Esempio n. 1
/* StoreCode - store the function or method under construction */
void StoreCode(ParseContext *c)
    int codeSize;

    /* check for unterminated blocks */
    switch (CurrentBlockType(c)) {
    case BLOCK_IF:
    case BLOCK_ELSE:
        ParseError(c, "expecting END IF");
    case BLOCK_FOR:
        ParseError(c, "expecting NEXT");
    case BLOCK_DO:
        ParseError(c, "expecting LOOP");
    case BLOCK_NONE:

    /* fixup the RESERVE instruction at the start of the code */
    if (c->codeType != CODE_TYPE_MAIN) {
        c->codeBuf[1] = c->localOffset;
        putcbyte(c, OP_RETURN);

    /* make sure all referenced labels were defined */

    /* place string literals defined in this function */
    /* determine the code size */
    codeSize = (int)(c->cptr - c->codeBuf);

#if 0
    VM_printf("%s:\n", c->codeName);
    DecodeFunction((uint8_t *)c->image, (c->image->objectDataSize + GetObjSizeInWords(sizeof(VectorObjectHdr))) * sizeof(VMVALUE), c->codeBuf, codeSize);
    DumpSymbols(&c->arguments, "arguments");
    DumpSymbols(&c->locals, "locals");

    /* store the vector object */
    StoreBVectorData(c, c->code, PROTO_CODE, c->codeBuf, codeSize);

    /* empty the local heap */
    c->nextLocal = c->sys->freeTop;
    c->labels = NULL;

    /* reset to compile the next code */
    c->codeType = CODE_TYPE_MAIN;
    c->cptr = c->codeBuf;
Esempio n. 2
CHEWING_API int chewing_Init(
		const char *dataPath,
		const char *hashPath )
	/* initialize Tree, Char, and Dict */
	/* FIXME: check the validation of dataPath */
	InitTree( dataPath );
	InitChar( dataPath );
	InitDict( dataPath );

	/* initialize Hash */
	/* FIXME: check the validation of hashPath */
	InitHash( hashPath );

	/* initialize SymbolTable */
	if ( ! InitSymbolTable( (char*) hashPath ) )
		InitSymbolTable( (char*) dataPath );
	if ( ! InitEasySymbolInput( (char *) hashPath ) )
		InitEasySymbolInput( (char *) dataPath );

	/* initialize HanyuPinYin table */
	if ( ! InitHanyuPinYin( hashPath ) )
		InitHanyuPinYin( dataPath );

        char *dbg_path;
	int failsafe = 1;
	dbg_path = getenv( "CHEWING_DEBUG" );
	if ( dbg_path ) {
		fp_g = fopen( dbg_path, "w+" );
		if ( fp_g )
			failsafe = 0;
	if ( failsafe == 1 ) {
		dbg_path = FAILSAFE_OUTPUT;
	        fp_g = fopen( dbg_path, "w+" );
		if ( ! fp_g ) {
			fprintf( stderr, 
				"Failed to record debug message in file.\n"
				"--> Output to stderr\n" );
	/* register debug service */
	if ( fp_g )
		addTerminateService( TerminateDebug );
	bTerminateCompleted = 0;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
File: ucl.c Progetto: M-ike/work
static void Initialize(void)
	CurrentHeap = &FileHeap;
	ErrorCount = WarningCount = 0;
	ASTFile = IRFile = ASMFile = NULL;
Esempio n. 4
/* 初始化 */
static void Initialize (void) 
    /* 用文件的堆初始化当前堆 */
    CurrentHeap = &FileHeap;
    /* 初始化警告,错误数目 */
    WarningCount = ErrorCount = 0;
    /* 初始化符号表 */
    InitSymbolTable ();
    /* 几种文件描述符 */
    ASTFile = IRFile = ASMFile = NULL;
Esempio n. 5
/* StartCode - start a function or method under construction */
void StartCode(ParseContext *c, CodeType type)
    /* all methods must precede the main code */
    if (type != CODE_TYPE_MAIN && c->codeFree > c->codeBuf)
        ParseError(c, "subroutines and functions must precede the main code");

    /* don't allow nested functions or subroutines (for now anyway) */
    if (type != CODE_TYPE_MAIN && c->codeType != CODE_TYPE_MAIN)
        ParseError(c, "nested subroutines and functions are not supported");

    /* initialize the code object under construction */
    c->localOffset = 0;
    c->codeType = type;
    /* write the code prolog */
    if (type != CODE_TYPE_MAIN) {
        putcbyte(c, OP_FRAME);
        putcbyte(c, 0);
Esempio n. 6
CHEWING_API ChewingContext *chewing_new()
	ChewingContext *ctx;
	int ret;
	char search_path[PATH_MAX];
	char path[PATH_MAX];

	ctx = ALC( ChewingContext, 1 );
	if ( !ctx )
		goto error;

	ctx->output = ALC ( ChewingOutput, 1 );
	if ( !ctx->output )
		goto error;

	ctx->data = allocate_ChewingData();
	if ( !ctx->data )
		goto error;

	chewing_Reset( ctx );

	ret = get_search_path( search_path, sizeof( search_path ) );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;

	ret = find_path_by_files(
		search_path, DICT_FILES, path, sizeof( path ) );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;
	ret = InitDict( ctx->data, path );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;
	ret = InitTree( ctx->data, path );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;

	ret = InitHash( ctx->data );
	if ( !ret )
		goto error;

	ctx->cand_no = 0;

	ret = find_path_by_files(
		search_path, SYMBOL_TABLE_FILES, path, sizeof( path ) );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;
	ret = InitSymbolTable( ctx->data, path );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;

	ret = find_path_by_files(
		search_path, EASY_SYMBOL_FILES, path, sizeof( path ) );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;
	ret = InitEasySymbolInput( ctx->data, path );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;

	ret = find_path_by_files(
		search_path, PINYIN_FILES, path, sizeof( path ) );
	if ( ret )
		goto error;
	ret = InitPinyin( ctx->data, path );
	if ( !ret )
		goto error;

	return ctx;
	chewing_delete( ctx );
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 7
/* Compile - compile a program */
ImageHdr *Compile(ParseContext *c)
    System *sys = c->sys;
    ImageHdr *image = c->image;
    size_t maxHeapUsed = c->maxHeapUsed;
    VMVALUE *variables;
    VMUVALUE totalSize;
    Symbol *sym;
    /* setup an error target */
    if (setjmp(c->errorTarget) != 0)
        return NULL;

    /* initialize the scratch buffer */

    /* allocate space for the object table */
    image->objectCount = 0;
    image->objectDataSize = 0;

    /* use the rest of the free space for the compiler heap */
    c->nextGlobal = sys->freeNext;
    c->nextLocal = sys->freeTop;
    c->heapSize = sys->freeTop - sys->freeNext;
    c->maxHeapUsed = 0;

    /* initialize the global variable count */
    image->variableCount = 0;

    /* initialize block nesting table */
    c->btop = (Block *)((char *)c->blockBuf + sizeof(c->blockBuf));
    c->bptr = c->blockBuf - 1;

    /* initialize the code staging buffer */
    c->ctop = c->codeBuf + sizeof(c->codeBuf);
    c->cptr = c->codeBuf;

    /* initialize the string and label tables */
    c->strings = NULL;
    c->labels = NULL;

    /* start in the main code */
    c->codeType = CODE_TYPE_MAIN;

    /* initialize the global symbol table */

    /* add the intrinsic functions */
    AddIntrinsic(c, "ABS",              FN_ABS);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "RND",              FN_RND);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "printStr",         FN_printStr);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "printInt",         FN_printInt);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "printTab",         FN_printTab);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "printNL",          FN_printNL);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "printFlush",       FN_printFlush);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "IN",               FN_IN);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "OUT",              FN_OUT);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "HIGH",             FN_HIGH);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "LOW",              FN_LOW);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "TOGGLE",           FN_TOGGLE);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "DIR",              FN_DIR);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "GETDIR",           FN_GETDIR);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "CNT",              FN_CNT);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "PAUSE",            FN_PAUSE);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "PULSEIN",          FN_PULSEIN);
    AddIntrinsic(c, "PULSEOUT",         FN_PULSEOUT);

    /* initialize scanner */
    c->inComment = VMFALSE;
    /* get the next line */
    while (GetLine(c)) {
        Token tkn;
        if ((tkn = GetToken(c)) != T_EOL)
            ParseStatement(c, tkn);

    /* end the main code with a halt */
    putcbyte(c, OP_HALT);
    /* write the main code */
    StartCode(c, "main", CODE_TYPE_MAIN);
    image->mainCode = c->code;

    /* allocate the global variable table */
    if (!(variables = (VMVALUE *)AllocateFreeSpace(sys, image->variableCount * sizeof(VMVALUE))))
        ParseError(c, "insufficient space for variable table");

    /* store the initial values of the global variables */
    for (sym = c->globals.head; sym != NULL; sym = sym->next) {
        if (!(sym->value & INTRINSIC_FLAG))
            variables[sym->value] = sym->initialValue;

    /* write out the variable and object tables */
    if (!BufWriteWords(variables, image->variableCount) || !BufWriteWords(image->objects, image->objectCount))
        ParseError(c, "insufficient scratch space");
    /* free up the space the compiler was consuming */
    sys->freeNext = c->freeMark;

    /* allocate space for the object data and variables */
    totalSize = (image->objectDataSize + image->variableCount + image->objectCount) * sizeof(VMVALUE);
    if (!(image->objectData = (VMVALUE *)AllocateFreeSpace(sys, totalSize)))
        ParseError(c, "insufficient space for objects and variables");
    image->variables = image->objectData + image->objectDataSize;
    image->objects = image->variables + image->variableCount;
    /* read the object data and variables from the scratch buffer */
    if (!BufReadWords(image->objectData, totalSize))
        ParseError(c, "error reading objects and variables");

        int objectTableSize = image->objectCount  * sizeof(VMVALUE);
        int objectDataSize = image->objectDataSize  * sizeof(VMVALUE);
        int dataSize = objectTableSize + objectDataSize + image->variableCount * sizeof(VMVALUE);
#if 0
        DumpSymbols(&c->globals, "symbols");
        VM_printf("H:%d", maxHeapUsed);
        VM_printf(" O:%d", image->objectCount);
        VM_printf(" D:%d", objectDataSize);
        VM_printf(" V:%d", image->variableCount);
        VM_printf(" T:%d\n", dataSize);

    /* return the image */
    return image;
Esempio n. 8
/* Compile - compile a program */
int Compile(ParseContext *c, uint8_t *imageSpace, size_t imageSize, size_t textMax, size_t dataMax)
    ImageHdr *image = (ImageHdr *)imageSpace;
    VMUVALUE textSize;

    /* setup an error target */
    if (setjmp(c->errorTarget) != 0)
        return -1;

    /* initialize the image */
    if (imageSize < sizeof(ImageHdr) + textMax + dataMax)
        return -1;
    memset(image, 0, sizeof(ImageHdr));
    c->image = image;
    /* empty the heap */
    c->localFree = c->heapBase;
    c->globalFree = c->heapTop;

    /* initialize the image */
    c->textBase = c->textFree = imageSpace + sizeof(ImageHdr);
    c->textTop = c->textBase + textMax;
    c->dataBase = c->dataFree = c->textBase + textMax;
    c->dataTop = c->dataBase + dataMax;
    /* initialize the code buffer */
    c->codeFree = c->codeBuf;
	c->codeTop = c->codeBuf + sizeof(c->codeBuf);

    /* initialize block nesting table */
    c->btop = (Block *)((char *)c->blockBuf + sizeof(c->blockBuf));
    c->bptr = c->blockBuf - 1;

    /* initialize the global symbol table and string table */
    /* enter the built-in functions */
    EnterBuiltInFunction(c, "delayMs", bi_delayms, sizeof(bi_delayms));
    EnterBuiltInFunction(c, "updateLeds", bi_updateleds, sizeof(bi_updateleds));
    /* enter the built-in variables */
        typedef struct {
            int32_t triggerTop;
            int32_t triggerBottom;
            int32_t numLeds;
            int32_t led[RGB_SIZE];
			int32_t patternnum;
        } VM_variables;
    EnterBuiltInVariable(c, "triggerTop", sizeof(VMVALUE));
    EnterBuiltInVariable(c, "triggerBottom", sizeof(VMVALUE));
    EnterBuiltInVariable(c, "numLeds", sizeof(VMVALUE));
    EnterBuiltInVariable(c, "led", sizeof(VMVALUE) * RGB_SIZE);
	EnterBuiltInVariable(c, "patternNum", sizeof(VMVALUE));
    /* initialize the string table */
    c->strings = NULL;

    /* initialize the label table */
    c->labels = NULL;

    /* start in the main code */
    c->codeType = CODE_TYPE_MAIN;

    /* initialize scanner */
    c->inComment = VMFALSE;
    c->lineNumber = 0;
    /* compile each line */
    while (GetLine(c)) {
        int tkn;
        if ((tkn = GetToken(c)) != T_EOL)
            ParseStatement(c, tkn);

    /* end the main code with a halt */
    putcbyte(c, OP_HALT);
    /* write the main code */
    StartCode(c, CODE_TYPE_MAIN);
    image->entry = StoreCode(c);
    /* determine the text size */
    textSize = c->textFree - c->textBase;

    /* fill in the image header */
    image->dataOffset = sizeof(ImageHdr) + textSize;
    image->dataSize = c->dataFree - c->dataBase;
    image->imageSize = image->dataOffset + image->dataSize;
    /* make the data contiguous with the code */
    memcpy(&imageSpace[image->dataOffset], c->dataBase, image->dataSize);

    VM_printf("entry      "); PrintValue(image->entry); VM_printf("\n");
    VM_printf("imageSize  "); PrintValue(image->imageSize); VM_printf("\n");
    VM_printf("textSize   "); PrintValue(textSize); VM_printf("\n");
    VM_printf("dataOffset ");  PrintValue(image->dataOffset); VM_printf("\n");
    VM_printf("dataSize   "); PrintValue(image->dataSize); VM_printf("\n");
    DumpSymbols(&c->globals, "symbols");

    /* return successfully */
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
/* StoreCode - store the function or method under construction */
VMVALUE StoreCode(ParseContext *c)
    size_t codeSize;
    VMVALUE code;
    uint8_t *p;

    /* check for unterminated blocks */
    switch (CurrentBlockType(c)) {
    case BLOCK_IF:
    case BLOCK_ELSE:
        ParseError(c, "expecting END IF");
    case BLOCK_FOR:
        ParseError(c, "expecting NEXT");
    case BLOCK_DO:
        ParseError(c, "expecting LOOP");
    case BLOCK_NONE:

    /* fixup the RESERVE instruction at the start of the code */
    if (c->codeType != CODE_TYPE_MAIN) {
        c->codeBuf[1] = 2 + c->localOffset;
        putcbyte(c, OP_RETURN);

    /* make sure all referenced labels were defined */
    /* allocate code space */
    codeSize = (int)(c->codeFree - c->codeBuf);
    p = (uint8_t *)ImageTextAlloc(c, codeSize);
    memcpy(p, c->codeBuf, codeSize);
    /* get the address of the compiled code */
    code = (VMVALUE)(p - (uint8_t *)c->image);

    VM_printf("%s:\n", c->codeSymbol ? c->codeSymbol->name : "<main>");
    DecodeFunction((uint8_t *)c->image, (uint8_t *)c->image + code, codeSize);
    DumpSymbols(&c->arguments, "arguments");
    DumpSymbols(&c->locals, "locals");

    /* prepare the buffer for the next function */
    c->codeFree = c->codeBuf;

    /* empty the local heap */
    c->localFree = c->heapBase;
    c->labels = NULL;

    /* reset to compile the next code */
    c->codeType = CODE_TYPE_MAIN;
    /* return the code vector */
    return code;