void ActionPerformer::cancelAction()
		if(action_current == nullptr)
			throw IllegalStateException("action is not being performed");
		else if(action_current->cancelling)
			throw IllegalStateException("action is already cancelling");
Esempio n. 2
const QString& Action::nextInteraction() {
    if (!this->hasInteraction()) {
        throw IllegalStateException("!this->hasInteraction()");
    return m_interactions.at(m_index - 1);
Esempio n. 3
AVPacket* LibavSingleton::readNextPacket(AVFormatContext *formatContext) const {

    if (NULL == formatContext) {

        throw IllegalArgumentException(
                "Cannot read a packet from a NULL AVFormatContext");

    if (0 >= formatContext->nb_streams) {

        throw IllegalStateException(
                "There are no streams within the AVFormatContext to read a packet from.");

    AVPacket *packet = new AVPacket();


    int error = av_read_frame(formatContext, packet);

    // If error equals 0 then we have a valid packet so return it.
    if (0 == error) return packet;

    // If we have reached the end of the file return NULL;
    if (AVERROR_EOF == error) return NULL;

    // Double check to see if we have reached the end of the file.
    // Because the AVERROR_EOF error code isn't always returned.
    AVIOContext *ioContext = formatContext->pb;
    if (NULL != ioContext && ioContext->eof_reached) return NULL;

    // Otherwise throw an exception with the error message.
    throw PacketReadException(errorMessage(error));
Esempio n. 4
            ParserModel::ParserModel(const std::string &languageCode, AbstractModel *buildModel, AbstractModel *checkModel, AbstractModel *attachModel, POSModel *parserTagger, ChunkerModel *chunkerTagger, opennlp::tools::parser::lang::en::HeadRules *headRules, ParserType modelType, Map<std::string, std::string> *manifestInfoEntries) : opennlp.tools.util.model.BaseModel(COMPONENT_NAME, languageCode, manifestInfoEntries)

              setManifestProperty(PARSER_TYPE, modelType::name());

              artifactMap->put(BUILD_MODEL_ENTRY_NAME, buildModel);

              artifactMap->put(CHECK_MODEL_ENTRY_NAME, checkModel);

              if (CHUNKING::equals(modelType))
                if (attachModel != 0)
                    throw IllegalArgumentException("attachModel must be null for chunking parser!");
              else if (TREEINSERT::equals(modelType))
                if (attachModel == 0)
                  throw IllegalArgumentException("attachModel must not be null!");

                artifactMap->put(ATTACH_MODEL_ENTRY_NAME, attachModel);
                throw IllegalStateException("Unkown ParserType!");

              artifactMap->put(PARSER_TAGGER_MODEL_ENTRY_NAME, parserTagger);

              artifactMap->put(CHUNKER_TAGGER_MODEL_ENTRY_NAME, chunkerTagger);

              artifactMap->put(HEAD_RULES_MODEL_ENTRY_NAME, headRules);

Esempio n. 5
AVMediaType LibavSingleton::findPacketType(const AVFormatContext *formatContext,
        const AVPacket *packet) const {

    if (NULL == formatContext) {

        throw IllegalArgumentException(
                "The supplied format context for findPacketType(AVFormatContext*,AVPacket*) cannot be null.");

    if (NULL == packet) {

        throw IllegalArgumentException(
                "The supplied packet for findPacketType(AVFormatContext*,AVPacket*) cannot be null.");

    int packetIndex = packet->stream_index;
    int streamNumber = formatContext->nb_streams;

    // Check to make sure the packet index isn't out of bounds.
    if (0 <= packetIndex && streamNumber < packetIndex) {

        stringstream errorMessage;

        << "Packet index greater than stream number. Packet index: "
                << packetIndex << " Stream number: "
                << streamNumber << " File name: "
                << formatContext->filename << endl;

        throw IllegalStateException(errorMessage.str());

    return findStreamType(formatContext->streams[packetIndex]);
Esempio n. 6
FeedHandler::tlsPrune(SerialNum oldest_to_keep) {
    if (!_tlsWriter.erase(oldest_to_keep)) {
        throw IllegalStateException(make_string("Failed to prune TLS to token %" PRIu64 ".", oldest_to_keep));
    _prunedSerialNum = oldest_to_keep;
Esempio n. 7
void LibavSingleton::closeFormatContext(AVFormatContext **formatContext) const {

    if (NULL == (*formatContext)) {

        throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot close a NULL AVFormatContext");

    if (0 >= (*formatContext)->nb_streams) {

        throw IllegalStateException(
                "The AVFormatContext does not contain any valid streams");

    AVStream *stream = NULL;

    // Close all the codec contexts within the format context to make sure they
    // are cleaned up.
    for (int i = 0; i < (*formatContext)->nb_streams; i++) {

        stream = (*formatContext)->streams[i];

        if (NULL != stream) avcodec_close(stream->codec);

Esempio n. 8
void HTTPClientSession::setProxyHost(const std::string& host)
	if (!connected())
		_proxyHost = host;
		throw IllegalStateException("Cannot set the proxy host for an already connected session");
TPElement* OpenSSLRSAPermutation::invert(TPElement * tpEl) {
	if (!isKeySet())
		throw IllegalStateException("keys aren't set");
	// If only the public key was set and not the private key - can't do the invert, throw exception.
	if (privKey == NULL && pubKey != NULL) 
		throw InvalidKeyException("in order to decrypt a message, this object must be initialized with private key");
	RSAElement * rsaEl = dynamic_cast<RSAElement *>(tpEl);
	if (!rsaEl)
		throw invalid_argument("trapdoor element type doesn't match the trapdoor permutation type");

	// gets the pointer for the native object.
	biginteger elementP = rsaEl->getElement();
	// Allocate a new byte array to hold the output.
	int size = RSA_size(rsa);
	std::shared_ptr<byte> ret(new byte[size], std::default_delete<byte[]>());

	size_t encodedSize = bytesCount(elementP);
	std::shared_ptr<byte> encodedBi(new byte[encodedSize], std::default_delete<byte[]>());
	encodeBigInteger(elementP, encodedBi.get(), encodedSize);
	string st(encodedBi.get(), encodedBi.get()+encodedSize);

	// invert the RSA permutation on the given bytes.
	int sucess = RSA_private_decrypt(encodedSize, encodedBi.get(), ret.get(), rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);
	biginteger resValue = decodeBigInteger(ret.get(), size);
	// creates and initialize a RSAElement with the result.
	RSAElement * returnEl = new RSAElement(modulus, resValue, false);
	return returnEl; // return the result TPElement.
Esempio n. 10
AVMediaType LibavSingleton::findCodecType(
        const AVCodecContext *codecContext) const {

    if (NULL == codecContext) {

        throw IllegalArgumentException(
                "The supplied codec context for findCodecType(AVCodecContext*) cannot be null.");

    AVMediaType type = codecContext->codec_type;

    // If the type value is within the bounds of the
    // AVMediaType enum then return it.
    // This check is unfortunately tightly coupled to
    // libav version, but I think the benefit of the check
    // out ways the burden of keeping the values in sync
    // with the compiled libav version.
    if (-1 <= type && 5 >= type) return type;

    stringstream errorMessage;

    errorMessage << "Invalid AVMediaType value: "
            << type << endl;

    throw IllegalStateException(errorMessage.str());
Esempio n. 11
Poco::UInt32 ODBCStatementImpl::next()
	std::size_t count = 0;

	if (nextRowReady())
		Extractions& extracts = extractions();
		Extractions::iterator it    = extracts.begin();
		Extractions::iterator itEnd = extracts.end();
		std::size_t prevCount = 0;
		for (std::size_t pos = 0; it != itEnd; ++it)
			count = (*it)->extract(pos);
			if (prevCount && count != prevCount)
				throw IllegalStateException("Different extraction counts");
			prevCount = count;
			pos += (*it)->numOfColumnsHandled();
		_stepCalled = false;
		throw StatementException(_stmt,
			std::string("Iterator Error: trying to access the next value"));

	return static_cast<Poco::UInt32>(count);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 12
 * vislib::sys::ThreadPool::queueUserWorkItem
void vislib::sys::ThreadPool::queueUserWorkItem(WorkItem& workItem,
        const bool createDefaultThreads) {
    /* Sanity checks. */
    if ((workItem.runnable == NULL) && (workItem.runnableFunction == NULL)) {
        throw vislib::IllegalParamException("workItem", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if ((workItem.runnable != NULL) && (workItem.runnableFunction != NULL)) {
        throw vislib::IllegalParamException("workItem", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    /* Add work item to queue. */
    if (this->isQueueOpen) {
        this->evtAllCompleted.Reset();  // Signal unfinished work.
        this->semBlockWorker.Unlock();  // Wake workers.
#ifndef _WIN32
        // Linux has the most crap scheduler I have ever seen ...
#endif /* _WIN32 */
    } else {
        throw IllegalStateException("The user work item queue has been closed, "
            "because the thread pool is being terminated.", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    /* Create threads if requested. */
    if (createDefaultThreads && (this->cntTotalThreads < 1)) {
Esempio n. 13
 FieldComparatorPtr SortField::getComparator(int32_t numHits, int32_t sortPos)
     if (locale)
         return newLucene<StringComparatorLocale>(numHits, field, *locale);
     switch (type)
         case SCORE:
             return newLucene<RelevanceComparator>(numHits);
         case DOC:
             return newLucene<DocComparator>(numHits);
         case SHORT:
         case INT:
             return newLucene<IntComparator>(numHits, field, parser);
         case FLOAT:
         case DOUBLE:
             return newLucene<DoubleComparator>(numHits, field, parser);
         case LONG:
             return newLucene<LongComparator>(numHits, field, parser);
         case BYTE:
             return newLucene<ByteComparator>(numHits, field, parser);
         case CUSTOM:
             return comparatorSource->newComparator(field, numHits, sortPos, reverse);
         case STRING:
             return newLucene<StringOrdValComparator>(numHits, field, sortPos, reverse);
         case STRING_VAL:
             return newLucene<StringValComparator>(numHits, field);
             boost::throw_exception(IllegalStateException(L"Illegal sort type: " + StringUtils::toString(type)));
             return FieldComparatorPtr();
Esempio n. 14
byte* TrapdoorPermutationAbs::hardCoreFunction(TPElement * tpEl) {
	if (!isKeySet())
		throw IllegalStateException("keys aren't set");
	* We use this implementation both in RSA permutation and in Rabin permutation.
	* Thus, We implement it in TrapdoorPermutationAbs and let derived classes override it if needed.
	// gets the element value as byte array
	biginteger elementValue = tpEl->getElement();
	byte* bytesValue=NULL;
	int bytesSize = allocateAndEncodeBigInteger(elementValue, bytesValue);

	// the number of bytes to get the log (N) least significant bits
	double logBits = NumberOfBits(modulus) / 2.0;  //log N bits
	int logBytes = (int)ceil(logBits / 8); //log N bites in bytes

	// if the element length is less than log(N), the return byte[] should be all the element bytes
	int size = min(logBytes, bytesSize);
	byte* leastSignificantBytes = new byte[size];
	// copies the bytes to the output array
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		leastSignificantBytes[i] = bytesValue[bytesSize - size + i];
	return leastSignificantBytes;
Esempio n. 15
void HTTPClientSession::setProxyPort(Poco::UInt16 port)
	if (!connected())
		_proxyPort = port;
		throw IllegalStateException("Cannot set the proxy port number for an already connected session");
 void SegmentInfos::prepareCommit(DirectoryPtr dir)
     TestScope testScope(L"SegmentInfos", L"prepareCommit");
     if (pendingSegnOutput)
         boost::throw_exception(IllegalStateException(L"prepareCommit was already called"));
Esempio n. 17
    void connect() {
        if(redisContext_) {
            throw IllegalStateException("Error redisContext already created");
        redisContext_ = redisAsyncConnect(host_.c_str(), port_);

        if (redisContext_->err) {
            _LOG_DEBUG("REDIS CONNECT FAILED (CREATE ERROR): %s:%d, err = %x, this = %p"
                       , host_.c_str(), port_, redisContext_->err, this);

            //fire_onRedisRequest_Error(redisContext_->err, "connect error", NULL);
            // disconnectCallback() is called later soon..
            // error process will be executed by that function.

        redisContext_->data = this;
        redisLibeventAttach(redisContext_, (struct event_base *)ioService_->coreHandle());
        redisAsyncSetConnectCallback(redisContext_, connectCallback);
        redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(redisContext_, disconnectCallback);

        _LOG_DEBUG("redis connect start : %s:%d, flag = 0x%x, fd = %d, context = %p, this = %p"
                   , host_.c_str(), port_, redisContext_->c.flags, redisContext_->c.fd, redisContext_, this);
Esempio n. 18
void InternalJob::SetUser(bool value)
  //TODO Error Exception Problem IllegalStateException
  if (GetState() != Job::NONE)
    throw IllegalStateException();
  flags = value ? flags | M_USER : flags & ~M_USER;
Esempio n. 19
	    /*MaxValue MaxValue::getMaxValue(BitDepth bitDepth) {
	       switch (bitDepth) {
	       case Unknow:
	       return DoubleUnlimited;
	       case Bit6:
	       return Int6Bit;
	       case Bit8:
	       return Int8Bit;
	       case Bit10:
	       return Int10Bit;
	       case Bit12:
	       return Int12Bit;
	       }; */
	    const MaxValue & MaxValue::getByBit(int bit) {
		foreach(const MaxValue & m, *MaxValueVector) {
		    if (m.bit == bit) {
			return m;
		throw IllegalStateException("");
Esempio n. 20
void HTTPClientSession::setProxy(const std::string& host, uint16_t port) {
    if (!connected()) {
        _proxyHost = host;
        _proxyPort = port;
        throw IllegalStateException("Cannot set the proxy host and port for an already connected session");
Esempio n. 21
void LubyRackoffPrpFromPrfVarying::computeBlock(const vector<byte> & inBytes, int inOff, int inLen, vector<byte>& outBytes, int outOff) {
	if (!isKeySet())
		throw IllegalStateException("secret key isn't set");
	if ((inOff > inBytes.size()) || (inOff + inLen > inBytes.size()))
		throw out_of_range("wrong offset for the given input buffer");
	if ((outOff > outBytes.size()) || (outOff + inLen > outBytes.size()))
		throw out_of_range("wrong offset for the given output buffer");
	if (inLen % 2 != 0) // checks that the input is of even length.
		throw invalid_argument("Length of input must be even");

	int sideSize = inLen / 2; // L in the pseudo code
	vector<byte> * tmpReference = NULL;
	vector<byte> * leftNext = new vector<byte>(sideSize);
	vector<byte> * rightNext = new vector<byte>(sideSize+1);//keeps space for the index. Size of L+1.

	// Let left_current be the first half bits of the input
	vector<byte> * leftCurrent = new vector<byte>(inBytes.begin()+inOff, inBytes.begin() + inOff + sideSize);

	//Let right_current be the last half bits of the input
	vector<byte> * rightCurrent = new vector<byte>(inBytes.begin() + inOff + sideSize, inBytes.begin() + inOff + 2 * sideSize);

	for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
		// Li = Ri-1
		leftNext->insert(rightCurrent->begin(), leftNext->begin(), rightCurrent->begin() + sideSize);

		// put the index in the last position of Ri-1

		// does PRF_VARY_INOUT(k,(Ri-1,i),L) of the pseudocode
		// puts the result in the rightNext array. Later we will XOr it with leftCurrent. Note that the result size is not the entire
		// rightNext array. It is one byte less. The remaining byte will contain the index for the next iteration.
		prfVaryingIOLength->computeBlock(*rightCurrent, 0, rightCurrent->size(), *rightNext, 0, sideSize);

		// does Ri = Li-1 ^ PRF_VARY_INOUT(k,(Ri-1,i),L)  
		// XOR rightNext (which is the resulting PRF computation by now) with leftCurrent.
		for (int j = 0; j<sideSize; j++)
			(*rightNext)[j] = (byte)((*rightNext)[j] ^ (*leftCurrent)[j]);

		//switches between the current and the next for the next round.
		//Note that it is much more readable and straightforward to copy the next arrays into the current arrays.
		//However why copy if we can switch between them and avoid the performance increase by copying. We can not just use assignment 
		//Since both current and next will point to the same memory block and thus changing one will change the other.
		tmpReference = leftCurrent;
		leftCurrent = leftNext;
		leftNext = tmpReference;

		tmpReference = rightCurrent;
		rightCurrent = rightNext;
		rightNext = tmpReference;

	// copies the result to the out array.
	outBytes.insert(outBytes.begin() + outOff, leftCurrent->begin(), leftCurrent->begin() + (inLen / 2));
	outBytes.insert(outBytes.begin() + outOff+inLen/2, rightCurrent->begin(), rightCurrent->begin() + (inLen / 2));

	delete leftCurrent, leftNext, rightCurrent, rightNext; // no need to delete tmpRefernece points to rightNext
Esempio n. 22
 * vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator vislib::net::IPAddress6 *
vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator vislib::net::IPAddress6 *(void) {
    VLSTACKTRACE("IPAgnosticAddress::operator IPAddress6 *", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    if (this->IsV6()) {
        return this->v6;
    } else {
        throw IllegalStateException("The IPAgnosticAddress does not represent "
            "an IPv6 address.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Esempio n. 23
void NetworkTable::AddConnectionListener(IRemoteConnectionListener* listener, bool immediateNotify) {
	map<IRemoteConnectionListener*, NetworkTableConnectionListenerAdapter*>::iterator itr = connectionListenerMap.find(listener);
	if(itr != connectionListenerMap.end()){
		throw IllegalStateException("Cannot add the same listener twice");
		NetworkTableConnectionListenerAdapter* adapter = new NetworkTableConnectionListenerAdapter(this, listener);
		connectionListenerMap[listener] = adapter;
		node.AddConnectionListener(adapter, immediateNotify);
Esempio n. 24
void System::setupPresentation()
	if( _state != SystemState_Integrated )
		throw IllegalStateException( "the system's state is not SystemState_Integrated" );

	_state = SystemState_IntegratingPresentation;

	_modules->updateModules( ModuleState_PresentationIntegrated );

	_state = SystemState_Running;
Esempio n. 25
 * vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator const vislib::net::IPAddress *
vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator const vislib::net::IPAddress *(
        void) const {
    VLSTACKTRACE("IPAgnosticAddress::operator const IPAddress *", __FILE__, 

    if (this->IsV4()) {
        return this->v4;
    } else {
        throw IllegalStateException("The IPAgnosticAddress does not represent "
            "an IPv4 address.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Esempio n. 26
 * vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator []
BYTE vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator [](const int i) const {
    VLSTACKTRACE("IPAgnosticAddress::operator []", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    if (this->IsV4()) {
        return this->v4->operator [](i);

    } else if (this->IsV6()) {
        return this->v6->operator [](i);

    } else {
        throw IllegalStateException("The IPAgnosticAddress has no data to "
            "be accessed.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Esempio n. 27
 * vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator vislib::net::IPAddress
vislib::net::IPAgnosticAddress::operator vislib::net::IPAddress(void) const {
    VLSTACKTRACE("IPAgnosticAddress::operator IPAddress", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    if (this->IsV4()) {
        return *(this->v4);

    } else if (this->IsV6()) {
        return static_cast<IPAddress>(*(this->v6));

    } else {
        throw IllegalStateException("The IPAgnosticAddress cannot be converted "
            "to an IPv4 address.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Esempio n. 28
void PrpFromPrfFixed::computeBlock(const vector<byte> & inBytes, int inOff, int inLen, vector<byte>& outBytes, int outOff, int outLen) {
	if (!isKeySet())
		throw IllegalStateException("secret key isn't set");
	if ((inOff > inBytes.size()) || (inOff + inLen > inBytes.size()))
		throw out_of_range("wrong offset for the given input buffer");
	if ((outOff > outBytes.size()) || (outOff + outLen > outBytes.size()))
		throw out_of_range("wrong offset for the given output buffer");

	// if the input and output length are equal to the blockSize, call the computeBlock that doesn't take length arguments.
	if (inLen == outLen && inLen == getBlockSize())
		computeBlock(inBytes, inOff, outBytes, outOff);
		throw out_of_range("input and output lengths should be equal to Block size");
Esempio n. 29
void PrpFromPrfFixed::invertBlock(const vector<byte> & inBytes, int inOff, vector<byte>& outBytes, int outOff, int len) {
	if (!isKeySet())
		throw IllegalStateException("secret key isn't set");
	if ((inOff > inBytes.size()) || (inOff + len > inBytes.size()))
		throw out_of_range("wrong offset for the given input buffer");
	if ((outOff > outBytes.size()) || (outOff + len > outBytes.size()))
		throw out_of_range("wrong offset for the given output buffer");
	// checks that the offset and length are correct 
	if (len == getBlockSize())//the length is correct
		//call the derived class implementation of invertBlock ignoring len
		invertBlock(inBytes, inOff, outBytes, outOff);
		throw out_of_range("the length should be the same as block size");

Esempio n. 30
void RowFilter::doCompare(Poco::Dynamic::Var& ret,
	Poco::Dynamic::Var& val,
	CompT comp,
	const ComparisonEntry& ce)
	if (ret.isEmpty()) ret = comp(val, ce.get<0>());
		if (ce.get<2>() == OP_OR)
			ret = ret || comp(val, ce.get<0>());
		else if (ce.get<2>() == OP_AND)
			ret = ret && comp(val, ce.get<0>());
			throw IllegalStateException("Unknown logical operation.");