Esempio n. 1
_WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(mkdir,_wmkdir)( const CHAR_TYPE *path )
#ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    size_t              rcConvert;
    char                mbcsPath[MB_CUR_MAX * _MAX_PATH];
    unsigned char       *p;

    /*** Convert the wide character string to a multibyte string ***/
    rcConvert = wcstombs( mbcsPath, path, sizeof( mbcsPath ) );
    p = _mbsninc( (unsigned char *)mbcsPath, rcConvert );
    *p = '\0';
    return( mkdir( mbcsPath ) );
  #ifdef __WATCOM_LFN__
    tiny_ret_t  rc = 0;

    if( _RWD_uselfn && TINY_OK( rc = _mkdir_lfn( path ) ) ) {
        return( 0 );
    if( IS_LFN_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    return( __mkdir_sfn( path ) );
Esempio n. 2
_WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(unlink,_wunlink)( const CHAR_TYPE *filename )
#ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    char    mbFilename[MB_CUR_MAX * _MAX_PATH]; /* single-byte char */

    if( wcstombs( mbFilename, filename, sizeof( mbFilename ) ) == -1 ) {
        mbFilename[0] = '\0';
    return( unlink( mbFilename ) );
  #ifdef __WATCOM_LFN__
    unsigned    rc = 0;

    if( _RWD_uselfn && (rc = _unlink_lfn( filename )) == 0 ) {
        return( 0 );
    if( IS_LFN_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        return( -1 );
    if( __unlink_sfn( filename ) ) {
        return( -1 );
    return( 0 );
Esempio n. 3
_WCRTLINK unsigned _dos_getfileattr( const char *path, unsigned *attrib )
#ifdef __WATCOM_LFN__
    unsigned    rc = 0;

    if( _RWD_uselfn && (rc = _dos_getfileattr_lfn( path, attrib )) == 0 ) {
        return( rc );
    if( IS_LFN_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        return( rc );
    return( __dos_getfileattr_sfn( path, attrib ) );
Esempio n. 4
_WCRTLINK unsigned _dos_open( const char *path, unsigned mode, int *handle )
#ifdef __WATCOM_LFN__
    tiny_ret_t  rc = 0;

    if( _RWD_uselfn && TINY_OK( rc = __dos_open_lfn( path, mode ) ) ) {
        *handle = TINY_INFO( rc );
        return( 0 );
    if( IS_LFN_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos_reterr( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    return( __dos_open_sfn_err( path, mode, handle ) );
Esempio n. 5
_WCRTLINK unsigned _dos_findfirst( const char *path, unsigned attrib,
                                                           struct find_t *fdta )
#ifdef __WATCOM_LFN__
    lfnfind_t       lfndta;
    tiny_ret_t      rc = 0;

    LFN_SIGN_OF( fdta )   = 0;
    LFN_HANDLE_OF( fdta ) = 0;
    if( _RWD_uselfn && TINY_OK( rc = _dos_find_first_lfn( path, attrib, &lfndta ) ) ) {
        convert_to_find_t( fdta, &lfndta );
        LFN_SIGN_OF( fdta )   = _LFN_SIGN;
        LFN_HANDLE_OF( fdta ) = TINY_INFO( rc );
        return( 0 );
    if( IS_LFN_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos_reterr( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    return( __dos_find_first_dta( path, attrib, fdta ) );
Esempio n. 6
_WCRTLINK int fstat( int handle, struct stat *buf )
    unsigned        iomode_flags;
    tiny_ret_t      rc;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );

    rc = TinyGetDeviceInfo( handle );
    if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    /* isolate drive number */
    buf->st_dev = TINY_INFO( rc ) & TIO_CTL_DISK_DRIVE_MASK;
    buf->st_rdev = buf->st_dev;

    buf->st_nlink = 1;
    buf->st_uid = buf->st_gid = 0;
    buf->st_ino = handle;
    buf->st_mode = 0;
    iomode_flags = __GetIOMode( handle );
    if( iomode_flags & _READ ) {
        buf->st_mode |= S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
    if( iomode_flags & _WRITE ) {
        buf->st_mode |= S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH;
    if( TINY_INFO( rc ) & TIO_CTL_DEVICE ) {
        buf->st_size = 0;
        buf->st_atime = buf->st_ctime = buf->st_mtime = 0;
        buf->st_mode |= S_IFCHR;
    } else {                /* file */
#ifdef __WATCOM_LFN__
        lfninfo_t       lfni;

        rc = 0;
        if( _RWD_uselfn && TINY_OK( rc = _getfileinfo_lfn( handle, &lfni ) ) ) {
            buf->st_mtime = _cvt_stamp2ttime_lfn( &lfni.writetimestamp );
            if( lfni.creattimestamp ) {
                buf->st_ctime = _cvt_stamp2ttime_lfn( &lfni.creattimestamp );
            } else {
                buf->st_ctime = buf->st_mtime;
            if( lfni.accesstimestamp ) {
                buf->st_atime = _cvt_stamp2ttime_lfn( &lfni.accesstimestamp );
            } else {
                buf->st_atime = buf->st_mtime;
            buf->st_size = lfni.lfilesize;
            buf->st_attr = lfni.attributes;
        } else if( IS_LFN_ERROR( rc ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
        } else {
            long    rc1;

            rc1 = __getfilestamp_sfn( handle );
            if( rc1 == -1 ) {
                return( -1 );
            buf->st_mtime = _d2ttime( rc1 >> 16, rc1 );
            buf->st_atime = buf->st_mtime;
            buf->st_ctime = buf->st_mtime;
            buf->st_size = filelength( handle );
            buf->st_attr = 0;
#ifdef __WATCOM_LFN__
        buf->st_mode |= S_IFREG;
    buf->st_btime = buf->st_mtime;
    buf->st_archivedID = 0;
    buf->st_updatedID = 0;
    buf->st_inheritedRightsMask = 0;
    buf->st_originatingNameSpace = 0;
    return( 0 );