bool FDirectInputJoystick::IsChangedKeyState()const { // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("x %d %d"), InitialJoyBuf_.lX, joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lX); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("y %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lY, InitialJoyBuf_.lY); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("z %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lZ, InitialJoyBuf_.lZ); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("Rx %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lRx, InitialJoyBuf_.lRx); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("Ry %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lRy, InitialJoyBuf_.lRy); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("Rz %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lRz, InitialJoyBuf_.lRz); // 軸からチェック。初期値と比較 if(InitX()!=X() || InitY()!=Y() || InitZ()!=Z() || InitRotX()!=RotX() || InitRotY()!=RotY() || InitRotZ()!=RotZ()) return true; // ボタンは、PushもReleaseもされてない for(uint32 i = 0; i<32; ++i) { if(((joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].rgbButtons[i]&0x80)>0)||((joyBuf_[1^nCurIndex_].rgbButtons[i]&0x80)>0)) return true; } // POVも押されていない if(LOWORD(joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].rgdwPOV[0])!=0xFFFF) return true; //UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("IsChangedState: false")); return false; }
/* Main Method * Author: Hasan Almawi * Date of Creation: 13th September, 2014 * Purpose: Calls upon the other functions to draw the lines with the specified point of origin and point of termination * Input Parameters: None * Output Parameters: A 512x512 white window with lines drawn on it. */ int main() { Display *d; Window w; XEvent e; int s, i, j; unsigned int r, g, b; KeySym key; char text[255]; d = InitX(d, &w, &s); while (1) { XNextEvent(d, &e); if (e.type == Expose) { SetCurrentColorX(d, &(DefaultGC(d, s)), 0, 0, 0); DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 500, 300); //Eighth Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 300, 500); //Seventh Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 200, 500); //Sixth Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 50, 300); //Fifth Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 50, 200); //Fourth Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 200, 50); //Third Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 300, 50); //Second Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 500, 200); //First Octant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 511, 511, 256, 256); //First Quadrant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 0, 511); //Second Quadrant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 1, 1, 256, 256); //Third Quadrant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 256, 511, 0); //Fourth Quadrant DrawLineX(d, w, s, 0, 256, 512, 256); //Horizontal Line DrawLineX(d, w, s, 256, 0, 256, 512); //Vertical Line } if(e.type == KeyPress && XLookupString(&e.xkey,text,255,&key,0)==1){ //If q key is pressed, then quit if(text[0]=='q') break; } if(e.type == ClientMessage) break; } QuitX(d,w); }
void main(void) { InitX(); InitColor(); InitScratch(); MainLoop(); EndX(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long i; long c; extern char *optarg; long m1; long factor; long pages; unsigned long start; CLOCK(start); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "p:m:n:l:stoh")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'p': P = atoi(optarg); if (P < 1) { printerr("P must be >= 1\n"); exit(-1); } if (log_2(P) == -1) { printerr("P must be a power of 2\n"); exit(-1); } break; case 'm': M = atoi(optarg); m1 = M/2; if (2*m1 != M) { printerr("M must be even\n"); exit(-1); } break; case 'n': num_cache_lines = atoi(optarg); orig_num_lines = num_cache_lines; if (num_cache_lines < 1) { printerr("Number of cache lines must be >= 1\n"); exit(-1); } break; case 'l': log2_line_size = atoi(optarg); if (log2_line_size < 0) { printerr("Log base 2 of cache line length in bytes must be >= 0\n"); exit(-1); } break; case 's': dostats = !dostats; break; case 't': test_result = !test_result; break; case 'o': doprint = !doprint; break; case 'h': printf("Usage: FFT <options>\n\n"); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -mM : M = even integer; 2**M total complex data points transformed.\n"); printf(" -pP : P = number of processors; Must be a power of 2.\n"); printf(" -nN : N = number of cache lines.\n"); printf(" -lL : L = Log base 2 of cache line length in bytes.\n"); printf(" -s : Print individual processor timing statistics.\n"); printf(" -t : Perform FFT and inverse FFT. Test output by comparing the\n"); printf(" integral of the original data to the integral of the data that\n"); printf(" results from performing the FFT and inverse FFT.\n"); printf(" -o : Print out complex data points.\n"); printf(" -h : Print out command line options.\n\n"); printf("Default: FFT -m%1d -p%1d -n%1d -l%1d\n", DEFAULT_M,DEFAULT_P,NUM_CACHE_LINES,LOG2_LINE_SIZE); exit(0); break; } } MAIN_INITENV(,80000000); N = 1<<M; rootN = 1<<(M/2); rowsperproc = rootN/P; if (rowsperproc == 0) { printerr("Matrix not large enough. 2**(M/2) must be >= P\n"); exit(-1); } line_size = 1 << log2_line_size; if (line_size < 2*sizeof(double)) { printf("WARNING: Each element is a complex double (%ld bytes)\n",2*sizeof(double)); printf(" => Less than one element per cache line\n"); printf(" Computing transpose blocking factor\n"); factor = (2*sizeof(double)) / line_size; num_cache_lines = orig_num_lines / factor; } if (line_size <= 2*sizeof(double)) { pad_length = 1; } else { pad_length = line_size / (2*sizeof(double)); } if (rowsperproc * rootN * 2 * sizeof(double) >= PAGE_SIZE) { pages = (2 * pad_length * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc) / PAGE_SIZE; if (pages * PAGE_SIZE != 2 * pad_length * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc) { pages ++; } pad_length = (pages * PAGE_SIZE) / (2 * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc); } else { pad_length = (PAGE_SIZE - (rowsperproc * rootN * 2 * sizeof(double))) / (2 * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc); if (pad_length * (2 * sizeof(double) * rowsperproc) != (PAGE_SIZE - (rowsperproc * rootN * 2 * sizeof(double)))) { printerr("Padding algorithm unsuccessful\n"); exit(-1); } } Global = (struct GlobalMemory *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct GlobalMemory)); x = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); trans = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); umain = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*rootN*sizeof(double)); umain2 = (double *) G_MALLOC(2*(N+rootN*pad_length)*sizeof(double)+PAGE_SIZE); Global->transtimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); Global->totaltimes = (long *) G_MALLOC(P*sizeof(long)); if (Global == NULL) { printerr("Could not malloc memory for Global\n"); exit(-1); } else if (x == NULL) { printerr("Could not malloc memory for x\n"); exit(-1); } else if (trans == NULL) { printerr("Could not malloc memory for trans\n"); exit(-1); } else if (umain == NULL) { printerr("Could not malloc memory for umain\n"); exit(-1); } else if (umain2 == NULL) { printerr("Could not malloc memory for umain2\n"); exit(-1); } x = (double *) (((unsigned long) x) + PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long) x) % PAGE_SIZE); trans = (double *) (((unsigned long) trans) + PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long) trans) % PAGE_SIZE); umain2 = (double *) (((unsigned long) umain2) + PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long) umain2) % PAGE_SIZE); /* In order to optimize data distribution, the data structures x, trans, and umain2 have been aligned so that each begins on a page boundary. This ensures that the amount of padding calculated by the program is such that each processor's partition ends on a page boundary, thus ensuring that all data from these structures that are needed by a processor can be allocated to its local memory */ /* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT: Here is where one might distribute the x, trans, and umain2 data structures across physically distributed memories as desired. One way to place data is as follows: double *base; long i; i = ((N/P)+(rootN/P)*pad_length)*2; base = &(x[0]); for (j=0;j<P;j++) { Place all addresses x such that (base <= x < base+i) on node j base += i; } The trans and umain2 data structures can be placed in a similar manner. */ printf("\n"); printf("FFT with Blocking Transpose\n"); printf(" %ld Complex Doubles\n",N); printf(" %ld Processors\n",P); if (num_cache_lines != orig_num_lines) { printf(" %ld Cache lines\n",orig_num_lines); printf(" %ld Cache lines for blocking transpose\n",num_cache_lines); } else { printf(" %ld Cache lines\n",num_cache_lines); } printf(" %d Byte line size\n",(1 << log2_line_size)); printf(" %d Bytes per page\n",PAGE_SIZE); printf("\n"); BARINIT(Global->start, P); LOCKINIT(Global->idlock); Global->id = 0; InitX(x); /* place random values in x */ if (test_result) { ck1 = CheckSum(x); } if (doprint) { printf("Original data values:\n"); PrintArray(N, x); } InitU(N,umain); /* initialize u arrays*/ InitU2(N,umain2,rootN); /* fire off P processes */ CREATE(SlaveStart, P); WAIT_FOR_END(P); if (doprint) { if (test_result) { printf("Data values after inverse FFT:\n"); } else { printf("Data values after FFT:\n"); } PrintArray(N, x); } transtime = Global->transtimes[0]; printf("\n"); printf(" PROCESS STATISTICS\n"); printf(" Computation Transpose Transpose\n"); printf(" Proc Time Time Fraction\n"); printf(" 0 %10ld %10ld %8.5f\n", Global->totaltimes[0],Global->transtimes[0], ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]); if (dostats) { transtime2 = Global->transtimes[0]; avgtranstime = Global->transtimes[0]; avgcomptime = Global->totaltimes[0]; maxtotal = Global->totaltimes[0]; mintotal = Global->totaltimes[0]; maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; avgfractime = ((double)Global->transtimes[0])/Global->totaltimes[0]; for (i=1;i<P;i++) { if (Global->transtimes[i] > transtime) { transtime = Global->transtimes[i]; } if (Global->transtimes[i] < transtime2) { transtime2 = Global->transtimes[i]; } if (Global->totaltimes[i] > maxtotal) { maxtotal = Global->totaltimes[i]; } if (Global->totaltimes[i] < mintotal) { mintotal = Global->totaltimes[i]; } if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] > maxfrac) { maxfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; } if (((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i] < minfrac) { minfrac = ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; } printf(" %3ld %10ld %10ld %8.5f\n", i,Global->totaltimes[i],Global->transtimes[i], ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]); avgtranstime += Global->transtimes[i]; avgcomptime += Global->totaltimes[i]; avgfractime += ((double)Global->transtimes[i])/Global->totaltimes[i]; } printf(" Avg %10.0f %10.0f %8.5f\n", ((double) avgcomptime)/P,((double) avgtranstime)/P,avgfractime/P); printf(" Max %10ld %10ld %8.5f\n", maxtotal,transtime,maxfrac); printf(" Min %10ld %10ld %8.5f\n", mintotal,transtime2,minfrac); } Global->starttime = start; printf("\n"); printf(" TIMING INFORMATION\n"); printf("Start time : %16lu\n", Global->starttime); printf("Initialization finish time : %16lu\n", Global->initdonetime); printf("Overall finish time : %16lu\n", Global->finishtime); printf("Total time with initialization : %16lu\n", Global->finishtime-Global->starttime); printf("Total time without initialization : %16lu\n", Global->finishtime-Global->initdonetime); printf("Overall transpose time : %16ld\n", transtime); printf("Overall transpose fraction : %16.5f\n", ((double) transtime)/(Global->finishtime-Global->initdonetime)); printf("\n"); if (test_result) { ck3 = CheckSum(x); printf(" INVERSE FFT TEST RESULTS\n"); printf("Checksum difference is %.3f (%.3f, %.3f)\n", ck1-ck3, ck1, ck3); if (fabs(ck1-ck3) < 0.001) { printf("TEST PASSED\n"); } else { printf("TEST FAILED\n"); } } MAIN_END; }
int main_PY() { // int c; //用于保存用户输入的参数 // Bool bBackground = True; // char *imname=(char *)NULL; extern Bool bPYBaseDictLoaded; extern Bool bPYOtherDictLoaded; initConfig(); //szj initConfig2(); //szj if (!InitX ()){}; //exit (1); /*加载用户配置文件,通常是“~/.fcitx/config”,如果该文件不存在就从安装目录中拷贝 * “/data/config”到“~/.fcitx/config” */ LoadConfig (True); /*创建字体。实际上,就是根据用户的设置,使用xft读取字体的相关信息。 * xft是x11提供的处理字体的相关函数集 */ CreateFont (); //根据字体计算输入窗口的高度 CalculateInputWindowHeight (); /*加载配置文件,这个配置文件不是用户配置的,而是用于记录fctix的运行状态的, * 比如是全角还是半角等等。通常是“~/.fcitx/profile”,如果该文件不存在就从安装 * 目录中拷贝“/data/profile”到“~/.fcitx/profile” */ LoadProfile (); //加载标点字典文件 LoadPuncDict (); //加载成语 LoadQuickPhrase (); /*从 ~/.fcitx/AutoEng.dat (如果不存在, * 则从 /usr/local/share/fcitx/data/AutoEng.dat) * 读取需要自动转换到英文输入状态的情况的数据 */ LoadAutoEng (); //以下是界面的处理 CreateMainWindow (); //创建主窗口,即输入法状态窗口 CreateVKWindow (); //创建候选词窗口 CreateInputWindow (); //创建输入窗口 //szj CreateAboutWindow (); //创建关于窗口 //处理颜色,即候选词窗口的颜色,也就是我们在“~/.fcitx/config”定义的那些颜色信息 InitGC (inputWindow); //将本程序加入到输入法组,告诉系统,使用我输入字符 SetIM (); //处理主窗口的显示 if (hideMainWindow != HM_HIDE) { DisplayMainWindow (); DrawMainWindow (); } if (!bPYBaseDictLoaded) LoadPYBaseDict (); if (!bPYOtherDictLoaded) LoadPYOtherDict (); //以后台方式运行 #ifdef _ENABLE_TRAY CreateTrayWindow (); //创建系统托盘窗口 DrawTrayWindow (INACTIVE_ICON); //显示托盘图标 #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t tidUpdate; int nFlag, nQuit=0, c; KeySym key; char str[kSTRMAX]; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hl:w:r:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': Usage(); return 0; case 'l': fTempLimit = atof(optarg); break; case 'w': fTempWarn = atof(optarg); break; case 'r': nSleepSecs = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': if (optopt == 'l' || optopt == 'w' || optopt == 'r') fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt); else if (isprint (optopt)) fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); else fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); return 1; default: abort (); } } XInitThreads(); if(InitX()) { return 1; } if(GetConstants()) { return 2; } if(pthread_create(&tidUpdate, NULL, &UpdateThread, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't create update thread.\n"); return 3; } float fTemp; GetTemp(&fTemp); printf("Current Temp = %.1f\n", fTemp); while(1) { XEvent e; XNextEvent(dpy, &e); nFlag = 0; switch(e.type) { case Expose: nFlag = 1; break; case ClientMessage: if([0] == 42) { nFlag = 1; } else if([0] == wmDeleteMessage) { XDestroyWindow(dpy, e.xclient.window); nQuit = 1; } break; case KeyPress: if(XLookupString(&e.xkey, str, kSTRMAX-1, &key, 0)==1) { if(str[0] == 'q' || str[0] == 'Q') { XDestroyWindow(dpy, win); nQuit = 1; } } break; case ConfigureNotify: break; } if(nQuit) break; if(nFlag) { int rc = Redraw(); if(rc) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Redraw() returned %d\n", rc); break; } } } XCloseDisplay(dpy); pthread_kill(tidUpdate, 1); pthread_exit(NULL); }