Esempio n. 1
bool ArcDelay::Performance_Processing (Db_File *fh)
	//---- check the subarea polygon ----

	if (subarea_flag) {
		Delay_File *file = (Delay_File *) fh;

		if (!file->Nest ()) {
			int link;
			Node_Data *node_ptr;
			Link_Data *link_ptr;

			link = file->Link ();
			if (link < 0) link = -link;

			link_ptr = link_data.Get (link);
			if (link_ptr == NULL) return (false);

			node_ptr = node_data.Get (link_ptr->Anode ());

			if (!In_Polygon (UnRound (node_ptr->X ()), UnRound (node_ptr->Y ()), &select_subarea.points)) {
				node_ptr = node_data.Get (link_ptr->Bnode ());

				if (!In_Polygon (UnRound (node_ptr->X ()), UnRound (node_ptr->Y ()), &select_subarea.points)) {
					return (false);
	return (Demand_Service::Performance_Processing (fh));
Esempio n. 2
void ArcSnapshot::Set_Subarea (void)
	Link_Itr link_itr;		
	Node_Data *node_ptr;
	for (link_itr = link_array.begin (); link_itr != link_array.end (); link_itr++) {
		node_ptr = &node_array [link_itr->Anode ()];

		if (!In_Polygon (subarea_file, UnRound (node_ptr->X ()), UnRound (node_ptr->Y ()))) {
			node_ptr = &node_array [link_itr->Bnode ()];

			if (!In_Polygon (subarea_file, UnRound (node_ptr->X ()), UnRound (node_ptr->Y ()))) {
				link_itr->Use (0);
Esempio n. 3
bool SubareaNet::Node_Processing (Db_File *fh)
	Node_File *file = (Node_File *) fh;

	//---- reserve memory ----

	if (First_Record ()) {
		if (!node_db.Max_Records (file->Num_Records ())) {
			Error ("Insufficient Memory for Node Database");

	//---- do standard processing ----

	if (Network_Service::Node_Processing (fh)) {

		//---- copy the record to the node database ----

		node_db.Copy_Fields (file);

		if (!node_db.Add_Record ()) {
			Error ("Writing Node Database");

		//---- check the subarea boundary ----

		Node_Data *node_ptr = node_data.New_Record ();

		if (In_Polygon (UnRound (node_ptr->X ()), UnRound (node_ptr->Y ()), &subarea_boundary.points)) {
			node_ptr->Type (1);
		} else {
			node_ptr->Type (0);
		return (true);
	return (false);
Esempio n. 4
bool SubareaNet::Zone_Processing (Db_File *fh)
	static Zone_File *new_file;

	double x, y;

	Zone_File *file = (Zone_File *) fh;

	if (First_Record ()) {
		new_file = (Zone_File *) Network_Db_Base (NEW_ZONE);

	//---- check the ID and output file ----

	if (file->Zone () == 0 || new_file == NULL) return (false);

	//---- check the coordinates ----

	x = file->X ();
	y = file->Y ();

	if (In_Polygon (x, y, &subarea_boundary.points)) {

		//---- copy the fields to the subarea file ----

		new_file->Copy_Fields (file);

		if (!new_file->Write ()) {
			Error ("Writing %s", new_file->File_Type ());
	//---- don't save the record ----

	return (false);
Esempio n. 5
void ArcTraveler::Read_Traveler (void)
	int id_field, veh_field, start_field, end_field, dist_field, ttime_field, speed_field;
	int i, traveler, last_traveler, last_spd, last_time, time, nsaved, link, dir, lane, start_time;
	double distance, ttime, offset, side, speed;
	bool select_flag;

	Link_Data *link_ptr;
	Point_Data points;
	Traveler_Data *data_ptr;

	Show_Message ("Reading %s -- Record", traveler_file.File_Type ());
	Set_Progress (10000);
	select_flag = (travelers.Num_Ranges () > 0);

	id_field = arcview_traveler.Field_Number ("TRAVELER");
	veh_field = arcview_traveler.Field_Number ("VEHICLE");
	start_field = arcview_traveler.Field_Number ("STARTTIME");
	end_field = arcview_traveler.Field_Number ("ENDTIME");
	dist_field = arcview_traveler.Field_Number ("DISTANCE");
	ttime_field = arcview_traveler.Field_Number ("TTIME");
	speed_field = arcview_traveler.Field_Number ("SPEED");

	if (!traveler_data.Max_Records (MIN (traveler_file.Estimate_Records (), 100000))) goto mem_error;

	//---- read and sort the traveler file ----

	while (traveler_file.Read ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		//---- check the traveler id ----

		traveler = traveler_file.Traveler ();

		if (select_flag && !travelers.In_Range (traveler)) continue;

		//---- check the time ----

		time = times.Step (traveler_file.Time ());

		if (time_flag && !times.In_Range (time)) continue;

		//---- check the location ----

		link = traveler_file.Link ();
		dir = traveler_file.Dir ();
		offset = traveler_file.Offset ();
		lane = traveler_file.Lane ();

		if (link == 0 || lane == 0) continue;

		if (subarea_flag) {
			link_ptr = link_data.Get (link);
			if (link_ptr == NULL) continue;

			if (dir == 0) {
				distance = offset;
			} else {
				distance = UnRound (link_ptr->Length ()) - offset;
			Link_Shape (link_ptr, dir, &points, distance, 0.0, 0.0);

			if (!In_Polygon (points [1]->x, points [1]->y, &select_subarea.points)) continue;

		//---- save the data record ----

		data_ptr = traveler_data.New_Record (true);
		if (data_ptr == NULL) goto mem_error;

		data_ptr->Traveler (traveler);
		data_ptr->Time (time);
		data_ptr->Vehicle (traveler_file.Vehicle ());
		data_ptr->Link (link);
		data_ptr->Dir (dir);
		data_ptr->Offset (Round (offset));
		data_ptr->Lane (lane);
		data_ptr->Distance (Round (traveler_file.Distance ()));
		data_ptr->Speed (Round (traveler_file.Speed ()));

		if (!traveler_data.Add ()) goto mem_error;
	End_Progress ();

	Print (2, "Number of Traveler Records Read = %d", Progress_Count ());

	traveler_file.Close ();

	//---- output the selected travelers ----

	Show_Message ("Writing %s -- Record", arcview_traveler.File_Type ());
	Set_Progress (10000);

	last_traveler = last_time = start_time = time = nsaved = 0;
	last_spd = 1;
	distance = ttime = 0.0;

	for (data_ptr = traveler_data.First_Key (); ; data_ptr = traveler_data.Next_Key ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		if (data_ptr != NULL) {
			traveler = data_ptr->Traveler ();
			time = data_ptr->Time ();
		if (traveler != last_traveler || (last_spd > 0 && (time - last_time) > 1) || data_ptr == NULL) {
			if (last_traveler > 0 && last_time > start_time) {
				ttime = last_time - start_time;
				speed = distance / ttime;

				if (speed > 0.01) {
					arcview_traveler.Put_Field (end_field, times.Format_Time (last_time));
					arcview_traveler.Put_Field (dist_field, distance);
					arcview_traveler.Put_Field (ttime_field, ttime);
					arcview_traveler.Put_Field (speed_field, distance / ttime);

					if (!arcview_traveler.Write_Record ()) {
						Error ("Writing ArcView Traveler File");
			if (data_ptr == NULL) break;

			last_traveler = traveler;
			distance = 0;

			arcview_traveler.Put_Field (id_field, traveler);

			last_time = start_time = data_ptr->Time ();
			last_spd = data_ptr->Speed ();

			arcview_traveler.Put_Field (start_field, times.Format_Time (start_time));

			arcview_traveler.points.Reset ();
		if (data_ptr->Vehicle () > 0) {
			arcview_traveler.Put_Field (veh_field, data_ptr->Vehicle ());
		link = data_ptr->Link ();
		dir = data_ptr->Dir ();
		lane = data_ptr->Lane ();
		offset = UnRound (data_ptr->Offset ());
		distance += UnRound (data_ptr->Distance ());
		last_time = time;
		last_spd = data_ptr->Speed ();

		link_ptr = link_data.Get (link);

		side = (2 * lane - 1) * lane_width / 2.0;

		if (dir == 1) offset = UnRound (link_ptr->Length ()) - offset;

		Link_Shape (link_ptr, dir, &points, offset, 0.0, side);

		for (i=1; i <= points.Num_Points (); i++) {
			if (!arcview_traveler.points.Add (points [i])) goto mem_error;
	End_Progress ();

	arcview_traveler.Close ();

	Print (1, "Number of Traveler Records Saved = %d", nsaved);

	Error ("Insufficient Memory for Traveler Data");
Esempio n. 6
void SideFriction::Stop_Delay (void)
	int stop, stops, run, runs, dir, route, period, lane, ln, time;
	int stop_id, offset, low, high, length, start, link_dir, num;
	char buffer [FIELD_BUFFER];

	Stop_Data *stop_ptr;
	Line_Data *line_ptr;
	Link_Data *link_ptr;
	Dir_Data *dir_ptr;
	Offset_Data *offset_ptr;
	Link_Use_Data *use_ptr;

	Show_Message ("Estimate Transit Stop Delay -- Route");
	Set_Progress (100);

	//---- read each route ----

	for (line_ptr = line_data.First_Key (); line_ptr; line_ptr = line_data.Next_Key ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		route = line_ptr->Route ();

		stops = line_ptr->Stops ();
		runs = line_ptr->Runs ();

		if (route_flag) {
			if (!select_routes.In_Range (route)) continue;
		if (!select_modes [line_ptr->Mode ()]) continue;

		for (stop=1; stop <= stops; stop++) {

			stop_id = line_ptr->Stop (stop);

			//---- check for stop in the subarea ----

			if (subarea_flag) {
				offset_ptr = stop_offset.Get (stop_id);
				if (offset_ptr == NULL) continue;

				if (!In_Polygon (offset_ptr->X (), offset_ptr->Y (), &select_subarea.points)) continue;

			//---- find the stop link ----

			stop_ptr = stop_data.Get (stop_id);

			if (stop_ptr == NULL) {
				Warning ("Route %d Stop %d was Not Found", route, line_ptr->Stop (stop));

			link_ptr = link_data.Get (stop_ptr->Link ());

			if (link_ptr == NULL) {
				Warning ("Stop Link %d was Not Found", stop_ptr->Link ());

			if (stop_ptr->Dir () == 0) {
				dir = link_ptr->AB_Dir ();
				offset = stop_ptr->Offset ();
				low = link_ptr->Aoffset ();
				high = link_ptr->Boffset ();
			} else {
				dir = link_ptr->BA_Dir ();
				offset = link_ptr->Length () - stop_ptr->Offset ();
				low = link_ptr->Boffset ();
				high = link_ptr->Aoffset ();
			dir_ptr = dir_data [dir];

			if (dir_ptr == NULL) {
				Warning ("Stop Link %d Direction %d was Not Found", stop_ptr->Link (), stop_ptr->Dir ());
			link_dir = stop_ptr->Link_Dir ();
			lane = dir_ptr->Left () + dir_ptr->Thru ();
			high = link_ptr->Length () - high;

			length = stop_length;
			offset -= length;
			if (offset < low) {
				offset = low;
				if (offset + length > high) length = high - offset;
			} else if (offset + length > high) {
				offset = high - length;
				if (offset < low) {
					offset = low;
					length = high - low;

			//---- add a lane blockage for each run ----

			for (run=1; run < runs; run++) {

				time = Resolve (line_ptr->Schedule (run, stop));

				period = transit_periods.In_Index (time);

				if (period == 0) continue;

				start = time - Resolve (stop_times [period]);
				if (start < 0) start = 0;

				ln = lane;

				if (dir_ptr->TOD_List () > 0) {
					for (num = dir_ptr->TOD_List (); num; num = use_ptr->TOD_List ()) {
						use_ptr = link_use_data [num]; 

						if (use_ptr->Length () > 0) continue;
						if (use_ptr->Low_Lane () > lane || lane > use_ptr->High_Lane ()) continue;
						if (Use_Permission (use_ptr->Use (), BUS)) continue;
						if (use_ptr->End () < Round (start) || use_ptr->Start () > Round (time)) continue;
						ln = use_ptr->Low_Lane () - 1;
				if (ln <= dir_ptr->Left ()) continue;

				new_file->Link (stop_ptr->Link ());
				new_file->Dir (stop_ptr->Dir ());
				new_file->Lane (ln);
				new_file->Use (Use_Code (Use_Code ("BUS")));
				new_file->Type (Restrict_Code (ONLY));
				new_file->Start (time_step.Format_Step (start));
				new_file->End (time_step.Format_Step (time));
				new_file->Offset (UnRound (offset));
				new_file->Length (UnRound (length));

				str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Route %d Stop %d Run %d", route, stop_id, run); 

				new_file->Notes (buffer);

				if (!new_file->Write ()) {
					Error ("Writing %s", new_file->File_Type ());
	End_Progress ();
Esempio n. 7
void ExportPlans::Select_Links (void)
	int new_loc, count;

	Int_Map_Itr map_itr;
	Link_Data *link_ptr;
	Link_Itr link_itr;
	Node_Itr node_itr;
	Node_Data *anode_ptr, *bnode_ptr, *node_ptr;
	Data_Range_Itr range_itr;
	Location_Data *loc_ptr;

	//---- set node selection flag ----

	for (node_itr = node_array.begin (); node_itr != node_array.end (); node_itr++) {
		node_itr->Subarea (0);

		if (select_subarea) {
			if (In_Polygon (subarea_file, UnRound (node_itr->X ()), UnRound (node_itr->Y ()))) node_itr->Subarea (1);
		if (node_itr->Subarea () == 0 && select_nodes) {
			for (range_itr = node_ranges.begin (); range_itr != node_ranges.end (); range_itr++) {
				if (range_itr->In_Range (node_itr->Node ())) {
					node_itr->Subarea (1);

	//---- set link selection flag ----

	for (link_itr = link_array.begin (); link_itr != link_array.end (); link_itr++) {
		link_itr->Divided (0);

		anode_ptr = &node_array [link_itr->Anode ()];
		bnode_ptr = &node_array [link_itr->Bnode ()];

		if (anode_ptr->Subarea () == 1 || bnode_ptr->Subarea () == 1) {
			if (anode_ptr->Subarea () == 1) link_itr->Divided (1);
			if (bnode_ptr->Subarea () == 1) link_itr->Divided (link_itr->Divided () + 2);
			if (anode_ptr->Subarea () == 0) anode_ptr->Subarea (2);
			if (bnode_ptr->Subarea () == 0) bnode_ptr->Subarea (2);

	//---- flag activity locations within the subarea ----

	for (map_itr = location_map.begin (); map_itr != location_map.end (); map_itr++) {
		loc_ptr = &location_array [map_itr->second];

		link_ptr = &link_array [loc_ptr->Link ()];

		if (link_ptr->Divided () != 0) {
			loc_ptr->Zone (1);

			if (zone_loc_flag) {
				zone_loc_file.File () << (String ("%d\t%.2lf\t%.2lf") % loc_ptr->Location () % UnRound (loc_ptr->X ()) % UnRound (loc_ptr->Y ())) << endl;
		} else {
			loc_ptr->Zone (0);

	//---- set the external stations location number ----
	map_itr = --location_map.end ();
	new_loc = map_itr->first;
	new_loc = ((new_loc + 1) / 100 + 1) * 100;
	count = 0;

	for (map_itr = link_map.begin (); map_itr != link_map.end (); map_itr++) {
		link_ptr = &link_array [map_itr->second];

		if (link_ptr->Divided () != 1 && link_ptr->Divided () != 2) continue;

		if (link_ptr->Divided () == 1) {
			node_ptr = &node_array [link_ptr->Bnode ()];
		} else {
			node_ptr = &node_array [link_ptr->Anode ()];
		if (zone_loc_flag) {
			zone_loc_file.File () << (String ("%d\t%.2lf\t%.2lf") % new_loc % UnRound (node_ptr->X ()) % UnRound (node_ptr->Y ())) << endl;
		node_ptr->Control (new_loc++);
	Print (2, "Number of New External Locations = ") << count;
Esempio n. 8
void ZoneData::Read_Zone (void)
	int i, field, id, count, num_in, num_out;
	double dx, dy;

	Db_Index_Array *data;
	Index_Array *polygon;
	Boundary *ptr;

	num_in = num_out = 0;

	//---- read the zone file to count records ----

	Show_Message ("Reading %s -- Record", input_file->File_Type ());
	Set_Progress (1000);

	while (input_file->Read ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		id = input_file->Zone ();
		if (id == 0) continue;

		//---- count the records for the data file -----

		for (i=0; i < num_data_files; i++) {
			data = data_db [i];
			if (data == NULL) continue;

			field = zone_field [i];

			input_file->Get_Field (field, &id);

			if (id <= 0) continue;

			if (data->Get_Record (&id)) {
				data->Get_Field (2, &count);
				data->Put_Field (2, ++count);
				data->Write_Record ();
	input_file->Rewind ();

	//---- copy the zones to the output file ----

	Set_Progress (1000);

	while (input_file->Read ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		id = input_file->Zone ();
		if (id == 0) continue;


		output_file->Copy_Fields (input_file);

		//---- copy standard field types -----

		output_file->Zone (id);
		output_file->X (input_file->X ());
		output_file->Y (input_file->Y ());
		output_file->Area_Type (input_file->Area_Type ());

		//---- set the data field id ----

		if (script_flag) {

			for (i=0; i < num_data_files; i++) {
				data = data_db [i];
				if (data == NULL) continue;

				field = zone_field [i];

				input_file->Get_Field (field, &id);

				if (!data->Get_Record (&id)) {
					data->Reset_Record ();

			//---- set the polygon record index ----

			if (polygon_flag) {
				dx = input_file->X ();
				dy = input_file->Y ();

			for (i=0; i < num_polygons; i++) {
				data = polygon_db [i];
				if (data == NULL) continue;

				polygon = polygons [i];

				//---- find the polygon index ----

				id = 0;

				for (ptr = (Boundary *) polygon->First (); ptr; ptr = (Boundary *) polygon->Next ()) {
					if (In_Polygon (dx, dy, ptr->points)) {
						id = ptr->zone;
				if (!id || !data->Get_Record (&id)) {
					data->Reset_Record ();

			//---- execute the conversion script ----

			if (program.Execute (num_in) == 0) continue;

		//---- save the output fields ----

		if (!output_file->Write ()) {
			Error ("Writing %s Record %d", output_file->File_Type (), id);
	End_Progress ();

	input_file->Close ();
	output_file->Close ();

	Write (2, "Number of Zone Records Read = %d", num_in);
	Write (1, "Number of Zone Records Written = %d", num_out);
Esempio n. 9
void ArcDelay::Read_Link_Data (void)
	int i, center, link, lane, num_lanes, num_rec;
	double length, side, start, width;
	bool offset_flag;

	XYZ_Point point, *ptr;
	Link_Data *link_ptr;
	Node_Data *node_ptr;
	Dir_Data *dir_ptr;

	offset_flag = (link_offset != 0.0);

	Show_Message ("Reading %s -- Record", arcview_link_data.File_Type ());
	Set_Progress (1000);
	num_rec = 0;

	//---- process each link ----

	while (link_data_file.Read ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		//---- get the link ----

		link = link_data_file.Link ();

		link_ptr = link_data.Get (link);

		if (link_ptr == NULL) continue;

		//---- check the subarea polygon ----

		if (subarea_flag) {
			node_ptr = node_data.Get (link_ptr->Anode ());

			if (!In_Polygon (UnRound (node_ptr->X ()), UnRound (node_ptr->Y ()), &select_subarea.points)) {
				node_ptr = node_data.Get (link_ptr->Bnode ());

				if (!In_Polygon (UnRound (node_ptr->X ()), UnRound (node_ptr->Y ()), &select_subarea.points)) {

		//---- copy the data fields ----

		arcview_link_data.Copy_Fields (&link_data_file); ();
		arcview_link_data.points.Reset ();

		//---- bandwidth processing ----

		if (width_flag) {
			arcview_link_data.Get_Field (width_field, &width);
			if (width == 0.0) continue;

			if (width > 0) {
				width = width / width_factor;
			} else {
				width = -width / width_factor;
			if (width < min_width) {
				width = min_width;
			} else if (width > max_width) {
				width = max_width;
			width = -width;

			length = UnRound (link_ptr->Length ());

			//---- get the centerline points ----

			Link_Shape (link_ptr, 0, &points, 0.0, length, 0.0);

			ptr = points.First ();
			point = *ptr;
			if (! (0)) goto mem_error;

			for (; ptr; ptr = points.Next ()) {
				if (!arcview_link_data.points.Add (ptr)) goto point_error;

			//---- get the outside points of the band ----

			Link_Shape (link_ptr, 1, &points, length, length, width);

			if (max_angle > 0 && min_length > 0) {
				Smooth_Shape (&points, max_angle, min_length);

			for (ptr = points.First (); ptr; ptr = points.Next ()) {
				if (!arcview_link_data.points.Add (ptr)) goto point_error;

			//---- close the polygon ----

			if (!arcview_link_data.points.Add (&point)) goto point_error;

		} else {

			//---- draw lanes ----

			if (lanes_flag) {
				if (link_ptr->AB_Dir () > 0) {
					dir_ptr = dir_data [link_ptr->AB_Dir ()];
					if (dir_ptr == NULL) continue;

					length = UnRound (link_ptr->Length ());
					start = UnRound (link_ptr->Aoffset ());
					length -= start + UnRound (link_ptr->Boffset ());

					lane = dir_ptr->Left ();
					num_lanes = dir_ptr->Thru () + lane;

					//---- find the center point ----

					if (center_flag && link_ptr->BA_Dir () == 0) {
						center = num_lanes + dir_ptr->Right () + 1;
					} else {
						center = 1;

					for (++lane; lane <= num_lanes; lane++) {
						side = (2 * lane - center) * lane_width / 2.0;

						Link_Shape (link_ptr, 0, &points, start, length, side);

						if (! (arcview_link_data.points.Num_Points ())) goto mem_error;

						for (i=1; i <= points.Num_Points (); i++) {
							if (!arcview_link_data.points.Add (points [i])) goto mem_error;
				if (link_ptr->BA_Dir () > 0) {
					dir_ptr = dir_data [link_ptr->BA_Dir ()];
					if (dir_ptr == NULL) continue;

					length = UnRound (link_ptr->Length ());
					start = length - UnRound (link_ptr->Boffset ());
					length = start - UnRound (link_ptr->Aoffset ());

					lane = dir_ptr->Left ();
					num_lanes = dir_ptr->Thru () + lane;

					//---- find the center point ----

					if (center_flag && link_ptr->AB_Dir () == 0) {
						center = num_lanes + dir_ptr->Right () + 1;
					} else {
						center = 1;

					for (++lane; lane <= num_lanes; lane++) {
						side = (2 * lane - center) * lane_width / 2.0;

						Link_Shape (link_ptr, 1, &points, start, length, side);

						if (! (arcview_link_data.points.Num_Points ())) goto mem_error;

						for (i=1; i <= points.Num_Points (); i++) {
							if (!arcview_link_data.points.Add (points [i])) goto mem_error;

			} else {

				if (offset_flag) {

					//---- draw link in AB direction ----

					if (link_ptr->AB_Dir () > 0) {
						if (center_flag && link_ptr->BA_Dir () == 0) {
							side = 0.0;
						} else {
							side = link_offset;
						Link_Shape (link_ptr, 0, &points, 0.0, -1.0, side);

						if (! (0)) goto mem_error;

						for (i=1; i <= points.Num_Points (); i++) {
							if (!arcview_link_data.points.Add (points [i])) goto mem_error;

					//---- draw link in BA direciton ----

					if (link_ptr->BA_Dir () > 0) {
						if (center_flag && link_ptr->AB_Dir () == 0) {
							side = 0.0;
						} else {
							side = link_offset;
						Link_Shape (link_ptr, 1, &points, -1.0, -1.0, side);

						if (! (arcview_link_data.points.Num_Points ())) goto mem_error;

						for (i=1; i <= points.Num_Points (); i++) {
							if (!arcview_link_data.points.Add (points [i])) goto mem_error;

				} else {
					//---- draw centerline -----

					if (! (0)) goto mem_error;

					Link_Shape (link_ptr, 0, &arcview_link_data.points);

		//---- save the link record ----

		if (!arcview_link_data.Write_Record ()) {
			Error ("Writing %s", arcview_link_data.File_Type ());
	End_Progress ();
	arcview_link_data.Close ();

	Print (2, "Number of Arcview Link Data Records = %d", num_rec);

	Error ("Insufficient Memory for %d Points", arcview_link_data.points.Num_Points ());

	Error ("Insufficient Memory for Link Shape Points");
Esempio n. 10
bool TripPrep::Trip_Check (int hhold, int origin, int destination, int start, int end, int mode, int purpose, int vehicle)
	int org, des, period, start_period, end_period;

	Location_Data *loc_ptr;
	Factor_Data *factor_ptr;
	Vehicle_Data *veh_ptr;

	//---- household selection ----

	if (traveler_flag) {
		if (!traveler_range.In_Range (hhold)) return (false);

	//---- mode selection -----

	if (mode < 0 || mode >= MAX_MODE) {
		Warning ("Mode %d is Out of Range (0..%d)", mode, MAX_MODE-1);
		return (false);
	if (!trip_mode [mode]) return (false);

	//---- purpose selection ----

	if (purpose_flag) {
		if (!purpose_range.In_Range (purpose)) return (false);

	//---- get the mid trip time ----

	start_period = time_periods.In_Index (start);
	end_period = time_periods.In_Index (end);

	period = time_periods.In_Index ((start + end + 1) / 2);

	if (period == 0) {
		period = start_period;

		if (period == 0) {
			period = end_period;
	if (period == 0) return (false);

	//---- set the origin ----

	if (location_flag && origin >= 0 && destination >= 0) {
		loc_ptr = location_data.Get (origin);

		if (loc_ptr == NULL) {
			if (origin != 0) {
				Warning ("Location %d was Not Found in the Location File", origin);
			return (false);
		if (select_org_flag) {
			if (!In_Polygon (UnRound (loc_ptr->X ()), UnRound (loc_ptr->Y ()), &select_origin.points)) return (false);
		org = loc_ptr->Zone ();

		if (org_zone_flag) {
			if (!org_zone_range.In_Range (org)) return (false);

		//---- set the destination ----

		loc_ptr = location_data.Get (destination);

		if (loc_ptr == NULL) {
			if (destination != 0) {
				Warning ("Location %d was Not Found in the Location File", destination);
			return (false);
		if (select_des_flag) {
			if (!In_Polygon (UnRound (loc_ptr->X ()), UnRound (loc_ptr->Y ()), &select_destination.points)) return (false);
		des = loc_ptr->Zone ();

		if (des_zone_flag) {
			if (!des_zone_range.In_Range (des)) return (false);

		//---- apply the probability factor ----

		if (factor_flag) {
			if (zone_equiv_flag) {
				origin = zone_equiv.Zone_Group (org);
				destination = zone_equiv.Zone_Group (des);
			} else {
				origin = org;
				destination = des;
			factor_ptr = factor_data.Get (origin, destination, time_equiv.Period ((start + end + 1) / 2));

			if (factor_ptr != NULL) {
				if (!factor_ptr->Bucket_Factor (1.0)) return (false);

	//---- apply selection percentage ----

	if (prob_flag) {
		if (random2.Probability () > probability) return (false);

	//---- add vehicle to the list ----

	if (vehicle > 0) {

		//---- synthetic OD data ----

		if (synod_flag) {
			veh_ptr = vehicle_data.Get (vehicle);

			//---- process trucks ----

			if (veh_ptr->Type () == 2) {
				org_target [org] -= 1;
				des_target [des] -= 1;
				if (org_target [org] < 0) org_target [org] = 0.0;
				if (des_target [des] < 0) des_target [des] = 0.0;
			} else {
				if (hhold_range.In_Range (veh_ptr->Household ())) {
					veh_count [org] [des] += 1;
					next_veh [vehicle_data.Record_Index ()] = first_veh [org] [des];
					first_veh [org] [des] = vehicle_data.Record_Index ();
		if (vehicle_list.Get_Index (vehicle) == 0) {
			if (!vehicle_list.Add (vehicle)) {
				Error ("Adding Vehicle %d to the List", vehicle);
	return (true);
Esempio n. 11
void LocationData::Write_Location (void)
	int index, field, loc, num_in, num_out;
	int x, y, zone, zone_field, join;
	double dx, dy, weight, weight1, weight2, distance;
	Dtime time;

	Db_Sort_Array *data;
	Location_Data *location_ptr;
	Link_Data *link_ptr;
	Loc_Walk_Data *loc_walk_ptr;
	Subzone_Data *subzone_ptr;
	Sub_Group_Itr sub_itr;
	Data_Itr data_itr;
	Points_Map_Itr boundary_itr;
	Points_Map *polygon;
	Polygon_Itr poly_itr;
	Int2_Key key, key2;
	Int2_Map_Itr int2_itr;
	Int_Map_Itr int_itr;
	I2_Dbl_Map_Itr wt_itr;
	Int_Dbl_Map_Itr loc_itr;
	Int_Itr fld_itr, code_itr;

	num_in = num_out = 0;

	//---- reopen the activity location file ----

	input_file->Open (0);
	zone_field = input_file->Zone_Field ();

	Show_Message (String ("Writing %s -- Record") % output_file->File_Type ());
	Set_Progress ();

	while (input_file->Read ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		loc = input_file->Location ();
		if (loc == 0) continue;
		int_itr = location_map.find (loc);
		index = int_itr->second;
		location_ptr = &location_array [index];


		output_file->Copy_Fields (*input_file);

		//---- copy standard field types -----

		output_file->Location (loc);
		output_file->Link (input_file->Link ());
		output_file->Dir (input_file->Dir ());
		output_file->Offset (input_file->Offset ());
		output_file->Setback (input_file->Setback ());

		//---- get the zone number ----

		zone = location_ptr->Zone ();

		if (zone_file_flag && zone >= 0) {
			zone = zone_array [zone].Zone ();
		output_file->Zone (zone);

		//---- set the link use flag field ----

		if (use_flag) {
			int_itr = link_map.find (output_file->Link ());
			if (int_itr != link_map.end ()) {
				link_ptr = &link_array [int_itr->second];

				code_itr = use_code.begin ();

				for (fld_itr = use_field.begin (); fld_itr != use_field.end (); fld_itr++, code_itr++) {
					if ((link_ptr->Use () & (*code_itr)) > 0) {
						output_file->Put_Field (*fld_itr, 1);
					} else {
						output_file->Put_Field (*fld_itr, 0);

		//---- calculate the walk access field ----

		if (walk_access_flag) {
			loc_walk_ptr = &loc_walk_array [index];

			output_file->Put_Field (walk_access_field, loc_walk_ptr->weight);

		//---- calculate the subzone fields ----

		for (sub_itr = sub_group.begin (); sub_itr != sub_group.end (); sub_itr++) {
			if (sub_itr->loc_field < 0) continue;

			output_file->Put_Field (sub_itr->loc_field, 0);

			//---- allocate subzone data ----

			if (subzone_map_flag) {
				loc_itr = sub_itr->loc_weight.find (loc);
				if (loc_itr != sub_itr->loc_weight.end ()) {
					weight = loc_itr->second;
				} else {
					weight = 0;
			} else if (sub_itr->max_distance == 0) {
				weight = 0;

				key.first = zone;
				key.second = 0;

				for (int2_itr = sub_itr->data_map.lower_bound (key); int2_itr != sub_itr->data_map.end (); int2_itr++) {
					if (int2_itr->first.first != zone) break;

					subzone_ptr = &sub_itr->data [int2_itr->second];
					if (subzone_ptr->Data () == 0) continue;

					key2.first = int2_itr->first.second;
					key2.second = loc;

					wt_itr = subzone_weight.find (key2);

					if (wt_itr != subzone_weight.end () && subzone_ptr->Data () > 0) {
						weight += subzone_ptr->Data () * wt_itr->second;
				if (weight < 0) weight = 0;

			} else {

				//---- distance weighted attribute ----

				x = location_ptr->X ();
				y = location_ptr->Y ();

				weight1 = weight2 = 0;

				key.first = zone;
				key.second = 0;

				for (int2_itr = sub_itr->data_map.lower_bound (key); int2_itr != sub_itr->data_map.end (); int2_itr++) {
					if (int2_itr->first.first != zone) break;

					subzone_ptr = &sub_itr->data [int2_itr->second];

					dx = UnRound (subzone_ptr->X () - x);
					dy = UnRound (subzone_ptr->Y () - y);

					distance = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);

					if (distance < sub_itr->max_distance) {
						weight = subzone_ptr->Data () * (sub_itr->max_distance - distance);
						if (weight > weight1) {
							weight2 = weight1;
							weight1 = weight;
						} else if (weight > weight2) {
							weight2 = weight;
				weight = (weight1 + weight2) / 2.0;
			output_file->Put_Field (sub_itr->loc_field, weight);

		//---- set the data field id ----

		if (script_flag) {
			for (data_itr = data_group.begin (); data_itr != data_group.end (); data_itr++) {
				data = data_itr->data_db;
				field = data_itr->loc_field;

				if (field == zone_field) {
					join = zone;
				} else {
					join = input_file->Get_Integer (field);
				if (!data->Read_Record (join)) {
					data->Reset_Record ();

			//---- set the polygon record index ----

			if (polygon_flag) {
				dx = UnRound (location_ptr->X ());
				dy = UnRound (location_ptr->Y ());
				for (poly_itr = polygons.begin (); poly_itr != polygons.end (); poly_itr++) {
					data = poly_itr->data_db;
					polygon = &poly_itr->polygon;

					join = 0;

					for (boundary_itr = polygon->begin (); boundary_itr != polygon->end (); boundary_itr++) {
						if (In_Polygon (boundary_itr->second, dx, dy)) {
							join = boundary_itr->first;
					if (join == 0 || !data->Read_Record (join)) {
						data->Reset_Record ();

			//---- execute the conversion script ----

			if (program.Execute (num_in) == 0) continue;

		//---- save the output fields ----

		if (!output_file->Write ()) {
			Error (String ("Writing %s Record %d") % output_file->File_Type () % loc);
	End_Progress ();

	input_file->Close ();
	output_file->Close ();