Esempio n. 1
     * Document-module: Fiddle
     * A libffi wrapper for Ruby.
     * == Description
     * Fiddle is an extension to translate a foreign function interface (FFI)
     * with ruby.
     * It wraps {libffi}[], a popular C library
     * which provides a portable interface that allows code written in one
     * language to call code written in another language.
     * == Example
     * Here we will use Fiddle::Function to wrap {floor(3) from
     * libm}[]
     *	    require 'fiddle'
     *	    libm = Fiddle.dlopen('/lib/')
     *	    floor =
     *	      libm['floor'],
     *	      [Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE],
     *	      Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE
     *	    )
     *	    puts #=> 3.0
    mFiddle = rb_define_module("Fiddle");

     * Document-class: Fiddle::DLError
     * standard dynamic load exception
    rb_eFiddleError = rb_define_class_under(mFiddle, "DLError", rb_eStandardError);

    /* Document-const: TYPE_VOID
     * C type - void
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_VOID",      INT2NUM(TYPE_VOID));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_VOIDP
     * C type - void*
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_VOIDP",     INT2NUM(TYPE_VOIDP));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_CHAR
     * C type - char
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_CHAR",      INT2NUM(TYPE_CHAR));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_SHORT
     * C type - short
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_SHORT",     INT2NUM(TYPE_SHORT));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_INT
     * C type - int
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_INT",       INT2NUM(TYPE_INT));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_LONG
     * C type - long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_LONG",      INT2NUM(TYPE_LONG));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_LONG_LONG
     * C type - long long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_LONG_LONG", INT2NUM(TYPE_LONG_LONG));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_FLOAT
     * C type - float
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_FLOAT",     INT2NUM(TYPE_FLOAT));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_DOUBLE
     * C type - double
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_DOUBLE",    INT2NUM(TYPE_DOUBLE));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_SIZE_T
     * C type - size_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_SIZE_T",   INT2NUM(TYPE_SIZE_T));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_SSIZE_T
     * C type - ssize_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_SSIZE_T",   INT2NUM(TYPE_SSIZE_T));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_PTRDIFF_T
     * C type - ptrdiff_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_PTRDIFF_T", INT2NUM(TYPE_PTRDIFF_T));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_INTPTR_T
     * C type - intptr_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_INTPTR_T",  INT2NUM(TYPE_INTPTR_T));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_UINTPTR_T
     * C type - uintptr_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_UINTPTR_T",  INT2NUM(TYPE_UINTPTR_T));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_VOIDP
     * The alignment size of a void*
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_VOIDP", INT2NUM(ALIGN_VOIDP));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_CHAR
     * The alignment size of a char
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_CHAR",  INT2NUM(ALIGN_CHAR));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_SHORT
     * The alignment size of a short
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_SHORT", INT2NUM(ALIGN_SHORT));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_INT
     * The alignment size of an int
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_INT",   INT2NUM(ALIGN_INT));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_LONG
     * The alignment size of a long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_LONG",  INT2NUM(ALIGN_LONG));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_LONG_LONG
     * The alignment size of a long long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_LONG_LONG",  INT2NUM(ALIGN_LONG_LONG));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_FLOAT
     * The alignment size of a float
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_FLOAT", INT2NUM(ALIGN_FLOAT));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_DOUBLE
     * The alignment size of a double
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_DOUBLE",INT2NUM(ALIGN_DOUBLE));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_SIZE_T
     * The alignment size of a size_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_SIZE_T", INT2NUM(ALIGN_OF(size_t)));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_SSIZE_T
     * The alignment size of a ssize_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_SSIZE_T", INT2NUM(ALIGN_OF(size_t))); /* same as size_t */

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_PTRDIFF_T
     * The alignment size of a ptrdiff_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_PTRDIFF_T", INT2NUM(ALIGN_OF(ptrdiff_t)));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_INTPTR_T
     * The alignment size of a intptr_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_INTPTR_T", INT2NUM(ALIGN_OF(intptr_t)));

    /* Document-const: ALIGN_UINTPTR_T
     * The alignment size of a uintptr_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "ALIGN_UINTPTR_T", INT2NUM(ALIGN_OF(uintptr_t)));

    /* Document-const: WINDOWS
     * Returns a boolean regarding whether the host is WIN32
#if defined(_WIN32)
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "WINDOWS", Qtrue);
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "WINDOWS", Qfalse);

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_VOIDP
     * size of a void*
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_VOIDP", INT2NUM(sizeof(void*)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_CHAR
     * size of a char
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_CHAR",  INT2NUM(sizeof(char)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_SHORT
     * size of a short
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_SHORT", INT2NUM(sizeof(short)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_INT
     * size of an int
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_INT",   INT2NUM(sizeof(int)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_LONG
     * size of a long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_LONG",  INT2NUM(sizeof(long)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_LONG_LONG
     * size of a long long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_LONG_LONG",  INT2NUM(sizeof(LONG_LONG)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_FLOAT
     * size of a float
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_FLOAT", INT2NUM(sizeof(float)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_DOUBLE
     * size of a double
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_DOUBLE",INT2NUM(sizeof(double)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_SIZE_T
     * size of a size_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_SIZE_T",  INT2NUM(sizeof(size_t)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_SSIZE_T
     * size of a ssize_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_SSIZE_T",  INT2NUM(sizeof(size_t))); /* same as size_t */

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T
     * size of a ptrdiff_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T",  INT2NUM(sizeof(ptrdiff_t)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_INTPTR_T
     * size of a intptr_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_INTPTR_T",  INT2NUM(sizeof(intptr_t)));

    /* Document-const: SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T
     * size of a uintptr_t
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T",  INT2NUM(sizeof(uintptr_t)));

    /* Document-const: RUBY_FREE
     * Address of the ruby_xfree() function
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "RUBY_FREE", PTR2NUM(ruby_xfree));

    /* Document-const: BUILD_RUBY_PLATFORM
     * Platform built against (i.e. "x86_64-linux", etc.)
     * See also RUBY_PLATFORM
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "BUILD_RUBY_PLATFORM", rb_str_new2(RUBY_PLATFORM));

    rb_define_module_function(mFiddle, "dlwrap", rb_fiddle_value2ptr, 1);
    rb_define_module_function(mFiddle, "dlunwrap", rb_fiddle_ptr2value, 1);
    rb_define_module_function(mFiddle, "malloc", rb_fiddle_malloc, 1);
    rb_define_module_function(mFiddle, "realloc", rb_fiddle_realloc, 2);
    rb_define_module_function(mFiddle, "free", rb_fiddle_free, 1);

Esempio n. 2
void Init_fiddle()
     * Document-module: Fiddle
     * == Description
     * A libffi wrapper.
    mFiddle = rb_define_module("Fiddle");

    /* Document-const: TYPE_VOID
     * C type - void
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_VOID",      INT2NUM(TYPE_VOID));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_VOIDP
     * C type - void*
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_VOIDP",     INT2NUM(TYPE_VOIDP));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_CHAR
     * C type - char
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_CHAR",      INT2NUM(TYPE_CHAR));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_SHORT
     * C type - short
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_SHORT",     INT2NUM(TYPE_SHORT));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_INT
     * C type - int
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_INT",       INT2NUM(TYPE_INT));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_LONG
     * C type - long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_LONG",      INT2NUM(TYPE_LONG));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_LONG_LONG
     * C type - long long
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_LONG_LONG", INT2NUM(TYPE_LONG_LONG));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_FLOAT
     * C type - float
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_FLOAT",     INT2NUM(TYPE_FLOAT));

    /* Document-const: TYPE_DOUBLE
     * C type - double
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_DOUBLE",    INT2NUM(TYPE_DOUBLE));

    /* Document-const: WINDOWS
     * Returns a boolean regarding whether the host is WIN32
#if defined(_WIN32)
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "WINDOWS", Qtrue);
    rb_define_const(mFiddle, "WINDOWS", Qfalse);
