs(ct[i]);[2*i+1] = ct[i].i / rcabs(ct[i]); } else {[2*i] = ct[i].r / c;[2*i+1] = ct[i].i / c; } } /* Set header values--npfaro makes nfft even */ tr.ns = 2 * nf; tr.trid = FUNPACKNYQ; tr.d1 = d1; tr.f1 = 0.0; puttr(&tr); } while (gettr(&tr)); return(CWP_Exit()); }