static XmlNode sReadXmlNode(XmlParser& p, dword style) { XmlNode m; if(p.IsTag()) { m.CreateTag(p.ReadTag()); m.SetAttrsPick(p.PickAttrs()); while(!p.End()) if(!Ignore(p, style)) m.Add() = sReadXmlNode(p, style); return m; } if(p.IsPI()) { m.CreatePI(p.ReadPI()); return m; } if(p.IsDecl()) { m.CreateDecl(p.ReadDecl()); return m; } if(p.IsComment()) { m.CreateComment(p.ReadComment()); return m; } m.CreateText(p.ReadText()); return m; }
XmlNode ParseXML(XmlParser& p, dword style) { XmlNode r; while(!p.IsEof()) if(!Ignore(p, style)) r.Add() = sReadXmlNode(p, style); return r; }
static int WALK_FUNC(scan_tree) { char tmp[BUFSIZ]; char *s = pathcat(tmp, path, name); Stat_t sb; if (RCS_DEBUG) PRINTF("++ %s%sscan (%s, %s, %s%d)\n", R_opt ? "R " : "", L_opt ? "L " : "", path, name, (sp == 0) ? "no-stat, " : "", level); if (!quiet || n_opt) track_wd(path); if (sp == 0) { if (R_opt && (level > 0)) { Ignore(name, " (no such file)"); } } else if (isDIR(sp->st_mode)) { abspath(s); /* get rid of "." and ".." names */ if (ignore_dir(s)) readable = -1; else if (sameleaf(s, rcs_dir(NULL, NULL))) { if (R_opt) { (void) walktree(strcpy(user_wd, path), name, scan_archive, "r", level); } readable = -1; } else { #ifdef S_IFLNK if (!L_opt && (lstat(s, &sb) < 0 || isLINK(sb.st_mode))) { Ignore(name, " (is a link)"); readable = -1; } #endif } } else if (!isFILE(sp->st_mode)) { Ignore(name, RCS_DEBUG ? " (not a file)" : ""); readable = -1; } return (readable); }
void Scanner::IgnoreWhiteSpaces() { Ignore( [](char chr) { return chr == ' ' || chr == '\t'; } ); }
static void win8_dict_add_to_session (EnchantDict *dict, const char *const word, size_t len) { auto checker = static_cast<ISpellChecker*>(dict->user_data); wchar_t *wword = utf8_to_utf16 (word, len, FALSE); checker->Ignore (wword); g_free (wword); }
static JILError open_JCLFile(JCLFile* _this, const JILChar* pName, const JILChar* pText, const JILChar* pPath, JCLOption* pOptions) { JILError err = JCL_No_Error; JCLString* pToken = NEW(JCLString); JILLong tokenID; JILLong loc; JCLFileToken* pft; // allocate members _this->mipName = NEW(JCLString); _this->mipText = NEW(JCLString); _this->mipPath = NEW(JCLString); _this->mipPackage = NEW(JCLString); _this->mipTokens = NEW(Array_JCLFileToken); _this->mipOptions = pOptions; _this->miLocator = 0; _this->miPass = 0; _this->miLine = 1; _this->miColumn = 0; _this->mipTokens->Grain(_this->mipTokens, 1024); // copy arguments JCLSetString(_this->mipName, pName); JCLSetString(_this->mipText, pText); JCLSetString(_this->mipPath, pPath); // pre-parse text for(;;) { if( JCLAtEnd(_this->mipText) ) break; err = Ignore(_this); if( err || JCLAtEnd(_this->mipText) ) break; err = GetToken(_this, pToken, &tokenID); if( err ) break; loc = JCLGetLocator(_this->mipText); pft = _this->mipTokens->New(_this->mipTokens); pft->miLocation = loc; pft->miLine = _this->miLine; pft->miColumn = loc - _this->miColumn + 1; pft->miTokenID = tokenID; if( JCLGetLength(pToken) ) { pft->mipToken = NEW(JCLString); pft->mipToken->Copy(pft->mipToken, pToken); } } if( err == JCL_ERR_End_Of_File ) err = JCL_No_Error; DELETE(pToken); DELETE(_this->mipText); _this->mipText = NULL; _this->mipOptions = NULL; return err; }
static void do_arg(const char *name) { #ifdef S_IFLNK if (!L_opt) { Stat_t sb; if (lstat(name, &sb) >= 0 && isLINK(sb.st_mode)) { Ignore(name, " (is a link)"); return; } } #endif (void) walktree((char *) 0, name, scan_tree, "r", 0); }
void SVNListBase::HandleContextMenu ( const JIndex index ) { if (index == kDiffEditedSelectedFilesCtxCmd) { JString rev; if (GetBaseRevision(&rev)) { CompareEdited(rev); } } else if (index == kDiffCurrentSelectedFilesCtxCmd) { JString rev; GetBaseRevision(&rev); CompareCurrent(rev); } else if (index == kDiffPrevSelectedFilesCtxCmd) { JString rev; GetBaseRevision(&rev); ComparePrev(rev); } else if (index == kInfoLogSelectedFilesCtxCmd) { (GetDirector())->ShowInfoLog(this); } else if (index == kPropSelectedFilesCtxCmd) { (GetDirector())->ShowProperties(this); } else if (index == kIgnoreSelectionCtxCmd) { Ignore(); } else if (index == kShowSelectedFilesCtxCmd) { ShowFiles(); } }
Weapon::~Weapon() { if (beams) { for (int i = 0; i < nbarrels; i++) { if (beams[i]) { Ignore(beams[i]); delete beams[i]; beams[i] = 0; } } delete [] beams; } GRAPHIC_DESTROY(turret); GRAPHIC_DESTROY(turret_base); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BARRELS; i++) GRAPHIC_DESTROY(visible_stores[i]); }
void NetPlayer::SetShip(Ship* s) { if (ship != s) { if (ship) { ship->EnableRepair(true); Ignore(ship); } ship = s; if (ship) { Observe(ship); ship->SetNetworkControl(this); ship->SetObjID(objid); iff = ship->GetIFF(); // Turn off auto-repair. All repair data should // come in over the network from the remote player: ship->EnableRepair(false); // Set all ship weapons back to manual fire control. // All trigger events should come over the network, // not from weapon auto aiming ai: ListIter<WeaponGroup> iter = ship->Weapons(); while (++iter) { WeaponGroup* group = iter.value(); ListIter<Weapon> w_iter = group->GetWeapons(); while (++w_iter) { Weapon* weapon = w_iter.value(); weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::MANUAL); } } } } }
bool aimbot::DoStateCheck(CBaseEntity* pl) { if (!pl->IsAlive()) return 0; if (Ignore(pl)) return 0; if (tf2()) { if (pl->TF2_IsUbercharged()) return 0; if (pl->TF2_HasCond(PlayerCond_Bonked)) return 0; // TODO: Find better way to check if it's invulnerable //if (pl->TF2_GetClassNum() == Class_Demoman && pl->GetHealth() == 1 && // !strcmp(mdlinfo->GetModelName(pl->GetModel()), "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl")) // // return false; } if (MENU_SPAWPROT == 1 && ALPHA(pl->GetMDLColor()) == 128) return 0; if (MENU_SPAWPROT == 2 && pl->GetHealth() > 500) return 0; if (MENU_SPAWPROT == 3 && ALPHA(pl->GetMDLColor()) == 200) return 0; if (!MENU_STEAMBRO && pl->IsSteamFriend()) return 0; return 1; }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static int WALK_FUNC(scan_archive) { char tmp[BUFSIZ]; (void) level; if (!strcmp(user_wd, path)) /* account for initial argument */ return (readable); if (!isFILE(sp->st_mode) || !an_archive(name)) { Ignore(name, " (not an archive)"); return (-1); } if (!strcmp(vcs_file((char *) 0, strcpy(tmp, name), FALSE), name)) return (readable); set_wd(user_wd); Checkout(rcs2name(name, FALSE), pathcat(tmp, rcs_dir(NULL, NULL), name)); set_wd(path); return (readable); }
void ceefit_call_spec FIXTURE::DoCell(PTR<PARSE>& cell, int columnNumber) { Ignore(cell); }
bool cTable0Handler::FixEpgBugs(cEvent *Event) { return Ignore(Event); }
bool cTable0Handler::SetVps(cEvent *Event, time_t Vps) { return Ignore(Event); }
bool cTable0Handler::SetParentalRating(cEvent *Event, int ParentalRating) { return Ignore(Event); }
bool cTable0Handler::SetContents(cEvent *Event, uchar *Contents) { return Ignore(Event); }
bool cTable0Handler::SetTitle(cEvent *Event, const char *Title) { return Ignore(Event); }
void f() {Ignore();}
bool cTable0Handler::SetStartTime(cEvent *Event, time_t StartTime) { return Ignore(Event); }
bool cTable0Handler::SetEventID(cEvent *Event, tEventID EventID) { return Ignore(Event); }
// This method differs from the Java version in that we must go towards STRING for value comparisons versus using // TypeAdapter.equals() which works on Object's. Here the CELLADAPTER is used to parse and filter values as well // as convey return data from method invocations. void ceefit_call_spec FIXTURE::Check(PTR<PARSE>& cell, PTR<CELLADAPTER>& aAdapter, PTR<FIXTURE>& target) { PTR<FIXTURE> targetPtr(target); if(targetPtr == null) { targetPtr = this; // set the default fixture target to this... } STRING text(cell->Text()); if(aAdapter == null) { Ignore(cell); } else if(text.IsEqual("")) { try { STRING aTemp; if(aAdapter->IsMethod()) { PTR<CELLADAPTER> result; aAdapter->Invoke(result, targetPtr); result->ReadFromFixtureVar(aTemp); } else // if(aAdpater->IsField()) { if(targetPtr == this) { aAdapter->ReadFromFixtureVar(aTemp); } else { aAdapter->ReadFromFixtureVar(aTemp, targetPtr); } } Info(cell, aTemp); } catch(FAILURE* failure) { Info(cell, "error"); delete failure; } catch(EXCEPTION* e) { Info(cell, "error"); delete e; } catch(...) { Info(cell, "error"); } } else if (text.IsEqual("error")) { try { STRING aTemp; PTR<CELLADAPTER> aResult; aAdapter->Invoke(aResult, targetPtr); aResult->ReadFromFixtureVar(aTemp); Wrong(cell, aTemp); } catch(FITFAILED* fitFailed) { Right(cell); delete fitFailed; } catch(FITASSERTIONFAILED* fitAssertionFailed) { Right(cell); delete fitAssertionFailed; } catch(EXCEPTION* e) { Right(cell); delete e; } catch(...) { Right(cell); } } else { PTR<CELLADAPTER> callResults; PTR<CELLADAPTER> checkValueCell; try { STRING result; STRING checkValue; if(aAdapter->IsField()) { // The "callResults" is the field we are comparing if(targetPtr == this) { callResults = aAdapter; } else { PTR<FIXTURE> notNeeded; callResults = targetPtr->FindField(notNeeded, aAdapter->GetName()); if(callResults == null) { throw new EXCEPTION(STRING("Field not found in FIXTURE: ") + aAdapter->GetName()); } } aAdapter->NewInstanceParse(targetPtr.GetPointer(), checkValueCell, text); } else // if(aAdapter->IsMethod()) { aAdapter->Invoke(callResults, targetPtr); callResults->NewInstanceParse(targetPtr.GetPointer(), checkValueCell, text); } // checkValueCell must exactly equal result for the test to pass if (checkValueCell->IsEqual(*callResults)) // note: this calls through to CELLCOMPARABLE implementations if available { Right(cell); } else { callResults->ReadFromFixtureVar(result); Wrong(cell, result); } } catch (EXCEPTION* e) { Exception(cell, e); } catch(...) { EXCEPTION* systemException = new EXCEPTION("System generated exception or unknown user exception type (exceptions thrown from a FIXTURE class should extend CEEFIT::EXCEPTION.)"); Exception(cell, systemException); } } }
bool cTable0Handler::SetShortText(cEvent *Event, const char *ShortText) { return Ignore(Event); }
bool cTable0Handler::SetDescription(cEvent *Event, const char *Description) { return Ignore(Event); }
bool cTable0Handler::SetDuration(cEvent *Event, int Duration) { return Ignore(Event); }
static JILError GetStrLiteral(JCLFile* _this, JCLString* string) { JILError err = JCL_ERR_End_Of_File; JILLong c, q, p; char* pDummy; JCLString* pTemp = NULL; JILBool bEscape = JILTrue; JCLClear(string); // skip the start quote p = q = JCLGetCurrentChar(_this->mipText); if( p == '/' || p == '@' ) { // un-escaped string literal bEscape = JILFalse; JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); q = JCLGetCurrentChar(_this->mipText); } JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); // seek toward end quote while( !JCLAtEnd(_this->mipText) ) { c = JCLGetCurrentChar(_this->mipText); if( bEscape && c == '\\' ) // escape character? { // get next character JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); if( JCLAtEnd(_this->mipText) ) goto error; c = JCLGetCurrentChar(_this->mipText); switch( c ) { case 'a': // alert (bell) JCLAppend(string, "\a"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 'b': // backspace JCLAppend(string, "\b"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 'e': // escape JCLAppend(string, "\x1B"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 'f': // formfeed JCLAppend(string, "\f"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 'n': // newline JCLAppend(string, "\n"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 'r': // return JCLAppend(string, "\r"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 't': // tab JCLAppend(string, "\t"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 'v': // vertical tab JCLAppend(string, "\v"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case '\'': // single quotation mark JCLAppend(string, "\'"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case '\"': // double quotation mark JCLAppend(string, "\""); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case '\\': // backslash JCLAppend(string, "\\"); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); break; case 'x': // ASCII character in hexadecimal // skip the x JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); if( JCLAtEnd(_this->mipText) ) goto error; pTemp = NEW(JCLString); JCLSpanIncluding(_this->mipText, kHexDigitChars, pTemp); c = strtol(JCLGetString(pTemp), &pDummy, 16); DELETE( pTemp ); pTemp = NULL; if( sizeof(JILChar) == 1 && c > 255 ) { err = JCL_ERR_Character_Value_Too_Large; goto error; } JCLAppendChar(string, c); break; case '0': // ASCII character in octal pTemp = NEW(JCLString); JCLSpanIncluding(_this->mipText, kOctDigitChars, pTemp); c = strtol(JCLGetString(pTemp), &pDummy, 8); DELETE( pTemp ); pTemp = NULL; if( sizeof(JILChar) == 1 && c > 255 ) { err = JCL_ERR_Character_Value_Too_Large; goto error; } JCLAppendChar(string, c); break; } } else if( c == q ) // end quote? { if( bEscape ) { // skip end quote JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); // ignore whitespace err = Ignore(_this); if( err ) goto error; // check what's next c = JCLGetCurrentChar(_this->mipText); // another quote? if( c == q ) { bEscape = JILTrue; // skip quote and continue JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); } else if( (c == '/' || c == '@') && JCLGetChar(_this->mipText, JCLGetLocator(_this->mipText) + 1) == q ) { p = c; bEscape = JILFalse; // skip quote and continue JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 2); } else { // we're done err = JCL_No_Error; break; } } else { if( p == '@' || JCLGetChar(_this->mipText, JCLGetLocator(_this->mipText) + 1) == '/' ) { // skip quote JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, (p == '@') ? 1 : 2); // ignore whitespace err = Ignore(_this); if( err ) goto error; // check what's next c = JCLGetCurrentChar(_this->mipText); // another quote? if( c == q ) { bEscape = JILTrue; // skip quote and continue JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); } else if( (c == '/' || c == '@') && JCLGetChar(_this->mipText, JCLGetLocator(_this->mipText) + 1) == q ) { p = c; bEscape = JILFalse; // skip quote and continue JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 2); } else { // we're done err = JCL_No_Error; break; } } else { JCLAppendChar(string, c); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); } } } else // any other character { JCLAppendChar(string, c); JCLSeekForward(_this->mipText, 1); } } error: DELETE( pTemp ); return err; }