Esempio n. 1
/* I think there's no way for this to be accurate without using the CAS value.
 * Since items getting their time value bumped will pass this validation.
void item_stats_sizes_remove(item *it) {
    if (stats_sizes_hist == NULL || stats_sizes_cas_min > ITEM_get_cas(it))
    int ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);
    int bucket = ntotal / 32;
    if ((ntotal % 32) != 0) bucket++;
    if (bucket < stats_sizes_buckets) stats_sizes_hist[bucket]--;
Esempio n. 2
int item_is_flushed(item *it) {
    rel_time_t oldest_live = settings.oldest_live;
    uint64_t cas = ITEM_get_cas(it);
    uint64_t oldest_cas = settings.oldest_cas;
    if (oldest_live == 0 || oldest_live > current_time)
        return 0;
    if ((it->time <= oldest_live)
            || (oldest_cas != 0 && cas != 0 && cas < oldest_cas)) {
        return 1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
/* Forward an upstream command that came with item data,
 * like set/add/replace/etc.
bool cproxy_forward_a2a_item_downstream(downstream *d, short cmd,
                                        item *it, conn *uc) {
    assert(d != NULL);
    assert(d->ptd != NULL);
    assert(d->ptd->proxy != NULL);
    assert(d->downstream_conns != NULL);
    assert(it != NULL);
    assert(uc != NULL);
    assert(uc->next == NULL);

    // Assuming we're already connected to downstream.
    bool self = false;

    conn *c = cproxy_find_downstream_conn(d, ITEM_key(it), it->nkey,
    if (c != NULL) {
        if (self) {
            cproxy_optimize_to_self(d, uc, uc->cmd_start);
            return true;

        if (cproxy_prep_conn_for_write(c)) {
            assert(c->state == conn_pause);

            char *verb = nread_text(cmd);
            assert(verb != NULL);

            char *str_flags   = ITEM_suffix(it);
            char *str_length  = strchr(str_flags + 1, ' ');
            int   len_flags   = str_length - str_flags;
            int   len_length  = it->nsuffix - len_flags - 2;
            char *str_exptime = add_conn_suffix(c);
            char *str_cas     = (cmd == NREAD_CAS ? add_conn_suffix(c) : NULL);

            if (str_flags != NULL &&
                str_length != NULL &&
                len_flags > 1 &&
                len_length > 1 &&
                str_exptime != NULL &&
                (cmd != NREAD_CAS ||
                 str_cas != NULL)) {
                sprintf(str_exptime, " %u", it->exptime);

                if (str_cas != NULL)
                    sprintf(str_cas, " %llu",
                            (unsigned long long) ITEM_get_cas(it));

                if (add_iov(c, verb, strlen(verb)) == 0 &&
                    add_iov(c, ITEM_key(it), it->nkey) == 0 &&
                    add_iov(c, str_flags, len_flags) == 0 &&
                    add_iov(c, str_exptime, strlen(str_exptime)) == 0 &&
                    add_iov(c, str_length, len_length) == 0 &&
                    (str_cas == NULL ||
                     add_iov(c, str_cas, strlen(str_cas)) == 0) &&
                    (uc->noreply == false ||
                     add_iov(c, " noreply", 8) == 0) &&
                    add_iov(c, ITEM_data(it) - 2, it->nbytes + 2) == 0) {
                    conn_set_state(c, conn_mwrite);
                    c->write_and_go = conn_new_cmd;

                    if (update_event(c, EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST)) {
                        d->downstream_used_start = 1;
                        d->downstream_used       = 1;

                        if (cproxy_dettach_if_noreply(d, uc) == false) {
                            cproxy_start_downstream_timeout(d, c);

                            // During a synchronous (with-reply) SET,
                            // handle fire-&-forget SET optimization.
                            if (cmd == NREAD_SET &&
                                cproxy_optimize_set_ascii(d, uc,
                                                          it->nkey)) {
                        } else {
                            c->write_and_go = conn_pause;

                                          ITEM_key(it), it->nkey);

                        return true;

            } else {
                // TODO: Handle this weird error case.
        } else {

        if (settings.verbose > 1)
            fprintf(stderr, "Proxy item write out of memory");

    return false;
Esempio n. 4
 * @param cas_emit  1: emit CAS.
 *                  0: do not emit CAS.
 *                 -1: data driven.
void cproxy_upstream_ascii_item_response(item *it, conn *uc,
        int cas_emit) {
    assert(it != NULL);
    assert(uc != NULL);
    assert(uc->state == conn_pause);
    assert(uc->funcs != NULL);

    if (settings.verbose > 2) {
        char key[KEY_MAX_LENGTH + 10];
        assert(it->nkey <= KEY_MAX_LENGTH);
        memcpy(key, ITEM_key(it), it->nkey);
        key[it->nkey] = '\0';

        moxi_log_write("<%d cproxy ascii item response, key %s\n",
                       uc->sfd, key);

    if (strncmp(ITEM_data(it) + it->nbytes - 2, "\r\n", 2) == 0) {
        // TODO: Need to clean up half-written add_iov()'s.
        //       Consider closing the upstream_conns?
        uint64_t cas = ITEM_get_cas(it);
        if ((cas_emit == 0) ||
                (cas_emit < 0 &&
                 cas == CPROXY_NOT_CAS)) {
            if (add_conn_item(uc, it)) {

                if (add_iov(uc, "VALUE ", 6) == 0 &&
                        add_iov(uc, ITEM_key(it), it->nkey) == 0 &&
                        add_iov(uc, ITEM_suffix(it),
                                it->nsuffix + it->nbytes) == 0) {
                    if (settings.verbose > 2) {
                        moxi_log_write("<%d cproxy ascii item response success\n",
        } else {
            char *suffix = add_conn_suffix(uc);
            if (suffix != NULL) {
                sprintf(suffix, " %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long) cas);

                if (add_conn_item(uc, it)) {

                    if (add_iov(uc, "VALUE ", 6) == 0 &&
                            add_iov(uc, ITEM_key(it), it->nkey) == 0 &&
                            add_iov(uc, ITEM_suffix(it),
                                    it->nsuffix - 2) == 0 &&
                            add_iov(uc, suffix, strlen(suffix)) == 0 &&
                            add_iov(uc, ITEM_data(it), it->nbytes) == 0) {
                        if (settings.verbose > 2) {
                            moxi_log_write("<%d cproxy ascii item response ok\n",
    } else {
        if (settings.verbose > 1) {
            moxi_log_write("ERROR: unexpected downstream data block");
Esempio n. 5
static int storage_write(void *storage, const int clsid, const int item_age) {
    int did_moves = 0;
    struct lru_pull_tail_return it_info; = NULL;
    lru_pull_tail(clsid, COLD_LRU, 0, LRU_PULL_RETURN_ITEM, 0, &it_info);
    /* Item is locked, and we have a reference to it. */
    if ( == NULL) {
        return did_moves;

    obj_io io;
    item *it =;
    /* First, storage for the header object */
    size_t orig_ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);
    uint32_t flags;
    if ((it->it_flags & ITEM_HDR) == 0 &&
            (item_age == 0 || current_time - it->time > item_age)) {
        FLAGS_CONV(it, flags);
        item *hdr_it = do_item_alloc(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, flags, it->exptime, sizeof(item_hdr));
        /* Run the storage write understanding the start of the item is dirty.
         * We will fill it (time/exptime/etc) from the header item on read.
        if (hdr_it != NULL) {
            int bucket = (it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED) ?
            // Compress soon to expire items into similar pages.
            if (it->exptime - current_time < settings.ext_low_ttl) {
                bucket = PAGE_BUCKET_LOWTTL;
            hdr_it->it_flags |= ITEM_HDR;
            io.len = orig_ntotal;
            io.mode = OBJ_IO_WRITE;
            // NOTE: when the item is read back in, the slab mover
            // may see it. Important to have refcount>=2 or ~ITEM_LINKED
            assert(it->refcount >= 2);
            // NOTE: write bucket vs free page bucket will disambiguate once
            // lowttl feature is better understood.
            if (extstore_write_request(storage, bucket, bucket, &io) == 0) {
                // cuddle the hash value into the time field so we don't have
                // to recalculate it.
                item *buf_it = (item *) io.buf;
                buf_it->time = it_info.hv;
                // copy from past the headers + time headers.
                // TODO: should be in items.c
                if (it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED) {
                    // Need to loop through the item and copy
                    item_chunk *sch = (item_chunk *) ITEM_schunk(it);
                    int remain = orig_ntotal;
                    int copied = 0;
                    // copy original header
                    int hdrtotal = ITEM_ntotal(it) - it->nbytes;
                    memcpy((char *)io.buf+STORE_OFFSET, (char *)it+STORE_OFFSET, hdrtotal - STORE_OFFSET);
                    copied = hdrtotal;
                    // copy data in like it were one large object.
                    while (sch && remain) {
                        assert(remain >= sch->used);
                        memcpy((char *)io.buf+copied, sch->data, sch->used);
                        // FIXME: use one variable?
                        remain -= sch->used;
                        copied += sch->used;
                        sch = sch->next;
                } else {
                    memcpy((char *)io.buf+STORE_OFFSET, (char *)it+STORE_OFFSET, io.len-STORE_OFFSET);
                // crc what we copied so we can do it sequentially.
                buf_it->it_flags &= ~ITEM_LINKED;
                buf_it->exptime = crc32c(0, (char*)io.buf+STORE_OFFSET, orig_ntotal-STORE_OFFSET);
                extstore_write(storage, &io);
                item_hdr *hdr = (item_hdr *) ITEM_data(hdr_it);
                hdr->page_version = io.page_version;
                hdr->page_id = io.page_id;
                hdr->offset  = io.offset;
                // overload nbytes for the header it
                hdr_it->nbytes = it->nbytes;
                /* success! Now we need to fill relevant data into the new
                 * header and replace. Most of this requires the item lock
                /* CAS gets set while linking. Copy post-replace */
                item_replace(it, hdr_it, it_info.hv);
                ITEM_set_cas(hdr_it, ITEM_get_cas(it));
                did_moves = 1;
            } else {
                /* Failed to write for some reason, can't continue. */
                slabs_free(hdr_it, ITEM_ntotal(hdr_it), ITEM_clsid(hdr_it));
    return did_moves;