Esempio n. 1
    /* [in] */ AbstractPreferences* parent,
    /* [in] */ const String& name)
    : AbstractPreferences(parent, name)
    mPath = ((FilePreferencesImpl*) parent)->mPath + CFile::sSeparator + name;
Esempio n. 2
    /* [in] */ const String& path,
    /* [in] */ Boolean isUserNode)
    : AbstractPreferences(NULL, String(""))
    , mPath(path)
    mUserNode = isUserNode;
Esempio n. 3
 :	BApplication(APP_SIG)
	gDeviceRoster = new DeviceRoster;
	fMainWindow = NewWindow();
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
    InitLocale("System/Prefs/IControl.catalog", 1);
    InitPrefs((STRPTR)args[ARG_FROM], (args[ARG_USE] ? TRUE : FALSE), (args[ARG_SAVE] ? TRUE : FALSE));

    return 0;
main(int32_t argc, char *argv[])
    if (test_common_init(&argc, &argv) != 0)
        return -1;

    bool allTestsPassed = true;

    ScopedXPCOM xpcom;
    if (NS_FAILED(xpcom.rv))
      return -1;

      nsresult rv0;

      nsCOMPtr<nsICookieService> cookieService =
        do_GetService(kCookieServiceCID, &rv0);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv0)) return -1;

      nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch =
        do_GetService(kPrefServiceCID, &rv0);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv0)) return -1;


      bool rv[20];
      nsCString cookie;

      /* The basic idea behind these tests is the following:
       * we set() some cookie, then try to get() it in various ways. we have
       * several possible tests we perform on the cookie string returned from
       * get():
       * a) check whether the returned string is null (i.e. we got no cookies
       *    back). this is used e.g. to ensure a given cookie was deleted
       *    correctly, or to ensure a certain cookie wasn't returned to a given
       *    host.
       * b) check whether the returned string exactly matches a given string.
       *    this is used where we want to make sure our cookie service adheres to
       *    some strict spec (e.g. ordering of multiple cookies), or where we
       *    just know exactly what the returned string should be.
       * c) check whether the returned string contains/does not contain a given
       *    string. this is used where we don't know/don't care about the
       *    ordering of multiple cookies - we just want to make sure the cookie
       *    string contains them all, in some order.
       * the results of each individual testing operation from CheckResult() is
       * stored in an array of bools, which is then checked against the expected
       * outcomes (all successes), by PrintResult(). the overall result of all
       * tests to date is kept in |allTestsPassed|, for convenient display at the
       * end.
       * Interpreting the output:
       * each setting/getting operation will print output saying exactly what
       * it's doing and the outcome, respectively. this information is only
       * useful for debugging purposes; the actual result of the tests is
       * printed at the end of each block of tests. this will either be "all
       * tests passed" or "tests X Y Z failed", where X, Y, Z are the indexes
       * of rv (i.e. zero-based). at the conclusion of all tests, the overall
       * passed/failed result is printed.
       * NOTE: this testsuite is not yet comprehensive or complete, and is
       * somewhat contrived - still under development, and needs improving!

      // *** basic tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning basic tests...\n");

      // test some basic variations of the domain & path
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=basic", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=basic");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=basic");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=basic; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 7) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** domain tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning domain tests...\n");

      // test some variations of the domain & path, for different domains of
      // a domain cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[10] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[11] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[12] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=domain;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[13] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=taco; path=\"/bogus\"", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[14] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=taco");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=taco; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[15] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 16) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** path tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning path tests...\n");

      // test some variations of the domain & path, for different paths of
      // a path cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path/; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // note that a site can set a cookie for a path it's not on.
      // this is an intentional deviation from spec (see comments in
      // nsCookieService::CheckPath()), so we test this functionality too
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/foo/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[10] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[11] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/foo/; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[12] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // bug 373228: make sure cookies with paths longer than 1024 bytes,
      // and cookies with paths or names containing tabs, are rejected.
      // the following cookie has a path > 1024 bytes explicitly specified in the cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[13] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie has a path > 1024 bytes implicitly specified by the uri path
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[14] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie includes a tab in the path
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=path; path=/foo\tbar/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "\tbar/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[15] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie includes a tab in the name
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test\ttabs=tab", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[16] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie includes a tab in the value - allowed
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=tab\ttest", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[17] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=tab\ttest");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=tab\ttest; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[18] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 19) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** expiry & deletion tests
      // XXX add server time str parsing tests here
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning expiry & deletion tests...\n");

      // test some variations of the expiry time,
      // and test deletion of previously set cookies
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=bad", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=\"Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=\"Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT\"", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=-20", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "newtest=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[10] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=expiry");
      rv[11] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "newtest=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=differentvalue; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[12] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "newtest=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "newtest=evendifferentvalue; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[13] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=expiry;; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[14] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, "test=differentvalue;; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[15] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 16) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** multiple cookie tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning multiple cookie tests...\n");

      // test the setting of multiple cookies, and test the order of precedence
      // (a later cookie overwriting an earlier one, in the same header string)
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, "test=multiple; domain=.multiple.cookies \n test=different \n test=same; domain=.multiple.cookies \n newtest=ciao \n newtest=foo; max-age=-6 \n newtest=reincarnated", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test=multiple");
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=different");
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=same");
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "newtest=ciao");
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "newtest=foo");
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "newtest=reincarnated");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, "test=expiry; domain=.multiple.cookies; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test=same");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr,  "\n test=different; max-age=0 \n", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test=different");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr,  "newtest=dead; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 9) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** parser tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning parser tests...\n");

      // test the cookie header parser, under various circumstances.
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=parser; domain=.parser.test; ;; ;=; ,,, ===,abc,=; abracadabra! max-age=20;=;;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=parser");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=parser; domain=.parser.test; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=\"fubar! = foo;bar\\\";\" parser; domain=.parser.test; max-age=6\nfive; max-age=2.63,", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=\"fubar! = foo");
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "five");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=kill; domain=.parser.test; max-age=0 \n five; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // test the handling of VALUE-only cookies (see bug 169091),
      // i.e. "six" should assume an empty NAME, which allows other VALUE-only
      // cookies to overwrite it
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "six", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "six");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "seven", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "seven");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, " =eight", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "eight");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=six", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=six");

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 10) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** path ordering tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning path ordering tests...\n");

      // test that cookies are returned in path order - longest to shortest.
      // if the header doesn't specify a path, it's taken from the host URI.
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/", nullptr, "test1=path; path=/one/two/three", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/", nullptr, "test2=path; path=/one \n test3=path; path=/one/two/three/four \n test4=path; path=/one/two \n test5=path; path=/one/two/", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/one/two/three/four/five/", nullptr, "test6=path", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/one/two/three/four/five/six/", nullptr, "test7=path; path=", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/", nullptr, "test8=path; path=/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/one/two/three/four/five/six/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test7=path; test6=path; test3=path; test1=path; test5=path; test4=path; test2=path; test8=path");

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 1) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** httponly tests 
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning httponly tests...\n");

      // Since this cookie is NOT set via http, setting it fails
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=httponly; httponly");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Since this cookie is set via http, it can be retrieved
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=httponly");
      // ... but not by web content
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Non-Http cookies should not replace HttpOnly cookies
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=not-httponly");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=httponly");
      // ... and, if an HttpOnly cookie already exists, should not be set at all
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Non-Http cookies should not delete HttpOnly cookies
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=httponly; max-age=-1");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=httponly");
      // ... but HttpOnly cookies should
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Non-Httponly cookies can replace HttpOnly cookies when set over http
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=not-httponly", nullptr);
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=not-httponly");
      // scripts should not be able to set httponly cookies by replacing an existing non-httponly cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=not-httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=httponly; httponly");
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=not-httponly");

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 9) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** nsICookieManager{2} interface tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning nsICookieManager{2} interface tests...\n");
      nsCOMPtr<nsICookieManager> cookieMgr = do_GetService(NS_COOKIEMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv0);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv0)) return -1;
      nsCOMPtr<nsICookieManager2> cookieMgr2 = do_QueryInterface(cookieMgr);
      if (!cookieMgr2) return -1;
      // first, ensure a clean slate
      rv[0] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->RemoveAll());
      // add some cookies
      rv[1] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->Add(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), // domain
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/foo"),           // path
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test1"),          // name
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                           false,                             // is secure
                                           false,                             // is httponly
                                           true,                              // is session
                                           INT64_MAX));                          // expiry time
      rv[2] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->Add(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), // domain
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/foo"),           // path
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test2"),          // name
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                           false,                             // is secure
                                           true,                              // is httponly
                                           true,                              // is session
                                           PR_Now() / PR_USEC_PER_SEC + 2));     // expiry time
      rv[3] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->Add(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("new.domain"),     // domain
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/rabbit"),        // path
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test3"),          // name
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                           false,                             // is secure
                                           false,                             // is httponly
                                           true,                              // is session
                                           INT64_MAX));                          // expiry time
      // confirm using enumerator
      nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> enumerator;
      rv[4] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)));
      int32_t i = 0;
      bool more;
      nsCOMPtr<nsICookie2> expiredCookie, newDomainCookie;
      while (NS_SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMoreElements(&more)) && more) {
        nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> cookie;
        if (NS_FAILED(enumerator->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(cookie)))) break;
        // keep tabs on the second and third cookies, so we can check them later
        nsCOMPtr<nsICookie2> cookie2(do_QueryInterface(cookie));
        if (!cookie2) break;
        nsAutoCString name;
        if (name == NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test2"))
          expiredCookie = cookie2;
        else if (name == NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test3"))
          newDomainCookie = cookie2;
      rv[5] = i == 3;
      // check the httpOnly attribute of the second cookie is honored
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://cookiemgr.test/foo/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test2=yes");
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://cookiemgr.test/foo/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test2=yes");
      // check CountCookiesFromHost()
      uint32_t hostCookies = 0;
      rv[8] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CountCookiesFromHost(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), &hostCookies)) &&
              hostCookies == 2;
      // check CookieExists() using the third cookie
      bool found;
      rv[9] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(newDomainCookie, &found)) && found;
      // remove the cookie, block it, and ensure it can't be added again
      rv[10] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->Remove(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("new.domain"), // domain
                                              NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test3"),      // name
                                              NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/rabbit"),    // path
                                              true));                        // is blocked
      rv[11] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(newDomainCookie, &found)) && !found;
      rv[12] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->Add(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("new.domain"),     // domain
                                            NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/rabbit"),        // path
                                            NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test3"),          // name
                                            NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                            false,                             // is secure
                                            false,                             // is httponly
                                            true,                              // is session
                                            INT64_MIN));                          // expiry time
      rv[13] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(newDomainCookie, &found)) && !found;
      // sleep four seconds, to make sure the second cookie has expired
      PR_Sleep(4 * PR_TicksPerSecond());
      // check that both CountCookiesFromHost() and CookieExists() count the
      // expired cookie
      rv[14] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CountCookiesFromHost(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), &hostCookies)) &&
              hostCookies == 2;
      rv[15] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(expiredCookie, &found)) && found;
      // double-check RemoveAll() using the enumerator
      rv[16] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->RemoveAll());
      rv[17] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator))) &&
               NS_SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMoreElements(&more)) &&

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 18) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** eviction and creation ordering tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning eviction and creation ordering tests...\n");

      // test that cookies are
      // a) returned by order of creation time (oldest first, newest last)
      // b) evicted by order of lastAccessed time, if the limit on cookies per host (50) is reached
      nsAutoCString name;
      nsAutoCString expected;
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
        name = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test");
        name += NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("=creation");
        SetACookie(cookieService, "http://creation.ordering.tests/", nullptr, name.get(), nullptr);

        if (i >= 10) {
          expected += name;
          if (i < 59)
            expected += NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("; ");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://creation.ordering.tests/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, expected.get());

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 1) && allTestsPassed;

      // XXX the following are placeholders: add these tests please!
      // *** "noncompliant cookie" tests
      // *** IP address tests
      // *** speed tests

      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "\n*** Result: %s!\n\n", allTestsPassed ? "all tests passed" : "TEST(S) FAILED");

    if (!allTestsPassed) {
      // print the entire log
      printf("%s", sBuffer);
      return 1;

    sBuffer = nullptr;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
void RestorePrefs(void)
    InitPrefs(FALSE, FALSE);
Esempio n. 7
/* Runs the host editor.  Another big use for this is to open sites
 * that are in your host list.
int HostWindow(void)
	int c;
	char cmd[256];
	volatile BookmarkPtr toOpen;
	vsigproc_t si;
	int maxy, maxx;
	int lmaxy;

	si = (sigproc_t) (-1);
	if (gWinInit) {
		gHostListWin = NULL;
		gHostWin = NULL;

		gHostWin = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0);
		if (gHostWin == NULL)
			return (-1);

		/* Set the clear flag for the first update. */
		keypad(gHostWin, TRUE);		/* For arrow keys. */
		notimeout(gHostWin, TRUE);

		if (sigsetjmp(gHostWinJmp, 1) == 0) {
#else	/* HAVE_SIGSETJMP */
		if (setjmp(gHostWinJmp) == 0) {
#endif	/* HAVE_SIGSETJMP */
			/* Gracefully cleanup the screen if the user ^C's. */
			si = NcSignal(SIGINT, SigIntHostWin);
			/* Initialize the page start and select a host to be
			 * the current one.
			gHostListWinStart = 0;
			gHilitedHost = 0;
			if (gNumBookmarks == 0)
				gCurHostListItem = NULL;
				gCurHostListItem = &gBookmarkTable[gHilitedHost];
			/* Initially, we don't want to connect to any site in
			 * the host list.
			toOpen = NULL;
			getmaxyx(gHostWin, maxy, maxx);
			WAttr(gHostWin, kBold, 1);
			WAddCenteredStr(gHostWin, 0, "NcFTP Bookmark Editor");
			WAttr(gHostWin, kBold, 0);
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 3, 2, "Open selected site:       <enter>");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 4, 2, "Edit selected site:       /ed");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 5, 2, "Delete selected site:     /del");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 6, 2, "Duplicate selected site:  /dup");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 7, 2, "Add a new site:           /new");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 9, 2, "Up one:                   <u>");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 10, 2, "Down one:                 <d>");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 11, 2, "Previous page:            <p>");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 12, 2, "Next page:                <n>");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 14, 2, "Capital letters selects first");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 15, 2, "  site starting with the letter.");
			DrawStrAt(gHostWin, 17, 2, "Exit the bookmark editor: <x>");
			/* Initialize the scrolling host list window. */
			if (maxx < 110) {
				gHostListWinWide = 0;
				gHostListWin = subwin(
					LINES - 7,
					COLS - 40 - 2
			} else {
				gHostListWinWide = COLS - 42;
				gHostListWin = subwin(
					LINES - 7,

			if (gHostListWin == NULL)
				return (-1);
			lmaxy = getmaxy(gHostListWin);
			gHostListPageSize = lmaxy;
			wmove(gHostWin, maxy - 1, 0);

			for (;;) {
				c = HostWinGetKey();
				if (gNeedToClearMsg) {
					wmove(gHostWin, maxy - 2, 0);
				if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) {
					/* isupper can coredump if wgetch returns a meta key. */
				} else if (c == '/') {
					/* Get an "extended" command.  Sort of like vi's
					 * :colon commands.
					HostWinGetStr(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
					if (ISTREQ(cmd, "ed"))
					else if (ISTREQ(cmd, "dup"))
					else if (ISTREQ(cmd, "del"))
					else if (ISTREQ(cmd, "new"))
						HostWinMsg("Invalid bookmark editor command.");
				} else switch(c) {
					case 10:	/* ^J == newline */
						goto enter;
					case 13:	/* ^M == carriage return */
						goto enter;
#ifdef KEY_ENTER
					case KEY_ENTER:
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "ENTER");
						if (gCurHostListItem == NULL)
							HostWinMsg("Nothing to open.  Try 'open sitename' from the main screen.");
						else {
							toOpen = (BookmarkPtr) gCurHostListItem;
							goto done;
					case kControl_L:
					case 'u':
					case 'k':	/* vi up key */
					case 'h':	/* vi left key */
#ifdef KEY_UP
					case KEY_UP:
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "UP");

#ifdef KEY_LEFT
					case KEY_LEFT:
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "LEFT");
					case 'd':
					case 'j':	/* vi down key */
					case 'l':	/* vi right key */

#ifdef KEY_DOWN
					case KEY_DOWN:
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "DOWN");

#ifdef KEY_RIGHT
					case KEY_RIGHT:
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "RIGHT");
					case 'p':

#ifdef KEY_PPAGE
					case KEY_PPAGE:
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "PPAGE");

					case 'n':

#ifdef KEY_NPAGE
					case KEY_NPAGE:
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "NPAGE");

					case 'x':
					case 'q':
						goto done;
						HostWinMsg("Invalid key.");
						Trace(1, "  [0x%04X, %s]\n", c, "<invalid>");
		NcSignal(SIGINT, (FTPSigProc) SIG_IGN);
		if (gHostListWin != NULL)
		if (gHostWin != NULL)
		gHostListWin = gHostWin = NULL;
		if (si != (sigproc_t) (-1))
			NcSignal(SIGINT, si);
		if (toOpen != (BookmarkPtr) 0) {
			/* If the user selected a site to open, connect to it now. */
			if (gStandAlone != 0) {
			} else if (gBookmarkSelectionFile != NULL) {
			return (kNoErr);
	return (kNoErr);
}	/* HostWindow */

main(int argc, const char **argv)
	int result;
	int argi;

	gStandAlone = 1;
	gBookmarkSelectionFile = NULL;

	if (LoadBookmarkTable() < 0) {
	if (argc > 1) {
		/* The following hack is used by NcFTP
		 * to get the number of columns without
		 * having to link with curses/termcap.
		 * This simplifies things since the
		 * system may or may not have a good
		 * curses implementation, and we don't
		 * want to complicate NcFTP itself with
		 * that.
		argi = 1;
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "--dimensions") == 0) {
			result = PrintDimensions(0);
			exit((result == 0) ? 0 : 1);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--dimensions-terse") == 0) {
			result = PrintDimensions(1);
			exit((result == 0) ? 0 : 1);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--debug") == 0) {
		/* Requested that we were run from ncftp. */
		gStandAlone = 0;
		if ((argc > argi) && (argv[argi][0] == '/'))
			gBookmarkSelectionFile = (const char *) argv[argi];
		if (gNumBookmarks < 1)

	result = FTPInitLibrary(&gLib);
	if (result < 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "ncftp: init library error %d (%s).\n", result, FTPStrError(result));

	result = FTPInitConnectionInfo(&gLib, &gConn, kDefaultFTPBufSize);
	if (result < 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "ncftp: init connection info error %d (%s).\n", result, FTPStrError(result));

	if (gDebug > 0)

	Trace(1, "Terminal size is %d columns by %d rows.\n", gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
	if (gDebug > 0)
}	/* main */