/** * @brief Clears the specified RST flag. * @param[in] RST_Flag : specify the reset flag to clear. * can be one of the values of @ref RST_Flag_TypeDef. * @retval None */ void RST_ClearFlag(RST_Flag_TypeDef RST_Flag) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_RST_FLAG_OK(RST_Flag)); RST->SR = (u8)RST_Flag; }
/** * @brief Checks whether the specified RST flag is set or not. * @param RST_Flag : specify the reset flag to check. * This parameter can be a value of @ref RST_FLAG_TypeDef. * @retval FlagStatus: status of the given RST flag. */ FlagStatus RST_GetFlagStatus(RST_Flag_TypeDef RST_Flag) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_RST_FLAG_OK(RST_Flag)); /* Get flag status */ return((FlagStatus)(((uint8_t)(RST->SR & RST_Flag) == (uint8_t)0x00) ? RESET : SET)); }
/** * @brief Checks whether the specified RST flag is set or not. * @param[in] RST_Flag : specify the reset flag to check. * can be one of the values of @ref RST_Flag_TypeDef. * @retval FlagStatus: status of the given RST flag. */ FlagStatus RST_GetFlagStatus(RST_Flag_TypeDef RST_Flag) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_RST_FLAG_OK(RST_Flag)); /* Get flag status */ return ((FlagStatus)((u8)RST->SR & (u8)RST_Flag)); }