int CUndoMotion::ClearData() { DestroyObjs(); InitParams(); return 0; }
int main() { InitParams(); InitRad(¶ms); DoRad(); CleanUpRad(); }
CMultiWave::CMultiWave( int srcflag3d, int srcreverbflag ) { InitParams(); flag3d = srcflag3d; flagreverb = srcreverbflag; }
HRESULT CParamsManager::CopyParamsFromSource( CParamsManager * pSource) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwIndex; for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < m_cTimeFormats; dwIndex++) { if (pSource->m_guidCurrentTimeFormat == m_pguidTimeFormats[dwIndex]) { break; } } hr = InitParams(pSource->m_cTimeFormats, pSource->m_pguidTimeFormats, dwIndex, pSource->m_mptdCurrentTimeData, pSource->m_cParams,pSource->m_pParamInfos); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < m_cParams; dwIndex++) { CCurveItem *pCurve = pSource->m_pCurveLists[dwIndex].GetHead(); for (;pCurve;pCurve = pCurve->GetNext()) { CCurveItem *pNew = new CCurveItem; if (!pNew) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pNew->m_Envelope = pCurve->m_Envelope; m_pCurveLists[dwIndex].AddTail(pNew); } } } return hr; }
cRenderQueue::cRenderQueue(cImage *_image, RenderedImage *widget) : QObject() { image = _image; imageWidget = widget; queuePar = new cParameterContainer; queueParFractal = new cFractalContainer; queueAnimFrames = new cAnimationFrames; queueKeyframes = new cKeyframes; queuePar->SetContainerName("main"); InitParams(queuePar); for(int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_FRACTALS; i++) { queueParFractal->at(i).SetContainerName(QString("fractal") + QString::number(i)); InitFractalParams(&queueParFractal->at(i)); } queueFlightAnimation = new cFlightAnimation(gMainInterface, queueAnimFrames, image, imageWidget, queuePar, queueParFractal, this); queueKeyframeAnimation = new cKeyframeAnimation(gMainInterface, queueKeyframes, image, imageWidget, queuePar, queueParFractal, this); QObject::connect(queueFlightAnimation, SIGNAL(updateProgressAndStatus(const QString&, const QString&, double, cProgressText::enumProgressType)), this, SIGNAL(updateProgressAndStatus(const QString&, const QString&, double, cProgressText::enumProgressType))); QObject::connect(queueFlightAnimation, SIGNAL(updateProgressHide(cProgressText::enumProgressType)), this, SIGNAL(updateProgressHide(cProgressText::enumProgressType))); QObject::connect(queueFlightAnimation, SIGNAL(updateStatistics(cStatistics)), this, SIGNAL(updateStatistics(cStatistics))); QObject::connect(queueKeyframeAnimation, SIGNAL(updateProgressAndStatus(const QString&, const QString&, double, cProgressText::enumProgressType)), this, SIGNAL(updateProgressAndStatus(const QString&, const QString&, double, cProgressText::enumProgressType))); QObject::connect(queueKeyframeAnimation, SIGNAL(updateProgressHide(cProgressText::enumProgressType)), this, SIGNAL(updateProgressHide(cProgressText::enumProgressType))); QObject::connect(queueKeyframeAnimation, SIGNAL(updateStatistics(cStatistics)), this, SIGNAL(updateStatistics(cStatistics))); }
H223LowerLayer::H223LowerLayer(int32 aPortTag, TPVLoopbackMode aLoopbackMode) : PvmfPortBaseImpl(aPortTag, this), OsclTimerObject(OsclActiveObject::EPriorityHigh, "H223AO"), iTimerIntervalNum(0), iMinTimerResolution(TIMER_RES), iObserver(NULL), iMemFragmentAlloc(NULL), iDispatchPacketAlloc(NULL), iMediaDataImplMemAlloc(NULL), iMediaMsgPoolAlloc(NULL), iSendPduSz(0), iPduSize(H223_DEFAULT_PDU_SIZE), iStuffingSize(0), iTimer("H223LL"), iLoopbackMode(aLoopbackMode), iTimerCnt(0), iBytesSent(0), iMediaDataAlloc(&iMemAlloc), iLogger(NULL), iDemuxBuffer(NULL), iDemuxBufferPos(NULL), iIdleSyncCheckBuffer(NULL) { iLogger = PVLogger::GetLoggerObject("3g324m.h223.lowerlayer"); AddToScheduler(); InitParams(); ResetStats(); }
TV::TV(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned coils, unsigned frames, BaseOperator *mrOp) : PDRecon(width, height, 0, coils, frames, mrOp) { InitParams(); InitTempVectors(); }
mfxStatus QSV_Encoder_Internal::Open(qsv_param_t * pParams) { mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE; if (m_bUseD3D11) // Use D3D11 surface sts = Initialize(m_impl, m_ver, &m_session, &m_mfxAllocator); else // Use system memory sts = Initialize(m_impl, m_ver, &m_session, NULL); MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, sts); m_pmfxENC = new MFXVideoENCODE(m_session); InitParams(pParams); sts = m_pmfxENC->Query(&m_mfxEncParams, &m_mfxEncParams); MSDK_IGNORE_MFX_STS(sts, MFX_WRN_INCOMPATIBLE_VIDEO_PARAM); MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, sts); sts = AllocateSurfaces(); MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, sts); sts = m_pmfxENC->Init(&m_mfxEncParams); MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, sts); sts = GetVideoParam(); MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, sts); sts = InitBitstream(); MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, sts); return sts; }
int CCameraAnim::DestroyObjs() { int camno; for( camno = 0; camno < CAMERANUMMAX; camno++ ){ CCameraKey* delck = m_firstkey[ camno ]; CCameraKey* nextck = 0; while( delck ){ nextck = delck->next; delete delck; delck = nextck; } } CCameraSWKey* delcswk = m_firstsw; CCameraSWKey* nextcswk = 0; while( delcswk ){ nextcswk = delcswk->next; delete delcswk; delcswk = nextcswk; } InitParams(); return 0; }
bool APerlinNoise2D::Init(int nBufferWidth, int nBufferHeight, float vAmplitude, int nWaveLength, float vPersistence, int nOctaveNum, ADWORD dwRandSeed) { // First try to release old resource; Release(); int i, x, y, k; m_dwSeed = dwRandSeed; // generate loop back smoothed random buffer if( nBufferWidth <= 0 || nBufferHeight <= 0 ) return false; m_nBufferWidth = nBufferWidth; m_nBufferHeight = nBufferHeight; float * pValues = (float *) a_malloc(sizeof(float) * m_nBufferWidth * m_nBufferHeight); if( NULL == pValues ) return false; m_pValues = (NOISEVALUE *) a_malloc(sizeof(NOISEVALUE) * m_nBufferWidth * m_nBufferHeight); if( NULL == m_pValues ) return false; for(k=0; k<3; k++) { // First create random number buffer; for(i=0; i<m_nBufferWidth * m_nBufferHeight; i++) pValues[i] = RandFloat(); // Now smooth the random number buffer; for(x=0; x<m_nBufferWidth; x++) { for(y=0; y<m_nBufferHeight; y++) { int n = y * m_nBufferWidth + x; int nLastX, nNextX, nLastY, nNextY; nLastX = x - 1; if( nLastX < 0 ) nLastX += m_nBufferWidth; nNextX = x + 1; if( nNextX >= m_nBufferWidth ) nNextX -= m_nBufferWidth; nLastY = y - 1; if( nLastY < 0 ) nLastY += m_nBufferHeight; nNextY = y + 1; if( nNextY >= m_nBufferHeight ) nNextY -= m_nBufferHeight; #define NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(x, y) (pValues[(y) * m_nBufferWidth + (x)]) m_pValues[n].v[k] = 1.0f / 16.0f * (NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(nLastX, nLastY) + NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(nLastX, nNextY) + NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(nNextX, nLastY) + NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(nNextX, nNextY)) + 1.0f / 8.0f * (NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(x, nLastY) + NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(x, nNextY) + NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(nLastX, y) + NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(nNextX, y)) + 1.0f / 4.0f * (NOISEVALUEFUNC2D(x, y)); } } } a_free(pValues); return InitParams(vAmplitude, nWaveLength, vPersistence, nOctaveNum); }
/** * Sets its default value for each benchmark parameter for the GenBench function. * * @param PB a pointer to a structure containing benchmark parameters for this session */ static void InitParamsGB (UflipParams *PB) { InitParams (PB); strcpy (PB->expPlan, "ExpPlan.txt"); strcpy (PB->expSelect, "ExpSel.txt"); strcpy (PB->outName, "Bench"SCRIPT_EXTENSION); }
CSndAnim::CSndAnim( char* srcname, int srcmotkind ) { InitParams(); if( srcname && *srcname ){ strcpy_s( m_animname, 256, srcname ); } m_motkind = srcmotkind; }
void Particles::Init() { glBindVertexArray(arrayObject); InitParams(); InitMemory(); InitParticle(); glBindVertexArray(0); }
int CMeshInfo::ResetParams() { int ret; DestroyObjs(); InitParams(); ret = CreateObjs(); return ret; }
CMeshInfo::CMeshInfo() { int ret; InitParams(); ret = CreateObjs(); if( ret ) isinit = 0; }
int CRdbIniFile::DestroyObjs() { CXMLIO::DestroyObjs(); InitParams(); return 0; }
int CSndAnim::DestroyObjs() { DestroyAllKeys(); DestroyFrameData(); InitParams(); return 0; }
void PreviewFileDialog::OnCurrentChanged(const QString & _filename) { filename = _filename; QPixmap pixmap; if (QFileInfo(filename).suffix() == QString("fract") && checkbox->isChecked()) { thumbWidget->show(); preview->hide(); cSettings parSettings(cSettings::formatFullText); parSettings.BeQuiet(true); if (parSettings.LoadFromFile(filename)) { progressBar->show(); cParameterContainer *par = new cParameterContainer; cFractalContainer *parFractal = new cFractalContainer; InitParams(par); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_FRACTALS; i++) InitFractalParams(&parFractal->at(i)); /****************** TEMPORARY CODE FOR MATERIALS *******************/ InitMaterialParams(1, par); /*******************************************************************/ if (parSettings.Decode(par, parFractal)) { thumbWidget->AssignParameters(*par, *parFractal); thumbWidget->update(); } else { preview->setText(" "); info->setText(" "); } delete par; delete parFractal; } } else { thumbWidget->hide(); preview->show(); pixmap.load(filename); if (pixmap.isNull() || !checkbox->isChecked()) { preview->setText(" "); info->setText(" "); } else { preview->setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(200, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); QString text = QString::number(pixmap.width()) + QString(" x ") + QString::number(pixmap.height()); info->setText(text); } } }
void CVecLine::ResetParams() { // destroy DestroyObjs(); // init InitParams(); }
/** * Sets its default value for each benchmark parameter for the SeqFormat function. * * @param PB a pointer to a structure containing benchmark parameters for this session */ static void InitParamsSF (UflipParams *PB) { InitParams (PB); PB->microBenchID = 0; /* Not really a micro bench */ PB->expID = 7; /* Exp 1 to 5 (3 times) allow determining startup, period, iocount */ PB->runID = 1; /* Only one run ! */ strcpy (PB->comment, "SQF"); }
MEPdfPartialB::MEPdfPartialB(RooRealVar *m_de, RooRealVar *m_mbc, const int mode, const int h0mode){ cout << "MEPdfPartialB constructor..." << endl; de = m_de; mbc = m_mbc; cuts = new MyParams(); ggflag = h0mode == 10 ? true : false; m_mode = mode; m_h0mode = h0mode; InitParams(mode,h0mode); FixAll(); cout << "MEPdfPartialB constructor done." << endl; }
void SetCurrentSystemState(wmx_SystemState_t systemState) { g_ndsWrapper_systemState = systemState; // Init the local params when we are in Initialized state if (systemState == Initialized) { InitParams(); } }
//////////////////////////////// // CExtruede //////////////////////////////// CExtrude::CExtrude() { int ret; InitParams(); ret = CreateObjs(); if( ret ){ DbgOut( "charpos2.cpp : CExtrude::CExtrude : CreateObj error !!!\n" ); isinit = 0; } }
int CLWOvmadelem::DestroyData() { if( valueptr ){ free( valueptr ); valueptr = 0; } InitParams(); return 0; }
CRevolved::CRevolved() { int ret; InitParams(); ret = CreateObjs(); if( ret ){ DbgOut( "planes.cpp : CRevolved::CRevolved : CreateObj error !!!\n" ); isinit = 0; } }
////////////////////////// // CPolygon ////////////////////////// CPolygon::CPolygon() { int ret; InitParams(); ret = CreateObjs(); if( ret ){ DbgOut( "charpos2.cpp : CPolygon::CPolygon : CreateObj error !!!\n" ); isinit = 0; } }
void Test::renderExamples() { // this renders all example files in a resolution of 5x5 px // and benchmarks the runtime QString examplePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(systemData.sharedDir + QDir::separator() + "examples"); QDirIterator it(examplePath, QStringList() << "*.fract", QDir::Files); cParameterContainer *testPar = new cParameterContainer; cFractalContainer *testParFractal = new cFractalContainer; cAnimationFrames *testAnimFrames = new cAnimationFrames; cKeyframes *testKeyframes = new cKeyframes; testPar->SetContainerName("main"); InitParams(testPar); /****************** TEMPORARY CODE FOR MATERIALS *******************/ InitMaterialParams(1, testPar); /*******************************************************************/ for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_FRACTALS; i++) { testParFractal->at(i).SetContainerName(QString("fractal") + QString::number(i)); InitFractalParams(&testParFractal->at(i)); } bool stopRequest = false; cImage *image = new cImage(testPar->Get<int>("image_width"), testPar->Get<int>("image_height")); cRenderingConfiguration config; config.DisableRefresh(); config.DisableProgressiveRender(); while (it.hasNext()) { QString filename =; cSettings parSettings(cSettings::formatFullText); parSettings.BeQuiet(true); parSettings.LoadFromFile(filename); parSettings.Decode(testPar, testParFractal, testAnimFrames, testKeyframes); testPar->Set("image_width", 5); testPar->Set("image_height", 5); cRenderJob *renderJob = new cRenderJob(testPar, testParFractal, image, &stopRequest); renderJob->Init(cRenderJob::still, config); QVERIFY2(renderJob->Execute(), "example render failed."); delete renderJob; } delete image; delete testKeyframes; delete testAnimFrames; delete testParFractal; delete testPar; }
int CBBox::TransformOnlyWorld( CBBox* srcbbx, D3DXMATRIX* matWorld ) { D3DXVECTOR3 befvert[8]; befvert[0] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->maxx, srcbbx->maxy, srcbbx->maxz ); befvert[1] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->maxx, srcbbx->miny, srcbbx->maxz ); befvert[2] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->minx, srcbbx->miny, srcbbx->maxz ); befvert[3] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->minx, srcbbx->maxy, srcbbx->maxz ); befvert[4] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->maxx, srcbbx->maxy, srcbbx->minz ); befvert[5] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->maxx, srcbbx->miny, srcbbx->minz ); befvert[6] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->minx, srcbbx->miny, srcbbx->minz ); befvert[7] = D3DXVECTOR3( srcbbx->minx, srcbbx->maxy, srcbbx->minz ); D3DXVECTOR3 aftvert[8]; InitParams();//!!!!!!!!! int vno; float x, y, z; for( vno = 0; vno < 8; vno++ ){ D3DXVec3TransformCoord( aftvert + vno, befvert + vno, matWorld ); x = aftvert[vno].x; y = aftvert[vno].y; z = aftvert[vno].z; if( x < minx ){ minx = x; } if( x > maxx ){ maxx = x; } if( y < miny ){ miny = y; } if( y > maxy ){ maxy = y; } if( z < minz ){ minz = z; } if( z > maxz ){ maxz = z; } } setflag = 1; return 0; }
CCameraAnim::CCameraAnim( char* srcname, int srcmotkind, CAMERAELEM* defcamptr, int* definterptr ) { InitParams(); if( srcname && *srcname ){ strcpy_s( m_animname, 256, srcname ); }else{ ZeroMemory( m_animname, sizeof( char ) * 256 ); } m_motkind = srcmotkind; m_defcamptr = defcamptr; m_definterptr = definterptr; }
BOOL CStroeSet::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); m_iOptFlag = 0; //读取 InitKeyMap(); InitParams(); InitListCtrl(); //初始化配置 InitSqlCombo(); GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_OPTTYPE)->MoveWindow(80,15,150,300); m_iOptFlag = 0; m_ComboSql.SetCurSel(0); InitSqlString(); return TRUE; }