Esempio n. 1
uptr_t eval(uptr_t *env, uptr_t form) {
  if (IS_INT(form) || IS_NIL(form))
    return form;

  if (IS_SYM(form))
    return get(*env, form);

  if (IS_CONS(form)) {
    uptr_t *form_p = refer(form),
      *fn_p = refer(eval(env, CAR(*form_p))),

    if (IS_SYM(*fn_p)) {
      rval = exec_special(env, *form_p);
    } else if (IS_CONS(*fn_p) && SVAL(CAR(*fn_p)) == S_FN) {
      rval = _fn(env, *fn_p, eval_list(env, CDR(*form_p)));
    } else {
      printf_P(PSTR("ERROR: "));
      printf_P(PSTR(" cannot be in function position.\n"));

      rval = NIL;

    release(2); // form_p, fn_p
    return rval;

  return NIL;
Esempio n. 2
File: eval.c Progetto: oswjk/lispish
struct atom *builtin_define(struct atom *expr, struct env *env)
    struct list *list = expr->list;
    struct atom *op = LIST_FIRST(list);
    struct atom *expr_name = CDR(op);
    struct atom *expr_value = CDR(expr_name);

    if (!expr_name || !expr_value)
        printf("error: define takes two arguments\n");
        return &nil_atom;

    if (!IS_SYM(expr_name))
        printf("error: define: first arg must be symbol\n");
        return &nil_atom;

    expr_value = eval(expr_value, env);

    if (!env_set(env, expr_name->str.str, expr_value))
        printf("error: cannot redefine %s\n", expr_name->str.str);
        return &nil_atom;

    return expr_value;
Esempio n. 3
// Init class pointers and fix array layout
void vm_init_const_table_elems(void) {
	uint8_t * ptr = const_table_g;
	class_t * str_cls = vm_find_class("String");
	class_t * arr_cls = vm_find_class("Array");
	constant_array_t * c_arr;
	int i;
	kek_obj_t ** elems;

	while (ptr != const_table_g + const_table_cnt_g) {
		kek_obj_t * obj = (kek_obj_t*) ptr;
		switch (obj->h.t) {
		case KEK_NIL:
			ptr += sizeof(kek_nil_t);
		case KEK_INT:
			ptr += sizeof(kek_int_t);
		case KEK_STR:
			obj->h.cls = str_cls;
			ptr += sizeof(kek_string_t) + obj->k_str.length;
		case KEK_SYM:
			if (obj->h.cls != NULL) {
				// Parent class name index stored in cls pointer
				assert(IS_SYM((kek_obj_t*) CONST((ptruint_t)obj->h.cls)));
				obj->h.cls = vm_find_class(CONST((ptruint_t)obj->h.cls)->k_sym.symbol);
			else {
				obj->h.cls = vm_find_class(obj->k_sym.symbol);
			ptr += sizeof(kek_symbol_t) + obj->k_sym.length;
		case KEK_ARR:
			obj->h.cls = arr_cls;

			c_arr = (constant_array_t*) obj;
			elems = alloc_const_arr_elems(obj->k_arr.length);
			//obj->k_arr.alloc_size = obj->k_arr.length;

			for (i = 0; i < c_arr->length; ++i) {
				elems[i] = CONST(c_arr->elems[i]);
			obj->k_arr.elems = elems;
			arr_set_alloc_size(&obj->k_arr, obj->k_arr.length);
			assert(obj->k_arr.alloc_size > 0);

			ptr += sizeof(constant_array_t)
					+ (obj->k_arr.length - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t);
		case KEK_EXINFO:
			ptr += sizeof(kek_exinfo_t)
					+ (obj->k_exi.length - 1) * sizeof(try_range_t);
Esempio n. 4
void print_form(uptr_t form) {

  if (IS_NIL(form)) {
  } else if (IS_REG(form)) {
    printf_P(PSTR("R:%p"), TO_PTR(form));
  } else if (IS_INT(form)) {
    printf_P(PSTR("%d"), TO_INT(form));
  } else if (IS_SYM(form)) {
    char buf[7];
    memset(buf, 0, 7);
    unhash_sym(buf, form);
    printf_P(PSTR("%s"), buf);
  } else {

Esempio n. 5
uptr_t loop(uptr_t *env, uptr_t form) {
  uptr_t *bindings_p = refer(CAR(form)),
    *body_p = refer(CDR(form)),
    *form_p = refer(form),
    *local_env = refer(*env);

  while (*bindings_p) {
    assoc(local_env, CAR(*bindings_p), eval(local_env, CADR(*bindings_p)));
    *bindings_p = CDDR(*bindings_p);
  //  print_env(local_env);

  uptr_t rval = NIL,
    *new_env = refer(NIL),
    *new_vals = refer(NIL);
  while (*body_p) {
    rval = eval(local_env, CAR(*body_p));
    *body_p = CDR(*body_p);

    if (IS_CONS(rval) && IS_SYM(CAR(rval)) && SVAL(CAR(rval)) == S_RECUR) {
      *new_env = *env;
      *new_vals = CDR(rval);
      *bindings_p = CAR(*form_p);
      while (*new_vals && *bindings_p) {
        assoc(new_env, CAR(*bindings_p), eval(local_env, CAR(*new_vals)));
        *bindings_p = CDDR(*bindings_p);
        *new_vals = CDR(*new_vals);
      *body_p = CDR(*form_p);
      *local_env = *new_env;

  release(6); // bindings_p, body_p, form_p, local_env, new_env, new_vals
  return rval;
Esempio n. 6
File: eval.c Progetto: oswjk/lispish
struct atom *eval(struct atom *expr, struct env *env)
    // symbols and not-a-lists are evaluated or returned directly

    if (IS_SYM(expr))
        struct atom *atom = env_lookup(env, expr->str.str);

        if (atom)
            return atom;
            printf("error: undefined variable: %s\n",
            return &nil_atom;

    if (!IS_LIST(expr))
        return expr;

    struct list *list = expr->list;
    struct atom *op = LIST_FIRST(list);

    // Check if the first elem is not a symbol or a closure. If it's
    // not, then we'll evaluate it (it could be a lambda form).

    if (!IS_SYM(op) && !IS_CLOSURE(op))
        struct atom *evaluated_op = eval(op, env);
        // Replace the evaluated one to the list!
        LIST_REMOVE(op, entries);
        LIST_INSERT_HEAD(list, evaluated_op, entries);
        op = evaluated_op;

    // If the first elem is a symbol, it should be a name for a builtin
    // function or a closure bound to that name by the user. If the
    // first argument is directly a closure, eval that with the args.

    if (IS_SYM(op))
        struct builtin_function_def *def = builtin_function_defs;
        while (def->name && def->fn)
            if (strcmp(op->str.str, def->name) == 0)
                return def->fn(expr, env);


        struct atom *closure = env_lookup(env, op->str.str);

        if (closure)
            return eval_closure(closure, CDR(op), env);

        printf("error: unknown function %s\n", op->str.str);
    else if (IS_CLOSURE(op))
        return eval_closure(op, CDR(op), env);

    printf("error: cannot evaluate\n");

    return &nil_atom;