Esempio n. 1
File: code.c Progetto: rheoli/pcc
 * Called with a function call with arguments as argument.
 * This is done early in buildtree() and only done once.
 * Returns p.
funcode(NODE *p)
	NODE *l, *r;
	int i;

	nsse = ngpr = nrsp = 0;
	/* Check if hidden arg needed */
	/* If so, add it in pass2 */
	if ((l = p->n_left)->n_type == INCREF(FTN)+STRTY ||
	    l->n_type == INCREF(FTN)+UNIONTY) {
		int ssz = tsize(BTYPE(l->n_type), l->n_df, l->n_ap);
		if (ssz > 2*SZLONG)

	/* Convert just regs to assign insn's */
	p->n_right = argput(p->n_right);

	/* Must sort arglist so that STASG ends up first */
	/* This avoids registers being clobbered */
	while (argsort(p->n_right))
	/* Check if there are varargs */
	if (nsse || l->n_df == NULL || l->n_df->dfun == NULL) {
		; /* Need RAX */
	} else {
		union arglist *al = l->n_df->dfun;

		for (; al->type != TELLIPSIS; al++) {
			if ((t = al->type) == TNULL)
				return p; /* No need */
			if (ISSOU(BTYPE(t)))
			for (i = 0; t > BTMASK; t = DECREF(t))
				if (ISARY(t) || ISFTN(t))
			if (i)

	/* Always emit number of SSE regs used */
	l = movtoreg(bcon(nsse), RAX);
	if (p->n_right->n_op != CM) {
		p->n_right = block(CM, l, p->n_right, INT, 0, 0);
	} else {
		for (r = p->n_right; r->n_left->n_op == CM; r = r->n_left)
		r->n_left = block(CM, l, r->n_left, INT, 0, 0);
	return p;
Esempio n. 2
 * Fixup struct/unions depending on attributes.
gcc_tcattrfix(NODE *p)
	struct symtab *sp;
	struct attr *ap;
	int sz, coff, csz, al, oal, mxal;

	if (!ISSOU(p->n_type)) /* only for structs or unions */
	if ((ap = attr_find(p->n_ap, GCC_ATYP_PACKED)) == NULL)
		return; /* nothing to fix */

	al = ap->iarg(0);
	mxal = 0;

	/* Must repack struct */
	coff = csz = 0;
	for (sp = strmemb(ap); sp; sp = sp->snext) {
		oal = talign(sp->stype, sp->sap);
		if (oal > al)
			oal = al;
		if (mxal < oal)
			mxal = oal;
		if (sp->sclass & FIELD)
			sz = sp->sclass&FLDSIZ;
			sz = (int)tsize(sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
		sp->soffset = upoff(sz, oal, &coff);
		if (coff > csz)
			csz = coff;
		if (p->n_type == UNIONTY)
			coff = 0;
	if (mxal < ALCHAR)
		mxal = ALCHAR; /* for bitfields */
	SETOFF(csz, mxal); /* Roundup to whatever */

	ap = attr_find(p->n_ap, ATTR_STRUCT);
	ap->amsize = csz;
	ap = attr_find(p->n_ap, ATTR_ALIGNED);
	ap->iarg(0) = mxal;

Esempio n. 3
amd64_builtin_va_arg(NODE *f, NODE *a, TWORD t)
	NODE *ap, *r, *dp;

	ap = a->n_left;
	dp = a->n_right;
	if (dp->n_type <= ULONGLONG || ISPTR(dp->n_type) ||
	    dp->n_type == FLOAT || dp->n_type == DOUBLE) {
		/* type might be in general register */
		if (dp->n_type == FLOAT || dp->n_type == DOUBLE) {
			f->n_sp = lookup(fpnext, SNORMAL);
			varneeds |= NEED_FPNEXT;
		} else {
			f->n_sp = lookup(gpnext, SNORMAL);
			varneeds |= NEED_GPNEXT;
		f->n_type = f->n_sp->stype = INCREF(dp->n_type) + (FTN-PTR);
		f->n_ap = dp->n_ap;
		f->n_df = /* dp->n_df */ NULL;
		f = clocal(f);
		r = buildtree(CALL, f, ccopy(ap));
	} else if (ISSOU(dp->n_type) || dp->n_type == LDOUBLE) {
		/* put a reference directly to the stack */
		int sz = tsize(dp->n_type, dp->n_df, dp->n_ap);
		int al = talign(dp->n_type, dp->n_ap);
		if (al < ALLONG)
			al = ALLONG;
		if (sz <= SZLONG*2 && al == ALLONG) {
			if (sz <= SZLONG) {
				f->n_sp = lookup(_1regref, SNORMAL);
				varneeds |= NEED_1REGREF;
			} else {
				f->n_sp = lookup(_2regref, SNORMAL);
				varneeds |= NEED_2REGREF;
			f->n_type = f->n_sp->stype;
			f = clocal(f);
			r = buildtree(CALL, f, ccopy(ap));
			r = ccast(r, INCREF(dp->n_type), 0, dp->n_df, dp->n_ap);
			r = buildtree(UMUL, r, NIL);
		} else {
			f->n_sp = lookup(memref, SNORMAL);
			varneeds |= NEED_MEMREF;
			f->n_type = f->n_sp->stype;
			f = clocal(f);
			SETOFF(sz, al);
			r = buildtree(CALL, f,
			    buildtree(CM, ccopy(ap), bcon(sz/SZCHAR)));
			r = ccast(r, INCREF(dp->n_type), 0, dp->n_df, dp->n_ap);
			r = buildtree(UMUL, r, NIL);
	} else {
		uerror("amd64_builtin_va_arg not supported type");
		goto bad;
	return r;
	uerror("bad argument to __builtin_va_arg");
	return bcon(0);
Esempio n. 4
 * Called with a function call with arguments as argument.
 * This is done early in buildtree() and only done once.
 * Returns p.
funcode(NODE *p)
	extern int gotnr;
	struct attr *ap;
	NODE *r, *l;
	TWORD t = DECREF(DECREF(p->n_left->n_type));
	int stcall;

	stcall = ISSOU(t);
	 * We may have to prepend:
	 * - Hidden arg0 for struct return (in reg or on stack).
	 * - ebx in case of PIC code.

	/* Fix function call arguments. On x86, just add funarg */
	for (r = p->n_right; r->n_op == CM; r = r->n_left) {
		if (r->n_right->n_op != STARG) {
			r->n_right = intprom(r->n_right);
			r->n_right = block(FUNARG, r->n_right, NIL,
			    r->n_right->n_type, r->n_right->n_df,
	if (r->n_op != STARG) {
		l = talloc();
		*l = *r;
		r->n_op = FUNARG;
		r->n_left = l;
		r->n_left = intprom(r->n_left);
		r->n_type = r->n_left->n_type;
	if (stcall) {
		/* Prepend a placeholder for struct address. */
		/* Use BP, can never show up under normal circumstances */
		l = talloc();
		*l = *r;
		r->n_op = CM;
		r->n_right = l;
		r->n_type = INT;
		l = block(REG, 0, 0, INCREF(VOID), 0, 0);
		regno(l) = BP;
		l = block(FUNARG, l, 0, INCREF(VOID), 0, 0);
		r->n_left = l;

	if ((ap = attr_find(p->n_left->n_ap, GCC_ATYP_REGPARM)))
		rparg = ap->iarg(0);
		rparg = 0;

	regcvt = 0;
	if (rparg)
		listf(p->n_right, addreg);

	return p;
Esempio n. 5
 * code for the beginning of a function; a is an array of
 * indices in symtab for the arguments; n is the number
 * Classifying args on i386; not simple:
 * - Args may be on stack or in registers (regparm)
 * - There may be a hidden first arg, unless OpenBSD struct return.
 * - Regparm syntax is not well documented.
 * - There may be stdcall functions, where the called function pops stack
 * - ...probably more
bfcode(struct symtab **sp, int cnt)
	extern int argstacksize;
	struct attr *ap;
	struct symtab *sp2;
	extern int gotnr;
	NODE *n, *p;
	int i, regparmarg;
	int argbase, nrarg, sz;

	argbase = ARGINIT;
	nrarg = regparmarg = 0;

        if (attr_find(cftnsp->sap, GCC_ATYP_STDCALL) != NULL)
                cftnsp->sflags |= SSTDCALL;
        if ((ap = attr_find(cftnsp->sap, GCC_ATYP_REGPARM)))
                regparmarg = ap->iarg(0);

	/* Function returns struct, create return arg node */
	if (cftnsp->stype == STRTY+FTN || cftnsp->stype == UNIONTY+FTN) {
			if (regparmarg) {
				n = block(REG, 0, 0, INT, 0, 0);
				regno(n) = regpregs[nrarg++];
			} else {
				n = block(OREG, 0, 0, INT, 0, 0);
				n->n_lval = argbase/SZCHAR;
				argbase += SZINT;
				regno(n) = FPREG;
			p = tempnode(0, INT, 0, 0);
			structrettemp = regno(p);
			p = buildtree(ASSIGN, p, n);

	 * Find where all params are so that they end up at the right place.
	 * At the same time recalculate their arg offset on stack.
	 * We also get the "pop size" for stdcall.
	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
		sp2 = sp[i];
		sz = tsize(sp2->stype, sp2->sdf, sp2->sap);

		if (cisreg(sp2->stype) == 0 ||
		    ((regparmarg - nrarg) * SZINT < sz)) {	/* not in reg */
			sp2->soffset = argbase;
			argbase += sz;
			nrarg = regparmarg;	/* no more in reg either */
		} else {					/* in reg */
			sp2->soffset = nrarg;
			nrarg += sz/SZINT;
			sp2->sclass = REGISTER;

	 * Now (argbase - ARGINIT) is used space on stack.
	 * Move (if necessary) the args to something new.
	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
		int reg, j;

		sp2 = sp[i];

		if (ISSOU(sp2->stype) && sp2->sclass == REGISTER) {
			/* must move to stack */
			sz = tsize(sp2->stype, sp2->sdf, sp2->sap);
			SETOFF(autooff, SZINT);
			reg = sp2->soffset;
			sp2->sclass = AUTO;
			sp2->soffset = NOOFFSET;
			oalloc(sp2, &autooff);
                        for (j = 0; j < sz/SZCHAR; j += 4) {
                                p = block(OREG, 0, 0, INT, 0, 0);
                                p->n_lval = sp2->soffset/SZCHAR + j;
                                regno(p) = FPREG;
                                n = block(REG, 0, 0, INT, 0, 0);
                                regno(n) = regpregs[reg++];
                                p = block(ASSIGN, p, n, INT, 0, 0);
		} else if (cisreg(sp2->stype) && !ISSOU(sp2->stype) &&
		    ((cqual(sp2->stype, sp2->squal) & VOL) == 0)) {
			/* just put rest in temps */
			if (sp2->sclass == REGISTER) {
				n = block(REG, 0, 0, sp2->stype,
				    sp2->sdf, sp2->sap);
				if (ISLONGLONG(sp2->stype)|| sp2->stype == LONG || sp2->stype == ULONG)
					regno(n) = longregs[sp2->soffset];
				else if (DEUNSIGN(sp2->stype) == CHAR || sp2->stype == BOOL)
					regno(n) = charregs[sp2->soffset];
					regno(n) = regpregs[sp2->soffset];
			} else {
                                n = block(OREG, 0, 0, sp2->stype,
				    sp2->sdf, sp2->sap);
                                n->n_lval = sp2->soffset/SZCHAR;
                                regno(n) = FPREG;
			p = tempnode(0, sp2->stype, sp2->sdf, sp2->sap);
			sp2->soffset = regno(p);
			sp2->sflags |= STNODE;
			n = buildtree(ASSIGN, p, n);

        argstacksize = 0;
        if (cftnsp->sflags & SSTDCALL) {
		argstacksize = (argbase - ARGINIT)/SZCHAR;

Esempio n. 6
File: code.c Progetto: rheoli/pcc
 * code for the beginning of a function; a is an array of
 * indices in symtab for the arguments; n is the number
bfcode(struct symtab **s, int cnt)
	union arglist *al;
	struct symtab *sp;
	NODE *p, *r;
	int i, rno, typ;

	/* recalculate the arg offset and create TEMP moves */
	/* Always do this for reg, even if not optimizing, to free arg regs */
	nsse = ngpr = 0;
	nrsp = ARGINIT;
	if (cftnsp->stype == STRTY+FTN || cftnsp->stype == UNIONTY+FTN) {
		sp = cftnsp;
		if (argtyp(DECREF(sp->stype), sp->sdf, sp->sap) == STRMEM) {
			r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, LONG, 0, 0);
			regno(r) = argregsi[ngpr++];
			p = tempnode(0, r->n_type, r->n_df, r->n_ap);
			stroffset = regno(p);
			ecomp(buildtree(ASSIGN, p, r));

	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
		sp = s[i];

		if (sp == NULL)
			continue; /* XXX when happens this? */

		switch (typ = argtyp(sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap)) {
		case INTEGER:
		case SSE:
			if (typ == SSE)
				rno = XMM0 + nsse++;
				rno = argregsi[ngpr++];
			r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
			regno(r) = rno;
			p = tempnode(0, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
			sp->soffset = regno(p);
			sp->sflags |= STNODE;
			ecomp(buildtree(ASSIGN, p, r));

		case SSEMEM:
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += SZDOUBLE;
			if (xtemps) {
				p = tempnode(0, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
				p = buildtree(ASSIGN, p, nametree(sp));
				sp->soffset = regno(p->n_left);
				sp->sflags |= STNODE;

		case INTMEM:
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += SZLONG;
			if (xtemps) {
				p = tempnode(0, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
				p = buildtree(ASSIGN, p, nametree(sp));
				sp->soffset = regno(p->n_left);
				sp->sflags |= STNODE;

		case STRMEM: /* Struct in memory */
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += tsize(sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);

		case X87: /* long double args */
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += SZLDOUBLE;

		case STRCPX:
		case STRREG: /* Struct in register */
			/* Allocate space on stack for the struct */
			/* For simplicity always fetch two longwords */
			autooff += (2*SZLONG);

			if (typ == STRCPX) {
				t = DOUBLE;
				rno = XMM0 + nsse++;
			} else {
				t = LONG;
				rno = argregsi[ngpr++];
			r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, t, 0, 0);
			regno(r) = rno;
			ecomp(movtomem(r, -autooff, FPREG));

			if (tsize(sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap) > SZLONG) {
				r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, t, 0, 0);
				regno(r) = (typ == STRCPX ?
				    XMM0 + nsse++ : argregsi[ngpr++]);
				ecomp(movtomem(r, -autooff+SZLONG, FPREG));

			sp->soffset = -autooff;

			cerror("bfcode: %d", typ);

	/* Check if there are varargs */
	if (cftnsp->sdf == NULL || cftnsp->sdf->dfun == NULL)
		return; /* no prototype */
	al = cftnsp->sdf->dfun;

	for (; al->type != TELLIPSIS; al++) {
		t = al->type;
		if (t == TNULL)
		if (ISSOU(BTYPE(t)))
		for (i = 0; t > BTMASK; t = DECREF(t))
			if (ISARY(t) || ISFTN(t))
		if (i)

	/* fix stack offset */
	SETOFF(autooff, ALMAX);

	/* Save reg arguments in the reg save area */
	p = NIL;
	for (i = ngpr; i < 6; i++) {
		r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, LONG, 0, 0);
		regno(r) = argregsi[i];
		r = movtomem(r, -RSALONGOFF(i)-autooff, FPREG);
		p = (p == NIL ? r : block(COMOP, p, r, INT, 0, 0));
	for (i = nsse; i < 8; i++) {
		r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, DOUBLE, 0, 0);
		regno(r) = i + XMM0;
		r = movtomem(r, -RSADBLOFF(i)-autooff, FPREG);
		p = (p == NIL ? r : block(COMOP, p, r, INT, 0, 0));
	autooff += RSASZ;
	rsaoff = autooff;
	thissse = nsse;
	thisgpr = ngpr;
	thisrsp = nrsp;
