Esempio n. 1
// Think - at interval, the entire active sound list is checked
// for sounds that have ExpireTimes less than or equal
// to the current world time, and these sounds are deallocated.
void CSoundEnt :: Think ( void )
	int iSound;
	int iPreviousSound;

	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.3;// how often to check the sound list.

	iPreviousSound = SOUNDLIST_EMPTY;
	iSound = m_iActiveSound; 

	while ( iSound != SOUNDLIST_EMPTY )
		if ( m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_flExpireTime <= gpGlobals->time && m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_flExpireTime != SOUND_NEVER_EXPIRE )
			int iNext = m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;

			// move this sound back into the free list
			FreeSound( iSound, iPreviousSound );

			iSound = iNext;
			iPreviousSound = iSound;
			iSound = m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;

	if ( m_fShowReport )
		ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "Soundlist: %d / %d  (%d)\n", ISoundsInList( SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE ),ISoundsInList( SOUNDLISTTYPE_FREE ), ISoundsInList( SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE ) - m_cLastActiveSounds );
		m_cLastActiveSounds = ISoundsInList ( SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE );

Esempio n. 2
// Think - at interval, the entire active sound list is checked
// for sounds that have ExpireTimes less than or equal
// to the current world time, and these sounds are deallocated.
void CSoundEnt::Think ( void )
	int iSound;
	int iPreviousSound;

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 );// how often to check the sound list.

	iPreviousSound = SOUNDLIST_EMPTY;
	iSound = m_iActiveSound; 

	while ( iSound != SOUNDLIST_EMPTY )
		if ( (m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_flExpireTime <= gpGlobals->curtime && (!m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_bNoExpirationTime)) || !m_SoundPool[iSound].ValidateOwner() )
			int iNext = m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;

			if( displaysoundlist.GetInt() == 1 )
				Msg("  Removed Sound: %d (Time:%f)\n", m_SoundPool[ iSound ].SoundType(), gpGlobals->curtime );
			if( displaysoundlist.GetInt() == 2 && m_SoundPool[ iSound ].IsSoundType( SOUND_DANGER ) )
				Msg("  Removed Danger Sound: %d (time:%f)\n", m_SoundPool[ iSound ].SoundType(), gpGlobals->curtime );

			// move this sound back into the free list
			FreeSound( iSound, iPreviousSound );

			iSound = iNext;
			if( displaysoundlist.GetBool() )
				Vector forward, right, up;
				GetVectors( &forward, &right, &up );
				byte r, g, b;

				// Default to yellow.
				r = 255;
				g = 255;
				b = 0;

				CSound *pSound = &m_SoundPool[ iSound ];

				if( pSound->IsSoundType( SOUND_DANGER ) )
					r = 255;
					g = 0;
					b = 0;

				if( displaysoundlist.GetInt() == 1 || (displaysoundlist.GetInt() == 2 && pSound->IsSoundType( SOUND_DANGER ) ) )
					NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() + forward * pSound->Volume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );
					NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() - forward * pSound->Volume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );

					NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() + right * pSound->Volume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );
					NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() - right * pSound->Volume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );

					NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() + up * pSound->Volume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );
					NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() - up * pSound->Volume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );

					if( pSound->m_flOcclusionScale != 1.0 )
						// Draw the occluded radius, too.
						r = 0; g = 150; b = 255;
						NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() + forward * pSound->OccludedVolume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );
						NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() - forward * pSound->OccludedVolume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );

						NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() + right * pSound->OccludedVolume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );
						NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() - right * pSound->OccludedVolume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );

						NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() + up * pSound->OccludedVolume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );
						NDebugOverlay::Line( pSound->GetSoundOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundOrigin() - up * pSound->OccludedVolume(), r,g,b, false, 0.1 );

				DevMsg( 2, "Soundlist: %d / %d  (%d)\n", ISoundsInList( SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE ),ISoundsInList( SOUNDLISTTYPE_FREE ), ISoundsInList( SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE ) - m_cLastActiveSounds );
				m_cLastActiveSounds = ISoundsInList ( SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE );

			iPreviousSound = iSound;
			iSound = m_SoundPool[ iSound ].m_iNext;
